Legendary Pokémon

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Well, never thought l'd be doing this again, but here l is, back again with another fan fic. Will l finish it? I dunno. Depends on the feedback and if l die super fast or not. This should be inetersting. But hey, if l get the kind of views l did on my other fan fiction, l might be persuaded to stick around and keep writing
Now, Marriland created the Wedlocke, one of the toughest challenges out there. But, after actually completing one, going all the way up to Red and winning, (Only my starter remained, but hey, l still won), I decided to come back to Johto, to Soul Silver, with my own spin on the game with the Dual Wedlocke. Now, the rules are just about the exact same, except once you get to a point in the game where you have enough pokemon in the box for a second team (Meaning you have to keep track of the genders of the pokemon in the box as well), you must box your current team for the second one, and alternate teams between gym badges. Now, for this run, that point in the game for me would be most likely after Whitney, so l'll be using the same team for a while.

Now, the way this story will be going will be, well, as a story. I've done so many wedlockes (I failed so many times ;wWink, that l have gathered a rather large list of friends and they have all proved themselves so much that l can't see them as just ones and zeros anymore.

Now. Let's begin shall we?

Chapter 1: You Give Love a Good Name

*The morning sun managed to invade my room, shining through a crack in the curtains and right on my face, making me cringe slightly, but wake me up in a rather unpleasant way. With a yawn, l get up and out of bed, cracking my back and looking around my surroundings, seeing the familiar sight of my room in New Bark Town.*
"Alright, so it's begun. The day the challenge starts." I mutter to myself.
*Throwing on my travel clothes, l dash down the stairs to see my mother waiting for me, my bag in her hand. I hug her before taking it and my Trainer Card and run out of the house, only to trip on my rather annoying neighbor's Marill. The little thing bumped into me, a rather shocked look on it's face before it ran away to it's Trainer Lyra.*
"Will you please keep an eye on Marill?!? For Arceus sake, if it weren't for President Devon's 'Marill Rights Act', it could've gotten into a lot of trouble by now with how much mischief it makes!"
*Lyra simply shrugs and runs off with her partner, leaving me rather annoyed as l trudge next door to Elm's Lab. Upon entering, l see his one assistant dash around the lab holding piles of paper, tubes, experiments, and all such. Elm notices me quickly and hurries me along to him, apparently very eager about something.*
"Ah, hello Kalas. Glad you arrived, l have a favor to ask of you. For researches sake, I want you to take one of my very rare pokemon that cannot be found anywhere else in the entire region for absolutely free and go on a journey into a region filled with criminals, rampaging shinys, and Zubats. Lots and lots of Zubats."
"Well that sounds delightful, when can l start?" *I respond, already moving to the containment unit holding the starters. I already know my choice, deciding not to go with the Trainer Card method, and reach for a very old, very good friend. I let out the Lv5 Careful natured Cyndaquil, whom shall be refered to by his true name, Valkerous.*
"Ah, the fire starter l see. I wonder why you didn't choose Totodile, for so many people seem fond of it in this region." Elm pondered.
"Heart of Fire, what can l say." I mention with a shrug before turning to Valkerous and smiling at him, eagerly waiting for the journey to start. As I turn to leave, Elm shouts something about going to his friend's house, which l mearly raise a hand at him in recognition before leaving and going home to brag to home about it....She didn't care much really. Instead, she gave me the Pokegear, freshly repaired. Never again shall l let Lyra borrow it. I grab Valkerous and run out of the town and onto the route, staring at the grass everyone was too lazy to mow.*
"So old friend, ready to start?"
*He mearly nods, oddly quiet this time around. I shrug it off as something not important, and run into the grass. Several, several Pidgeys later, Valkerous is rather injured but a bit tougher. I walk through the last of the grass and smile as Cherrygrove City comes into view. My visit ruined immediately by the town annoyance, the Guide Gent, who insisted on showing me the sea, saying it was water. Thanks. Really appreciated that. He did, however, give me a free pair of shoes and a town map app for my pokegear, so he gets to live.
Thanking Nurse Joy for healing Valkerous, we both journey to the next route, running away from the haxed Weedles and straight up to Mr. Pokemon's House. There, Valkerous and l find him talking to everyone's favorite Prof, Professor Oak. Mr. Pokemon gives me the Toge-Mystery Egg, and Oak compliments Valkerous on his rarity and potential. I bow respectfully to Mr. Pokemon after he healed me up, and not a single second after closing his door behind me, my ringtone goes off. Silly me, forgot to set it on Vibrate.*
