Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Which pokemon should have (pre)evolutions?
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Junx? I'll forgive it because those two keys are beside each other.ou're right, Jinx does need to evolve
To answer your question, KALAS RAY, the Gyarados evolution could be a Dragon-Ice Pokemon. Opinion?
No. Gyarados would lose both it's original attributes, and that never happens. The closest thing to that was when Pupitar, rock/ground evolves into Tyranitar, rock
Never mind. Sheesh!
I believe all Pokemon but legendaries should evolve at least once.
I though Alomomola would be the evolution of Luvdisc and Buffalon would be the evolution of Tauros.
I also believe Nageki and Dageki (not sure of English names yet) will eventually be like Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan (if theres a 6th gen) where they both evolve from the same Pokemon. I also believe something similar would be true for Plusle and Minun and Volbeat and Illumise.
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