Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Taylor's Adventures(English)
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I'm a newbie at writing fanfics so...

Let's start(I wrote it in other sites too so you'll see some parts together

Part 1&2&3&4

Taylor,a boy from New Bark Town left his home one day to become a Pokemon Trainer. When he left,his father gave him a Pokemon, Rioru. After that he told him that a friend of his, a legendary trainer gave him a very rare Pokemon that had the Power to Rule over Time but he would only give it to him if he becomes strong enough to beat it in a Battle. Taylor then left and went to Prof. Elm's lab to recieve his starter Pokemon and his Pokedex. When he reached the lab,he saw a guy looking from the window and went towards him. He asked the guy what was he looking at and the guy pushed him away angrily. He went to the lab and Prof. Elm started talking:

Elm: So Taylor,you decided to become a Pokemon trainer like your father.
Taylor: Yes Professor, I wanna be strong and travel in distant regions like my Dad
Elm: OK, there are 3 Pokemon on the table there. They are Chikorita, Cyndaquil and Totodile, Grass, Fire and Water Respectively.
Taylor: Hmmm,can you give me info about Totodile?
Elm: Of course! Totodile, the Water type Pokemon. It has a Medium raising difficulty and it has high HP,Attack and Defence and Medium Stats of Sp. Attack, Sp. Defence and Speed
Taylor: It seems good but I wanna Learn about Cyndaquil too.
Elm: Cyndaquil the Fire type Pokemon. It is Easy to raise and it has High HP, Sp. Attack and Speed and Medium Stats of Attack,Defence and Sp. Defence
Taylor: Hmmm, I don't like Chikorita so I'll have to choose one of those
I decided, my starter will be.......

[Image: animation1si6.gif]
Cyndaquil: Cynda
Elm: Good Choise,unfortunately we ran out of Pokeballs and you must buy some yourself
Taylor: Oh darn...
Elm: Well, let's continue... The Hoenn Regions Devon Corp made it possible to mass produce Pokedexes and every trainer takes one now. Here...

*Gives Taylor a Pokedex, a Pokechi and the Cyndaquil*

Taylor: Thanks Prof

Taylor left the lab and started his journey as a Pokemon trainer
Taylor entered route 101.
He saw a guy in the grass and went towards him.He asked what was he doing and he answered that he teaches new trainers how to catch Pkmn.Then Taylor asked him to show him.

Wild Sentret Appeared
Guy: First you need to weaken the Pokemon. Pidgey, use Gust!
A gust hit the sentret and made it to stay to the ground without moving badly injured. ''Now you must throw a Pokeball''

*Throws ball*


*Sentret Escapes*

Guy: Well,it isn't my lucky day. That's all I have to show you,bye.
Taylor: Bye

He continued and he reached the next town.An old man saw him and understood he was a new trainer so he talked to him.

Old Man: I am Hubert. I guess you are a Trainer Newbie?
Taylor: Yes
Hubert: Then I'll show you the buildings especially for trainers.
This is a Pokemon Center,you can Heal your Pokemon here
This is a Pokemon Mart,you can buy Balls and Potions.
Well,the end.

Taylor: Interesting,k bye.
Hubert: Oh wait, add this to your Pokechi

*Taylor recieved Johto Map card*

Taylor: OK,thanks.
Taylor started walking to go to his next destination, Olivine City.
He stopped at the road to rest and taken the Pokemon out of their Pokeballs.

Taylor: Well guys, we are near to winning our first Badge.
Rioru: Rio!
Cyndaquil: Cynda!

What's this?An empty Pokeball thrown on the ground! I'll take it

Then a Pokemon approached him and attacked Cyndaquil with Sand attack

Taylor: Cyndaquil,are you all right? I am going to get my first battle

Taylor: Let's see what the Pokedex says

Pokedex: Pidgey, the Tiny Bird Pokemon. It's types are Normal and Flying. This one seems high leveled and Ready to evolve.

Taylor: Alright,I'll try to catch it with the Pokeball I found earlier!

Rioru, Cyndaquil can't battle right now so it's up to you.