"Talk to me." *I say, seeing it's Elm and wondering what he has to say, as if it wasn't obvious.*
"Well dear boy, it seems as if l lost a pokemon to a burgular. Who would have thunk a boy dressed in black starring at me through my window all day would have swooped in and stolen one the rarest pokemon in the region l left out and unguarded as me and my one assistant were busy studying? Anyways, please come back, because you can do something abut this, l'm sure!" He said confidently before hanging up. I simply stand there, speechless for a few seconds before Valkerous sighs and starts pushing me, and l shake my head to clear it, not willing to believe anyone was so....anyways, we run down to Cherrygrove, jumping the ledges and making great time. It wasn't until l was just at the edge of the route before a redhead came practically strutting up to me, holding a pokeball in his hand while he smirked at it with an air of superiority. He looked up from what l could only guess what his own reflection on the pokeball's surface and right at me, his smirk growing even more smug as he noticed Valkerous right beside me.*
"So l see you got something at the lab too. Well, sorry to tell you this, but you picked the wrong pokemon. That peice of trash is simply pathetic, where l chose the one that will help me rule this weak region. Infact, l'll start with you. Battle me!" *He said, tossing his pokeball out and revealing the stolen Totodile. Valkerous silently walks out to meet his opponent, only to, at the last second, ram straight into it, sending it flying backwards. Before it could get it's bearings, Valkerous charged at it again and collided with it, landing a critical hit and knocking it out with ease. A shadow of a grin creaps onto his face as Valkerous walks back to me, the grin growing only slightly more at the enraged look on the smug thiefs' face.*
"Unbelievable! Even the weak can get lucky it seems. Well, this proves nothing. Next time we meet, you'll be digging that pokemon's grave, for l will be the strongest trainer to exist!" *He ranted before running off. I catch a peak at his trainer card, hanging loosely from his pocket before he runs out of view.*
"You know buddy, some people are just fun to be around. He was one of them, for his rage was worthy of Youtube." *I said, making us both laugh a bit on the way back home. Dusk had nearly fallen once we reached home, and headed right for the lab. We head in, only to find one of the boys in blue asking Elm a few questions. Apparently, he was thinking the same thing l was when he asked about the windows and lack of staff. He notices me, however, and somehow me coming in with a fire type makes me the water type thief. Tax money at work, couldn't be more proud. Lyra, however, does something that makes me almost take back a lot of mean things l said about her by charging in and telling the officer l was innocent, saying a boy named Silver took that Totodile. He didn't look convinced, but after she slipped him a glazed donut he was on his way. (I don't mean that, don't arrest me please ;wWink. I thank Lyra for her actually useful help, hand Elm the egg and head home for the night. The next morning, mom offers to save my money for me on my journey. I haven't a clue how she would get the money l make, but agree nonetheless, and set off once more, Valkerous in tow. Lyra shows up infront of the grass and offers to show me how to catch a pokemon, but l kindly refuse, and she shrugs and leaves with her mischevious Marill, and Valkerous and l are soon alone infront of the grass, where he surprises me by talking for the first time in a while.*
"Well Kalas, it begins again. I can still rememeber all the wives l've had, and their tragic ends. Hopefully this time will be different." *He says in a low voice. I smile and, unpon stepping into the first blade of grass, l hold out my arms and hold still. Valkerous looks at me questioningly, but before he could ask, a lv 2 Bashful natured female Pidgey swoops down and perches herself on my arm.*
"Why hello Grace. Looking as lovely as ever l see." *I say, holding up a pokeball infront of her. She cooes softly before pecking at it and, after three beeps, she's caught. I let her out immediately, though, to meet her husband on the journey.*
"Can it really be? Grace, l never thought l'd see you, let alone be paired with you." *Valkerous says in slight awe. Grace simply blushes softly and glides to his back, landing on it gently. I stare up into the clear sky, and can't help but think this journey is going to be a good one*
It's a pleasure to meet you Kalas Rey.

I can't wait to find out what happens next!

You have an amazing sense of humor.
Well, this rounds out the "Rule of Three".

I have GKA.
GD has A:TUS.
You have DWIJ.

We each have our different styles and methods of writing.
Three comments and a fair bit of views after 1 chapter? Well l'd say that's good enough for me to write another chapter. I forgot how satisfying it was to see people enjoy my stuff on this site. Heck, l remember l even had a couple staff reading my stories for a bit.

