Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Hatching Power O-Power
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Ok i am writing this in case people didnt find any info about it.
There is an O-Power after u beat the game and have ALL other O-powers
Hatching Power. Its reduces steps needed to hatch eggs obviously.
How to get it: Simply Max ur Style.
In order to do that as quickly and easy as possible
1. Ask for directions at the girl in Lumiose Press
2. Work At the Hotel
3 Test a team at Battle Institute
4. Eat at the high grade restaurants
5. Spend coins in the various merchants and servises at Lumiose (Pokeball Boutique, stone emporioum, haircuts clothe shoping)
6. Do various other stuff in Lumiose (Lotto, video making, juice drinking etc)

a. Asking for directions is the Lumiose press is the most friendly to ur pocket
b. Eating at the restaurants is gonna net u lots of coins BUT carefull at the sushi bar is very expensive and unless someone willing to prove me wrong u end up with less money than u started (i had 550.000 and ended up with around 400.000 and prize money 2 active)
c. One good way is to buy Premium Balls at The pokeball Boutique one by one (not massive purchases). by the time i learned this i had almost max style so i cant tell how much it helps though
d. In order to check ur style talk to the man in the stone emporioum that sells a megastone He starts selling at 1.000.000 but as ur style goes up he drops its price. At max style he sells it for 10.000. Once u have max style go to the red Cafe near the exit to route 4 (cafe introversion i think) there will be the O-power Guy
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