Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Safari typing and connections
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Ok this is basically so people can get there safari and improve it practical use. Because in each safari the pokemon will always have 2 31 ivs possibly more apon randomized counts are done. Need to exchange friend codes to get another's safari.

Ghost ( with Lapent and pumpkaboo and spiritomb)
Mommy friend code 0275-9131-3642
Normal. ( with loudred and aipom and eevee)

Daddy Friend code 1306-7055-3939

And if some1 has a ditto safari PLEASE put your friend code here greatly help breeder
Also have no clue if the pokemon apearance is always the same only the typing.
Pokemon appearance is the same, in other words, if I added you, I would find the same three as anybody else who adds you.

This is the place for 3ds Friend Codes
Well still think it be a good idea with the safari idea
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