Chapter 2: This isn't Love, This is Life

*The sun continues to shine brightly, lighting up the day pleasantly. I take it as a good omen as the three of us venture up to route 42.*
"Alright, give me something here. I have two friends here, and there are three pokemon l can get. Please give me one of my friends." *I pray quietly to myself as l run blindly into the grass. A few steps in...awwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!! A Rattata, male and a lowly lv2 showed up, taking the place of what l wanted here, making me shout out in frustration. Once my little tantrum is over with, l look over to see the little guy on the verge of tears, feeling unwanted so much. Before l could apologize to it, however, Valkerous walks over to him.*
"Come now, crying over a shout? If you give in so easily, then you don't have a place on this team. Shed your tears, for they have no cause behind them. Now l will give you a choice. I can easily knock you out and we'll give up our encounter here, it's not that big of a deal for us. But should you choose to join us...well, you'll have a lot to live up to. I take it you've heard of Carrot, the Raticate?" *Valkerous asked.*
"Y-y-yes, every Rattata has. But he is just rumors, right? No trainer would take a Raticate so far, no one at all. No one likes our species, as made clear by your trainer there." *The Rattata said solemly, head lowered in sadness.*
"Well, he was no myth. He existed. And you will have a chance to live up to the legend. But, you have to work for it. You will not have an easy time, but l can't say you'll experience a living heck with us either. Now, what do you say? Are you just going to cower in your hole here on this route, or come with us and fight for glory!?!" *Valkerous nearly roared, jumping back a fair ways before charging at the Rattata with a quick Tackle, bashing against it and knocking it back a fair ways. The Rattata shook his head and looked at Valkerous with a lot of determination ignited in his eyes as he too charged at Valkerous with his own Tackle. Valkerous, however, barely felt it, but looked at the wild pokemon and nodded happily.*
"Well done. From now on, you'll be called Bane. Is this acceptable Kalas?" *Valkerous asked, looking at me.*
"Sure buddy. Better than naming him Joey as a theme. Let's see if he can earn his name though. You know the rules. If he can't prove himself, he can't keep the name next go around, but Bane it is, even if just for now." *I say in agreement, pulling out a pokeball and tossing it at Bane, catching him easily. I decide to keep him in his ball for now, leaving the route and heading to Cherrygrove, thinking over my next few encounter possibilities. Healing up, buying stuff, yadayadayada, NEXT ROUTE! Up on this route, I go in thinking l can only get Weedle, which is fine, because Weedle is actually a friend. After finding two male Weedle that l couldn't catch to partner with Bane, l finally find a girl...Kakuna...doesn't that figure. Valkerous still up front, he goes to face the foe, and just looks at her with such disappointment. As l dread the thought of having to train her and Bane up, Bane being lv2 and this Kakuna not being able to fight, Valkerous solves my problem by going on and knocking it out.*
"Thanks. That just would not have worked out."
"Not a problem. Now come on, let's get Grace some training. She;s only lv2 and could use a chance to stretch her wings." *Valkerous says. I nod in agreement and Grace now leads. As soon as l did that, the legend himself notices me and challenges me to a battle. Youngster Joey. Yup. Legend. Better than Red right here. No one can beat him and his top percentage Rattata. No one...Alright, Grace and Valkerous did, but it was close l tell yah! Valkerous almost took damage! Don't mess with Youngster Joey! After barely escaping a complete sweep, l head onto the next trainer, who claims to have beaten Joey. HA, yeah right. Anyways, his Pidgey and my Grace clash, Grace easily beating his lower leveled bird. Valkerous switches into give her a rest, taking out his Rattata a lot easier than Joeys'. A bug Catcher next has the unpleasant fate of getting thrashed from the air, Grace taking his team on herself and catching up to Valkerous in lv nicely. And finally, new router new chance...same exact freakin results. Two male Weedle followed by female Kakuna that Valkerous kills. I'm about ready to kill something myself as l head into the cave, determined to find a partner for Bane one way or another. And finally, l get some luck, a female Geodude floating up to me at lv3.*
"Oh FINALLY, something that isn't a Kakuna!!!!!!" *I shout out loudly, my voice echoing throughout the cave. The Geodude looks at me slightly confused, but after noticing Valkerous walk out to meet her, she suddenly gets ready to fight, taking Valkerous' Tackle easily before retaliating with her own, also doing next to nothing. Taking my chance, l toss a pokeball at her while she's distracted with Valkerous, and three shakes later she's caught.*
"There we go. Finally, something we can use!" *I cheer slightly. Exiting the cave, l let out the new couple, Bane and his brand new wife, Roxxy the Geodude. Hey, Shaddup that's a good name! I tell them they are now pretty much married, and while Bane simply blushes awkwardly, Roxxy huffs defiantly and turns her....head/body away from Bane. This could take a bit. After letting both Valkerous and Grace destroy the Bug Catcher together, still not feeling ready to use the new couple, we venture to Violet City, night nearly about to fall. Before heading to the pokemon center, however, l run on ahead to the next route, starring at the grass happily.*
"Hey Valkerous. You know who's in this grass?" *I ask in eager anticipation of getting an old friend again.*
"Yes, and l hope to see him again. Circuit, the ever try-hard Mareep. Think he'll make it to Ampharos this time?" *Valkerous asks, a slight sense of eagerness in his voice as well.*
"Well, he's been doing a good job of it so far, so yes l think he'll make it this time. Now come on, no more talking, let's go get Circuit!" *I say before running into the grass, my happy grin immediatly turned into a rather ugly scowl, said scowl directed to the lv6 male Bellsprout that popped up right infront of me. The Bellsprout steps back slightly at the scowl on my face as l turn around and shout again in rage, Valkerous sighing before he steps up to the wild foe.*
"No! Know what Valkerous, no! Don't even waste your energy on it. If l can't catch him in one try, we'll just knock him out, l just don't care right now." *I rage out, tossing my pokeball rather hard at the Bellsprout, smacking against his head with a thud. Three shakes later and l catch him....yaaay...woohoo...party...*
"It's alright Kalas, you know as well as l do Circuit is waiting for us at a different route. We have another two tries to get him on our journey, just be patient. No need to take it out on a pokemon who happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time." *Valkerous said softly to me. I close my eyes and breath calmly for a few seconds before nodding at him. I let out Tarzan the Bellsprout (Yes l named him Tarzan, no l don't care. The both use vines, l had no other ideas). He looked at me and l at him, noticing a slight bump on his head, no doubt from where to pokeball hit him. I cringe slightly and apologize to him, which he surprisingly accepts. Recalling him into his ball, I head to heal up the team once again before heading into Sprout Tower, night now upon us. Climbing up the ladder, my head pokes out to the floor above, only to be met by a laughing ball of gas, female and lv3 as well. Grace up front, but not with Gust yet, l have no choice but to toss ball after ball at it, every time she breaks out she simply laughs more and more. Grace grows rather annoyed with it's antics and smacks Ghastly with her wing, not technically an attack it lands and the Ghastly looks stunned.*
"Now you listen to me. You showed yourself to us, not the other way around. So you either get in one of these pokeballs or so help me l will get my husband to burn your immortal soul, causing eternal suffering for the rest of your afterlife, do l make myself clear?" *Grace said menacingly in a low voice. Her intimidation successful, the Ghastly shrieks in fear and happily hides away in the next ball l toss. And finally, Esther the Ghastly rounds out my team of six and first team in the Dual Wedlocke. Yay, a rat, rock, twig and noxious gas join my fire legend and scary bird. Look out Lance, you're in trouble now!*
KALAS REY, this is a splendid fanfiction. You know how to turn the games into reality!

