Legendary Pokémon

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Hey, the bad puns are my shtick.....good one though I respect that x3
Math Problem: Help me find my X.
Me: No, I won't find your X. She's gone and don't ask Y either.

(math joke)Toungue

Anyway, I can't for your Kalas Region Story to begin!
Y do you post your posts twice?

Y do you post your posts twice?
As I have about 1 hour until release, I am having seconds thoughts. I think i'm still going to do a blind wedlocke, but on my personal time and not record it here, but instead write about my second run through which I'll do immediatly after the first one. This is simply because I would HATE to stop playing just to type. So as soon as I beat the game, I'll start over and record a wedlocke here as my second run through, and bets will still be in place....I swear to god if I win x3
Shoot, if I win I'll write about the final battle here....never gonna happen though XD
That's fine, Kalas Rey. I understand completely! Beat the game and then do your wedlocke story. We have X and Y to keep us company in the mean time!

I still have no copy of the games as of yet. Nor a 3DS.
This guy called Marriland is doing a nearly 100% walkthrough on his Youtube channel if you want to keep up with everything
Alright, so I ran through the game twice, once because new game and all, the second time to get a better feel on everything, look around a bit more and take my time. My brother challenged me to a sleeplocke though, so this wedlocke is gonna be pushed back a bit more, but I should start soon. Need to too, ran through the game twice and yet the only Kalos pokemon I've ended up using are Sylveon and Braixen, boxing it in favor of Charizard for my fire type....but I don't get to stick to my favorites in wedlocke, so I will be forced to choose the new pokemon over the old ones I felt comfortable with
I kicked my brother's butt in that Sleeplocke. He only lasted seven hours in a game that took him, at his best run, 19 1/2 to do. Didn't even get to use m Mega Charizard >w>

Alright, enough of my stalling, let's actually....I dunno, start this thing?

Chapter 1: Ehhhh...Omledue fromaje?

*I smile and nod slowly as the french professor speaks towards me, but I had no idea what the heck he was saying. Smile and nod, maybe he will stop soon. All I managed to catch from him was his name was Sycamore. I tell him my name, but that's about as far communication wise as we got. And very soon, it was poof and I was knocked out like a light, fast asleep in my bed.*
"Yeah....that's right ladies, king of kanto......all may bow before......wait, GARY?!?! You can be my jester......All Hail Kalas, all hail K-OOOOWWW YOU STUPID BIRD!" *I yell, startled awake by my stupid brother's little demon Fletchling, Petty.*
"Petty, I swear to Arceus, or whoever is god in this new region, if you tell anyone about this, I will personally feed you to Lucious." *I say lowly. She simply chirps in a loud laugh and flies off merrily. I grumble a few minutes and finally get out of my new comfy bed. Looking around my new room, I nod in approval, already liking this new place.*
"Cool, a Wii U....of course, no games for it. Still, cool to have. Alright, let's see what I have to wear for this new adventure."
*Ten minutes later, I return with a disappointing lack of red clothing, instead wearing a blue outfit. I shrug it off and head downstairs for breakfast, seeing mom in the kitchen....any jokes about that would result in several slaps to my person so let's just move on.*
"Ah, I see your brother's Fletchling woke you up. Such a good bird she is, don't you think so?" *She asks, humming softly as she strokes Petty gently. I simply glare daggers at the soon to be meal of Lucious and exit the house, nerly about to run right back in when a Rhyhorn is found starring me down.*
"Oh, oh it's just you Icarus. I see you've made it to this new region? How do you like it friend?" *I ask, happy to see a familiar face so soon.*
"Meh, it's alright. Very clean, I'll say that much. But really the only time I can understand people is when they are talking about omlettes. Good luck translating." *He said with a grin, and went to his large blanket, plopping down on it again and getting ready for a nap. I pat his head and exit the yard, very quickly approached by two ladies, both smiling very widely at me. Ok, either party time, or my head is about to be mounted on a stick...hooooping the first one.*
"Bonjour!" *They both greet. Oh yay, more french. Smile and nod, smile and nod. Luckily, they seemed to notice my little rouse, and both giggle softly.*
"Oh sorry, you must be from somewhere else? Pray tell traveller, where do you come from?" *The taller girl asked.*
"Born in Kanto, moved to Johto, loved it, explored a bit of Hoenne, kicked my butt, saw some Sinnoh, kicked it's butt, and even undertood Unova....rather not talk about that. So a bit of everwhere, but mainly Johto."
"You've been to so many places, it's impressive. But you'll find Kalos a bit....how you say, different? We do things a bit different from ze other regions." *The shorter girl said.*
"But do not mistake us for that pompous Unova, we respect ze other regions and do not claim to be better than any of zem, just different. New, even. Anyways, I am Serena." *The tall girl, Serena stated. And I could only think that she had the same name as my girl Gyarados......mental note, watch out for that one.*
"And I am Shauna. Pleasure to meet you." *The shorter one, Shauna, said with a little bow.*
"Alright, call me Kalas. I know it sounds similar to Kalos, but do know I've had this name quite awhile." *At hearing my name, they both simply giggle loudly. I groan to myself, thinking it's gonna be one of those regions....lovely.*
"Oh, by the way Kalo-I mean Kalas, ze professor Sycamore sent us to present you and us with ze new pokemon. As a traveller, you will be needing one anyways, correct?" *Serena asked, and pulled out a case from her pack. She popped open the lid and three pokeballs were inside.*
"Hmm....from past experience, fire is always in the middle, so let's go with the middle one." *And with my choice, the fire type Fennekin popped out of his pokeball, sitting right infront of me, looking me up and down as if sizing me up. He then nodded, approving of me I suppose.*
"How do you like the name Celtic?" *I ask. He smiles slightly and nods, and with that let's get this wedlocke started shall we?*
Magnificent beginning!
I love it!
I can't wait to see what happens next!
Is this on X or Y?
It's on X. Mega Charizard X was waaaaaaaay too tempting for me x3
I had to buy both because I couldn't/wouldn't decide between Mega Charizard X and Mega Mewtwo Y, Skrelp, and it's evolution Dragalge (all Y exclusives that I absolutely love).
Both games are great!
[Image: hqdefault.jpg]
Good sir if this was Youtube I would click thumbs up on this comment you have made. Brilliant
I believe the correct term for that is

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