Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: The three Happy Friends
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Pages: 1 2
Very funny. The sheer cold rules
I got to agree with JimLink....
i will be..... the hero who will save the happy three friends Smile
Sceptilina was the best! lol
I wonder what would happen if she find a Venusaur or a Vileplume... Hehe, just imagine she being paralyzed by Vileplume´s Stun Spore while she tries to pick up Vileplume´s flower head.Big Grin
Hey, why Kabuto´s glasses are not in his eyes???
Ha,ha superb, OMG.Big GrinBig GrinBig Grin
GREAT!!!!Its amazing!I like the cabuto one...Flower....Magicarp!!!!
lol, great work lucario...it is soooo funny! we are all waiting for more funny chapters!!! go on!!
magikarp use... haha go on lukario
i was thinking since this was old id make it more noticeable any way fun to help people
Pages: 1 2
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