Of course, now I must kill you to secure my title... Toungue
@Alcovich~And if you do, you will NOT survive the night! Toungue

I am in Heart with this story.
The whole "legendary Youngster Joey" almost made me die from laughter.

I love that the Pokemon talk to each other.

Keep it up.
(02-09-2013 06:04 PM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]KALAS REY, this is a splendid fanfiction. You know how to turn the games into reality!

Of course, now I must kill you to secure my title... Toungue

Pah, you wish you could kill me Toungue Besides, l was here long before you were, so still hold the title. Just kewl like that Cool
(02-09-2013 06:48 PM)KALAS REY Wrote: [ -> ]Pah, you wish you could kill me Toungue Besides, l was here long before you were, so still hold the title. Just kewl like that Cool

YES! YOU hold the title!
Back in March, when I joined, I went through the FanFic forum and read some of your unfinished work. I was devastated when I saw how long you had been inactive.
Now you're back and I can't wait to find out what happens next in this story!

You're work is far superior to my ongoing Fanfic Arceus:The Untold Story.
(02-09-2013 06:57 PM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-09-2013 06:48 PM)KALAS REY Wrote: [ -> ]Pah, you wish you could kill me Toungue Besides, l was here long before you were, so still hold the title. Just kewl like that Cool

YES! YOU hold the title!
Back in March, when I joined, I went through the FanFic forum and read some of your unfinished work. I was devastated when I saw how long you had been inactive.
Now you're back and I can't wait to find out what happens next in this story!

You're work is far superior to my ongoing Fanfic Arceus:The Untold Story.

I read a bit of the story. It's not bad, just needs a bit more detail is all. other than that, it's not bad. Not bad at all. And by the way, l do have finished stories, though they are way in the back of this section, and the detail in them is nowhere near as good as it is now, so....yeah....ah well, NEXT CHAPTER YEAH

Chapter 3: Out of Bon Jovi References so here yah go

*Climbing up Sprout Tower wasn't as much a hastle as l originally thought. The sages used weeds (no offence Tarzan, but you did take Circuits spot on the team....jerk), and Grace climbed lvs with such ease, getting Gust soon after the second sage. After that, well it just wasn't fair, l'll put it like that. Upon reaching the top floor, I give Grace time to rest her wings and let Valkerous out...there's a Johnny Cash reference to what happened in there somewhere but let's move on and not say it. After the last trainer was beaten, l noticed Valkerous was starting to get a bit twitchy...eager almost, like he was expecting something to happen. Before l could ask him, low and behold Silver struts up to me, yet again.*
"Pah, this guy calls himself the Elder, but dear Arceus he was weak! I mean really, Bellsprout? It's a living twig. Of all the pokemon this guy could have used against me, he uses a twig. I hate the weak." *He said before using the Escape Rope, which as everyone knows were made in a factory that uses Abra, and teleports out. Inside his pokeball, Tarzan sighs. Man, he is not having a good time this chapter. Ah well. I shake my head, yet find myself glad to be rid of him and walk to the Elder, who apparently had a few Max Revives and Elixers at his disposal, for he challenged me immediatly. Yay.*
"Alright, Let's let Grace have some-Valkerous? What are you doing?" *I ask, seeing him jump out instead of his wife at the foe. He instantly unleashes his Ember, the shards of flames raining down on the opponents Bellsprout, fainting it easily. Elder Li (HAHAHAHAHAH not funny) Sends out his Hoothoot, but it too was taken out in the same fashion. With him out of pokemon, the Elder admits defeat, and l get rich. 1200 from him. This is why you respect your elders kids. Before l can ask about the tm everyone keeps talking about, a flash draws my attention away from Li and to Valkerous. A few violent flashes of blinding light shoot off his body before he becomes engulfed in it. His body grows rapidly, stretching out to nearly three times it's original length. A few seconds of white light and it fades as soon as it appeared, leaving Valkerous in his new form, Quilava. He keeps his eyes closed for only a second before lifting his eyelids, his peircing crimson eyes taking in his surroundings. He stretches out and rolls his shoulders, taking in his new form.*
