Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Teddy's Adventures.
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Chapter One
I woke up early on the morning 0f 3-28-2004. It was my Tenth Birthday and my mom was taking me to Pallet town from my home town of Cerulean City. As I arrived in the small little town, I raced to the Pokemon Center as fast as my legs could carry me, leaving my mom behind in the dust. I thought about all the Pokemon that appeared around Cerulean City, Spearow, Rattata, Ekans, Oddish, The occasional Abra or Mankey. Instead the Pokemon available were Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Charmander. To get to the Point, I chose Charmander and nicknamed him Fire, the name sounds childish, but the name stuck. My mom sadly told me that in order to become a great trainer, she had to let me travel to Cerulaen City by myself, she gave me some supply's, money and drove away.

Chapter Two
As I traveled through Viridian Forest, I met many Trainers and Battled them all, but they were to easy compared to Fire(My Charmander). Then after a while I made it out of the Forest, I saw Pewter City, I challenged a Trainer as soon as I arrived there, and in the proccess Fire learned Metal Claw. The new attack made me realize That I could face Brock, without a total defeat. 2 hours later after, after I restocked on Items, I decided to Challenge Brock, the Rock type specialist. The 1st pokemon he sent out was sudowoodo. Charmander used metal claw and it was a direct hit. But Sudowoodo used mimic and Fire got nocked back. Fire used ember and while sudowoodo used mimic again Fire came around and used Metal Claw. Sudowoodo was down and out. Next, Brock sent out, Croagunk. Crougunk used a powerful Poison Jab, and was met by Fire's Metal Claw. The hit caused dirt to fly in different directions, Croagunk the used Poison Sting which was met by Fire's Ember. Ember overpowered the Poison Sting and Croagunk. Finally Brock Sent out the enormous Steelix. Steelix tried an Iron Tail which was met by Fire's Metal Claw, but the Iron Tail was To Powerful. It looked anout over for Fire. But then Fire started glowing White (But wasn't evolving) Steelix used Dragonbreath, then Hyper Beam then a Powerful Double-Edge, if it wasn't over earlier it was now. Fire was using Bide the Whole Time! Fire released the Bide that nocked out Steelix in one hit! I had finally won my First Badge, the Boulder Badge!!!

Chapter Three
As I headed down Route 3, admiring my new badge I noticed many people gathering around a small pond. I joined the crowd and noticed a Totodile unconscious on a rock in the pond while people were just staring at it, I quickly swam over to the helpless Totodile and brought it to the Pokemon Center, suprisingly without anyone trying to take it from me. After it was healed, I challenged it to a battle. I sent out Fire who used Scratch which hit Totodile, then he used Scratch, right back then Fire used metal Claw, Totodile Flinched. I then threw a Pokeball at it and it was... caught. I nicknamed it Chomby and moved on my way.
it's quite good but it's similar to the game.(same cities...)
Continue the story and i think it's going to get better.

It´s looking good, but it can be improved.Wink
Like: try not to write everything in a single line, it´s easier to read. And could you describe better the battle and the feelings of everybody?
Hey, you´re lucky... you defeated Sudowoodo and Steelix!Toungue


Chapter Four
As I waltzed down Route 4, I noticed a town. The wierd part was I lived in Cerulean City and I didn't notice the town before. As I continued throught the city a Sign said the Town was new and that the population was 14 and to welcome to Gethalen City and that Brian Rulz. The latter was probably a prank.... They had a Mall, and a PokeCenter and a couple houses, and a Gym, and a... a Gym!

Chapter Five
I carefully crept into the Gym, cause I felt like being Stealthy. Something told me it was a Fire type Gym, probably the fact there were flames on the sides of the Gym and the sign in front said, Leader Mathew The Fire Within!
Round One:
Chomby VS Ponyta
Chomby quickly launched a Water Gun on Mathew’s Ponyta who used Quick Attack directly into the Water! The result was both pokemon were hurt pretty badly. Then Ponyta used Double Kick but Totodile Bit onto Ponyta's foot. After a deal of Flailing. Ponyta was out!
Round Two:
Chomby VS Quilava
Quilava used Flame Wheel and Chomby was out.
Round Three
Fire VS Quilava
Fire used Scratch and down on Quilava’s head. Quilava then used Aerial Ace in response. Fire then used Dragon Rage on Quilava then used growl, Quilava Flinched before it could do anything… Fire then used Scratch again and Quilava was out! I had won the Flamebody Badge! Of course it was easy, the Gym was new! But suddenly, Fire was evolving!
To be Continued...
i am very curious to see which pokemon you are going to atch next...
good work, but i must agree with aluado...try to be more emotional and describe your or even the pokemons feelings...just don trush too much...its going to be a nice story... Smile


Hi there,
I liked all the chapters of your story. Pokemon are best to link with your stories. Keep up
good work. I am curiously looking for next chapter and hope it will be better than the previous ones.
good story
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