Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Chris`s Tale
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Chapter 9: Everyone entered the mansion, roaring with laughter.
Did you see the look on their face when Umbreon shot those shadow balls? Leafeon asked, nearly struggling to breath.
Not nearly as priceless as when Charizard launched at them. Man, I thought they were going to pee their pants! Glaceon said.
Now guys, you all know that the best, by far, was when Gallade here shaved their heads with leaf blade. Absolutely priceless! Chris said. Gallade took a few bows and continued laughing, along with everyone else. It was awhile before they calmed down, and by then it was late.
Time for bed guys Chris said. He said good night to his parents and went to bed. The next morning, when they were eating, Alex barged in saying "I'm here! Let the training begin!"
"You sure are early. Still have an hour before I was expecting you." Chris said.
"I was too excited." Alex answered. Chris finished breakfast and was about to start when *knock knock*
What could it be now? Gyarados complained. Chris opened the door to find a girl, around his age, with pink hair and clothes, pink eyes and 6 pokeballs around her waist.
"Am I too late?" She asked.
"Too late for..."
"Your training class. Am I too late, or not?"
"Training class? I am not hosting a class. Where did you hear such a thing?" Chris asked, annoyed.
"Meet my friend, Alena. I told her to come today, and that you would train her as well" Alex announced.
"I hardly agreed to train you! Why do you think I would-"
Yes, Jolteon?
I like the idea of training people. You should train them
Jolteon said. Everyone else nodded in agreement. Seeing no use in arguing, he said "Okay, I'll train you two. But only you two." Chris said.
"Follow me. We will start by going to a nearby lake bed." Returning Gyarados, Chris and his team, along with Alex and Alena, went to the lake. There, he released Gyarados, and told them to release their pokemon as well. Alex was the first to let his team out. Out came his Blastiose, Tyranitar, Arcanine, Pidgeot, Ampharos, and Maganium. Alena’s team was revealed to be a Venusour, Skarmory, Vaporeon, Ninetails, Luxray, and Gardevour.
“Where are your other pokemon, Alex?” Chris asked.
“Trade.” Alex answered.
“Okay. The first thing we should work on is trying to develop a mental bond with you and pokemon. But first, we do some battle practice.” Chris instructed. Chris’ team immediately split into pairs, Gallade pairing with Chris. Seeing this, Alex and Alena felt a little embarrassed. Their pokemon didn’t know what to do or who to pair up with. Alex decided to pair up his pokemon quickly, Alena doing the same. Though their pokemon were not weak, sparring between them wasn’t going well. Alex figured they must have mixed feelings about fighting each other, so he told his pokemon to pair up with Alena’s pokemon. While that was going on, Chris’ team was really putting on a show. Try as he might, Gallade’s Leaf blade couldn’t touch Chris. Gyarados, pairing with Umbreon, was slashing out with Aqua tails, though they were deflected by Iron tail. Charizard was paired up with Jolteon, and was really putting Jolteon through the ringer. Flamethrower after Flamethrower was launched, Jolteon barely dodging them. Glaceon and Leafeon were going at it head on. Ice beam deflected by protect, Razor leaf frozen by Ice beam. It went on like that for awhile, until Chris finally called it. The fighting stopped on a dime. Alex and Alena’s pokemon hadn’t even started when Chris said to stop. Seeing this, Chris said “Well, I know what else we need to work on. However, first things first. We shall start with developing a mental bond. I’m not entirely sure, but I think I developed mine by spending so much time with them and having so much trust in them. Let’s start by working our way up, start small. Where to begin, though. I’m not sure how it happened with me, so this might be a little difficult. I know, start by keeping your pokemon out longer. My pokemon only go into their pokeballs when they want to. Except for Gyarados, that is.”
“Well, their out, so now what?” Alex asked.
“Shut up! Let him speak.” Alena chastised
“Thank you. Though, to be honest, I’m not sure what to do next. It just sort of happened with me.” Chris confessed.
“I know! Teach us your elemental moves! Please! You just got to. I want my Blastiose to know Titan wave, and my other pokemon to know those other moves! Come on, show us!” Alex said eagerly.
“I hate to admit it, but he is right. I would love my pokemon to know those moves as well.” Alena said.
Well, I saw that one coming. Figures they would want to know our moves Gallade said.