"Ah, this is much better. I prefer working in this form, my previous one is simply too cramp for my liking. But now l think we can get some things done." *He states before lighting the flames on his forehead and lower back, letting his inner fire roar out, testing his new abilities breifly. I let him get used to it a bit more before grabbing the nearby escape rope and teleport out of there. Seriously. Just call it a teleporter. Same thing. Now, having the team healed, there is nothing left to do but face the gym, but Valkerous already has plans for that, as l soon see during the team meeting. I let out my team inside the center to discuss the plans for the gym.*
"Well, l don't know about this rat thing here, but flying types are no match for me whatsoever. just give me a bit more experience and l'll have the perfect move to deal with them." *Roxxy stated. Bane sighs slightly, but says nothing, staying quiet.*
"Though you are a rock type Roxxy, and you do have your strengths, you have glaring weaknesses." *Valkerous states back.*
"What are you going on about? Just because you evolved before the rest of us, you claim to be the team leader or something?" *Roxxy asks, annoyance and defiance clear in her voice.*
"First of all, l AM the team leader. I'dve thought it was obvious. My job is to make sure no one dies, and l don't plan on failing. You say you can handle the gym? Yes you resist him, but at your current lv, you can't do it. You can takes hits, yes, but hard hits are your downfall. You cannot take special hits, and that is what his Pidgeotto uses, along with Roost. You have little hp. One misplaced critical hit, and we've lost a team member before we even make it out of the city. No Roxxy, you and Bane will not be fighting." *Valkerous says matter of factly. It's quite clear on her face that Roxxy doesn't approve, but before she says anything, Valkerous cuts her off and calls the meeting to be over. She simply rages silently as she reluctantly goes back to her ball along with the others, Valkerous and Grace the only ones out.*
"So old friend, be honest. Roxxy could have easily done it, you just want a challenge." *I say with a slight grin, knowing my friend all too well.*
"Perhaps she stood a bit of a better chance than l let on, but l still think Grace and l are more than capable of getting us through this first gym. Besides, both of us grew so bored of fighting nothing but Bellsprout." *Valkerous said with a grin as well. Grace remained silent, however, as she remained perched on Valkerous' back as we entered the gym. Riding up the lift to the top, l look down at all the wasted space Falkner could have used. I mean really, a pool right there would be so good, seeing as it never rains in this area. Ever. Plus he has the perfect skylight, he could have such a cool gym! But noooo, he remains boring. I balance on the planks he placed as a makeshift walkway all the way to Falker, where, before we battle, l tell him plans of a pool and an actual floor. He has no much better potential than this.*
"Alright, Grace how about you go out first? I think we should show him who has the rights to the sky." *Grace looks at me and nods in agreement, still quiet for some reason as she flies out, meeting Falkner's own Pidgey. Both birds use Gust, small tornadoes clashing against each other on the battle field. The draw between tornadoes ends quickly however as Grace's attack goes through, sucking up the other Pidgey and damaging it in the fierce winds. Grace takes the chance to fly swiftly straight at the foe, smacking into it hard and sending it spiraling down, landing on the ground, eyes stating it was done for the day. Falkner stomps his foot in frustration before recalling his Pidgey. I do the same, and the stars of the show enter the battle. Valkerous walks calmly to face Pidgeotto, greeting his foe with a fierce Ember. The flares land on the foe and show damage, but Pidgeotto immediatly goes on the defensive, using Roost. Ember after Ember gets healed off with Roost, until finally Valkerous has enough. He walks up to the healing bird and glares menacingly at it for a fair amount of time. Pidgeotto grows fearful of Valkerous more and more as his glare intensifies. Finally, after Pidgeotto finishes healing itself, it decides to attack, sending a rather strong tornado at Valkerous. He stands where he is and takes it, though not without damage done. He dashes out of the wind's grasp and charges at Pidgeotto with Quick Attack, it's defense severely lowered by Leer, and gets a critical hit, knocking it out. Thank Arceus that's over, l HATE heal stall matches. Falkner does not take the defeat well, and rants on about how they were his dads pokemon and how he'd be in trouble and get grounded for a week for taking them without his permission and pretending to be the gym leader again. Well, a badge is a badge, from he real leader or not, so l wish Falkner luck with a week without tv and exit the gym, grinning at Valkerous and Grace for a job well done.*

