CombuskenEM Wrote:whenever he posts it lol, btw nice display image
he should hurry! and i assume you're talking about my new avatar, so thanks
Sorry about the delay.I had problems with my computer so I couldn't visit the forum.Now, because I am late, I will let you create a combination of any two non legendary pokemon of the same type and post it.Good luck!
i made mine!
Name: Neurados( -neura is from meganeura, what yanmega is based off of, -dos from ariados)
Species: Darner Spider
Type: Bug/ Flying
Ability: Tinted Lens/ Swarm
Moves: Bug Bite, Steel Wing, Wing Attack, Roost
Name: Sudorith
Species: Old Imitation Pokemon
Type: Rock/Bug
Ability: Sturdy/Rock Armor
Moves: Mimic, Fury Cutter, Slash, Hammer arm
Name: N/A (too bored to think of one now...
Species: Dark Fox Pokémon
Type: Dark
Ability: Pressure / Synchronise
Moves: Swords Dance - Shadow Ball - Night Slash - Destiny Bond
I dunno why but I love this sprite!
I hope it can be three pokemon, if it can be three i used sableye mismagius and shuppet
if it HAS to be two then i used Mismagius and Shuppet
All of your Pokemon are great!CombuskenEM's Pokemon though was the BEST combination.He just found the two Pokemon that could be combined best (The competition was for two Pokemon).The other Pokemon had nothing bad and actually they were all very good but CombuskenEM's Pokemon was a step forward for me.
next contest please ^_^
Well, let's see what happens if Pinsir and Scyther fuse!
Yes you can... I hope...
this is what happens when you fuse them =P
here is my entry
I call it Scyinsir
Bug/Ground type
Levitate ability
If I could enter, here is my entry:
It's called Tinpsyhech..
(I've no inspiration)
008xtreme's sprite has better colours but it is technically worse than CombuskenEM's Pokemon, so CombuskenEM wins once again.Many of our members are on vacations so the next competition will take place only when we will have at least three entries.
CombuskenEM wanted another competition and here it is:You have to combine two of the legendary birds (Zapdos, Moltres, Articuno).If you want to take part post here.Remember that we need three entries at least or else we have no competition.