Noctowl my favourite flying type
LuxraY...yay i got the luxray!!!!!
Yanmega...the whatever it is pokemon
OniX good luck with the wide variety that offers
(26-01-2008 01:08 AM)fr3quency Wrote: [ -> ]Ok. Here's the first pokemon: BulbasauR
[*]Do not purposely use a pokemon ending in X, just to make the next person use Xatu. If you notice that you're forcing the next person into using it, don't. Instead of say, Snorlax, pick Staryu. It has with the same result in the end without having someone waste their turn. You can use them, but if you can think of another one off the top of your head, just use it instead of being mean.
Xatu. Read the rules unless you have green hair or money.