I for one don’t think their ready to wield our moves. They don’t look nearly strong enough Gyarados said.
Well, what should I tell them? Chris asked.
Tell them no. simple as that Umbreon answered.
I agree. Tell them they have to work for it. After all, it is their first day. They can’t really have expected to learn them already, can they? Glaceon said.
“Sorry, but you have been out voted. My team says you must work for the right to learn the moves.” Chris said. At that, they both started complaining at once, Alex louder than Alena. A roar form Gyarados and Charizard shut them up immediately, though they still had sour looks on their faces.
“Look, when you two are ready, I will teach them to your pokemon, but for now, we take things one step at a time.” Chris said.
1: sorry chapter 9 is so short. I will try to make it longer when I get the chance
2: for those who are confused, Chris' parents were knocked out, not dead
3: in chapter 7, when Charizard answered 8 or 9 days ago, he ment tag battle matches, which rarely happen
sorry, the computer messed up. So, for that chapter, the mental thoughts aren't italicized
Bad news. I wont be able to post cgapter 10 for atleast 10 days, no doubt more. Hopefully, though, with luck, I might be able to squeeze it in, but that unlikely. Just wanted to let you guys know.
You need to lengthen the chapters. If you don't put time and effort into a story it soon becomes sloppy. You have nice story right now but the one thing you need to think about is length. I start to get interested in something and then the chapter ends. Also, brush up on your parts of speech. It will improve your grammar. ;]
sorry they aren't long enough. I just write my story like I see every other story is written; get to something interesting, then end the chapter. Every story I have read does that.
Chapter 10: After a few weeks, a steady routine was formed. Alex and Alena would show up, battle practice would soon follow, then a short lecture. After the third week, Chris received a letter telling him his next match was tomorrow.
Been awhile, huh? Jolteon commented.
Yeah. Wonder why it took them this long Chris wondered. Alex and Alena came on time and appeared excited when Chris told them about the news.
The next morning, Chris gathered up his team and set off for the stadium as usual. Upon entering the stadium, the roar of the crowd was a welcoming sound.
“Now entering the arena, our own champion Chris!” the announcer exclaimed.
Well well. Seems he ran out of stupid names for me Chris said, pleased. On the opposite side of the stadium, a man wearing a big brown coat that completely covered his face entered, only to be greeted as “Mr. X” as the announcer explained.
Why does he have a coat on? It is scorching out here Umbreon gawked.
Probably so he can hide his shame when he loses Charizard said arrogantly. The field came up to reveal a smooth grass field.
Let me go first Glaceon said eagerly. She ran toward onto the field to be greeted by an Oddish.
…an Oddish? Really? Glaceon said puzzled. Deciding to show him his terrible choice, she used Arctic wind. As the mist formed, Glaceon shot her freezing breath. As the mist cleared, it revealed the Oddish to be…… unharmed?
W-w-w-w-what? Impossible! Glaceon said disbelievingly. The crowd gasped in unison as they saw the attack had failed.
“Oddish, use Bullet seed.” The cloaked man said in a gruff voice. Bullet fast seeds launched at Glaceon in many numbers. After Oddish stopped, Glaceon fell forward, fainted.
“Glaceon, return!” Chris said, surprised. This was a first. No one had ever defeated one of his pokemon before, much less so easily. The man sent out a Geodude next, to which Leafeon ran at, angered that the trainer had hurt her friend. Using her special combo of Razor leaf and Petal dance together, Leafeon attacked without mercy. The Geodude was still up after that onslaught of attacks, and looked bored even. A Headbutt knocked out Leafeon, to which Jolteon came to take her place. He sent out a Wingull, which was zapped mercilessly with a fierce Thunderbolt. Once again unharmed, a Water gun blew away Jolteon with ease. After the third pokemon fainted, the field changed to reveal a water field. Gyarados automatically launched into the battle, to face a Magby. Aqua tail slapped the pokemon again and again, until Magby finally used Fire punch and knocked out Gyarados. Gallade jumped into action to be greeted by a Sentret. An Aura sphere was sent towards it only to be deflected right back at him, knocking Gallade out. Charizard was beside himself with anger. Before Chris could stop him, Charizard flew forward and sent out a jet of fire towards the Sentret, knocking it out. The crowd cheered when they saw a victory for the champion. Magby came back out only to be swatted away like a bug. Wingull was the next one out, and the next to fall. Oddish was foolishly sent out, and Charizard made quick work of it with a mighty Flamethrower. Geodude almost got to move before it was blow backwards into the wall.
