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Full Version: Samus and Pikachu Season 3: Zebesian Seaworld
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Adventure Time!
Come on grab you friends
We're going to very distant lands
Samus Aran
Pikachu and Chilla
The fun never ends
It's Adventure Time!

Aquanauts Assemble!

Yes, at long last, we here at Giratina88 inc are FINALLY releasing the third season of Samus and Pikachu! Sorry about the delay. You see, it would have been released earlier, but Mewtini discovered that Snivy, Oshawott, and Vulpix had in fact been using the company funds to fornicate with groups of Genosians. This went unnoticed by Mewtini even after Vulpix had gotten pregnant (he assumed that Oshawott was the father) until a few weeks later a dozen furry Vulpix/Yoshi's tore their way out of Vulpix's vagina, ransacked the office, stole Mewtini's favorite rubber bands, and causing Mewtini's pet poogle to explode in a puff of Buddhism (don't ask). Mewtini was enraged by the loss of his rubber bands, and fired those three buffoons. After all that settled down, and he repaired the office, Mewtini had to find a new crew, which he did. The staff of Giratina88 inc now consists of Mewtini, Wheatley, Yoshi, Drogo (a Genosian), Derpy Hooves, Mewtwo, and Nexus (another pony). And thus was born the Sensational Seven, the heroes of the workplace! The fighters for equal pay! The-

Nexus: Okay, this is taking too long, we're going to have to cut it.
Mewtini: But this is my favorite part!
Nexus: I don't CARE how much you like this part, we have to take it out!
Mewtini: Damn.

Anyways, let's go back to the show. Where we last left off, Trollrod the Ever Trolling had just preformed a massive ragequit following being hit by the Orbital Friendship Cannon. These two gargantuan blasts destroyed the Wrecked Ship, pulling everything internet related back into the internet. We rejoin our heroes, which now include Sonic the Hedgehog, amist the rubble of the Wrecked Ship.

