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Full Version: Samus and Pikachu: April Fools day special
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Pikachu: Hiya fellas, and welcome back to another round of Samus and Pikachu!
Samus: Now, since you've all looked at the title, I bet you're probably wondering why we're so late. WEEELLLL...that happened because we here at Giratina88 inc April Fools'd the crap out of each other all day that day. And these weren't your TYPICAL April Fools jokes, oh no. Well, some were anyways. Others were very unique. And some (especially Fluttershy's) were just DOWN RIGHT DISTURBING.
Chilla: So today, instead of doing our usual routine, we're gonna go through and look at all the wonderful jokes the residents of Ponyrus (the combination of Pokerus and Ponyville that happened after a portal opened up directly in the middle of both) played on each other.

1) Duct tape blues

Oshawott: Ah...good morning world. I suppose I oughta-OH GOD OW OUCH!!!
Oshawott has stumbled upon a carefully layed duct tape trap and is now rolling down the stairs.
Oshawott continues rolling and getting caught in duct tape until he hits the ground.
Oshawott: Oh god...my spine...wait...who-
Oshawott looks up to see none other than Emolga standing next to him.
Emolga: APRIL FOOLS!!!
Oshawott: Oh...you son of a bitch...
Cue Emolga dancing to "I'm so fresh you could suck my nuts"

2) The cake is a lie

Emolga: Urg...what?
Pinkie Pie: Well, today, I was thinking "You know what would be a REALLY good idea? If we have a nice little celebration at the beginning of each month just so that we would remember it, because I HATE having to forget that it's a new month because it COMPLETELY throws me off and then you have to have all that hassle to remember to change your calendar and card games on motorcycles and derpy hooves won't get an episode and kingnothing 412 has an early period and the world goes into chaos with cats and dogs living together complete with mass hysteria and-
Emolga suddenly throws hundreds of dollars at Pinkie Pie in order to make her shut up, and then runs out.
Pinkie Pie: EMOLGA, WAIT!!!
Pinkie Pie: You forgot your complementary beginning-of-the-month cake!
Emolga: Oh...uh...thank you.
Pinkie Pie hands Emolga an abnormally elaborate cake.
Pinkie Pie: No problem, buddy!
Emolga: Well, I guess I'll be off then.
Emolga calmly walks off, waiting to get home to eat her cake.
Emolga: Ahaha...that bitch just lost out on a cake. I can't WAIT to get home and-
At this point, the cake suddenly opens in half, revealing itself to be in fact a time bomb.
Emolga: Mother of Go-
And then the cake explodes, sending Emolga sailing across town.
Emolga continues to fly across town until she plows into the ground next to Pinkie Pie.
Pinkie Pie: Teehee! April Fools, silly!
Cue Pinkie Pie dancing to "I'm so fresh you could suck my nuts"
Emolga: Oh you can all just go straight to hell!
Before anyone can continue the argument, Oshawott, Emolga, and Pinkie Pie all get drenched in paint.
Oshawott: Who the hell did THAT?
Mewtini: APRIL FOOLS!!!
Pinkie Pie: Hey, I thought this part was supposed to be about cake?
Mewtini: Well, I think it's needless to say that I am SO FRESH, one could, in theory, suck my nuts.
Pinkie Pie: OOH!!! I WANNA TRY!!!
Mewtini: NO WAIT DON-neeeeeehhhhh...
Pinkie Pie's strategic nut sucking forces Mewtini into submission.
Emolga: That's just gross...even by MY standards.

3) Does whatever a Samus can

Pikachu: Hey Samus, aren't you going to play Team Fortre-
Pikachu, rather than finding Samus in her gunship, has instead come across Spiderman.
Pikachu: SPIDERMAN!?! What the hell are you doing in here!?!
Spiderman: Fuck you, I do what I want!
Pikachu: But...but...bu-
Pikachu: Oh, you silly peoples.
Samus: Yeah, I just KNEW that Spiderman hologram would come in handy one day!
Pikachu: They SELL those?
Samus: Yeah! You can find them at any-
And then suddenly, Samus's gunship explodes in a rainbow colored explosion, sending them flying.
Nicolas Cage: YOU DON'T SAY?
Samus and Pikachu continue sailing through the air until they plow into the ground.
Pikachu: Ow...my spine...
Rainbow Dash: Ahahahah! APRIL FOOLS!!!
Cue Rainbow Dash dancing to "I'm so fresh you could suck my nuts"
Samus: It's APRIL!?! I forgot to change my calendar!
Pikachu: But...but you just...but...ah forget it.

