Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: The only one who can understand: The return of KALASREY
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Hey...so, there was once a time when I had an audience here. There was also a time when I was called KalasRey. There was ALSO a time where my account would let me log into it.....my how things change. So yeah, I can't log into my account anymore, says my password is wrong even though I know for a fact it's not. So I couldn't make anymore stories here and just got annoyed and kinda left. But recently I've had an urge to share a story I've been daydreaming about for like....I dunno, 6 years. I am currently updating it on another forum, but why not come back, at least one more time, to give you guys this story. Here's what I have so far

Chapter 1: Heartbreak

With the sun slowly rising above the mountains, the light stretches across the hidden town, creeping it's way to dispel the shadows of the night. Eventually, it makes it's way into one certain room, shining brightly on a young boy's face. Reluctant to wake up, he pulls the covers above his head in defiance, but soon sighs softly and tosses them off.

Kalas Eon Rey. Now 8 years old on this very day, he stood at a mere 4" 11, round yet determined face and crystal clear blue eyes of the innocent.

With a small yawn, he gets out of bed and stretches towards the ceiling of his room and ran downstairs. As soon as he opened his door however, he was hit by the enticing scent of blueberry pancakes. Licking his lips eagerly, he ran down the staircase and into the kitchen, hugging his mother from behind instantly.

"Morning mom!" He said cheerfully. Jumping slightly from being tackled, Leanne Rey collected herself quickly, nearly losing her favorite blue top hat in the process and turned back to meet her son with a smile, adjusting the red and gold feather in the fold. She placed her hand on his head and ruffled his bed head.

"Morning deary. Breakfast is almost ready, but go see if your father is awake, would you?" She asked, flipping over the pancake to prevent it from burning. With a quick nod, Kalas ran off to the back of the house where his parents' room was located. Inside, the room was dark, his dad was snoring loudly on top of the bed. Grinning mischeviously, Kalas crept silently over to the bed, tiptoeing his way to right infront of his dad and stopped, and took in a deep breath.

"WAAAAKE UP DADDY!" Kalas yelled. Instantly, his father jumped straight upright with a shout. Daniel Rey, clutching his rapidly beating heart and turned to the side, seeing his son laughing openly on the floor.

"Alright you little scamp, you've had your fun. Now hand me my coat and go see if you can help your mother with anything." Daniel said, having recovered from the near heart attack. Kalas, wiping away a slight tear, nodded. He handed his dad his favorite blue trench coat that he always wore, and left the room, heading back to the kitchen, where his mom was looking at him with a slight frown.

"Kalas, I heard that shout from here. You're not to yell at your father to wake him up, birthday boy or not, understood?"

"Yes mom, sorry." He replied, casting his gaze down on the floor. Sighing, a soft smile found it's way back on her face as she walked over and lifted his chin up to face her.

"Alright, none of that on a day like this. Now, all the Oran berries are gone, and if you want that cake, would you mind beading to the orchard and grabbing some?" Kalas nodded and ran up to his room to get dressed, throwing on a black t-shirt and blue jeans. Putting on his shoes, he ran downstairs and out the front door.

"So director, you still decide to refuse me, even after all I have offered you?" In a dark room, a tall man in a business suit was sitting down in a leather chair, a Pursian drapped across his lap. Staring directly ahead of him, a monitor was placed on the wall, showing another man in casual clothing.

"Yes. No matter what you have, no matter how many men are at your disposal, I cannot, will not, shall not back down. You will not be allowed control over my League. The government is finally in a calm state, yet how will giving my seat to the leader of Team Rocket help?" The man asked.

"Well now, I had hoped to avoid this, but you leave me no choice. If I cannot rule from behind the scenes I shall destroy what I cannot have bit by bit until you change your mind. I have several of my men placed in a small mountain village with explosives hidden all around. Should you still say no, I will be forced to give the order. Now what do you say?"

The man on the monitor seemed stunned, his entire body frozen in place by what he had been told. After a few seconds of this frozen state, he managed to squeeze out one sentence. "You're bluffing, you must be."

Giovanni sighed in disappointment and pulled out a small radio from the desk drawer.

"Do it"

Practically skipping over the thought of Oran berry cake, Kalas hurriedly arrived at the orchard, 3 miles away from the small village. Located up on a hill, his parent had no need to worry about their son exploring that area, as it was owned and maintained by several people in their neighborhood, repels frequently being sprayed to create a safe path for even children to make their way there.