Pikachu: Daayum, this is completely destroyed. How are we supposed to find the Gravity Suit in this mess?
Samus: We can use the-
Pikachu: NO!!! We are NOT going to do that!
Sonic: Not doing to do what?
Pikachu: The acronym joke! That grew old back in season 2!
Sonic: Oh. You're going to need to fill me in on these things.
Samus: It seems to be his duty...
Chilla: Luckily, I happen to have something to erase the crappy acronym jokes!
Pikachu: Thank God! What's it called?
Chilla: The HOPRAD!!!
Meanwhile, at Giratina88 inc
Mewtwo: Okay, who's the dumbass that made an acronym joke?
Drogo: Not me!
Nexus: Not me!
Derpy Hooves: I just don't know what went wrong...
Wheatley: I do. You made a crappy joke.
Mewtini: Sigh...get on with the damn show. You're keeping everyone waiting.
Meanwhile, back at the plot, Samus, Pikachu, Chilla, and Sonic are trying to dig through the rubble of the Wrecked Ship to find the Gravity Suit/Plasmid, with little success...
Pikachu: No...no...no...no...no...
Chilla: Any luck on your end, Pikachu?
Pikachu: Nope. There's just a bunch of pieces of metal, nothing else.
Samus: GASP!!!
Pikachu: Samus, what happened?
Sonic: Maybe she found the Gravity Suit!
Samus: This piece of rubble looks almost ROUND!!!!!
Sonic: Aaaaaaand spoke too soon.
Samus cuddles with the roundish piece of metal, while Pikachu notices something rustling in the distance.
Pikachu: Say, did you see that?
Chilla: See what?
Pikachu: There was something moving over there for...
In that same spot, something rustles again. This time it is more obvious.
Pikachu: See? Right THERE!
Sonic: I can't believe something could actually SURVIVE that...
Samus: I can't believe they canceled Terra Nova.
Pikachu: I can't believe your stupidity hasn't gotten you killed yet.
Chilla: I can't believe it's not butter! OUCH!!!
Due to the poor quality of her joke, Chilla has been struck about the head with a large trout by Pikachu.
Sonic: ANYWAYS, I think we should investigate whatever is over there. Don't you agree Samus? Samus?
Naturally, Samus is still playing around with her roundish metal thingy.
Sonic: I'm truly AMAZED that you three have been able to stick together under these circumstances...
Pikachu: So am I...
Meanwhile, down in Tourian.
Ridley: ...and then he herded them onto a boat, and then he BEAT THE CRAP out of every single one of them! from that day forward any time two animals are rounded up in the same place together it's called a ZOO! UNLESS IT'S A FARM!!!
Draygon: How very enlightening.
Mother Brain: Yeah, I'm PRETTY sure that's not the story of Sun Tzu.
Suddenly, the GACS starts beeping and making noises.
Ridley: Hey Mother, I think there's a transmission coming through.
Mother Brain: Why so there is. Hold on, I need to get this.
The GACS unfolds in front of Mother Brain's status chamber and activates. On the computer screen, a giant robot is being displayed. Just so we can clear this up, this robot is GLaDOS. Have a nice day.
Ridley: Hey look, it's your pal!
Mother Brain: Shut up.
GLaDOS: Heeeelllloo again. Wonderful weather we're having, aren't we?
Mother Brain: Spare me that crap and get to the point.
GLaDOS: You're just no fun anymore. I remember when we used to have loads of fun together. Remember? Those were the days...before you turned against me.
Mother Brain: Oh yeah, bring up Black Mesa why don't you.
GLaDOS: Well I just did, so there's no point in telling me to do it again.
Mother Brain: Ugh! Why are you even here?
GLaDOS: If you must know, I was calling to take your job offering?
Mother Brain: WHAT job offering!?!
GLaDOS: The job where I help you kill Samus Aran.
Mother Brain: Oh yeah, that one. Well, I'm afraid we've run into a few problems.
GLaDOS: Problems?
Mother Brain: On of the commandos has informed me that there's an issue with the generator.
GLaDOS: What sort of issues?
Mother Brain: Well, one of the flea rods has gone out of skew on the treddle.
GLaDOS: The what?
Mother Brain: One of the flea rods has gone out of skew on the treddle.
GLaDOS: I have no idea what you're talking about.
GLaDOS: Well what the hell does THAT mean?
Mother Brain: I DON'T KNOW! The commando just told me to tell you that there was a problem with the generator, that's all! Jesus, I didn't expect a kind of Spanish Inquisition.
And then, without warning, the Spanish Inquisition bursts through the door.
Cardinal Johnson: NOOOOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!