4) Oh the humanity...

For this particular scene, there isn't really much dialogue beyond screaming. Discord, a god of chaos, has somehow freed himself from his stony imprisonment to lay waste to Ponyrus. He is quite a lot larger and more evil looking than he normally is, and goes around stomping on buildings and breathing fire.
Snivy: Okay, which one of you brainless pieces of crap thought that it was a good idea to release DISCORD, the GOD OF FREAKING CHAOS, as an APRIL FOOLS JOKE!?!
Derpy Hooves: Uh...April...Fools? Eheh...
Snivy: Figures.
Cue Discord dancing to "I'm so fresh you could suck my nuts"

5) Pulling a Princess Molestia

Fluttershy: Um...Mewtini...are you there? It's Fluttershy. I was just-oh...
Fluttershy has come upon Mewtini, who is currently in one of his many phases where he falls asleep at random parts of the day for no adequately explored reason whatsoever. Yeah, he really does this.
Mewtini: Zzz...mmm...I'd like another muffin...
Fluttershy: Oh, I didn't know you were sleeping...I'll just...go...uh...
Rather than leave, Fluttershy just starts staring at the sleeping Mewtini.
Fluttershy: Ah, he looks so peaceful while asleep. He's...also...so...cute too. The cutest guy I know...and I don't think he'll even remember me being here if I do anything to him. I could even...no no no...I can't do that...but...he's so sexy and...NO...I cannot do that to him...that would be horrible...but...he won't even know and this might be...NO NO NO NO NO NO!!! I WILL NOT-
Fluttershy starts walking out the door, but then suddenly turns around and darts towards Mewtini.
Fluttershy: Oh who am I kidding! LETS GET IT ON!!!
Fluttershy dives on Mewtini to engage in gross orgasmic pleasures...pleasures that I'm not even gonna get IN TO because some of them are quite twisted. All I can say is, Fluttershy deserves a Princess Molestia medal for what she did. About an hour after this all happens, Mewtini wakes to find that someone has been severely invading his privacy...
Mewtini: Wha...oh god...WHO THE HELL GOT ME COVERED IN SEMEN!?!
Fluttershy: Uh...April Fools?
Mewtini: SHUT UP!!!
Fluttershy: Uh...Mewtini...are you okay...because you seem kinda angry and...OH GOD OW OW OW!!! MY SPINE!!!
As revenge for pulling that stunt, Mewtini is now currently beating the crap out of Fluttershy.

Chilla: Did that last one even count as an April Fools joke?
Mewtini: No. That was RAPE.
Fluttershy: I'm so fresh you could suck my nuts...unless...of course...uh...you don't want too...
Samus: Uh anyways...Season 3 comes out soon everybody! BE EXCITED!!!
Pikachu: I think we're done here. Enjoy your spring break.
Just wanted to point out, that this fan fic is rather explicit. If you're younger than 13, don't view this.
[Image: tumblr_m1ojgepZiZ1r72i4b.jpg]
(04-04-2012 01:54 PM)Kingnothing412 Wrote: [ -> ]
[Image: tumblr_m1ojgepZiZ1r72i4b.jpg]

I was wondering that too when I first made this...yeck...
(04-04-2012 03:13 PM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-04-2012 01:54 PM)Kingnothing412 Wrote: [ -> ]

I was wondering that too when I first made this...yeck...

This sounds interesting. Please, do not make any changes for a few hours, just till i will be able to read the fic.

*Edit* Well, it was indeed a bit wtf in some parts but anyway. Umm, I guess looking forward for more wouldn't be the best thing to say with such fic, huh?
(04-04-2012 06:59 PM)Divided by Zer0 Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-04-2012 03:13 PM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-04-2012 01:54 PM)Kingnothing412 Wrote: [ -> ]

I was wondering that too when I first made this...yeck...

This sounds interesting. Please, do not make any changes for a few hours, just till i will be able to read the fic.

*Edit* Well, it was indeed a bit wtf in some parts but anyway. Umm, I guess looking forward for more wouldn't be the best thing to say with such fic, huh?