Happily plucking away at the berries, Kalas grabbed the biggest, bluest ones he could find, grabbing a few Pecha berries as well, just for some added sweetness. Looking up, the son had risen a fair amount, but he could not judge the time as several clouds had covered the entire sky, angry grey in their color, the sky lighting up every now and then as lightning flashed. Deciding to hurry home, he picked the berries up in his tiny arms, struggling slightly as he picked one too many. Turning back, he decided to look over at his town, as it was his favorite view in the whole world. What he saw made him drop his arms, the berries falling down the hill and rolling away in a scattered mess.

A roaring inferno replaced his beloved town. Smoke covering the sky above it, a vast sea of fire and destruction claiming the entire village. Horrified, Kalas ran down the his as fast as he could, desperate to try and do something, trying to get back to get his parents out. Though he ran as fast as he could, it was still half an hour before he made it back to the village entrance, which he found he couldn't even enter, as a wall of fire was in it's place. Looking around desperatly, on the verge of tears, he soon saw a man dressed in black, standing a little ways away, looking right at the fire.

"Hey! Mister, please help my mom and dad! Please!!!!" Kalas begged, running over to the man. As soon as he turned to meet Kalas, a red R was enough to stop the young boy in his tracks.

"Oh, you want me to help? Well I can do that. Let me send you to where your parents are. Arbok!" With a flick of his wrist, he released the giant cobra like beast. Arbok grinned widely, staring down the terrified little kid like a snack, baring it's fangs menacingly. As Kalas turned to run, Arbok lunged forward, biting his right foot, causing him to fall down and kick the snake pokemon with his free one. Backing off, Arbok flicked it's tongue out, as it prepared for another strike when-

"Oi Arbok, enough!" A red beam of light hit the pokemon and recalled it. Holding a radio in his other hand, the rocket grunt clicked his tongue in disappointment at leaving the kid alive, but orders were orders, and he had been ordered to evacuate. Now left alone with nothing but the sound of a blazing fire and an aching pain in his foot to keep him company Kalas slowly turned his head to his now destroyed home town.

And he cried

Chapter 2: My partner

Drenched from the downpour of rain with his eyes red from crying nonstop at the sight, Kalas stood there for several hours, simply watching. How long he watched he didn't know, but after what felt like an eternity, thanks to nature's assistance, the fire that had engulfed the town slowly died out. Once there was nothing but smoke patches rising up from the charred streets, as if a puppet guided by strings Kalas slowly limped into his village, his foot still aching from the bite.

Nothing. He saw nothing left. Houses had been reduced to a few remaining charred pieces of wood. Inside them were the horrifying sights of the burnt bodies of the former residence. Yet, despite seeing all the death around him, he kept walking. Turning a corner, Kalas soon arrived at what was once his house. It faired no better than the rest. Burnt to the ground like the others. Stepping on the hard ground that took the place of his floor, he walked forward until he found their remains, and fell down to his knees.

There they were, laying right beside each other on their stomachs. One hand reached out to hold the other's, as if accepting their fate, while their free arms were used to clutch something close to them, shielding something with their bodies to their last breath. Curious, Kalas got up and moved their bodies and gasped in surprise. Their efforts of protecting these were not in vain, as the top hat with the feather as well as the trench coat were perfectly fine, saved from the chaos of fire by their owners. Kalas reached out and took the hat, placing it on his head only for it to fall forward slightly, covering his eyes. It was just slightly too big for him, while the coat was far too huge, but he took it as well nonetheless.

Unable to bear the sight any longer, with his parents' favorite items in his possession, Kalas put on the coat to cover himself from the rain, the rest of it dragging behind him as he walked out of the village. He had no destination. He simply wished to walk, to see where he ended up. His stomach soon reminded him he hadn't eaten once today, so his feet guided him back to the orchard. It once held his favorite view in the whole world. Now, all it could do was feed him a few berries before he set off again.

Placing a few Oran berries in his coat pockets, Kalas grabbed the last berry left and bit into it again and again, scarfing it down like it was his meal. Turning around to walk anywhere else, he was about to pull out another berry when there was a rustling in the trees above him. Looking up, shielding his face from the rain, he squinted to try and see the cause of the moving branches. From behind him, what sounded like a stampede was headed his way. Reacting too slow, he was half turned around when he was tackled to the ground by a group of three Mankey. apparently he was in their way, as they ignored him entirely and climbed up the tree with ease.

