Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: what should i do?
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I had pearl when it came out and a bunch of my friends got it too. We agreed that no one would use any cheats or anything of the sort. We had never heard of competitive batteling. One day one of us started using an action repl and started trading with others. The whole group backed out of pokemon because there were a lot of just cheep pokemon. I got the game again about a month ago again and am imersed in e.v training and breeding. All of my team have maxed e.v's and im just waiting for them to reach lv. 100. now im wondering , since they wont get any stronger other than leveling, if i should use the action reply codes for infinete candies. thats the whole point i quite in the first place. please, some advice?
Nah, don't use cheats to infinite the rare candies. Train them yourself~ It's not really important to make them 100lv, and, if you use the code, the game will lose its "magic". Right? :>
I agree, don't use the AR. Just get a Lucky Egg and train them while they are holding that. Lucky Eggs are found with Wild Chanseys, btw. If you want to use them to battle other friends, battle them on Wi-Fi so your pokemon can be lvl. 100 for that battle if it matters to you.

And I am glad you asked instead of going off and doing it first. Wink
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