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Ok I came with this Empoleon on Shoddy

252.sp.attack 128 Hp 128 Def.

Ice Beam
Grass Knot
Iron Defense

IMPORTANT:I sent out this empoleon after having used Tyranitar and whopping up sandstorm,so it receives 1,5x sp.def cause of Steel type D=.

Simple:Iron Defence 1-2 times,then sweep.Mainly used to counter stupid Physical Sweepers such as Lucarios >_<,they Sword Dance and I use Iron Defence,then some few Surfs.
It can easily survive Thunderbolts from gengar and others Cause of high Base sp.def and sandstorm.
I don't think he gains the boost... Doesn't it work only for rock types?
Yes,i think Keratz made a mistake.Steel types benefit from sandstorms because they just don't get hurt.
Steels still don't get the x1.5 boost though. I wish they did.
I thought it applied for steels too...darn =/.Seems like Empy is dead from specialists :<.
(23-12-2008 05:08 PM)ExplorerAce Wrote: [ -> ]I think investing EVs in Snorlax's Speed is a good idea. If you put just 44 EVs, you can outrun Spiritomb, and with 84 EVs, you can outrun Rhyperior

but cureslax is what i use so there is no point at all in putting any evs or ivs on speed
How about a Shuckle with Trick Room in effect, swap attack and defence?
I probably wouldn't work against physical attackers though.
(05-01-2009 04:48 PM)YoshiHero Wrote: [ -> ]How about a Shuckle with Trick Room in effect, swap attack and defence?
I probably wouldn't work against physical attackers though.

I was also thinking about this strategy, but the problem is that shuckle can be extremely fragile. The opponent could OHKO it with a physical attack, while you use power trick or after surviving with focus sash. When trick room is over shuckle is bound to be killed, so that's why few people use such a strategy.
Well,about Shuckle,I have thought of a set that seems good for double battles but I haven't tried it.It has many disadvantages,but it seems workable.
Can you post that strategy?Cause I am thinking of using shuckle in Netbattle too..
Are there double battles there?
Shuckle can be OHKOed by Metagross even before it swaps stats, and given its Speed and Metagross' popularity in double battles, it will not shine. It may work once on an opponent caught off guard but that's it. And think of it, Trick Room can be avoided. Scizor, Metagross and Lucario's Bullet Punch can OHKO for sure after the stat swap, and will move first, Trick Room or not. A strategy with so many flaws against commonly-used Pokémon won't work.

Keratz, respect for still playing in NetBattle.
Well,I said it has many disadvantages,but it can be fun with some/a lot of luck.
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