07-09-2005, 02:21 AM
Here are the signature rules (yes, they are quite strict):
You cannot have a signature before reaching 3 posts.
You are free to link to your site or sites you like in your signature as long as the description text is not advertising them; the internet is meant for links anyway.
Also make sure that your signature/avatar images are appropriate for the level of this forum; any innapropriate images will not be tolerated and will result in a permanent ban.
- No more than 1/one images per signature.
- No more than 2/two smilies per signature.
- No more than 5/five links per signature.
- No more than 5/five line breaks per signature.
- No more than
150x50400x100 pixels per image. - No more than 80 Kilobytes per image.
You cannot have a signature before reaching 3 posts.
You are free to link to your site or sites you like in your signature as long as the description text is not advertising them; the internet is meant for links anyway.
Also make sure that your signature/avatar images are appropriate for the level of this forum; any innapropriate images will not be tolerated and will result in a permanent ban.