Sorry if this post doesn't fit in or anything, but I thought I'd make a thread for how everyone's day went, since I can't find any place to talk much.
Watching my Spurs blow a game against the Bulls.

Lol k im not to sure myself but i had an ok day sent off my ds and gakes to be fixed lol
Games not gakes!

Ah dang it. The Spurs lost 96-89. :/ It was a nice run though. Oh well. At least they play a 4-28 team at home next on Friday.
Hmm, at first I thought you were talking about american football or baseball or another sport that we don't play here in Greece. But then I saw Bulls so yeah, basketball (Chicago Bulls are known even here, in Greece).
Anyway, I guess basketball is far more popular there, here most people enjoy watching football games. I personally don't like much such sports, especially watching em.
Well, today I managed to make grade corrections in my history class. My teacher lost 2 of the homeworks I turned in, so I had a pretty low grade on my interum. We managed to find one, but the other is still lost. At least my grade went up some. In OTHER news, I just realized what the X stands for in Yugioh Zexal: Don't make it!
Don't remind me homework, it's 0:40 am here and I have only done 50% of it for tomorrow and since I will probably waste my time on the internet till I go to bed I'll have to somehow complete it in the 10mins breaks or during class. And I am supposed to be a good student....
Gotta put on a tuxedo for an orchestra concert. I HATE dressing up...
Yeah dressing up for such things isn't very enjoyable. But I guess if you're in an orchestra you'll have to get used to it.
It's not an enjoyable experience. Why can't we just wear togas like the Romans?
(02-03-2012 03:49 AM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]It's not an enjoyable experience. Why can't we just wear togas like the Romans?
I second that.
Hmm yeah, but what actually togas are? It doesn't sound something very suitable to wear in an orchestra.
You really don't know what a toga is? Don't you have any ancient Roman stereotypes in your country?
Could be worse and not know what pokemon is besides look how many people know what a tanuki is
A tanuki is something Japanese I bet...
(02-03-2012 09:02 PM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]You really don't know what a toga is? Don't you have any ancient Roman stereotypes in your country?
Ok, googled it. Of course I knew what a ancient Romans/Greeks used to wear but i didn't know it was called toga.