Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Banned Pokemon Episodes
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About the guns:Remember how many times kids have taken their parents' guns and started shooting.Showin something like this in a show that is rated for ages of 3+ is ot a good idea.
So good ordinary people can´t have guns in my country!Toungue
The bests episodes are bannedSadSadSadToungue
I agree with John
james is tr*v*sty.LOOOOOL!!!!
Ι have an question...why the porygon episode was banned?


Many episodes of pokemon were banned. But I had watched the banned episodes on Youtube. The banned episodes were really good.
Do you think that theese episodes is real?
I think is fan made....LOL as MISTY+ASH+MAY=***
I think that is strumpy fake...Or mistakes ....mistakes to the plans its okey but at language like saying bit**....mustaine2:angel:LOL
hm it seems that they are tottaly real....

And they are the bests episodes(except this with Porygon)......

Cause you don't see everyday James with.........(you know) or Ash targered by a gun.
My favorite banned episode is in the Johto series Ice cave i think when a Jynx kisses Brock XD τρελη φαση
that was my fave episode to it was so funny i almost couldnt catch my breathXDXDXD
The episodes that are banned are those:1)Episode 18:beauty and the beach.Reason for banning:this episode was banned because they gave James clevage so he could win the contest.2)Episode 35:the legend of dratini.Reason of banning:This episode was banned because of over use of a projectile weapon(a gun),other episodes use guns but none involve firing of guns towards other people.3)Episode 38:electric soldier porygon.Reason for banning:This is the most famous of the banned episodes.It is banned everywhere in the world including japan.During the episode when ash and co are with porygon and cyber space,missiles get fired at them from team Rocket.Pikachu blasts the missiles with Thunderbolt causing a flashing of red and blue which put 800 Japanese children into hospital with epileptic seizures.After this the show was put on a 4month hiatus and was almost tottaly banned with nintendo to be blamed for it.4)Episode 252:The ice cave.Reason for banning:The first episode in almost 4years that was banned made people think why was this episode banned.This episode was banned due to some people having a problem with Jynx being a "racial stereotype" and since Jynx was prominently in these episodes,they decides not to air it.5)Episode 377:shaking island battle!barboach vs whiscash!!.Reason for banning:The most recent episode has not been aired anywhere in the world,not even Japan.It was originally postponed due to massive earthquakes in the area and since it features Whiscash making earthquakes it would have been bad taste.However this episode was scheduled for a further Japanese showing but didn't air.Now it has come to the US airing and it again has been skipped. Source:serebii Yes at last i wrote all this because it didn't work copy past Smile
Thanks to fansubs you can finally enjoy the banned episode with Jame's boobs with english subtitles. For those who don't know where to download it sent me a pm.

And speaking for WeBelieveYourKidsAreStupit Entertainment...uuuuuuuuum, I mean, 4Kids Entertainment:
My reaction:
[Image: 2mgtgue.jpg]
I remember looking at a bunch of banned episodes. There was this one that I heard gave people seizures, but I also heard it was a good episode. Even though I don't have epilepsy, I get nervous about seizure-prone stuff, so I never watched it. :l
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