For a second, there was silence. Then A Charmander was flung out of the tree, smacking roughly on the ground. The Mankey, apparently furious, flew out of the branches and landed, surrounding the Charmander and begun attacking it's defenseless form. The poor fire type cried out in pain pitifully as several bruises and scratch marks rapidly began to appear. Hoisting himself up, Kalas put on a determined face and flung himself forward, scattering the Mankeys and covering the Charmander with his body. Obviously angry at being interrupted, one Karate chop was directed at the boy, smacking him away and into a tree, the Charmander in his arms flung with it. Undisturbed by his presence, they continued their assault, a few attacks landing on the child as well.

It felt like an eternity until they were finished. Blow after blow landing on them both, any attempts by Kalas to make them leave only enraging them further. But eventually, they grew bored and left, hoping into the trees and swinging away, leaving them both beaten and in the Charmander's case, bloody. Several line of blood were running down it's body, the scratches would leave scars, and it's eye's were nearly closed, the flame on it's tail shrinking more by the second. Struggling to get up onto his feet, Kalas desperately tried to recall the way to the nearest town he used to visit with his parents, and started going onto the path.

"Don't worry little guy. I don't care how, but I promise I'll get you fixed up, I promise!" Kalas said to the nearly unconscious pokemon. The Charmander lazily moved his head to meet with Kalas' face and nodded slightly. Starting off the trip there, in an attempt to get his mind off the pain, Kalas starting talking to him. He talked about what had happened, how he was all alone now. He told the Charmander about what his parents were like, and even about the man wearing the red R on his shirt, which was why he was limping. Though barely alive at all, he could tell the Charmander was listening to every word, but not a sound of reply came back.

Though they were fortunate enough to not run into any more pokemon, the trip there was torture. In addition to his injured foot, he took his fair share of a beating from the Mankey as well. Protecting the flame from the rain with his coat, after several hours Kalas finally managed to reach the nearby town, not located all that far from his, but far enough to not immediatly notice the damage done to it's neighbor. The streets were nearly emptied at this time of day. Though the sun remained behind the clouds, Kalas could still tell it was quite late, but the lights from the Pokemon Center made it much easier to find, to which he was insanely grateful for.

Trudging inside, there was a small line of three or four people infront of the counter, but he could not wait. Making his way to the counter where Nurse Joy was, his body screaming in protest at even further movement, he lifted the unconscious Charmander onto the counter.

"Nurse Joy, I beg you, if you can do anyth-" He was cut off when he was shoved out of the way by a trainer. A tall male, probably around his mid teens, was staring down at Kalas with disgust.

"Look brat, see these people? See how they're standing? It called a line, why not get in it and wait like I had too? And what is this, you brought a dead lizard as a prank to the center?" He yelled angrily, pushing the Charmander off the counter and onto the floor coldly, a small grunt of pain escaping his lips went unnoticed by the trainer. Kalas could only stare in disbelief and anger at how he treated the Charmander in such a critical state.

"Now if you don't mind brat, I just got done fighting another trainer, and I need to have my pokemon healed. Nurse Joy, would you mind?" He asked, turning to the girl behind the counter.

"Not at all, it would be my pleasure. Honestly, I hate impatient kids and their pranks, sorry you had to delay your day because of it." She said, bowing her head slightly in an apology as she took the boys pokeballs and placed them on a tray.

"Nah, it's fine. Maybe one day this brat will learn how to behave. What, are you still here? Get lost kid!" He shouted, kicking the body of the Charmander towards Kalas and pointing towards the door. Seeing the scene infront of him, pilled onto what had happened all day, something inside Kalas snapped. His eyes went hallow, and he couldn't feel anymore sadness. he couldn't feel anymore pain. No more joy, relief, no more nothing. Except for one, strong, burning presence inside of him. Rage.

Cradling the poor fire type in his arms, Kalas left the center and the town all together. Finding himself soon somewhere between his town and this one, Kalas placed the Charmander beneath a tree. His breathing had become so scarce. The blood loss was getting to him, and the flame on his tail was nearly out. With nothing but a few berries, Kalas pulled out the biggest Oran berry he had with him and tore it open, pouring the juices onto the wounds.