Lol I went a bit out of control with this one. Will try and contain myself a bit next time.
DUDE. Rape and Fluttershy don't go together. Especially when Flutershy is the rapist.

Well, that was random, but I don't ever want to see you again resort to rape for comedy. Rape isn't funny, and neither are menstruation jokes. Period.
(04-04-2012 11:35 PM)Terraplant Wrote: [ -> ]DUDE. Rape and Fluttershy don't go together. Especially when Flutershy is the rapist.

Well, that was random, but I don't ever want to see you again resort to rape for comedy. Rape isn't funny, and neither are menstruation jokes. Period.

(04-04-2012 11:35 PM)Terraplant Wrote: [ -> ]and neither are menstruation jokes. Period.
I see what you did thar.
Anyways, I'm not sure what I was trying to do there. The Easter special will be much less...traumatic...
(04-04-2012 11:35 PM)Terraplant Wrote: [ -> ]Rape isn't funny, and neither are menstruation jokes. Period.

Just for one moment, I thought you were serious.

(04-04-2012 11:31 PM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]Lol I went a bit out of control with this one. Will try and contain myself a bit next time.

Not that I am getting offended or something but it probably was a bit extreme, l don't know. Anyway, it's just an internet fic, not a book to be published, so no need to worry much.
(04-04-2012 11:43 PM)Divided by Zer0 Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-04-2012 11:35 PM)Terraplant Wrote: [ -> ]Rape isn't funny, and neither are menstruation jokes. Period.

Just for one moment, I thought you were serious.

There's always space for a menstruation joke, even on serious comments. I find them bloody brilliant.
(04-04-2012 11:43 PM)Divided by Zer0 Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-04-2012 11:31 PM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]Lol I went a bit out of control with this one. Will try and contain myself a bit next time.

Not that I am getting offended or something but it probably was a bit extreme, l don't know. Anyway, it's just an internet fic, not a book to be published, so no need to worry much.

It's alright. I suppose the common sense part of my brain is also on spring break. Luckily for you guys, the Easter special will not be filled with rape jokes, and I probably won't have Fluttershy be a rapist again. From now on, the only ponies that do any raping will be Celestia, and on occasion, Pinkie Pie. She seems more the type...
(04-04-2012 11:51 PM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]From now on, the only ponies that do any raping will be Celestia, and on occasion, Pinkie Pie. She seems more the type...

Dude, when I first saw Pinkie with her hair straight I thought she was a different pony. I realised the truth when I saw that ep (I watched the 1st season the last 5 days, no comments plz). It just makes such difference, she's like a psycho with such hairstyle. Now, imagine Celestia with curly hair Toungue
(05-04-2012 12:05 AM)Divided by Zer0 Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-04-2012 11:51 PM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]From now on, the only ponies that do any raping will be Celestia, and on occasion, Pinkie Pie. She seems more the type...

Dude, when I first saw Pinkie with her hair straight I thought she was a different pony. I realised the truth when I saw that ep (I watched the 1st season the last 5 days, no comments plz). It just makes such difference, she's like a psycho with such hairstyle. Now, imagine Celestia with curly hair Toungue

Well, welcome to the herd. Now move on to the 2nd season to witness the chaotic awesomness of Discord.

Also, an opinion on "Winter Wrap-Up".
(05-04-2012 12:15 AM)Terraplant Wrote: [ -> ]Well, welcome to the herd. Now move on to the 2nd season to witness the chaotic awesomness of Discord.

Also, an opinion on "Winter Wrap-Up".

Really, you are one of the people that i don't mind saying that to me. I plan to watch the rest of the eps before this week is over.

As for the ep you said, I didn't find it anything special. Well really, I don't have much to say about it. Just another ep. Is there anything considered special about it?
(05-04-2012 12:31 AM)Divided by Zer0 Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-04-2012 12:15 AM)Terraplant Wrote: [ -> ]Well, welcome to the herd. Now move on to the 2nd season to witness the chaotic awesomness of Discord.

Also, an opinion on "Winter Wrap-Up".

Really, you are one of the people that i don't mind saying that to me. I plan to watch the rest of the eps before this week is over.

As for the ep you said, I didn't find it anything special. Well really, I don't have much to say about it. Just another ep. Is there anything considered special about it?

Really? Party of One was one of my favorite episodes.
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