Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: How to use mIRC.
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I hope this little guide will help anyone that cannot use IRC.

What is IRC?
For those that don't know, IRC is an acronym for “Internet Relay Chat”. The first IRC network came on line during the summer of 1988 when Jarkko "WiZ" Oikarinen created the first IRC client and server at the University of Oulu, Finland. Two years later, EFNet was brought on line, and quickly became one of the largest IRC networks. Today, there are thousands of IRC Networks, large and small.

IRC Clients
While there are a variety of IRC clients available, the focus of this guide will be the use of mIRC, a Windows based IRC client. There are many different clients available, like BitchX, XChat, Trillian, BeserIRC, Klient, ChatZilla (found in Mozilla Firefox) and even the Opera Web Browser has IRC support since version 7.50
  • Using mIRC
The first thing to do is, obviously, to download mIRC. The mIRC, at the writing of this guide, is version 6.31.

After downloading mIRC, install it. It just takes a couple of minutes. If you need help on installing mIRC, refer to the mIRC documentation, which can be found here.

Now that you've gotten mIRC downloaded and installed, it's time to start up mIRC, and get it set up so you can connect to the network we use, as well as the channel(#Legendary_Pokemon).

The first thing you will see when you start up mIRC, is the mIRC Options page.

[Image: qodd79.png]

Fill in the "Full Name", using anything you want. You can use your real name, your forum name or whatever you want.

Below that, is your "Email Address". You need to enter something, and it needs to be in the format of an email address. What you use is up to you.

Below that is "Nickname", enter in here what you want to be known as in the IRC Channel. Best thing to do here is to use your forum nick for both("Full Name" and "Nick").

[Image: 14ipw8x.png]

Don't worry, we'll show you how to register your nickname later, so only you can use it.

You can configure mIRC to connect when the program starts, or, if you become disconnected, through the “Options” option.

[Image: fn5mac.png]

Now, let's get you connected to the PurpleSurge Network. But first, we need to add the server into the server list. Click on the Servers Option.

[Image: 2s0ixaa.png]

You should see an Add button next to the IRC Server menu. Click the Add button to bring up the add server screen.
[Image: 28sodon.png]

Leave the password blank and click Add. The server is added to the server list, and is brought up when you return to the mIRC Options. To connect to the server now, click “Connect To Server”.

[Image: nmkvvo.png]

Now, mIRC will attempt to connect to the IRC Network. Once it has connected, a "favorites" list will appear. This window, will keep poping up whenever you connect to s network. If you think it's annoying, just uncheck the box at the bottom that says "Pop up favorites on connect", and then click ok to close the window.

[Image: aky1c7.png]

You should now be looking at the main mIRC window. You should see the "Message of the Day" (MOTD), server stats, your host name and other information.

[Image: 1slk6v.png]

Now, we'll join the Legendary Pokemon channel. To do this type:
/join #Legendary_Pokemon

Congratulations! You are now inside the Legendary Pokemon IRC channel. You're free to chat or do whatever you want. That is of course, as long as you follow the channel and server rules.

[Image: 20rmjia.png]
  • Ops, Halfops and Voices
You're probably asking why some people have a "~", "&", “@”, "%" or “+” next to their nicks. These symbols next to a nick represent the position of that person in the channel.

[Image: 33esnwk.png]

"~" designates the owner of the channel. In our case, Arty2. He is the only one that can kick or ban Operators and other staff.

"&" or "@" designate an Op, or Operator(Legendary Pokemon staff or people who help moderate the Legendary Pokemon IRC channel). Ops have the ability to kick users from the channel, or ban users for violations of the rules.

"%" designates a Halfop, or a Halfoperator. They have the ability to kick other users except the Operators, and, of course, the owner.