"Brace yourself, this won't be pleasant." He whispered. His voice was low and monotone, lacking any emotion behind it. After squeezing the berry dry ontop of the wounds, Kalas fed the remains to him, helping him eat it in his poor state. Unable to do anything else, Kalas simply waited as Charmander's eyes closed completely, but the flame was still alive. Very small and close to going out, but it was still burning. With that, he propped himself against the tree, pulled out one more berry and ate it and waited, keeping his eyes on the Charmander as he slept. Knowing in the critical state the pokemon was in, an Oran berry wouldn't be anywhere near good enough to heal him completely, but Kalas was hoping the way he applied it's uses would heal enough to where Charmander's body could take over.

Much time had passed, but patient, Kalas continued to watch the flame on his tail. Eventually, Charmander's eyes opened once more, soon finding Kalas' hallow ones and holding on them.

"We've been abandoned, you and me." Kalas said. The Charmander simply nodded. In this moment of mutual understanding between the two, the red and gold feather on Kalas' hat shined for a split second.

"Your tale is not one to be jealous of, and neither is mine."

Shocked, Kalas starred in disbelief as he heard the Charmander speak to him in a soft, raspy, pained voice. Wondering how it was possible, the first thought to come to his mind was his mother swearing the feather on her hat came from Ho-Oh. Perhaps it was Ho-Oh's power through the feather that allowed him to understand? But at the moment, that was not Kalas' main concern.

"What have we done? That's all I want to know. I want to know why there are horrible people and pokemon out there right now living the perfect life, while we are left out here to die. Shoved when crying for help. Entire families killed! I want to know why!" Kalas shouted, pounding his fists into the ground with every word. Charmander simply nodded with sad eyes in agreement.

"I want revenge. If this world is going to abandon us, if this world is going to shove us aside for no reason, then I want revenge. I've seen my whole village burn down to the ground infront of my own eyes. I've the people responsible for it. I want to kill them. But that isn't enough. If this world is going to burn down my home, then I want to return the favor. I want to see the whole world burn. Only then will I be satisfied. So let me offer you a deal. I will help you get better, I will train you to become stronger, and then we will show those Mankey the meaning of revenge, if you help me see the world burn." Kalas said. His eyes were completely hallow, the iris's in them gone. The only thing left in this little boy was a horrible rage that could not be calmed.

After a minute of thinking, the Charmander nodded determinedly, agreeing to his proposal. With that, Kalas gave a horrifying sadistic grin.

"Then let's show this world we will not take this lying down. Let's get started. Lucius."

Chapter 3: First strike at the world

Taking a couple days to recover from the wounds, Kalas and the newly named Charmander, Lucius, stayed in the safe familiar area of the orchard, feeding sparingly off the apples and other fruit growing there. Once Lucius was finally able to move freely, however, it was immediately time to train.

"Alright Lucius, first thing's first. You need power to get our revenge. Ember won't do the job, you need Flamethrower, so I want you to shoot out as much fire as you can all at once." Kalas instructed. Lucius gripped his fist and nodded, turning around and getting to work. He took a deep breath, held it for a minute to gather the fire inside of him and released it all out at once. However, despite his best efforts, only a few small balls of fire shot out. Kalas shook his head slightly at the display and told him to do it once more. Again, the results yielded nothing different, so another attempt. And another. And another.

For 2 weeks, Kalas had Lucius shoot out fire towards the sky, not caring how long it took him to get it right. If Lucius got stronger, in his mind it was all worth it. Finally, after many, many attempts, Lucius inhaled deeply, charged up every bit of power and control of his fire he had in him, and shot it out with all his might. What followed was a strong, solid stream of burning fire, a successful Flamethrower at last. Smiling with pride in himself, Lucius breathed heavily and collapsed onto his stomach, exhausted. Kalas ran out to him and handed him one of the last Oran berries, which Lucius took gratefully.

"You finally did it, good job. Now, rest up a bit and we'll work on make it effortless. Now that you have this power, you have to master it." He nodded tiredly, and shut his eyes, dozing off quickly. Carrying the sleeping Charmander to beneath a tree, Kalas sat down and leaned against it, drifting off as well, a small, heinous smile on his face. He was one step closer.

