Great thread idea , as usual Db0
Now then , let's see......basically ,
(11-06-2012 01:38 PM)herooftime Wrote: [ -> ]Truestory, EV training and searching for Pokemon with specific natures and IVs is ridiculous for a playthrough. I don't really care about them
Also , without me really wanting to it's almost become a tradition for me to always go for the water type starter
although when it comes to most pkmn i prefer fire types to water types by far and i generally don't really like water types. However every time i am made to choose a starter.....i always end up choosing the water type. (Even in roms
) it;s not like i say , "i'll go for the water type because i always do" , but there hasn't really been a time i chose any of the other two.
Anyway , i also like catching mostly ghost , dark , psychic , fire and steel types. I don't really like bulky pkmn , like for instance golurk or agron , exeggcutor , etc. Mostly pkmn like abra , haunter , shuppet , arbok , scyther , sneasel , ralts , sabley ofc (i could spend hours running around in the cave on hoenn until i get one
i really never advanced any further than that little island in hoenn until i got one. Always.
) , absol , etc.
Now i always kinda avoided ultra balls when i could and used great balls instead.....
idk i just like those two pointy things it has
and the blue rays instead of the yellow ones. that's mostly it really. idk , i always preffered using luxury balls , great balls and now dusk balls as well. i don't really like ultra balls and dive balls , (they're ugly
) so i kinda avoid them whenever i can.
so......what else? Boxes. I always have 3-4 "-40lvl" boxes , in B/W i needed two "40-60" boxes (never really needed those in any other game) , one "60lvl+" box , a "SPECIAL" box where i keep shinys , event pkmn and rare pkmn for that version (for instance a venonat in emerald) , 2-3 "100 lvl" boxes and next to that an "EGGS" box. after that i keep a spare box that is always empty , i use it as a standby box , to put pkmn there for a while , go do whatever changes i wanted to do with other pkmn and then just take them back. Always for temprorary purposes. and all go in that order
now in B/W i also keep an "EV" box after that one where i keep all the pkmn that need EV training and a "DW" box for pkmn with DWA.
i also like to keep my team in a specific order always , first goes the starter , then the 3 other pkmn , then the flyer and then the general HM slave.
What skorp , i don't use the last item either. idk why , i just don't like doing that
Finally , i prefer special type moves and/or moves that have to do with slicing or piercing or whatever has to do with sharp things in general. So yeah , that's about it.
@ peke , really nice idea with the themed teams and stuff........i think i'm gonna try that out as well
Maybe an Arrancar themed one
oh yeah , i forgot to mention i never use legendaries in-game. Never.