“So, you are strong after all. Time to stop playing around. Go, Dragonite!” the cloaked figure exclaimed. Dragonite came out with a mighty roar of confidence and went out with a mighty roar of pain. Magma pulse made quick work of it, shocking the man greatly.
“It doesn’t matter if a win or lose, just that I get data on these pokemon battling. We will meet again.” And with that, the cloaked man left the stadium, laughing evilly.
Chapter 11: Once home, he released everyone to their rooms to rest. Espeon and Flareon went to their son and daughter wearing worried expressions.
What happened out there? How was he so strong to take out almost everyone with one simple shot? If not for Charizard’s anger powering him up 10X then we would have lost. And what did he mean when he said he was just getting their battle data? So many questions and no answers Chris wondered.
I was just about to run in and avenge Jolteon and Leafeon before he jumped in. too bad, I really wanted to beat him myself Umbreon said.
Smiling to himself, Chris answered I know Umbreon, I know. I wonder who he was anyway?
If he wanted you to know that, he wouldn’t have worn the coat Umbreon said.
I can still wonder, can’t I? Chris responded.
Maybe we should get some rest like everyone else, because I am tired Umbreon said.
The next morning, only Umbreon was up with Chris.
They took a lot of damage, let them sleep awhile. I’ll bring them food later Chris told Umbreon. It was around midday when Chris decided to bring them food. He decided to get the worst out of the way, so Gyarados was first. He had to dive in to wake him up, then help him get up to eat. After Gyarados was taken care of, he decided to give Glaceon lunch next. She was easy to persuade to eat, so it wasn’t long before he moved onto Jolteon. He was trouble, begging to be left alone to sleep more. Chris finally got him to eat by promising when he finishes, Jolteon can sleep as long as he wants. Leafeon was up, though unsteady. She had to be persuaded to eat before she could go check up on her friend Glaceon. Gallade was already up, though still wincing with slight pain every now and then. He was also furious he took himself out, so Chris had quite a time calming him down before he got Gallade to eat. Finally, the exhausted Charizard was still sleeping. After persuading him to wake up, he cooperated well and went back to sleep after eating. Chris decided to see if Leafeon was with Glaceon, and she was, along with Espeon and Flareon. Not wanting to eavesdrop, Chris went to talk to Umbreon, but he was with Gallade, so he went to talk to his parents, but they were out shopping. He was just about ready to take a walk when he saw Gyarados was up and about, staring intently at him, an expression saying he had something on his mind.
Penny for your thoughts Chris said.
Those weren’t normal pokemon. I could sense it, they weren’t normal. Something is wrong here Gyarados responded.
Define not normal Chris said.
Just not right. I can’t explain it, but it was just weird. I can’t say how, just a gut feeling Gyarados answered.
Well, the man said he only wanted to get data on their battle, so you could be right. Something is indeed wrong, though we need to get more info before we can do something about it Chris said. After awhile, the others managed to come downstairs to get supper themselves. Chris told the others about Gyarados’ suspicions and they all agreed that those weren’t normal pokemon. After a few hours, he was about to go to bed when his phone rang. When he answered it, a gruff, hoarse voice said “You haven’t seen anything yet. You barely got past the weakest of the bunch, so you will fall soon.”
“Who are you? What do you want from me? And what are you planning?” Chris asked. When no answer came, he hung up. Despite being confused, he was still tired so he went to bed. It was midnight when the house was hit hard with a loud thud. Alarmed, Chris ran downstairs to see what hit it. What he saw was a beast upon which no one has ever seen before. It was as if a mad scientist had fused random pokemon together and messed up badly. The other pokemon came down and, upon seeing the monstrosity, unleashed an all out attack, causing the creature to be blown backwards quite a distance. Thinking it was over, Chris turned to inspect the damage when he was unsuspectingly hit in the back. The force of the hit caused him to fly forwards, hit the wall, and he knew no more. When he next woke up, he was in a comfy bed, facing his team, except Gyarados. Looking around, he saw he was in a hospital room, and it was then that he realized how much his body ached.