"+" designates a Vop, or a Voiced user. These people are dedicated members of the channel, who help others.
  • Registering a Nickname
The registration process for the PurpleSurge Server is very simple. First, you must tell the server that you want to register the nickname. To do this, type:

/msg NickServ REGISTER password [email]
(example: /msg NickServ REGISTER 12345 [email protected])

After using the above command you will receive an email with instructions about how to continue registration.
  • Identifying a Nick
Now, if you want to identify yourself, you must type:

/msg NickServ IDENTIFY your nick and your password
(example: /msg NickServ IDENTIFY fr3quency 12345)
  • Auto-Identify and Auto-Join
If you are using mIRC just for LegendaryPokémon channel, there's an easy way to automatically identify your nickname and join the channel. While on mIRC, hit Alt+R and go to the "Remote" tab on the box that pops up. Copy and paste the following, obviously replacing *password* with your own password:
on *:connect {
  if ( PurpleSurge isin $server ) {
    msg nickserv identify *password*
    timer 1 1 join #legendary_pokemon

[Image: 2u6k10x.png]
This guide is for HexChat 2.10.2 which at the time writing this guide is the latest version.

If you don’t know what IRC is you can check the beggining of the mIRC guide. Smile

First thing to do is download hexChat

After you are done downloading hexChat and installing it you may begin setting up the client so you can connect to our #Legendary_Pokemon IRC channel.

First thing you’ll see when opening hexChat is the server/nickname settings.

[Image: b907Y4P.jpg]

On the User Information section we have the nickname options/settings.
1. Your main nickname
2. The first alternative nickname you may use
3. The second alternative nickname you may use
4. A user name (no, it’s not a nickname)

On the Network section we have the server settings.
It’s the one you need to edit in order to connect to various servers that don’t exist on the server list of hexChat.

Time to add the server and connect to the #Legendary_Pokemon channel.

Steps to connect

Adding the server:
• Press the add button and a “New Server” text will appear.
• Type Purplesurge and press enter.

[Image: e3n6tso.jpg]

Now that we made a basic profile for the server it’s time to make the final adjustments.

Editing the server:
• Press the edit button.
• You will see “newserver/6667” on the white box. Edit or remove it and then press the “Add” button
• Type irc.purplesurge.net/6667

[Image: aWknIAk.jpg]

• In the “Autojoin channels” tab press Add and type #Legendary_Pokemon then press enter (yes, the hashtag is needed). You will join the channel automatically when you connect to the server.

[Image: 5VTt5vr.jpg]

Press close and that’s it. You are done adding/editing the server.
You may now press connect.

Congratulations, you are now connected in the #Legendary_Pokemon channel.
We wish you have fun with us and don’t forget to check the rules.

[Image: WNgJ98Z.jpg]

• Ops, Halfops and Voices
You're probably asking why some people have colours next to their nicks. These colours next to a nick represent the position of that person in the channel.

Orange designates the owner of the channel. In our case, Arty2. He is the only one that can
kick or ban Operators and other staff.

Yellow-Green designate an Op, or Operator(Legendary Pokemon staff or people who help moderate the Legendary Pokemon IRC channel). Ops have the ability to kick users from the channel, or ban users for violations of the rules.

Green and Light Green designate an Op, or Operator(Legendary Pokemon staff or people who help moderate the Legendary Pokemon IRC channel). Ops have the ability to kick users from the channel, or ban users for violations of the rules.

Blue designates a Vop, or a Voiced user. These people are dedicated members of the channel, who help others.

• Registering a Nickname
The registration process for the PurpleSurge Server is very simple. First, you must tell the server that you want to register the nickname. To do this, type:

/msg NickServ REGISTER password [email]
(example: /msg NickServ REGISTER 12345 [email protected])

After using the above command you will receive an email with instructions about how to continue registration.

• Identifying a Nick
Now, if you want to identify yourself, you must type:

/msg NickServ IDENTIFY your nick and your password
(example: /msg NickServ IDENTIFY someone 12345)

• Auto-Identify
There's an easy way to automatically identify your nickname and join the channel.
In hexchat there are 2 ways to Auto-identify.

1st option
In the bottom section of the server options you can choose the “Login method”
Choose Nickserv(/nickserver + password) as the “Login method”
Now type your password and you are done.

[Image: gXQfUIq.jpg]

2nd option
In the “Connect commands” tab on the server options you can press the Add button and type: /ns identify password
(example: /ns IDENTIFY 12345)

[Image: mDjZhhh.jpg]
But remember guys, mIRC(+ possibly NoNameScript) > all. Toungue

@Grim, should I rename the thread to include the new guide in its name or are you going to make a seperate thread?
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