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I can't imagine the concept of it.Usually the effects of a move have a specific concept.For example I can understan the concept of Brick Break destroying Reflect and Light Screen...
do you know that before the 3 regi s the rock , ice and steel pokemons had always and a second type
Actually not... Sudowoodo is rock-only, Mawile is steel-only and Snorunt/Glalie are ice-only
But I don´t know if Mawile, Snorunt and Glalie count, since they´re in the same same generation as the Regis.
Did you know that Vista sp1 expires on June 30 2008?
Did you know that, contrary to popular belief, Eevee doesn´t must to be trained near to moss rock or ice rock to evolve to Leafeon or Glaceon (respectively)?
If you train Eevee anywhere of Eterna Forest it will evolve to Leafeon, and when Eevee is trained anywhere of the Route where Ice Rock is (I forgot which one xD), it´ll evolve to Glaceon.
Did you know that according to most theories the odds of capturing Celebi in R/S/E are 1/1,000,000,000 chances?However some players insist of having captured it!
Hey, Kalas, so how can you catch it there anyway?
It is said that it would appear at a random battle in route 121 or 123 due to the game loading wrong hex values and other stuff that I can't understand 100%. But I actually don't believe it.
do you know that all the profs. have a tree for name?Oak Elm...
Did you know :
1)That Blaziken is far stronger than Mudkip's evolutions? -kill with double kick-
2)That Salamence can be deafeted by a 49lved pokemon with a shock wave?
3)That Sydney doesnt use items -usually he hasnt got time,he is being deafeted
4)That Loppuny should have a male-evolution?If it is a male Buneary and it evolves into Lopunny,it is silly.
5)The same goes for a female machop -ZOMG a female Machoke I have one and it is SO freaky! :bliah:-
We talked about this Machop thing on the "which pokemon should have (pre-)evolutions) thread.
Did you know that Leafeon is the only eevolution with a bad SDef?
you knew that the elements fire grass and water from a triangle with each other because one kills the other.
but, did you know that there are 14 more such triangles???
(examples: fighting-dark-psychic, water-ground-electric and so on...)
Did you know that your Nincada won´t evolve to Shedinja, in IV generation, if you don´t have a Poke Ball on your bag? Even if you have a room for it on your team and many balls, but no Poke Ball, a Shedinja won´t appear!
Did you know that 635 Japanese children were admitted to hospitals with convulsive epileptic seizures.It was determined that the seizures were caused by watching an episode of Pokémon.
Did you know that Xaralampos ate croissant .
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