Take it easy, don’t want you to hurt yourself Gallade said.
Too late Chris answered back, wincing. What the heck was that thing? How did I end up here? And most importantly, are you guys okay?
Well, we need to talk to you about that. After you were knocked out, we all went mad with rage, though no one was angrier than Charizard. Before we could move, though, that thing shot some sort of beam at us. It didn’t hurt though, so we shock it off and let our anger take control of us. Then, something happened that changed us. Our bodies began to change, though we didn’t really care about anything except destroying that thing. It teleported away before any of us could even strike. I turned to face the others when I realized what that beam had done to us. Leafeon had thorns instead of leaves, Jolteon’s fur was electric blue and was moving, as if alive. Umbreon had blood red rings instead of gold, Gyarados had spikes running down his back, as well as longer fangs. Glaceon had crystals forming a spiral around her body, and I was black instead of green, and I had glowing rings around my body. Charizard looked nothing less than deadly. He had dragon blue marks on his wings, blood red stripes on his stomach, longer claws and fangs, and spikes on the tips of his wings. But the most frightening thing was his eyes, which were blood red and promising nothing short of pure torture. After taking in our transformation, the only thing on our minds was to get you help, so we brought you here. You’ve been out for 2 or 3 days, and we were starting to get worried Gallade explained.
How did you change back? Chris asked.
When we calmed down, I guess Umbreon said.
Well, I guess I owe you guys one for getting me here. Thanks Chris said.
What I want to know is why was it after you? Before it shot us with that beam, it tried to take you away Leafeon asked.
Gyarados at the house? Chris asked.
Yep. He’s watching it incase that thing comes back Glaceon answered.
How do you feel?
Charizard asked.
Like I got hit by a bus. A few days rest and I should be back to normal, though Chris said. A few days went by and he was good as new, so he went back to his house with his pokemon. When he got there, though, he saw his parents crying, Espeon and Flareon looking stunned, and the house torn to pieces. Chris ran inside, fearing the worst. He kicked down the charred door to see Gyarados unconscious and bleeding badly. Panicking, Chris ran to get the potions. When he got them, he immediately ran back and sprayed Gyarados with it. Though he winced, he relaxed a bit afterwards, and Chris put him in his pokeball. He exited the building that used to be his home, heading for the pokemon center, only wanting Gyarados to be okay.

-When someone speaks, give them a new line and also put it in quotations.
-After a change in topic in the story start a new paragraph so the story itself is easier to follow.
-Italicize the character's thoughts.

There's much more I could list but I think you should get an editor because I'm not breaking my back over here trying to fix your story.
1: I apologize to my readers for my mistakes
2: If someone would like to draw my team in their transformed state and post it here, I would be very grateful
3: In their transformed state, they become:
Draco Charizard: Dragon/Fire
Shadow Gallade: Psychic/Dark
Thorn Leafeon: Bug/Grass
Blaze Umbreon: Fire/Dark
Blitz Jolteon: Electric
Fang Gyarados: Dragon/Water
Crystal Glaceon: Ice/Steel
Chapter 12: Quickly making his way to the pokemon center, Chris saw a large crowd surrounding it, all appeared to be afraid of something.
“Out of my way! I have to get through! Move!” Chris shouted. Trying to make his way through the crowd. When he finally got through, he nearly jumped out of his skin in surprise when he saw what everyone was looking at. Out in broad daylight, the creature could be seen clearly. It had the head of a Tangrowth, the mouth of a Haunter, the horn of a Heracross, the upper torso was that of an Arbok, the lower torso was that of a Nidoking, nine Raichu tails, and two Beedrill stingers instead of legs. It had four arms, two Graveler, two Machamp, and it appeared to be hovering. It was a disturbing sight, and it didn’t help matters to see it was battling a Blastiose and a Venusour.
“Wait, I know those pokemon. Alex! Alena! Stop!” Chris yelled. Chris saw the two trainers, and, looking behind them, saw what appeared to be the Nurse Joy’s Chansey and a few Breeders tending to the rest of their pokemon and Alex and Alena’s team as well.
