Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Help old pokemon lover started playing again
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Hello! I am 32 and a big kid at heart >_< I started gaming when I was around 5 on my brother's Commodore 64 and Atari and never stopped since. I mostly play rpgs all my life and got into Pokemon when the USA fever hit but mostly collected the TCG. My first game was PK Yellow for GBC and then I stayed away for a long time and decided to get diamond and pearl. After trading in my cartridge which had both my and my husbands pumped up starters and the rest of my pokedex by mistake (I kept the wrong one) I got really frustrated and didn't get back into the games until now when I decided to get White. I am so daunted by the many events I have missed and being a mad collector (I played Animal Crosisng obsessively and have collected things all my life) I am wondering how in the earth I am going to get all the ones I missed already since the launch of these lastest gen games. I would love to get some of them at least including Victini but I have no idea what other people would want in a trade. I also would love to be pointed out to a thread about shinys and how they are obtained? I wish I hadn't skipped so many gens when I first started but anywhoo if anyone cares to show me the ropes a bit and can tell me how I can get some of these event pokemon in trades please let me know I will be forever grateful <3 Thanks so much in advance!
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