Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Nostalgia strikes
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Be prepared to read the worst block of text you have ever read. Not really your ordinary fan-fic, more like some random thoughts. You 're safe though, it's a one-off, no more parts coming.

Eleven years... Eleven years have passed since he first set foot in Hoenn.

It was not his first journey. He had already traveled all over the Johto and Kanto regions a year before. It was in Johto that he got his first Pokemon, a Cyndaquil. Such was his excitement that he trained Cyndaquil so that it could evolve as quickly as possibly. He spent a lot of time traveling through Johto and had a lot of fun, but the end of his adventures in Johto came soon, against his will.

He was only 10 years old at the time, and he had to beg his parents to allow him to head off on a new adventure. This time he traveled all over Hoenn, met new Pokemon, won and lost a lot of battles.

He even took a break from his stay in Hoenn to go back to Kanto. It was there that he met the Charizard he still has with him to this day and the Pokemon he got his nickname from. However his bad luck struck again, and all he has left after all his efforts in Kanto is a few of the Pokemon he was able to catch there.

So he went back to Hoenn. Every place in the region was different, yet it was still very familiar to him. It was there that he met his biggest challenge yet: the Battle Frontier. It was a challenge which he has neither completed nor completely given up on yet, after all these years.

After his second trip through Hoenn, he stopped his journeys. He thought this time it would be for good. He was getting older, and he had to do a lot of other things. A lot of people had gone to a new region, but at first he did not follow them. After some time though, he finally did.

This time he went to the Sinnoh Region. Although he was late there, he immediately made some new friends. During his stay in Sinnoh he was able to learn a lot of things about raising his Pokemon and using them in battle. He came close to the biggest achievements in all of his adventures, but failed at the last possible moment. Even if he disappointed himself in the most crucial moments, looking back he could see he had made a lot of progress in all these years. He even found a new Battle Frontier in Sinnoh, but it did not feel like the original one in Hoenn.

After Sinnoh, he went back to his roots in Johto. He was able to get a Cyndaquil again, after losing his first one more than 6 years before this. This time however it was all different. Johto was the same as last time, and even more beautiful. It was him that had changed. All he did was follow the shortest way to becoming the Champion of Johto yet again, and then find and best Red once more. But the feelings he had when he first did these things were just not there, so he gave up on his journey through Johto.

He then went to Unova. More new Pokemon where there waiting for him, more battles to win. But for another time he did not find a motivation to push himself to his limits as he had done before. He tried to, but he just could not. He lacked the passion he used to have for new adventures in the world of Pokemon. He even tried traveling through Unova for a second time, with a full party of Pokemon he had raised equally for the first time. It was surely more enjoyable this time, but his interest was short lived once more.

After Unova, most people went to Kalos. A whole new region, new Pokemon. They were even able to find out about Mega Evolution, a transformation that could make their Pokemon a lot stronger. But he did not go with them. It did not seem to him that the sacrifices required to go to Kalos were worth it, if he ended up having as little interest as he had in his last journeys. He decided he would go on another break, which for the second time in his life seemed permanent.

And here he stands now. Twelve years after his initial journey through Johto with his Cyndaquil by his side, and eleven years after going to Hoenn for the first time, the friends he had made in Sinnoh are all going to Hoenn. And he's sitting here, reminiscing the good and the bad times that he had in Hoenn, and contemplating whether he should try going on another new adventure. A lot of things have happened in his life all these years, and he is definitely not the same person as he was all these years ago, that's for sure. But he is still considering whether he has more things to see and do in the world of Pokemon...
And this means that someone is thinking of visiting Hoenn once more, if he's able to find ticket for the plane called 3DS. Toungue
I like it. I hope you write more. Big Grin
Thank you grassdragon. Smile
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