Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Don't type with your hands!
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Just type a sentence. But you can't use your hands. Then, "translate" it, and tell us what it's supposed to say. Also, tell us what you used to type it.

I'll start:

8965ewsb vfe35rt6y eduifru8f78lpo6t5l;.

"It's very difficult." xD - I used my nose.
ik gthyolpdfc bnuigfikjn kjityb vfgtujkjm

nose fail plz: "I type usuing noob powers"
i9fe4el violate4d...
"I feel violated"
My nose has skillz.


lol it's so easy with my powerful Apple keyboard.

It should mean "lol it's so easy with my powerful Apple keyboard" ºwº.

Tool: nose.
olk nb vbgfcvgvbn nhj lkcxcn bk,mcdfgwq2

"omg Fernny is a hacker!" - I used my eye. JK Toungue I used my chin.
my hba\QMJE is pokemnaabhb

my name is pokeman - i used my leg...
I finally wrote another chapter of my fanfic!

I didn´t use my hands... I used my fingers! Toungue (I promise I´ll play seriously later)
ik just woke yp...

"I just woke up..." I used my leg, too.
tttthis will fdailk...

"This will fail"
iu dxscsdwsawqhngtfr bt656y0poerdf4d11221

"I can't type." - I used my foot(omg I opened some windows xD)

lol (elbow)

That was supposed to be Nosepass. I typed it with my nose.
empoleon ftw

empoledron ftwse

Same phrase, nose first, elbow second. Typing with my nose is easy on my keyboard.
im vbnaqck./.. ohndfe qaghakin
lol:"im back... once again"
i used my nose.lol (that might have not been too smart, as i have a cold!)
olympiakos aek 7-0 ( that was the original )


( that was supposed to be that anyways )

i used my *kolokythi*..... jk i used my forehead
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