Legendary Pokémon

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I am eager to read about it, Ash! Wink
Yeah, me too Ash! I'll be more than happy to read it!
the protagonist of my story is Chris, the grandson of Drake, on of the elite 4!
Here is the sprite: [Image: 62.jpg]
The main characters in my story would be Ash and Yuna!
Right now I'm working on the Chronicles of Lucario:Universe Emergency I'll post the first paragraph of the first chapter here in English..I don't know if you would like to read the whole story so let me put the first paragraph and if you like it I'll post a thread
--Chronicles Of Lucario:Universe Emergency OR C.O.L.U.E
-PART 1-

The sun rises...
Lucario opens his eyes...he gets up and walks towards the big green path between in the million trees of the forest...
Lucario:The Hadou is in me...
Blue wave started coming all over his body...He sees everything and senses a foe hiding in a tree...He is ready to battle!Some leafs moved in the tree and a wild Weavile came out!It started a quick attack to hit Lucario
Lucario uses detect...he rolls over Weavile and jumps behind him.He targeted the foe...and he shooted him with a large wave energy ball
Weavile:What the...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!
Weavile fell down as it couldn't fight more...
Lucario continued his long way to his destiny.
As long as Lucario was runnig over the sea an earthquake happened!
Lucario:I have a bad feeling about this
Suddenly the ground shook again under Lucario's legs!
Lucario:It's sure that it isn't a normal earthquake
Lucario glanced as he herd sth coming!
It was....A gang of Tauros!And they were running like mad
Lucario:There must be a reason for all this...
Lucario dashed to the direction that the Tauros' were coming...
For his big surprise...he saw a clan of humas talking about the conquery of the world
Team galaxy member:This is it!After we put our base here and we have the satelite in the same direction 90' from here we will be able to summon the space and the time ruling Pokemon!And after we capture 'em...The world will be ours
Team galaxy member:Good idea but how can we capture 'em??They are the strongest pokemon
Team galaxy member:I have a plan for this too!
the Team galaxy member put his hand into his coat and he put it out with two strange balls!
Team galaxy member:What are those balls?
Team galaxy member:Those are two of the masterball prototypes!These balls will capture the Galaxy ruling pokemons!This is the end for the world!MUHAHAHHAHAAHHAA
Lucario:No if I can stop you!This is only the begginig!

-------To be continued---------
im going to make one about a tribe of seviper and a tribe of zangoose.the main characters are down below. im also currently making one about super smash bros. melee.
I used to make NINJAcomics by the title NINJAKI-CK.all sketches were stick people.and when sb died  he would not lie on the floor but...(see attachment)
well, I also used to make these NINJA comics but I stopped because the only ones who had read/seen them was billaros and me. currently we draw some comics about random things (on our desk at school - yes, I really mean it). the sketches remain stick people but now there are more people that have the chance to see them, billaros, me and the caretaker of the school!
Is it allowed to post a YGO fanfiction? (I started to write one yesterday, it will be in English) I'm asking because that's a Pokemon website.......
As long as it is something which is considered a fan fiction, then it is OK that you post it for all to see. Smile
[attachment=396] there is my main character from the attack of Deozard but nobody replies Sad
I´ll reply it later, then, if it´s in english Toungue
As you know (or not...Toungue), I´m writing a fanfic too. It´s more like another pokemon game, in a new region called Midori, but it´s really fun! Besides this one, I´ve written only another fanfic in a Saint Seiya forum.
too but its Greek Sad
Sorry, I don´t speak/read/anything greek. Sad I´m brazilian, I barely know english and spanish, besides portuguese Toungue
I know
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