Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: My shot at a hail team. RMT
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Abomasnow aka TheIceMan
Snow Warning
252 SpA/ 252 Speed
-Leech Seed
-Focus Punch

Well duh! what hail team doesn't have Abomasnow? He makes a great lead for he is relatively sturdy and packs a punch with Blizzard. He is great at blocking walls like Dusknoir.

Weavile aka IceFiend
Jolly@Expert Belt
252 Atk/ 252 Speed
-Ice Punch
-Brick Break
-Aerial Ace

He is a great physical sweeper+revenge killer. Gengars are guaranteed dead when i send in Weavile. Aerial Ace is only for Heracross and other fighting Pokemon which none of my other moves provide damage to.

Mamoswine aka Wooly
Snow Cloak
252 Attack/ 252 HP
-Ice Shard
-Stone Edge

Mamoswine is incredibly sturdy and powerful. If I have the time to Curse up Wooly becomes unstoppable especially because Snow Cloak provides constand coverage. Ice Shard makes up for my speed loss and makes flying types think twice about switching in to avoid the EQ

Froslass aka Ice Maiden
Timid@Choice Specs
Snow Cloak
252 Spe/ 252 SpA
-Shadow Ball

Froslass has unparalleled type coverage and her weak attacking strength but awesome speed makes her perfect for Specs. She downs Infernapes and any other fighting in one hit. This team lacked a special sweeper so Froslass fits her job perfectly

Cloyster aka Shiva
Shell Armor
252 Hp/ 252 Def
-Ice Shard
-Toxic Spikes
-Rapid Spin

Because Stealth Rock makes a total mockery of my team and seems laugh at it in it's face Cloyster is vital to spin away those floating rocks. Also having two layers of Toxic Spikes up makes Blissey stay away even with Natural Cure. I will explode on physical threats i know my team will not be able to take down.

Lapras aka PimpMyRide
Water Absorb
252 Hp/ 252 SpD

My team lacked a Special Wall and because Lapras has acceptable SpD and great HP she was my choice. With water absorb any Pokemon that surfs on Mamoswine is instantly denied. Azumarill especially is stopped in it's tracks. It takes hits incredibly well and hits back even stronger.

The EV investment arent exact i simply put the traits I focused on most while EV training. So far this team is 10-1 W/L and i wanted to see what you guys thought of it.
You could consider Glaceon as a Tank and semi-sweeper. If I had one, I would want it to go something like this:

- Blizzard
- Charm
- Mirror Coat
- Wish / Hail
Item: Leftovers / Focus Sash
Nature: Calm
EVs: 252 HP / 100 SDef / 100 Def / 56 SAtk

A basic set. Hail is active, you use a Blizzard that is 100% accurate, not many Pokemon are going to like you. Charm a foe that uses Physical attacks. They will most likely switch to a special sweeper. Hit the Sweeper with a Mirror Coat and they will take major damage. Wish can be used to heal a stricken team mate or Glaceon itself. However, Hail will ensure T-tar won't switch in and ruin your fun.
Leftovers is an obvious choice for an item, but Focus Sash will guarantee a Flamthower will not OHKO her when she is using Mirror Coat.

You could also give Froslass the Life Orb. Even though it gives major recoil in return, being able to switch between moves makes Froslass a scary sweeper.

But I like your team. Sounds good to me. 8/10
too mush ice . you should put somthing random in like a bliss or scizor
Or keep Abomasnow and put 6 more Pokemon that take damage by the hail...
Why would he do that in a hail team
And why would he put something like Blissey or Scizor in?
to mix it up. a whole team of ice is insanly easy to counter.
Well,it is a Hail team.As such,it is sure it will have a lot of Ice-types.And with their second types,they have fewer shared resistances.
ok you do have a point but i dont think you should didmiss the idea completlely.
Im with wet paint on this one, a team of 6 ice types will die on a scarftran
You are just posting for increasing your post counter stop it ( i have done this thing but for a very short period 2 days and it's annoying trust me ). That guy isn't logging in for 5 months! Where are you giving advice in his ghost or sthing ?
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