11-01-2015, 08:01 PM
Howdy yall, I am looking to complete my Pokedex with the last 5 legendaries not in my possession: Mew, Manaphy, Meloetta, Arceus and Genesect. For Manaphy, I would prefer a Timid nature with 31 in all but attack if possible Natures and IV's of the rest don't truly interest me, mostly looking to fill the slots.
Now, what I have to offer in terms of legendaries are: Modest Shiny [6IV] Shaymin, Timid [6IV] Keldeo 100 Level, Lugia, Kyurem, Uxie, 2 Heatrans, Terrakion, Cobalion, Regirock, Giratina, Suicune and Ho-oH
If you would prefer some 5 IV pokemon, I can offer at level 100: [4 IV] Timid Smeargle- Moveset: Dark Void/ Follow Me/ Spiky Shield/ Encore, Naughty Garchomp, Quiet Reuniclus, Relaxed Tyranitar w/ Stealth Rock, Quiet Aegislash, Bold Rotom-W, no Pain Split, [4IV] Bold Chansey w/ Seismic Toss& Heal Bell, Bold Venusaur w/ Giga Drain, Calm Forretress w/ Stealth Rock, Impish Gliscor w/ Poison Heal, Adamant Azumarill w/ Belly Drum, Adamant Mawile, Modest Salamence w/ Hydro Pump & Dragon Pulse, Careful Sableye w/ Trick, Recover, Prankster, [6IV] Modest Gardevoir, [6IV] Bold Ludicolo w/ Fake Out.
The IVs are all that's useful for the particular Pokemon, with Aegislash having a 0 IV in Speed for example or garchomp running both Attack and Special Attack as it was intended to be a Garchompite holder, therefore lacking the Special Defence IV. Tyranitar Also runs dual attack IV's as I use Ice Beam in one of its moveslots, lacking Speed. Forretress has Special Attack IV because I use it for hazards and Volt Switching. I forgoed a 5th IV in Smeargle and Chansey because they don't Use their attacking stats, Rest should be what you'd expect
Alright that was a big write-up. I will check back and reply back to you as often as I can!
FC: 4141-4580-6498
Name: MGH!PFFT!!
Now, what I have to offer in terms of legendaries are: Modest Shiny [6IV] Shaymin, Timid [6IV] Keldeo 100 Level, Lugia, Kyurem, Uxie, 2 Heatrans, Terrakion, Cobalion, Regirock, Giratina, Suicune and Ho-oH
If you would prefer some 5 IV pokemon, I can offer at level 100: [4 IV] Timid Smeargle- Moveset: Dark Void/ Follow Me/ Spiky Shield/ Encore, Naughty Garchomp, Quiet Reuniclus, Relaxed Tyranitar w/ Stealth Rock, Quiet Aegislash, Bold Rotom-W, no Pain Split, [4IV] Bold Chansey w/ Seismic Toss& Heal Bell, Bold Venusaur w/ Giga Drain, Calm Forretress w/ Stealth Rock, Impish Gliscor w/ Poison Heal, Adamant Azumarill w/ Belly Drum, Adamant Mawile, Modest Salamence w/ Hydro Pump & Dragon Pulse, Careful Sableye w/ Trick, Recover, Prankster, [6IV] Modest Gardevoir, [6IV] Bold Ludicolo w/ Fake Out.
The IVs are all that's useful for the particular Pokemon, with Aegislash having a 0 IV in Speed for example or garchomp running both Attack and Special Attack as it was intended to be a Garchompite holder, therefore lacking the Special Defence IV. Tyranitar Also runs dual attack IV's as I use Ice Beam in one of its moveslots, lacking Speed. Forretress has Special Attack IV because I use it for hazards and Volt Switching. I forgoed a 5th IV in Smeargle and Chansey because they don't Use their attacking stats, Rest should be what you'd expect
Alright that was a big write-up. I will check back and reply back to you as often as I can!
FC: 4141-4580-6498
Name: MGH!PFFT!!