Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Chikissu and Kaime: The Begining
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It was a soft Spring morning as Chikissu fumbled for her alarm, flopping her arm around the clock. She danced her fingers across the surface, attempting to press the stop button. *Click.* The annoying beeps stopped and the young girl glanced her fingers along her cheek, brushing the long black and blonde hair out of her face. Today was the day, she thought to herself as she shifted body to sit upwards, removing the silken blankets from her lap. It was the day for her to prove herself to her father, to deliver a message to the old family friend Riaku. He was a sweet old man that's flesh almost drooped off of his face with a shiny bald head. Riaku has been apart of Chikissu's family for many years, and was very close to Chikissu. She looked up to him as an idol for he was the best trainer she had ever known.

His pokemon, Kadabra, was so close to Riaku that it had even teleported in front of a raging Ryhdon, taking all of the hit and feinting. The pokemon loved the old man so much that he would never let harm come to his owner, even if it meant that itself would get hurt. On top of that, Riaku seemed to be able to talk with Kadabra, though you could not interpret what they were saying to one another, you could feel that they were communicating. Riaku had even let Chikissu tend to a baby Cubone that has had it's mother robbed by him by Team Flare.

Chikissu moved about her room collecting clothes, her pack, and brushing her hair in a hurry. Then she did the other morning rituals before she went down stairs to see her mother in the kitchen, packing food into a lunch box. Her mother had a worried look on her face as she placed the perfectly cooked sushi into the container, looking up at Chikissu.

"Good morning, Chikissu. Are you ready for your deliver?" Her mother said in a sweet voice as she forced a smile, closing the lunch box and walking up to Chikissu to embrace her.

"Yeah mom, I am. I just have to get my shoes and I will be out the door." Chikissu replyed as she clung to her mom, patting her mom's back. "It is not far away so you don't have to worry mom, Dad taught me the easy routes to get there." As she said that her mother pulled her away to look into her eyes, Chikissu felt a little un-nerving.

"I know, I know," her mother sighed," It's just hard for me becuase my girl is growing up." She smiled, leaning in to kiss Chikissu on the forehead before she reached for the lunch box. "I packed you some sushi, water, and rice balls. In case you get hungry."

Chikissu's mom held the box in front of her, and she took it with a smile. Latching the hook on to her back pack and kissing her mom on the cheek. Smiling at her mom reassuringly as she pressed her hand to her forehead, saluting her mother as her father did before leaving. "I will return as soon as I am done, m'am." She giggled and hopped to the door, waving to her mother as she opened the door, getting ready to head out. "Bye Mom, I love you!"

With that the young girl left the house to set foot on her own adventure, like her friends had gone on before her. She took a deep breath as she stepped on to the grassy path, adjusting her pack to fit her better. She started to walk through the little town of Vaniville. Before she had got the the main walk her neighbor Philp ran up to her. He was an attractive boy who had lived there for only a short while now. He had pure emerald green eyes with long red hair, tracing his face. He had a pleased expression on his face as he fumbled in his pockets.
"Hey, Chikissu. I wanted to give you something before you went on your run. It's just a little something just in case..." His face lightened up as he pulled a pair of running shoes out of his tripp pants, he loved tripp pants. Hastely he pushed the shoes into Chikissu's chest and smiled. Chikissu took the shoes from him, shimmying out of her old shoes and kicking them to the side. She slipped the new shoes on and wiggled her toes, it was a perfect fit.

"Thank you, Phlip. But I'm sorry, I can't help but ask you why you would give me these." She commented.

" I just wanted to give you them so that you can run away from Pokemon easier. There are a lot of wild Pokemon in the woods and sometimes they pop on you," He paused, blushing a bit, " Besides, I just want you to be safe." He scattered off faster than an Abra. Chikissu shrugged and kept walking, but her mind seemed to be stuck on that guy, questioning what he had said. She finally had reached the main gate and waved up to the workers. One middle aged guy looked down at her and gave her a thumbs up, letting her through the door. The chains creaked as the wooden door lightly fell upon it's stand, letting Chikissu pass.

The gate opened up to a beautiful wood with grass all along the floor, hugging the trucks of the trees. It was a sunny morning, with Sitrus berries sparkling in the bushes, making the forest shine to it's fullest.(To be continued...)
Nice story. I can say that I enjoyed this. I hope you persevere with it. Big Grin
A really interesting fan-fiction, i'll continue reading it. Smile
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