Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: rs_attack_data type/bp/kr/pc flags
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I downloaded the rs_attack_data file from the downloads page, and had a question. I cannot decipher one of the entries: "11 physical contact,BP,KR,type". It has numbers like 51, 19, 8, and 22, so I assume it's a set of bit flags, but I cannot figure out the correspondence between the bits and flags. For example, Pound is 51, so I assume there are two flags, two blanks, and two more flags. However, SolarBeam is 50, which means only one flag is different from Pound. SolarBeam should have two different flags: the "type" flag (it is special, not physical) and the "physical contact" flag. If anyone could clear up this confusion for me, and help me determine which bits correspond to which flags, I would really appreciate it.
Back in R/S this byte used to also contain flags about the attack's target.
Fortunately for you, it's one of the few things I ever managed to get some time to properly documentate: Move Data Structure
I hope our resources have been of good use to you; don't hesitate to ask further questions if you need something else clarified.
Ah, yes, that definitely helped!

One question remains though, where in the data does it specify whether an attack is Physical or Special? Not all Physical moves make contact, so I can't just look at that.
I'm not so sure (Arty2 will know better) but there is probably no such data for each attack. In Gen 3 moves were Physical or Special depending on their type, so there is no need to have this data for each move. For example or Fire and Water moves were Special, while Fighting was Physical. But I don't know what happens with status moves, maybe they are differentiated only by their 0 power.
were physical type whilst
were special type
Ah, that's right; I forgot to think in 3rd gen terms. Alright, thank you very much for the help, I really appreciate it!
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