Legendary Pokémon

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They both suck.So,Umbreon just because it's Dark (my 2nd favourite type)
Ninetales VS Hydreigon (My 2 favourites.Also,I think Ninetales should be retyped.He deserves Fire/Ghost or Fire/Dark)
Ninetales. Hydreigion is 4X weak to Jigglypuff.

Zoroark vs. Dragonite?
Entei vs Suicune vs. Raikou
@Alcovich Proof or never happened.

North Pole VS South Pole
South Pole because of Penguins!

North America vs South America
South America because of Argentina.
Athens VS Thessaloniki (Greece's 2 biggest cities)

Groudon vs. Kyogre
Groudon.Because Invictus (a friend of mine.Not from the forums) told me that ''Ubers is Kyogre and *ahem*''
Mewtwo or Ninjomewtwo?
Er... Mewtwo?

Top hat vs. cowboy hat?
Cowboy hat.
Hyper Beam or Giga Impact?
Hyper Beam

GTS vs GTS Negotiations.
Wi Fi Club
(GTS is full of hacks and GTS negotiations is not that good.I mean you only have 4 emoticons to show your opinion about the other's Pokemon.At least in Wi Fi Club you trade with a person you know)
PokeGen,PokeSav,AR or RNG?
(I choose RNG because it's not hacking and it's even allowed in tournaments)
I am always exactly one generation behind on Pokemon games. The fates will not let me buy a newer Pokemon game. Therefore, I dunno.

Same question.

Articuno vs Zapdos vs Moltres
Welcome to the club

Zapdos,for not having 4X against Stealth Rock
Lucario VS Weavile
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