Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Larvitar
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Hi, could anyone tell me where I can see a Larvitar in Pokémon Pearl? I mean, one that is being used by another Trainer. I want to trade a Bagon for one over the GTS.
You can find a wild Larvitar in route 207.
Yes, but only in Diamond. Patience has Pearl. I don't think there's a trainer with Larvitar in the game though. If you want Patience I can trade you a Larvitar. Adamant and with Dragon Dance too. Wink
All right, that would be great! Thank you! But, what would you like in return?
He's offline. I can trade you a Tyranitar 100lv with dragon dance Smile
If you had a FR/LG version, it was just to transfer it.Toungue
You're right, but I don't... Thanks for the tip, though. And Fr3quency, no thanks. Ninjomewtwo's offer is fine, since I'll breed the Larvitar anyway.
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