You're talking about Nobunaga's ambition or another Mystery Dungeon game? Personally I would love to have 'em both but I haven't heard or seen anything about the Gen V version of the Mystery Dungeon. Anyway, looking forward for more. Truth is I am a bit bored of the classic pokemon games. Mostly cause I played em too much the last year.
This is something interesting. Pokemon + Nobunaga's Ambition had a slow start but it seems like it sells primarily at mature people and not 10 year old boys as the Pokemon franchise generally does.
I suppose that, the game is probably going to have an official date anouncement during the E3. Pokemon Rangers 3's release date for West was announced, and as I posted before we got something like a confirmation for the game.
I think that the game will be fairly good and it will be an interesting spin off that isn't so "kiddy". So... Until E3 then..
Nice, very nice. I have also seen some ROMhacks going around but I don't reccomend anyone playeing em since they are not at all translated yet. As I said before, I really hope there will be an English of it for us to play And from what I know this is a worthy Pokémon spin-off (still, nothing is better than Mystery Dungeon).
Wikipedia Wrote:The second redesign of the Nintendo DS, the Nintendo DSi, is region-locked, but only in terms of its downloadable games. Physical DS game cards will play on it regardless of region or origin (DSi-only and even DSi-enhanced games are region-locked though).
All Nintendo 3DS hardware and software is region-locked, however original DS software, including iQue DS software, is not affected.
As a matter of fact, the DSi supports region locking, but it's up to the published to choose whether they want to use it or not. The Australian version of Black & White for example, despite being DSi-enabled, are not region-locked, same applies for the European ones if I remember correctly.
I thought that Conquest/Nobunaga's Ambition is DSi enhanced. Can someone confirm this? If it is region locked, then there's a (high?) possibility to be region locked as Arty2 mentioned.