open:sry 3ereis palia ki egw eblepa dragonball
closed:sru 3ereuw palia ki egw eblrpa deagonbsll
better than ever!!!
Open: *pokes, because thats an english thread and not a greek thread.
Closed: *o9oikes bevause thatys an english thrad and not a ghreek thrad.
-_- ^
Open: So what?
Closed: So what? :O
Dammit, one letter off...
open:sry but I didn' t mean to offend you
closed: sry but i didk]g meah to offens you
Open: My roserade pwns
Closed: My rosretade pwns
open:i love my shiny espeon
closed:i love mr shinr espeun
WOW!!! Just 4 letters!
Open: I love my legit Modest Movie Darkrai
Closed: I locw m legit m,oest faleAI
open: how many pokemon have you caught?
closed:how mane pokemon faje you cauyot/
so close...
Open: A lot
Closed: A lot
(Duh, if I missed a 4-letter phrase I would suck...)
Open:You suck anyways
Closed:You suck anyways
see it's so easy,all you have to do is to keep your eyes open,ffs.
open:legendary pokemon
closed:legendary pokemon
billaros Wrote:all you have to do is to keep your eyes open,ffs.
Closed: That's why you suck,
There's not even need to post what I wanted to write ^^ Dammit, I wrote the whole phrase but put a , instead of .
open: re, dont spam or else i'll sue you!
Closed: re, dont spam or else i'll suje you!
Open: I completed the National Dex on LG.
Closed: I completed the narional dex on LF.
Almost. :F