Alright,use Force Exert!!!
Rioru Started Running towards Pidgey tightening it's Punch but Pidgey flew and hit Rioru with Gust from the back.

Taylor: Rioru,don't give up(I gotta focus more). Let Pidgey come near you.

Pidgey started Flying towards Rioru at great Speed.

Taylor: Now, JUMP ON PIDGEY!

Rioru jumped and landed on Pidgey when it was supposed to hit him and Pidgey looked really surprised.

T(Taylor):Now use Force Exert!!!!

Rioru hit Pidgey on the back and it fell on the Ground at high speed hurting itself almost fainting.

T: Alright! Pokeball GO!

[Image: capturedux4.gif]

Yes! I caught Pidgey!!!!My very first Pokemon!!

Good job Rioru. Now return guys,you deserve rest.

The next day...

T: Wow,I gotta go to Violet to get my first badge.

A person passes next to Taylor

T: Excuse me,how far is Violet city?
???: It's after those 2 big trees
T: What?!?!?! And I didn't go yesterday??? Oh well,at least I caught a Pokemon

Taylor went to Violet and headed to the Pokemon Center.
T: Nurse Joy,please heal my Pokemon.
NJ: OK,please give me your Pokemon and wait over there.

5 mins passed....

NJ: Your Pokemon are fully healed, Please take care
T: Thanks Nurse Joy

Taylor headed towards the Gym

When he went in he found the Gym Leader waiting for a Trainer to battle him

Gym Leader: Hi,I guess you are a Trainer?
T: You bet I am!
Gym Leader: I'm Flanker,the Gym Leader of Violet town's Gym
T: I wanna challenge you to win my first badge
Flanker: Alright,I was bored

An explosion was heard,the wall was Broken and 3 Sihlouettes could be seen through the smoke.

Flanker: What the?!?!?!

???: Prepare for trouble
???: And make it double
Team Rocket ready for fight!
Meowth: Meowth, that's right!

Flanker: What are you!?!?!?!
Team Rocket: We are team rocket, now give us all your Pokemon or you'll regret it!
Flanker: Oh yeah? Come get them!
TR: No Prob
F: Pidgeotto, I choose you!
James: Weezing!
Jessie: Arbok!
TR: Attack!!!
F: Pidgeotto!
Taylor, I need help
T: Yeah! Cyndaquil, I choose you!
F: Let's do it together!
T: All right!!!
F&T: Attack with combination! Embery Gust!

Team Rocket gets Blasted by a Red Fiery gust!

TR: Team Rocket is Blasting off again!
J&J: Oh well!

F: Good job Taylor
T: Oh,how do you know my name?
F: Errrrrr, well.... we can't battle today,look at the time
[Image: pokechiboy2timeru2.png]
T: You are right,it's late and I gotta go rest

At the Pokecenter's Trainer rest room

T: Tommorow I'm gonna battle for my first badge, I gotta rest

Part 5

The next morning.....

T: Well, I gotta go to the Gym. Today is my first battle,YAY!
Huh,where is everyone?

Nurse Joy was running towards the exit

T: Nurse Joy? What happened?
NJ: I don't have time, Flaker is talking about something and I wanna learn what!
T: Really? I'm coming too,I was on my way there anyway.

They run to the Gym

F: ...and then, I blasted the Evil Team Rocket with my Pokemon's super powered attack without any help
Girls: Oh Flanker *Love*
T: Huh?
F: Oh Taylor... Ummm, I'm kinda busy,come later
T: Wait, you were saying something about Team Rocket?
F: Ummmm, it's nothing...
Girls: Yes, our heroic Flanker defeated Team rocket consisted of 16 People alone with one attack!!! *Love*
Girls: Flanker, is that True?
F: Of course not! He is lying
???: No, I saw it too
F&T: Huh?!?!?!
???: I am Lance, Dragon Trainer and a Member of the Kanto and Johto Elite 4. I wanted to see this boy,Taylor for something and yesterday I saw it too.
F: Why do you care!?!?!
Lance: Errrr... I just don't like lies
Girls: Then Taylor is the Hero *Love*
Taylor: Uh, ok I gotta battle Flanker now.
L: I'll wait
T: OK,let's go

In the Gym Arena

F: Are you ready?
T: Heck yeah!
F: Judge!
Judge: Gym battle, Trainer Taylor VS Gym Leader Flanker
Everyone will use 2 Pokemon, Flanker chooses first and only Taylor can Switch


(Bored to write battle for Mysterious Reasons,sorry Sad )

Ok, I guess you deserve the badge,here.
T: Thank you,gotta go
Lance: This was impressive for a New Trainer, now...
T: What did you want me for?
L: Well, I heard from your father....

