Legendary Pokémon

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This is my Fan Fic thread.
The Pokemon High.
It wil include all me friendsenmies,random people,whatever.

Finished Chaps:

"Okay!Compusken!Come on!!!"
"Combusken,Blaze Kick!Go!"
"Haunter,wake up!"
"Wake up!!!!"

Phoevos opened his eyes.He saw his mother.
"Uuuh...What is happening..What time is it?.." Phoevos said with a sleepy tone.
"It's 7.00.Time for school"
Phoevos rushed from his bed.He got ready,and left.
"Wow..First day in High School..This is amazing...." He said to himself.
Then,Harry,his childhood friend joined him.
"Hey Phoevos!How are you?"
"Fine.Have you got any informations about the new classmates?"
"Yeah,and you will like them.I heard that 4 girls are coming."
"Sweet!" Phoevos exclaimed.
"Also,you can bring Pokemon"
"I knew that.And look!"
Phoevos took out his Pokeball.
A red flashing light came out of the Pokeball.It took Flare's body shape.
"Busken!" Flare said happily.

After a while,Phoevos arrived in class.
He saw some friends of him.
"Okay!All of you.Go to the training room QUIETLY" The teacher said.
"What is the Training Room?" Phoevos said seriously.
They all bursted laughing.
"The training room is a battle arena.You will battle others here" The teacher said looking Phoevos exclaimed.

In the way,Phoevos,Harry,Cody and Steve were chatting
"You acted a bit dumb in class" Steve said
"Why,I just asked him?What's the big deal?" Phoevos yelled
"Hey,hey,hey.Stop.Let's change topic.Do you like the girl behind us?" Cody asked me.
Phoeos turned back.He saw a beautiful girl with brown eyes and straight brown hair.Not something rare,but she had something attractive.
Phoevos didn't talk.He was speechless.

They arrived.The board that we will see with who we are battling turned on.He saw himself.The challenger was...Domna!
"Who?" Was Phoevos' first reaction.
"The girl that was behind us to the way here" Harry told him.
"DAMN!" Phoevos shouted
"Why,do you like her?" Steve said with a wicked tone.
"No!I just don't want to battle girls." Phoevos said to a bit embarassed.
"Or people you are in love with." Cody said with the same voice tone as Steve's.
"WILL YOU SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU??" Phoevos yelled and the whole class laughed.
"Okay!The next battle!Phoevos!Come on!" The Judge said.
He stepped there.
"Domna!Come on!" The judge shouted.
She stepped aside.
Chapter I

"Hey!Get on stage,Ivysaur!" Domna shouted and the Grass Pokemon came out of the Pokeball.
"Ivysaur?Ok.Turtwig,go!" Phoevos yelled and Turtwig came out.
"Ivysaur!Vine Whip!"
"Turtwig!Avoid it with Agilty!"
The small turtle Pokemon dodged the attack with agileness.
"Ivysaur,Stun Spore!"
Turtwig was fully paralyzed.It couldn't move.
"Faint it with Razor Leaf!" Domna ordered Ivysaur
The attack was sucessful.
"Sunny Day Ivysaur!" Domna shouted to Ivysaur
"Thanks!Solarbeam,Turtwig!!!" Phoevos yelled.
"Ivysaur fainted.Turtwig wins." The Judge said.
"Come on out Luvdisc" Domna shouted.
"What the hell?I'll stay with Turtwig" Phoevos said.
"Fight!" The judge yelled.
"Turtwig!Leech Seed!"
"Luvdisc!Dive to dodge it!"
Luvdisc dived.Turtwig didn't know where it is.
"NOW!" Domna yelled.
Luvdisc came out.
"And follow with Ice Beam!" She ordered Luvdisc.
"Damn!" Phoevos shouted.
Turtwig had fainted.
"Turtwig is unable to battle.Luvdisc is the winner" The judge said.
"Go Flare!" Phoevos said and his Combusken came out.
"Luvdisc!Quick Attack!" She said.
"Flare,use Sky Uppercut!"
The two attacks were tied.
"Flare,Ember!" He shouted.
Luvdisc took the damege.
"Luvdisc,Water Pulse!"
THe atttack dealed a lot of damage to Combusken.
The attack went by the wrong way.Flare was confused!
"Faint it with Surf!"
Combusken is unable to battle.Luvdisc is the winner.Domna won the battle" The judge said.
"Holy s**t!" Phoevos yelled.
Chapter II

Phoevos was in the break time,with Cody and Harry.

"Damn...I can't believe this.." Phoevos said angrily.
"Hey,Phoevos.Calm down.It's only a loss." Cody said to Phoevos
"No!It's a terrible loss!!!I lost from a newbie.Can you understand it?" He said.
"I can understand that you're also a newbie.Plus,you're very stubborn" Cody said and his tone was getting more and more angry.
"Hey guys.Stop.Why don't we talk about Ice-Cream flavours?" Harry said.
"Eh???Harry,are you thirteen or eight now???" Cody exclaimed to Harry.
"Thirteen.But there's a new flavour.Blood." Harry said to us.
"TALK ME 'BOUT IT!!!!" Phoevos told him.

The break time finished.We went to our classes.
We saw Rory,with a broken nose.