“Blastiose, Hydro cannon!” “Venusour, Frenzy plant!” they commanded. The two attacks were launched, yet when they were an inch away from contact, the beast teleported behind Blastiose and unleashed some sort of attack that looked like a combination of Bullet seed and Ember. Blastiose fell forward with a heavy thud, revealing many injuries that looked as if they were put there earlier. Venusour unleashed Vine whip and tied the beast up. Everyone cheered and were about to walk towards it when it teleported again, this time above Venusour, and unleashed another combo attack. The poor grass type collapsed and was fainted.
“No, Blastiose!” “Not my Venusour too!” the trainers yelled. The crowd all ran away yelling, no doubt having gave up on trying to defeat the monster.
Gallade, its time. Let’s stop this thing together, for Gyarados Chris said. Concentrating, Chris and Gallade synchronized their minds, and ran at the thing together. The monster launched its combo attack, but it was dodged by Chris and Gallade. At the same time, they both launched powerful kicks, knocking the beast backwards a bit. It charged at them, but to no avail. Avoiding the foolish charge with ease, they sent two punches at its back, causing the monster to fall forwards. It didn’t get the chance to get up, for Charizard had then decided to stomp on it many times, each stomp sent it deeper into the ground. When he finally stopped, the creature was fainted, as well as a lot flatter.
Well, that was fun Charizard said.
Fun for you. You got to squish the stupid thing, while me and Chris had to do all the hard stuff Gallade replied. Not waiting at all, Chris ran into the center and handed Gyarados’ pokeball to Nurse Joy.
“Don’t worry, he will be just fine. I’ve had to deal with worse, so this shouldn’t be a problem.” She said, trying to calm Chris down.
For the next few days, Chris was staying at the center, not wanting to be too far from Gyarados and because he had no home. Luckily, Chris had his million dollar paycheck (I said his job pays well) to pick up, which will cover the payment to repair his house. The creature was restrained and taken away to a research lab, where it will be studied for quite awhile. Chris was eating breakfast with his pokemon when on the TV, an instant news flash interrupted the program.
“This is reporter Rachel at Lake Valor where all three legendary lake pokemon have appeared, and seem to be fighting a weird creature of some sort. Hold on, I just got word that Lugia and Ho-oh have been seen battling a strange monster as well. Sending you to field reporter Ray for the story”
“Ray here with Lugia and Ho-oh, fighting with a weird beast at the Orange Islands. Hold on, I have just been told that Groudon and Kyoger are fighting another beast. Hold on again, I just got word that Manaphy and Phione are in a fight with a monster that cannot be described.”
“It doesn’t end there, because even Deoxys and Raquaza are teaming up to battle a strange thing.” “Crescelia and Darkrai have even stopped their feud to work together and fight another monster.”
“It’s like that everywhere! The three birds of Kanto have teamed up, the three dogs of Johto have come together, Latios and Latias have joined forces, even the rulers of space and time have come out to fight along side each other. The three Regigigas guardians have teamed up, Heatran and Giratina have decided to work together, Mewtwo and Mew are seen fighting as one. Jirachi has even woken up early from it’s thousand year sleep to help Celebi fight these monstrosities. Only one brave legendary pokemon has decided to fight alone; Arceus. They are all fighting strange monsters, each more threatening than the last. For our sake, let’s hope they-” it was then that the screen grew fuzzy with static. People were starting to get scared when a voice could be heard coming from the television.
“I have full confidence in my creations, and there is nothing anyone can do to stop them, so I’ll be fair and tell you my plan. I want to create the perfect pokemon, one with no weaknesses, and cannot be defeated. To do that, I need the DNA of all the legendary pokemon. They posses a great power, and that power is just what the doctor ordered to make my creation perfect. However, there is one more ingredient I must obtain, and this is where you citizens come in. I need the DNA of a human. Not just any human, but a person who has bonded his very soul with pokemon. A human who can talk to the bonded pokemon mentally, and understand them. There is only one person alive with that talent, and I need you people to bring him to me. If you cooperate, I will not destroy you. I need you to search for and bring to me, alive, the one you have named champion Chris. You have 24 hours to bring him to me at the valley in Hoenn, near the volcano. Oh, and by the way, I have the place guarded, so don’t bother sending in the police. Remember, 24 hours to bring him to me, or else. I’ll be waiting.” Then the screen became clear again, but to a terrible sight. The screen showed the three dogs of Johto, as well as the three birds of Kanto down for the count and being scraped with knives by the creatures, probably for their DNA. The creatures then teleported away, leaving the pokemon in agony. Checking up on the three lake guardians, they were still fighting, and it seemed to be a tie. That was the same for the others, including Arceus.
