Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Weekly Pokemon Thread: Victini
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So, as it is going to be worldwide distributed once again, I thought that this week should be offered to the Victory pokemon : Victini.Fire/Psychic, a nice typing if you go for sweeping and your typical 100/100/100/100/100/100 cute uber.Also, for those who are going to use December 3rd's Victini, they will have access to the most powerful non-recoil Fire-type damaging move, V-Create.Not to mention, this Pokemon has access to Grass Knot, which works very well against all of Fire's weakness-types.Here is a view of what it can do.

Type: Fire/Psychic
Abilities: Victory Star

HP: 100
Attack: 100
Defense: 100
Sp.Attack: 100
Sp.Defense: 100
Speed: 100

Interesting HMs/TMs:
Tm03 Psyshock
Tm24 Thunderbolt
Tm25 Thunder
Tm31 Brick Break
Tm52 Focus Blast
Tm53 Energy Ball
Tm86 Grass Knot
Tm89 U-Turn
Tm92 Trick Room

So, now that there is a general overview of Victini, let's see how you will use to lead you to victory.
[Image: victini1.jpg]
I really like this Pokémon Smile

Now, I used it a bit in Pokémon Online, mostly thanks to it's signature move, V-Create. Give it a choice scraf, moves like Fusion Bolt, Zen Headbutt/anything else for general coverage and of course V-create. Fully EV trained for physical attack, some EVs in speed to make sure you outspeed common threats with your scraf and the rest in HP/Def/SpDef. Also, adamant nature for extra offensive power.

Now, once you switch in, you can wreak havoc with V-create. Just care in case the enemy has something with flash fire/extremely resistant to fire. STAB + 180 base power + good base attack will result in transforming lots of your opponent's Pokémon in smoking holes on the ground. Combine it with sunny day for extra damage.

And even if it lowers def/spdef/spd, it doesn't reduce your offensive power, meaning that if you are given the chance, you can spam it one or two more times.
Wow, I didn't know that there was such a thread! Cool! Victini is for sure a cool Pokemon. Look at its stats! And it also learns some great moves like these from the event.
Jolly @ Choice scarf
252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Fusion bolt (NOT wild charge Dodgy )
V-create (NOT Flame charge Dodgy )
Brick break/Zen headbutt

My favourite set (THAT I DON'T HAVE BECAUSE OF SMOGON! Angry Then again its my fault for listening to EVERYTHING they say....Dodgy although from what i saw they changed it now.)
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