Another week had passed and the forest was littered with the bodies of critically injured wild pokemon. Once Lucius had fully mastered Flamethrower, shooting the jet of fire out as easily as breathing, the next step Kalas decided was getting him to evolve, and to do that they needed to fight. Ratatta, Pidgey and Spearow were sprawled out on the scorched ground every few feet, and Kalas and Lucius were simply looking at them all, waiting to see if one more would approach them. Looking up, they saw an absolutely furious Fearow swoop down on them, outraged at what they did do it's kind. Smirking with overflowing confidence, Lucius moved away from Kalas and engaged the bird in battle.

The Fearow spread out it's wings and cawed loudly, attempting to intimidate Lucius, but it failed horribly as he responded immediately with a Flamethrower, charring the front feathers of the wild bird at the start of the match. Flying away from the flames, Fearow flew up and dove straight down ontop of him. Keeping track of it's movements, Lucius timed it before jumping to the side, the Fearow's beak colliding with the ground, and instantly hit with another Flamethrower, effectively burning off all the feathers on one wing. Fearow cried out in pain and attempted to flee, flapping it's one good wing to try and get away.

"Oh no no no, we can't have that. You came at us first, you can't quit the game just because you're not winning." Kalas said in a low voice, devoid of any mercy. Inhaling once more, Lucius let out his biggest Flamethrower yet, shooting fire into the back of the bird and right into a tree. With a horrible black mark on the Fearow, Kalas grinned to himself, the grin growing even more when a bright flash of light caught his attention, enveloping the Charmander.

"Perfect, you're ready. Now, I do believe we have some Mankeys to visit?" Kalas asked. The brand new Charmeleon, scars decorating his entire body, smiled evilly. Setting off east of the orchard, they then started the search for their first targets.

Though it wasn't easy, after a couple hours of searching around the trees, a few banana peels and apple cores caught their attention. Looking up at the tree the litter surrounded, three Mankey were napping on their own branch. Almost too eager to begin, Lucius nearly ran up to the tree and started smacking it, punching and kicking it in an attempt to stir the inhabitants, his desire for revenge nearly consuming his patience entirely. Startled awake, the Mankeys looked down at the case of the disturbance, and in their anger at being woken up, jumped down, surrounding the Charmeleon faster than their brain could gather what they were about to face.

"Hello again Mankey. It's been awhile, hasn't it? You remember this guy, right? That one Charmander you three ganged up on and nearly killed? Yeah, because of that, he's so much stronger now, and he'd like to thank you, in the following way." Kalas said in a friendly, mocking tone, all too happy to see this go down.

Before the Mankeys could react to what Kalas said, a claw came down and slashed the middle one, leaving a long, deep red line down the middle, but not enough to keep it out of a battle. Enraged at the cheap shot, the three of them jumped and ganged up on Lucius, Karate Chops all around. Aiming once more at the middle one, Lucius let loose a Flamethrower, reaching up to catch the two other attacks in his claws. The middle Mankey only had time to make a surprised face before getting blasted into it's own tree, collapsing. Gripping tightly on the two Mankey he had in his grasp, Lucius slammed them onto the ground hard before tossing them into the fallen Mankey. The conscious two were finally aware of what they were up against and showed terror on their faces as Lucius slowly advanced, smiling maliciously as flames leaked out the sides of his mouth.

"You're stronger than I imagined. That training paid off. Now that you got your revenge on them, it's time we burn the rest of the world, and I think I know just where to start." Kalas said, walking off with Lucius as they both headed towards the town they were treated so coldly at. Behind them was a charred tail and nothing else.

Chapter 4 got deleted on that forum, so it's just a recap and then chapter 5

Chapter 4: Recap

Director: You blew up that village!

Giovanni: Yes I did, now give me the region

Director: You destroyed the pokemon center in Pewter City!

Giovanni: Wait what?

Kalas: These people bore me

Lucius: Me too. Let's go

Brock: Nurse Joy NOOOOOOOO! *Runs up and grabs her hand.* Who did this to you?

Nurse Joy: They did

Kalas & Lucius: Yup, it was us

Brock: You'll pay! Go Onix!

*Onix gets destroyed by Metal Claw. Flamethrowered Brock into a firetruck, big booms, Boulder Badge lands at Kalas' feet and he picks it up.*

Kalas: Well that was lame. Let's go kill more Mankeys

Lucius: Don't you mean Team Rocket?

Kalas: Once we're done, it'll be the same result.

