Legendary Pokémon

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Ok, it's a work in progress. *deep breath*

Crash! I stumbled over a tree branch. I sprung up and continued running. They were getting closer. I was gathering berries in the forest when They came. As I neared a Sitrus Berry bush I heared footsteps. It was the creature. The only time I saw a creature that looked anything like this one was the night the remaining part of my family was taken on that dark, dark night . . . I was sitting with my sister in front of a magestic Oak tree. The two of us were alone. Our parents were long dead. We layed down and listened to the Pidgey chirp. Without warning, the birds burst out of the trees. Slow footsteps trudged closer. Then it appeared. The creature, more commonly known as a human, appeared with a small Voltorb in its hands. It was around 6 feet tall. It didn't have scales or feathers. It had black fur on its head though. The voltorb let out a stream of red light that took the shape of a Blastoise. The Blastoise let out a stream of water that blasted my sister. She was struck down from the blow. The human produced another Voltorb and hurled it at my sister. She was sucked into the contraption, aparently not a Pokemon. Next the pair turned to me. 'No. I won't let it take me.' The water pokemon hit me with a blast of water. Bieng a fire pokemon, I took the blow straight on. I was severly weakened, though I didn't faint as the pokemon and human expected me to. Instead, I began to glow. I felt my strength recovering as I grew in size. My tail lengthened and I felt horns sprouting from my head. I sent a flamethrower hutuling at the human. I charged at the Blastoise and sunk my teeth into its shell. cracking it. "Blastoise return." The human, obviously in pain, yelled. The Blastoise was absorbed by the Voltorb and the pair fled. I never did see my sister again. "Thump!" I jolted back to the present. I had tripped over a rock. This time before I could get up They arrived. I looked up to see a creature similar to the one that had taken my sister. This one was taller and had fair hair. In front of the creature stood a Heracross, an Octillery, and a Exploud. "Octillery, Hydro Pump. Exploud, Uproar. Heracross, Sosmic Toss." The pokemon attacked. "You're mine Houndoom!" The creature threw a Voltorb at me. 'No . . .' I protested. But it was too late. I felt the red light grab me and suck me inside. Then darkness. 'No it won't take me.' I gathered my energy and broke free of the light that held me. A Thunderbolt hurtled in my direction. I dodged it to find myself directly in the path of a blue Voltorb. This one also pulled me toward it. It was stronger than I. The ball closed around me.

I walked into Professor Lime's lab on the morning of my 13th birthday. 3 years ago, after the murders, the pokemon leauge raised the trainer age to 13. Today I was ready to start my journey. As I stepped into the lab, cool air enveloped me. I saw Professor Lime was hunched over a table. I called out to him. His face lit up as he saw me. "Darius, come in." he beconed. I walked deeper into the room. "I assume you are here for your first pokemon. Am I correct?" "Yes sir" I responded merrily. He reached out and lifted a pokeball off of a nearby counter. "Here you go." I lifted the pokeball. It felt light in my hands. "Call out your pokemon." I threw it into the air. A stream of red light emerged from the ball. It soon took the shape of a . . . Carvahna. "Awesome!" There was an explosion and where the door had been a moment ago remained smoke. I recalled Carvahna and a violent tremor shook the room. My pokeball went flying out of my hands. "I heard Professor Lime's voice among the din. " . . . I won't let you . . . You can't take the . . . Fine, though you'll have to get through me first . . . Octillery, Heracross, Exploud go . . . hydro pump . . . toxic . . . return . . . sosmic toss . . . come back . . . flamethrower . . . no . . ." throuout the chaos, I had been crawling on all fours searching for my pokeball. I grabbed the one in front of me and fled. As I left, I heard piercing screams. I bolted out the door (or at least what remained of it) and headed toward the woods.As I ran I heard the niose die down to a whisper. Then scilence. I surveyed my surroundings. Trees, trees, and more trees. 'This isn't how I wanted to begin my pokemon journey.' I held up my pokeball to one of the few spots of light in the nearly impenitrable canvas of trees. The ball I held in my hands appeared alien to me. It was blue and not a perfect sphere. 'This is odd. Oh well' "Carvanah go!" A red light flashed and Houndoom emerged.
I felt myself be released from the grasp of the light. I emerged to find a small thing similar to the one who made me a prisoner in the shape. "Who are you and where am I!" I barked. The awestruck youth looked frightened at the sound of my voice. "y-y-you c-can sp-speak human?" he stammered. "Who are you and where am I!" I repeated to it, not sure exactly what was so amazing. "I am Darius." He began a bit steadyer. "We are somewhere in the Dark Woods." I surveyed the surroundings. We were in a terratory far from my home. I had never ventured here before. I began my walk back to my terratory in the forest. "Houndoom, come back!" Darius commanded. "Why should I?" I shot back. "Because I'm your trainer. Like it or not we have to stick together." He paused, letting his words sink in. I weighed my options . . . "Hurry up then. "I called back. "We have a long way to go."
to be continued . . .[/font]
Wow! Really good!



I struggled to keep up with Houndoom. We had been walking for hours and the forest appeared unchanged. I struggled to stay at Houndoom's brisk pace. "Are we there yet?" I asked. "No! This is the 18th time you've asked in the past half hour!" He shouted back agressivly. Houndoom, without warning, stopped in the middle of a clearing. "Why did you st-" "Quiet!" Houndoom cut me off. He sniffed the air suspiciously. I, only a few paces away, gazed around the clearing. The sky was shining down on my tanned skin. This was one of the few places in the forest where the trees weren't 50 feet tall. The foliage surrounding the area was strange though. There were many trees only around 5 feet high. They appeared to be mostly bark with a few clumps of leaves. Wait a second, these trees look farmiliar. Now I remember! These aren't plants there- "Run!" exclamed Houndoom, taking off toward the dense foliage. I followed close behind. We were almost out of the clearing when the Suddowoddo attacked us!
Pretty good! I started reading this site´s fanfics today...
I loved you showing how the pokémon was seeing the situations too! Congrats! Wink
Pretty good story lionpaw! Keep on writing!
I half-expected this to be a dissapointment.
Well, I've been wrong before. Keep it up!
i will read it later but i would not expect any more posts here because that person hasnt posted for 3 years now sorry to disapoint you and if any of you admins find this its time to lock and archive it.
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