Legendary Pokémon

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ok, so i've played pokemon for 11 years now. and maybe i just never payed any attention to the Unown or whatever, but it hit me just the other day. what is the Unown story, are they just pokemon that look like letters or is there some side story i never caught on 2?
There's nothing special about them. The only thing that happens if you catch all of them in D/P is a cave that grows bigger, south of Veilstone. Nothing important, really.
Oh, and of course their appearence in a Pokémon movie, if you consider that important.
see thats pointless then. even now that d/p has been released, they could still make the game great, but it seems like they just want to put out the same thing to make money. the unown thing could be tied into ancient pokemon, but instead they like to skip around and have a game with no real substance. dont get wrong however, i'm like to play pokemon but jeez, GF needs to step back and really look at what they are doing
There are also "myths" about secret tasks you can accomplish by cathcing them. For example, some people claim that if you had unown C-E-L-E-B-I or M-E-W in FR/LG or Ruby/Saphire/Emerald you could catch those legendary Pokemon. In my opinion the game devellopers should really use the unowns to create a very difficult riddle that by being solved, could let us get sth extremely rare such as a Leg. Poke, rare item e.t.c...
also, in diamond/pearl if you catch all of the unowns you get all the letter seals....
I believe that they suck and they will suck forever except if sthing important happens just like Kalas said. A poke just like Regigigas the regi leader could be created a leader for unowns
i really think it's for pokedex uses only... and for fun. bad thing is all unown are considered one pokemon, even though they are different in ability and form....:C

they may be considered rare because they're only found in ruins... look like hieroglyphs, etc etc. those ruin maniacs give a big deal about it.
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