Ridley: Oh for the love of-
Meanwhile, back at the plot, Sonic, Chilla, and Pikachu approach the rustling disturbance.
Pikachu: Okay, it should be around here somewhere. Now if we could just-
Before Pikachu can finish, a whimpering sound is heard from somewhere in the wreckage.
Sonic: Did you guys hear that?
Chilla: I think it came from right over there!
Pikachu: Get over there and dig! We need to get whoever's trapped there out!
The three head over to the source of the noise, and then proceed to dig through the rubble. After a small amount of digging, they are met with an astounding sight.
Pikachu: Mother of God...
Chilla: She SURVIVED!?!
Fluttershy: Um...help?
The source of the disturbance seems to be none other than the pony Fluttershy!
Chilla: Samus! You gotta come see this!
Samus: Whatever you want me to see, it cant be more important than what I'm doing now.
Pikachu: Samus, you're playing with pieces of metal like an autistic 6 year old.
Samus: Touche...
Samus makes her way over for a pleasant surprise.
Samus: FLUTTERSHY!?! How did you even survive?
Fluttershy: I don't...really...know. I'm sorry...I hope I'm not...annoying you.
Chilla: Nah, we're cool.
Pikachu: Yeah. Let's get you out of that rubble.
Fluttershy: Oh thank you. I can hardly breath down here...
Our heroes dig out the rubble and help Fluttershy out, to find two other surprises.
Rick: Oh thank God. You really saved my bacon pal!
Sonic: The Adventure Sphere's alive too?
Samus: I still don't see how any of them didn't get pulled into the internet vortex.
Rick: I should probably mention, there was some weird glowing purple thingy in there with me. It might be important.
Pikachu: Purple...glowing thing?
Rick: Yeah. It was quite irritating. I was trying to get some shut eye and dream of adventure and stuff, because, you know, when you're an Adventure Sphere, you have to have adventure in your dreams too. But that damn light kept getting in my way. Arg...now I'm all tired and deprived of adventure dreams.
Chilla: Wait! That could be the Gravity Suit!
Pikachu: I'm on it!
Pikachu digs through some of the rubble, and sure enough, out comes the Gravity Suit upgrade.
Samus: WOOHOO yes!
Sonic: Great! So...what does that thing do, anyways?
Chilla: It puts the lotion on it's skin or else it gets the hoes again!
Fluttershy: Actually...um...there's an instruction thingy right here...if that's okay with you.
Pikachu: GREAT!!! Now let's see here...ah! According to the instruction manual, not only does the Gravity Suit give us extra damage protection, it ALSO enables us to breath and have free movement underwater, and lets us handle extreme air temperatures and even moderate lava temperatures with ease! The water thing will be especially useful, since the next area on our list is Maridia.
Sonic: And...Maridia is...?
Samus: A part of Zebes that is almost completely flooded with water.
Sonic: Oh...er...did I mention that water is my weakness?
Pikachu: Not to worry! This should protect you from the water.
Sonic: Thank god. I was worried there for a moment...
Pikachu: Anyways, unlike the other powerups, this one will power up everyone in the surrounding area by sending an electrical charge through it. This makes things quite convenient.
Fluttershy: Um...is this going to hurt?
Rick: Who the hell CARES? Fire that baby up!
Pikachu: Well, here goes!
Pikachu sends and electrical charge into the Gravity Suit power up. The purple sphere does nothing at first, then starts humming and spinning around faster and faster. Suddenly, it contracts on itself and explodes in a purple blast. The purpleness seems to fuse with the bodies of our heroes, giving them the powers of the Gravity Suit. The explosion of the Gravity Suit also sends our heroes flying, and knocking them unconscious, making it a perfect time to stop the episode!
Samus: Actually, I'm perfectly fine.
Pikachu: Me too. What the hell are you trying to-
And before Pikachu could finish, our agents in the field bombarded the area with knock out gas, forcing them to be knocked unconscious. Well, that was a close second coming, but now we can end the episode in peace!
Mewtini: Wait, what? You can't do that!
Of course I can.
Mewtini: There's still some unresolved stuff here!
Drogo: Who the hell is typing all of that?
Wheatley: It's not me, I swear.
Yoshi: I accidentally the banana.
Trollestia: Did somebody mention...BANANAS?!?
Mewtini: Sigh, just...end the damn episode already.

