Legendary Pokémon

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I suspect that there is going to be a G/S/C remake for Nintendo DS as happened with FR/LG. That would be great, wouldn't it?
No way. I think Emerald was the last pkmn game for GB.
Ummm, The Creator didn't say anything about making a new pkmn game for GB but for Nintendo DS..Smile
It would be really nice if they do it. I would love to hear a remake of some songs, like goldenrod or gym leader battle ones.^^

Hey, and how about a game that has all the regions? Like, g/s/c had Kanto and Johto...
You mean a game that will have Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Orre, Fiore?
And all the other regions that may exist Toungue
that would be cool. they should make that be the last pokemon game, if they even stop.
It's a bit offtopic, but imagine starting from Kanto, then going to Johto, after that to Hoenn and finaly finishing in Sinnoh. And what if there were opional regions like Orre and Fiore, and in each game we could find all legendaries.
not all legendaries., i like having event pokemon. i think they should make enough games to have every type eeveelution, making 2 or 3 every game, then finishing off with a game where you start like where you say. if they do make a remake, i think they should make the pokemon league like in the anime, like a tournament.
Yes I've also thought of that. Like a tournament with 5 rounds.
i was thinking more like 7. lol. that would be fun. and they could have like the field come up like on the anime too.
to be honest I never liked G/S/C.I prefer like a thousand times better red.G/S/C were the cassetes of a "more than average" portable video game console,with new cappabilities such as more colors.Because they tried to use the new capabilities to the maximum the game was not that good.It's like,you know,when you are trying so hard for sth,sth artistic preferably,and because you try very much it just becomes very boring and common.I'd rather see a red for ds (WITH THE GLITCHES OF THE OLD RED).so,no G/S/C remakes for me.trash them.Go read a book or something!!
Another thing I've just discovered is this http://www.serebii.net/battle/battlepass.shtml .
They are the pokemon battle revolution battle passes. See at the end where it says that Gold/Silver Pass:To Be Revealed...

EDIT: I've also found this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_eBas5ZjvE (I don't know if it's real Sad).
Imo, the GSC was the best era. 16 badges, a Battle Tower in Crystal, Ash (Red) waiting to be battled in that Mt. Silver and that great storyline really made me play them for hours. A remake would be great, and Nintendo should make one if they want to attract some old players.

(Btw, if the video is real, I wanna shout "YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!" Toungue)
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