“Nurse Joy, how is Gyarados?” Chris asked quickly.
“He’s fully recovered, though that is the least of your worries. LOOK OUT!” Chris turned and dodged just in time to avoid a Machamp trying to grab him. Seeing this, Gallade lashed out with a Leaf blade right to its stomach, knocking it out.
“What are you doing?!? If you send me to him, you all are just dooming yourselves! Don’t you realize that?” Chris yelled.
“We won’t be dooming ourselves, but saving us. He said if we give you up, we live.” Someone replied.
“You actually believe that? You can NEVER trust bad guys! Especially the crazy ones, and he fits the bill quite nicely.” Chris responded. Not waiting for a reply, Chris went to get Gyarados and hurried outside. He ran to a nearby lake and released everyone.
We have a big problem guys. The legendary pokemon are down by six and could use all the help they can get. I hate to say this, but we need to split up for this. Charizard, you help Lugia and Ho-oh. Gyarados, go help Manaphy and Phione. Gallade, space and time need your help. Leafeon, take Glaceon and hurry to assist Arceus. Jolteon, only your speed can keep up with Latios and Latias, so you help them. Umbreon, Jirachi and Celebi are not the most aggressive legendary pokemon, so they could use your help, fast. Have a safe journey, and fight as hard as you possibly can. Good luck, my friends Chris said.
What about you? What are you going to do while we fight? You need help incase others try to turn you in again! Leafeon said.
I’ll be fine, but you can’t worry about me. You have to focus on your mission ahead of you Chris said. Though unconvinced, Leafeon left with Glaceon, and the others left as well.
I know you can do it Chris thought to himself. He was about to turn when a strange creature popped out, sprayed him with some sort of gas, and Chris knew no more.

Chapter 13: Charizard was flying constantly, looking for Lugia and Ho-oh. He was about to stop to rest when he heard an explosion further ahead. He flew quickly, and when he got their he saw a monster exactly like the one he had stomped mercilessly, fighting Lugia and Ho-oh, who didn’t look too good.
No time to waist he thought to himself. Not bothering with stealth, Charizard sent a jet of white-hot flame towards it, hitting his mark. Surprised, Lugia and Ho-oh looked back to see who had come to help. Seeing him, they both nodded thanks and attacked at the same time with Extrasensory. (I looked it up, they can both use it). The attack had little affect, however, and the beast launched a Bullet seed Ember combination at them. That attack did a lot of damage, because it momentarily knocked them both down to the ground. Flamethrower was sent to the beast, along with a Fire blast from Ho-oh, which seemed to make the creature stumble backwards. Seeing this as an opportunity, Charizard flew at it like a bullet, grabbed the creature, picked it up, flew upwards, and dove down, using the fall to slam it into the ground, where Charizard decided to repeatedly stomp on it, again. The creature caught his foot, however, and used its combo attack on him, causing Charizard to stumble and fall. It was the creatures turn for revenge, as it was stomping on Charizard like there was no tomorrow, which hurt more do to the fact that it had Beedrill stingers for feet. It was interrupted when an Aero blast blew it backwards several feet. It was Charizards turn to nod his thanks, then all three flew at the creature at once, though they were all blown back by a combination of Hydro pump and Silver wind. The attack had done serious damage, and the creature wasn’t showing any signs of letting up soon. The creature was advancing forward, still using it’s combo attack, when it was stopped in it’s tracks by a thick, burning rope of fire.
Worked like a charm Charizard said, relieved. The creature struggled in vain, as the rope gripped harder and caused more pain the more it struggled. Lugia, Ho-oh, and Charizard were preparing to deliver the final blow when a giant, swirling ball of light surrounded the beast. Taking cautious steps, Charizard walked towards it, until it blew up, surrounding the area in a blinding white light. Covering his eyes, Charizard let his guard down and was hit hard by the Hydro pump Silver wind combo. The attack sent Charizard back several yards, until he skidded to a stop.
