07-09-2005, 02:18 AM
Here are the basic Posting Rules that apply in this forum:
You are free to link to other sites as long as you don't do it for the sole purpose of advertising.
You are also free to post messages in two languages: Greek/Ελληνικά and English; any other language is not allowed for communication reasons. Greek are allowed in the Greek Corner/Ελληνική Γωνιά and some other, specific threads.
Use of latin characters for writing greek words (Greeklish) is prohibited.
- Do not SPAM. Which means, do not post pointless things. Posts with less than 10 words are considered spam and may be deleted by Mods/Admins. Spamming is allowed in the Spam Corner, yet your posts must follow the rest of the rules even there.
- Do not ask for things that can be easily found in the site.
- Do not make single line posts; this is not a chatroom. Use our chatroom or shoutbox instead.
- Do not make off-topic posts.
- Do not open a new thread if it doesn't promote discussion.
- Do not open any "A or/vs B" threads.
- Do not use too many smileys.
- Do not use post-icons unless you have permission from a moderator or administrator.
- Do not post "liek zis" or "l1k3 7h15" or "LIKE THIS".
- Do not ask for illegal material such as ROMs and MP3s.
- Do not open threads or post about illegal material such as ROMs and MP3s.
- Do not show disrespect to Mods or Admins.
- Do not mini-mod. If there's a post disrespecting the rules, don't yell at the poster, just use the "Report Post" button (bottom right corner of the post).
- Do not double post.
- Do not use inappropriate language in your posts. Swearing is inappropriate language.
- Do not try to take advantage of a hole in the rules.
- Behave, behave, behave.
- Learn how to use http://www.google.com .
You are free to link to other sites as long as you don't do it for the sole purpose of advertising.
You are also free to post messages in two languages: Greek/Ελληνικά and English; any other language is not allowed for communication reasons. Greek are allowed in the Greek Corner/Ελληνική Γωνιά and some other, specific threads.
Use of latin characters for writing greek words (Greeklish) is prohibited.