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Have you ever wanted to write the next chapter to my fanfiction?


Simply enter for a chance to win! The winner gets their chapter posted as the next chapter in this Fanfiction!

Contest rules are simple.
1. Write Chapter 1. (The preceding chapter was Chapter Zero.)
2. Send it to Alcovich.
3. He will determine whose chapter is the best and will then post it as Chapter 1.
(05-10-2013 10:27 PM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]Have you ever wanted to write the next chapter to my fanfiction?


Simply enter for a chance to win! The winner gets their chapter posted as the next chapter in this Fanfiction!

Contest rules are simple.
1. Write Chapter 1. (The preceding chapter was Chapter Zero.)
2. Send it to Alcovich.
3. He will determine whose chapter is the best and will then post it as Chapter 1.

I have no opportunity to write. Too much stuff going on.

That's what's lolwut.
(05-10-2013 10:40 PM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]I have no opportunity to write. Too much stuff going on.

That's what's lolwut.

Does the winner get anything?Toungue
The winner gets recognition and their chapter put on this thread! Enter right now and get a SPAM Video for absolutely free!
I would enter except for the fact that I don't write about Zombies that much.
KALAS REY wrote a chapter. Will you compete?
(06-10-2013 08:36 PM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]KALAS REY wrote a chapter. Will you compete?

Idk about GD but I won't.Toungue
I decided to write it myself. Enjoy!

DAY 1: 3/16

Alright, so my sweetheart sent me this journal and told me to chronicle my life so she could read it when it's full. Might as well introduce myself.

My name is Paul Birch, grandson of Professor Birch of Hoenn. Age, 17. I live in Cerulean City and work part-time in Bill's Pokébox Service. I'm an expert Pokemon trainer, like a lot of people I know. There's nothing really extraordinary about my life, except the whole Trainer thing.

I'll try to write down anything extraordinary.

DAY 2: 3/17

Something's happening in Lavender Town.

Yesterday, I heard a radio announcement that there were riots of an unknown origin over in the Noble Purple City, but I had assumed the announcement was a prank pulled by some teenage radio hijackers (It's happened before.) or maybe the tower crew. (Again, it's happened before.) Today, however, I heard the same announcement, but with instructions to remain calm and such. People never tell you to remain calm unless something bad is going on.

A group of elite Trainers said they were going to Lavender Town to discover the source of the riots. I was thinking of joining them, but I decided against it. It's probably no big deal, just some people angry at something. Although, why would a nation with no riots for the past 10 years suddenly sprout hysteria out of nowhere?
DAY 3: 3/18

"We interrupt this program to bring you a special bulletin from Pokewatch News. Please tune in, get your friends to tune in, and listen up."

Anchor: "Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. We have a special guest today, a member of the search team sent to survey Lavender Town's riots. Take it away, Brian."

Ace Trainer Brian: "Alright, so we had come into the town to restore order and take notes for the press, and it hit us right away that the place was like a war zone. Men, women and even children were being shot and killed in the streets, people boarded up their homes and shops, it was... It was a war zone.

Anchor: "Shot and killed? It's that bad?"

Brian: "It was horrible. These crazed people were running around the town, some were walking, some were crawling. They looked all bloody and mangled, as if they had lost a fight or something. They were... I think we could be dealing with zombies.

Anchor: "Zombies? But isn't that science fiction or something?"

Brian: "Well, these people were mighty intoxicated then. So anyway, one of them had discovered us. She ran up to us. We yelled at her to stop, but she kept going and flew onto Gary. She - No, it - was clawing at Gary, biting his face, tearing at him. We tried to kick it away, but it just kept attacking him. We tried to help, we really did. So then, Reena took her Charizard and fired a blast of, well, fire, burning the thing to a crisp. We had to take Gary to the Saffron Hospital. He's in Intensive Care right now."

Anchor: "That's horrible! How can the citizens of Kanto help?"

Brian: "For starters, don't panic. That's the most important thing, is to remain calm and don't go looting and rioting. You'd be only contributing to the chaos. Unless you are a strong Trainer, don't go looking for these people. We don't know much about them, and they might kill you. The best thing to do would be to hole up in your house, with enough supplies to last a long time. Don't make a lot of noise, try not to use A/C or heating. And most importantly, pray for us. Pray for us all."

Anchor: "Well, here we are, this Trainer thinks we're at the cusp of a zombie invasion. What do you think? You can call us at..."


Anchor: "Alright, so now we have a medical professional who claims that we are, indeed, facing a zombie invasion. What's the news, Doctor?"

Doctor Wright: "I had received a patient, a victim of one of these brutal attacks. He was in critical condition, with wounds - mostly bite and claw marks - all over his face and upper torso. We immediately took him into Observation, hooking him up to life support. He died an hour later, from blood loss."

Anchor: "Did he happen to be a member of the search party sent to Lavender Town, to diagnose the situation there?

Dr. Wright: "I don't recall. Anyhow, around three hours after his death, I had arranged for an autopsy on him, to further examine the damage done. We were preparing to do the autopsy, when he kicked me. This guy was dead and mutilated, and he kicked me. Everyone was stunned. We had never seen anything like this before."

Anchor: "So you're saying that this man was a reanimated corpse, a zombie? But that's not possible!"

Dr. Wright: "I know it's not possible, but it happened anyway. So there he was, lying on the table, jerking his arms and legs. We had to tie him down while I did the autopsy. All signs of life were gone: his heart wasn't beating, none of his organs were functioning. However, a small amount of electric activity was occurring in the brain. We did a scan on him, to determine the magnitude of this electricity, when we found that it was all over the body. The electricity would spike when the corpse jerked a limb, and then it would return to normal. Some sort of virus is invading his body, taking over when he dies, and trying to kill and infect us. So far, the only known method of transmission is infected individuals. People have asked me if Pokemon were susceptible to this disease, and I told them I wasn't sure, but it was likely. Protect yourself from these zombies. If you see one, hide. If one sees you, kill it. If you think you may be infected, quarantine yourself to prevent further spread of this disease. Whatever you do, DO NOT PANIC. We will get this situation under control. And of course, tune in to the news for further updates."

Anchor: "I'm speechless. I don't know what to say. A zombie invasion? The rioters in the streets are zombies attacking the living? This... What!? No! Is this true? Ladies and gentlemen, I've just received word that the 'zombies' have breached the first floor of this radio tower, so we will have to go off the air for a short while. I'll see you later. Stay tuned."

*dance music plays*
This is pretty good. I like the explanation of electrical stimulation.
We need more Toungue
I gave you two chapters in a single day. That's faster than light by my standards. Big Grin
*grassdragon sends zombies after Alcovich to make him write next Chapter of this story and the next Chapter of GKA.*
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