Okay, ouch! How am I going to beat a monster that can appear out of nowhere, blind its foes, and use combination attacks? This is not going to be easy, even with the legendary pokemon’s help Charizard thought. The creature blinded the area once more and this time aimed it’s attack at Lugia. The attack had nearly taken Lugia out, and the same could be said when Ho-oh was the next victim. Before the beast could finish them of, something happened to Charizard, something that had happened once before. Charizard had transformed to Draco Charizard, and he was mad.
I have had enough of you! He thought. His Magma pulse was nothing short of a raging sea of flames being fired at the creature. Teleporting away just in time, the creature managed to avoid the attack, though was not able to avoid his tail swooping in to knock the air out of its lungs. The beast was gasping for breath when Magma pulse was given another chance. As the sea of flames approached the creature, it tried to teleport away, but it was too exhausted to, and was obliterated by the merciless attack.
Finally, it is dead Charizard thought, relieved. He transformed back and was preparing to use Spirit flare on Lugia and Ho-oh when he was struck with a blast of lightning from behind. Stumbling forward, Charizard turned to see the creature was alive and without a scratch on it.
How is that possible?!? I obliterated that thing! It cannot be alive, it just can’t be! Charizard thought, dumbstruck. The creature advanced quickly and hit Charizard like a pile of bricks. The creature quickly pulled out a knife and scraped Lugia and Ho-oh, causing them to scream in pain. Charizard tried to use Fire shadow, but his body wouldn’t move. All he could do was lay there and listen to the screams of agony by Lugia and Ho-oh, until he passed out. When he came too, the creature was gone and Lugia and Ho-oh were lying on the ground writhing in pain from the battle and the knife. Finding he had enough strength the move again, Charizard walked over to them and used Sprit flare. When he was done, they were up in the air once more, stretching their wings and roaring with glee that they could move again. Deciding he could use a healing session, Charizard used Spirit flare on himself and was soon in the air with them, though not as happy as they were. Lugia and Ho-oh thanked him in their language and took off, Ho-oh going south and Lugia going east. He felt very weary, so he decided to sleep for awhile before he decides what to do next. When he woke up, Charizard decided to fly to help Crecelia and Darkrai with their match. Before he could, however, the creature popped out of nowhere in front of him. Reflexively, Charizard launched a Flamethrower at the creature, which was deflected with ease. Transforming into Draco Charizard, he used Magma pulse on the beast, though even it was knocked away easily. Not giving up, Charizard used Flamethrower, which was stopped quickly, and Charizard was grabbed and hurled several miles away, landing hard and without breath.
ENOUGH OF THIS!!! I HAVE HAD ENOUGH!!! Charizard thought. Summoning pure lava from the ground, it surrounded the monster, burning away its body until there was nothing left. Scanning around to make sure it was really dead this time, Charizard was finally satisfied and took off, heading for Crecelia and Darkrai.
If that was what it took to defeat one, I shudder to imagine what it will take to beat them all Charizard thought.
Well,I have one thing to say:IT WAS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do my best. Thank you
Chapter 14: All Chris could see was darkness when he regained consciousness. He realized he was blindfolded, so he tried to move his hands and legs, but they were tied. It was then that he heard footsteps, so he stopped struggling to listen.
“So sorry to interrupt, but I have news that you might be interested in.” Chris recognized the voice as the same one that he heard on the screen at the pokemon center.
He must be broadcasting his signal again Chris thought.
“You might be interested to know that I now have in my cell, champion Chris. Because I have him, you will all be spared…… or at least that’s what I would have said if you had turned him in, but that is not the case. My own creations have captured him, and the DNA of Regigigas, Shaymin, the three birds and their guardian, the three dogs and their guardian, and are almost done with the other pokemon. Oh, but do not despair, for I have noticed your sad attempt at stopping me. You send a Charizard to help Lugia and Ho-oh, but it wasn’t enough. And just so you would learn your lesson, I sent my creation back to destroy that pathetic pokemon. In fact, it should be back right about now.” Nothing happened. A minute passed, and still nothing happened.
“I said, right about now!” another minute passed, and still nothing happened.
“What is taking that thing so long? Guess I have to check up on it.” Chris heard him walk over to what sounded like a computer, and the man typed on it for a few minutes.