"Who did this?" The teacher shouted.
"Phoevos,Harry and Cody did it sir!" Archie,my worst enemy said
"Did they do it?" The teacher asked Rory
Rory couldn't speak.
"I'll trust you Archie.You three!What were you doing on the break time?"The teacher said.
"Speaking." Cody said.
"For what?How to break Rory's nose?" The teacher yelled.
"No.About Ice cream flavours." Phoevos said.
"I don't believe you.You three!Stay out!" The teacher said.

We went outside the class.
"Crap..And now?" Harry said desperately.
"I have an idea..." Cody said.
Very nice one, you have a great tallent. But you must correct some minor-mistakes.
Nice!Big Grin
Thanks guys.
I'll keep your instructions,Birch.
Ok Smile I can't wait to read the next part.
it reminds me some tv series for teenagers Toungue
Chapter I

"Hey!Get on stage,Ivysaur!" Domna shouted and the Grass Pokemon came out of the Pokeball.
"Ivysaur?Ok.Turtwig,go!" Phoevos yelled and Turtwig came out.
"Ivysaur!Vine Whip!"
"Turtwig!Avoid it with Agilty!"
The small turtle Pokemon dodged the attack with agileness.
"Ivysaur,Stun Spore!"
Turtwig was fully paralyzed.It couldn't move.
"Faint it with Razor Leaf!" Domna ordered Ivysaur
The attack was sucessful.
"Sunny Day Ivysaur!" Domna shouted to Ivysaur
"Thanks!Solarbeam,Turtwig!!!" Phoevos yelled.
"Ivysaur fainted.Turtwig wins." The Judge said.
"Come on out Luvdisc" Domna shouted.
"What the hell?I'll stay with Turtwig" Phoevos said.
"Fight!" The judge yelled.
"Turtwig!Leech Seed!"
"Luvdisc!Dive to dodge it!"
Luvdisc dived.Turtwig didn't know where it is.
"NOW!" Domna yelled.
Luvdisc came out.
"And follow with Ice Beam!" She ordered Luvdisc.
"Damn!" Phoevos shouted.
Turtwig had fainted.
"Turtwig is unable to battle.Luvdisc is the winner" The judge said.
"Go Flare!" Phoevos said and his Combusken came out.
"Luvdisc!Quick Attack!" She said.
"Flare,use Sky Uppercut!"
The two attacks were tied.
"Flare,Ember!" He shouted.
Luvdisc took the damege.
"Luvdisc,Water Pulse!"
THe atttack dealed a lot of damage to Combusken.
The attack went by the wrong way.Flare was confused!
"Faint it with Surf!"
Combusken is unable to battle.Luvdisc is the winner.Domna won the battle" The judge said.
"Holy s**t!" Phoevos yelled.
you should become a cartoon writer!
Shiny Mew Wrote:you should become a cartoon writer!
Thanks from the depths of my heart.

Chapter II is coming tomorrow,so stay tuned!
Well, that's pretty good but imo you should be describing the battles better, like describe the movements of the Pokémon, the reactions of the trainers (like saying "Phoevos shouted at his opponent...", etc.), what the spectators of the battle (if any) say, etc. If you look at your chapter, it is like two people giving commands and a judge just saying a line. Add some words/phrases and it will be excellent. Anyway, I am curious about how you are going to continue it.
ninjomewtwo Wrote:Well, that's pretty good but imo you should be describing the battles better, like describe the movements of the Pokémon, the reactions of the trainers (like saying "Phoevos shouted at his opponent...", etc.), what the spectators of the battle (if any) say, etc. If you look at your chapter, it is like two people giving commands and a judge just saying a line. Add some words/phrases and it will be excellent. Anyway, I am curious about how you are going to continue it.
Ok,thanks NM.
It's pretty cool.I like it.
realy nice! i like it verry much!
Thanks guys.
Sorry for not writing my next chapter,I was grounded Toungue
Bad boy BM,bad boy XDDD
Sorry for 2ble posting.Here's the Chapter:
Chapter II

Phoevos was in the break time,with Cody and Harry.

"Damn...I can't believe this.." Phoevos said angrily.
"Hey,Phoevos.Calm down.It's only a loss." Cody said to Phoevos
"No!It's a terrible loss!!!I lost from a newbie.Can you understand it?" He said.
"I can understand that you're also a newbie.Plus,you're very stubborn" Cody said and his tone was getting more and more angry.
"Hey guys.Stop.Why don't we talk about Ice-Cream flavours?" Harry said.
"Eh???Harry,are you thirteen or eight now???" Cody exclaimed to Harry.
"Thirteen.But there's a new flavour.Blood." Harry said to us.
"TALK ME 'BOUT IT!!!!" Phoevos told him.

The break time finished.We went to our classes.
We saw Rory,with a broken nose.

"Who did this?" The teacher shouted.
"Phoevos,Harry and Cody did it sir!" Archie,my worst enemy said
"Did they do it?" The teacher asked Rory
Rory couldn't speak.
"I'll trust you Archie.You three!What were you doing on the break time?"The teacher said.
"Speaking." Cody said.
"For what?How to break Rory's nose?" The teacher yelled.
"No.About Ice cream flavours." Phoevos said.
"I don't believe you.You three!Stay out!" The teacher said.

We went outside the class.
"Crap..And now?" Harry said desperately.
"I have an idea..." Cody said.

You will have to wait till the next chapter Wink.
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