So yeah, yay me l won. Will Kalas catch a new pokemon? Will he stop making semi amusing puns at in game characters expence? Will Falkner get grounded for two weeks instead of one? These questions answered.....right now. Yes, no, and oh my yes. Have fun Falkner Smile
You are so lucky. The only thing you have to do is play Wedlockes and write fanfictions for people.

What's with the asterisks, by the way?
(02-09-2013 10:15 PM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]You are so lucky. The only thing you have to do is play Wedlockes and write fanfictions for people.

What's with the asterisks, by the way?

I dunno. I just use them to show something's going on. Got used to them, think it's better to have them then nothing, though it really doesn't matter
It just keeps getting better!

The new region is Kalos, that's one letter different than Kalas. In other words, the new region is named after KALAS REY!

(02-09-2013 09:49 PM)KALAS REY Wrote: [ -> ]I read a bit of the story. It's not bad, just needs a bit more detail is all. other than that, it's not bad. Not bad at all. And by the way, l do have finished stories, though they are way in the back of this section, and the detail in them is nowhere near as good as it is now, so....yeah....ah well, NEXT CHAPTER YEAH

It's my very first Fanfic. Ever.
I try to be detailed but I just want to speed to the action.

I'll check out those finished stories.
I write lots of details, but the problem with my Fanfiction is that I'm so busy, I only write about one chapter per month. *sad*
very nice job BUT i have one and only ONE question:why do you use the whole "husband/wife" thing...i don't get it
why are you forcing your poor pokemon get married at such low level???
XD i think i'm gonna roll on the floor laughing right now Toungue
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