Part 6

...that you wanted to be strong and become a Champion. Well, in order to accomplish that, he told me to take you to a region that has tougher Pokemon than here, the Sinnoh Region.

T: Really? Woah, awesome!!! :mbounce:

L: Yes, and I have to tell you that Rioru and the Legendary that your dad has is from Sinnoh.

T: Yeah! But...

L: What?

T:How am I gonna get there?

L: I'll fly you with my Dragonite to the ship getting there and you're ok to go. Your father paid.

T: Nice. But what am I gonna do with this Johto badge?

L: Well, save it for later when you come back here. Also I have to tell you that you will take a Pokemon from Prof. Rowan when you get there. You have to choose from 3. Turtwig, Chimchar and Piplup.

T: I've heard something about those 3. Can you tell me their Evolutions?

L: Yes.
1. Turtwig> Grotle> Torterra
2. Chimchar> Monferno> Infernape
3. Piplup> Prinplup> Empoleon

T: Cool! I heard the strongest is Empoleon but I like Torterra. Well, I'll decide there.

L: Also, a gift from me. I see a good trainer in you.

*Lance hands a Pokeball to Taylor*

T: Huh?

*Pokeball opens*

???: Charmander, char!

T: Woah! It's a Pokemon!

L: Yes, it's a Charmander. Be sure to make it love you because if it Evolves it must have respect in you or else it won't obey and Probably burn you Toungue

T: K, thanks

L: Let's go!

Lance and Taylor got on Dragonite and it started flapping it's wing and getting to the air. Then it suddenly started going very fast, so fast that they reached the ship in 2 mins.

T: Woah, we're already here. I'm dizzy.

L: Yeah, the first time you get on Dragonite you're getting dizzy. Anyway, we're gonna meet again someday and give me a great battle.

T: Thanks for Everything, bye.

The ship left the harbor and Taylor was looking the sea with his Pokemon

T: Rioru, Charmander, Pidgey, Cyndaquil... I have faith in you, we will become Champions one day. In Sinnoh, no one knows what Adventures await us, we will find out shortly.

To be continued...


You can Post comments
It's a nice idea since dialogues make it very lively but there are a lot of mistakes:
1. It's TOO quick. Slow down a bit and describe things better.
2. You should have described the battle.
3. Falkner is VIOLET's gym leader, not Olivine's.

I know I am much worse than you in writing Fanfics, but that's all I have to say.
1. Yes,when I write I feel like '' Hurry Hurry!''
2. Well,mysterious reasons
3. Lol,sorry(Fixed)
Will you continue it? It's very good! Plz keep writing.....
I dunno.no one reads it
Everyone reads it, even if they don't post. Plz continue.....
Very nice story!!!!I would be bored to write all that...Anyway.Very very nice!
hey, i read it...and you dont have to write it for others, you should just write it for yourself, and whether others read it or not, thats their problem...express your self, but if you are bored, or want to do it for others, then you should stop...anyway, i liked it, and i would really like to see(read?)the battle against DIALGA!
(oh, and another thing, after New bARK the route is 29, not 101..101 is after Littleroot town in r/s/e Toungue)
anyway, try to do your best...
as you see, you already have fans! !!
I posted part 6 (I had written it months ago but forgot it Toungue)
It's probably the last
Who knows... some day it might be revived
Pokemaster Wrote:I posted part 6 (I had written it months ago but forgot it Toungue)
It's probably the last
Who knows... some day it might be revived

why it is propably the last; revive it!
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