Legendary Pokémon

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Fox McCloud

All right. Let me get this through fast. I am Fox McCloud of NetBattle. I understand someone has been to this site under the alias loadingNOW. I need to find this person so I may obtain the NetBattle source code. My friend, Lumine, aka Celebi, is trying to get NetBattle into the Diamond/Pearl/Platinum age. We need your help to find the NetBattle source code. And besides, who cares about Shoddy? Everyone can agree that Shoddy is shoddy. NetBattle is much better but needs a D/P/P upgrade. Please, we need your help.

Thank you,
Fox McCloud, the Firefox
loadingNOW of http://pokeguide.filb.de/ doesn't really frequent around here, but can be found around filb.de I suppose...
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