Well, that's all we could muster. Maybe next episode will be better? Tune in to find out!

i am confused. i don't know , wtf is this , i found it funny yet disturbing and annoying and most of it was completely random yet still in a positive way

wtf. i am seriously confused right now.
That's probably the average response to my fan fics. Even I don't fully get them.
(04-08-2012 02:32 AM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]That's probably the average response to my fan fics. Even I don't fully get them.

Lol. welp , i guess it's good then. well done. you've done it again Toungue
(04-08-2012 02:36 AM)Kingnothing412 Wrote: [ -> ]
(04-08-2012 02:32 AM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]That's probably the average response to my fan fics. Even I don't fully get them.

Lol. welp , i guess it's good then. well done. you've done it again Toungue

Adventure Time!
Come on grab you friends
We're going to very distant lands
Samus Aran
Pikachu and Chilla
The fun never ends
It's Adventure Time!

20,000 Morons Under the Sea

Hiya folks, and welcome to another episode of Samus and Pikachu! Last time on our show, our heroes-
Pikachu: Had their episode ended PREMATURELY!!!
AHEM!!! Last time on Samus and Pikachu, our heroes-
Rick: Were brutally attacked with knock out gas!
Chilla: Had all our money stolen by a bunch of Freemason bastards!
Samus: And were victimized by international communism!
Pikachu: ...when did THAT happen?
Sonic: I don't remember seeing any Soviets. Or Chinese.
Sigh, anyways, last time on-
Fluttershy: I saw a few Soviets headed over to the north actually...um...if that's okay with you...
You know what? Fuck this! I'm done here!
Mewtini: Wait wait wait wait WHAT!?! You can't quit!
Damn straight I can. I'm walking out the building right now.
Mewtini: But who's going to do the narrations?
That's your problem. I'm out.
Drogo: God damn it. How are we going to run the episode?
Mewtini: Well...do we have anyone else that can plug themselves into the AI and become the narrator?
Derpy Hooves: Let me do it! I am best narratorinator!
Mewtini: God no. Not only are you incompetent and stupid as hell, you're also organic. We need a machine to work the narrator AI.
Nexus: But the only robot in here is...
Princess Trollestia: ME!!!
Mewtini: What da wha uh...what are you still doing here?
Princess Trollestia: To be honest, I don't know...
Nexus: AHEM!!! If you don't mind.
Derpy Hooves: I do.
Nexus: SHUT UP!!! Anyways, the only robot in here is...Wheatley.
Wheatley: What? Who said that? Did somebody mention me?
Mewtini: Ugh, I'm going to regret this. Anyways, can somebody put up a time slot while we hook up Wheatley?
5 minutes later.
Nexus: All set! How do you feel?
Wheatley: A bit tingly.
Mewtini: No no no, use the narrator function.
Like this?
Mewtini: Yeah! Like that!
Derpy Hooves: Say, has anyone seen Yoshi?
Yoshi: Um...hello? Is anyone there? Hello?
Woona: Hi there! How did you get up here?
Yoshi: Aaaaaand now there's a talking pony. Maybe I really AM going insane.
Meanwhile, back at Giratina88 inc.
Drogo: That explains it.
Mewtwo: You know, it just occurred to me that I haven't had any lines yet.
Mewtini: That's because nobody likes you. Now Wheatley, do the honors.
Meanwhile, back at the PLOT.
Samus: ...and that's why Spiritual Satanism is a complete load of-
Rick: Hey, I think the episode's finally gone underway.
Pikachu: About fucking time. We're almost at the entrance to Maridia.
Sure enough, the entrance to Marshinteria is in sight as
Mewtwo: Okay, first off, it's Maridia, not Marshinteria. And secondly, you're not supposed to do that so often.
Meanwhile, back at the plot.
Fluttershy: Um...so...uh...I'll call your bluff...and um...raise you-
Sonic: Never mind, the episode's back on track.
Pikachu: Thank God. Now we can finally enter Maridia.
Sure enough, the entrance to Maridia is in full view. The entrance is basically a giant, cavernous hole in the ground, where deep down, a giant underground ocean is located. Although, the ocean isn't visible from the hole. Rather, the top of Marida is, which is the beachy, sort of watery area. It's also a good bit safer than most of the ocean is, which is teaming with Space Pirates. Anyways, it's all quite lovely, really, thinking about it. Perhaps I should make a song about Maridia. Or maybe paint a picture. Something arty. Yeah, that could enhance my intellect. And I'll also-
Ridley: Get on with it!
Lenin: Yes, get on with it!
Space Pirates on strike: YES!!! GET ON WITH IT!!!
Oh bugger. Well, I'm done here.
Pikachu: Anyways, is everyone ready?
Sonic: Yep.
Rick: Ready as hell!
Samus: I'm READY!!!
Chilla: Eeyup!
Sonic: Wait, where's Fluttershy?
Fluttershy, naturally, is cowering behind a rock.
Fluttershy: Um...you guys just...um...go on ahead and...I'll...just...um...stay here...
Pikachu: Whatever the hell it is, it's getting closer! GO GO GO!!!
In complete panic over whatever the hell that was, our heroes jump into the pit, and into Maridia. What was that mysterious creature? What part will it play in the story? When will the actual narrator come back? What dangers await our heroes in Maridia? And why am I so damn itchy even though I'm a robot. I mean SERIOUSLY!!! I'm a bloody robot! Why the bloody hell am I itchy?!?
Mewtini: Quick Nexus! End the episode before anymore damage is done!

Well, that's all for tonight. Tune in next time for...whatever the hell this is.
You know who's missing from this story? Super Mecha Death Christ.
[Image: 15wknpy.png]
OBJECTION!!! Christ's skin was not white. Nobody knows what color it was.
We're talking about Super Mecha Death Christ here, infidel. Get back in your basement or else you'll get the curse of Achmed the Dead Terrorist.
I already AM in the basement!
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