“W-W-W-W-WHAT!?!?!?! How could it be destroyed?!? It was nearly perfect! It must have been that Charizard teaming up with the legendary pokemon to strike it with a sneak attack. When I get my hands on that pokemon, so help me-”
“So help you what?” Chris said.
“So, you’re finally awake, huh?”
“No, I’m still asleep. I’m just pretending I’m awake to confuse you.” Chris said.
“Enough! I don’t have time for your nonsense. I have to figure out where that Charizard is, and destroy it.”
“Good luck. That was my Charizard out there, and if I know him, he is probably on his way to another fight. Face it, you may be able to beat the legendary pokemon on their own, but not with back-up.” Chris said confidently.
“Silence! You act confident, but I feel the need to remind you that you are tied up in my cell, with no hope of escaping. That reminds me, I have to get your DNA as well.” He picked up a sharp knife and began to walk towards Chris.
“Remember, this will hurt you more than it hurts me.”

Leafeon and Glaceon were best friends. They thought their friendship could survive anything. They never knew they would be tested on that. When they arrived, Arceus was fighting not one, but ten of those monsters, all the same one Charizard stomped on. What shocked them the most was that Arceus didn’t seem hurt at all.
This is not going to be fun Leafeon said.
The sooner we get done, the better. Although, Arceus seems to be doing just fine on his own, so why are we here? Glaceon asked.
No questions, just action Leafeon answered. Glaceon gave a small sigh and nodded. The two of them ran at the creatures with Razor leaf and Ice beam firing from them. Both attacks hit their marks, but didn’t do much damage, as they were shaken off quickly. The monsters fired their Hydro pump Silver wind combo at Leafeon, but it was stopped with Protect. Using the opportunity, Glaceon used Arctic wind on them, which was joined by Draco meteor by Arceus. The two attacks merged into one and shot at the beasts, when they created a barrier that deflected the attack back at Glaceon. The attack was too large to dodge, so she closed her eyes and waited for the attack to hit. But it never came. Confused as to why the attack hadn’t hit her yet, Glaceon opened her eyes to see Leafeon laying on the ground with scorch marks on her side, and her leaves frozen solid.
NO! Glaceon panicked. She was too busy to notice that the creatures were all preparing to launch another combo attack on Glaceon together. Arceus was blinded and couldn’t help her, which left her alone to take the hit. She tried to stop it with Arctic wind, but the attack did nothing against the combined attack. She was rooted to the spot by fear, and could only watch and wait for the attack to hit her, when a huge sea of flames intercepted the blast and sent it back at the beasts. Combined with the flames, the attack had done serious damage to them, and they were down. Looking to see who had saved her, she saw Draco Charizard staring angrily at the beasts.
Thank you Glaceon said. Charizard gave no response as he flew to Leafeon and healed her with Spirit flare. Leafeon opened her eyes and sprang up, looking eager to fight again. Taking the hint from Charizard, Leafeon and Glaceon transformed into Thorn Leafeon and Crystal Glaceon. Serenity vain was nothing short of a forest of vines with deadly sharp spikes, all launching and exploding with enough force to wake a Snorlax from a mile away. Arctic wind blew the beasts backwards a long distance, and froze each of them solid. Charizard decided to finish them with pure lava from the ground. The lava engulfed them all, and melted their bodies until there was nothing left but a few ashes.
What are you doing here Charizard? Leafeon asked, transforming back to normal.
Yeah, I thought you were going to help Lugia and Ho-oh Glaceon said, also transforming back.
I did, but I wasn’t strong enough to stop them from taking their DNA. After I destroyed that beast, I went to help Crecelia and Darkrai, but when I got there I was too late. I decided to help out you guys next, and it seems I got here not a moment too soon Charizard explained, back to normal as well.
Well, you were successive here. They didn’t get a chance to get Arceus’ DNA. They were too preoccupied with- Leafeon was interrupted by Glaceon pointing at Arceus. Looking closer, Arceus had a long, thin, bleeding cut running down his side.
You don’t think……… they couldn’t have. Just no way. Charizard destroyed all nine of them Leafeon said.
That’s just it. There were ten of them Glaceon said.
I have fixed the posts so that the words that were suppossed to be italiced are. When I post the chapters, I don't have enough time to fix it, so give me some time and I can get the chapters the way they are suppossed to be.
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