Ok, now what you came here for, an actual chapter, so let's get this going!....oh yeah, I also started it with a lame skit about spamming my own thread and being afraid....of...mods....deleting me......huh

Chapter 5: The dark flame spreads

The trainers along Route 3 were young, inexperienced battlers, but even they knew to stay out of the way of an angry looking scarred Charmeleon, despite the little boy that lead it. Kalas followed the route up to Mt Moon, until one trainer, braver or dumber than the rest no one knew, went up to him.

"Hey kid, you'd better stay away. Mt Moon has Team Rocket in it, so it's no place for little babies to go." He said smugly. He appeared to be a tall boy in his early teens, judging by the few spots of acne on his face. He had but 3 pokeballs on his waste, but to be fair, it was two more than Kalas.

"I will say this only once. Get out of my way, or burn like the rest." Kalas responded in a low tone. Undisturbed in the slightest bit, the trainer held back a laugh and placed his hand on Kalas' shoulder, moving to push him back the way he came.

"Look kid, why don't you let the better trainers handle this? Don't worry, you go home and play with your stuffed animals and I'll go beat up the bad guys like your favorite heroes, how does that sound?" Though he pushed lightly, Kalas refused to move. Slightly annoyed, the teen pushed harder, causing Kalas to stumble back into Lucius. Oh, that made him mad.

"Go home you say? My home is gone. Gone in flames. But I'd be more than happy to show it to you. Lucius?" Kalas turned his head to the Charmeleon and gave a nod. Lucius stepped up and before the teen could pull out a pokeball, was instantly set ablaze by a Flamethrower. The teen screamed out in agony, dropping onto the ground and rolling around frantically to try and put out the fire enveloping him. Kalas turned his head to the watching trainers, to which they threw up their arms and backed off. Kalas gave a slight nod to them and proceeded onto the entrance of Mt Moon.

"How goes the project to steal the fossils?" Giovanni's voice sounded from a radio, held by one of his rocket grunts.

"We're moving in on the scientist as we speak. Men have secured every hiding spot and blocked it off. The only way for him to leave is to go out to Cerulean, and we have a man there right now sir. We will not fail under these conditions." The grunt replied dutifully.

"Excellent work. If we are to hope to succeed in out final mission, prehistoric pokemon would be a great asset to us. Report when your mission is finished. Giovanni out." And with that, the radio went silent. The grunt clipped it to his belt and started making his way from the entrance, when he noticed the cave was brighter than before. Moving deeper into the cave to see if it was the sun or not, the light still shined, following him from behind. Grabbing his whip in one hand and a pokeball in the other, he turned around, only to see a little boy and a Charmeleon.

"Hey kid, get lost. Team Rocket is doing important stuff right now, so take a hike before I have to hurt you." He threatened. Yet, the only responce he got from the boy was laughter. A sick, twisted laugh that sent chills down his spine. He was about to let loose his pokemon, but before he could the ball was shot out of his grasp, his hand burning hot from the fire attack that did it. He looked at the boy once more, now slightly in fear.

"Hey wait, you were suppose to battle! That's the rules, you battle and then you leave!" He said, fear creeping into his voice. The boy slowly drew near, a sweet and innocent smile on his face.

"Oh no, I can't call this a battle. We're not here to battle. We're here for a massacre." He said joyfully. With a snap, the Charmeleon pounced onto the grunt, clawing away at him.

"Point B calling Point A.....hello? Point B calling Point A, do you copy?" The grunt grew further and further annoyed at the lack of responce, until finally the radio buzzed to life.

"Point A here. Where are you? Please tell me, I need to find you." But the voice was not that of his fellow grunt. It kind of sounded like a little kid to him.

"Hey, who is this?" He asked.

"Hows about you don't worry about that. Just tell me where you are." The boy said impatiently.

"What happened to the rocket that had this radio?"

"Oh, don't worry. He doesn't need it anymore. He's dead now. Lying in a bloody mess on the cave floor. It looks so satisfying. But don't worry. We're coming for you next!" And with that, the radio went silent once again. Now the only sound the grunt could hear were a pair of tiny footsteps heading towards him. Looking around, he saw a little boy with a Charmeleon. The Charmeleon's claws, however, were dripping a dark red liquid onto the cave floor. If the grunt was right, that was all there was left of the last grunt. The boy raised his arm and pointed at him, and gave a simple, short order.

"He's next. Have your fun"
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