Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Chris`s Tale
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Chapter 15: “At the small price of a few of my creations, I have obtained the DNA of Arceus, along with Mewtwo, Mew, Deoxys, Raquaza, Heatran and Giratina. I am nearing completion of my task, and no one can stop me!” The man said.
“You really love hearing yourself talk, don’t yah?” Chris remarked.
“Shut up! It has been nothing but back talk from you all day! Show your future master some respect, or pay.”
“Well excuse me for not being a perfect angel to the mad man who took me prisoner. Lock me up and throw away the key why don’t you? Oh wait, too late for that!” Chris said.
“Why do I even waste my time with you?”
“Because you don’t have a life?” Chris asked.
“That does it! You are going to be put to sleep for awhile, so I can get some peace and quiet!” At that moment, a creature went to Chris’ cell and opened the door to give him the shot. Taking his chance, Chris ran out the cell, having already gotten his blind fold off, and ran out the exit, seeing a wide mountain range, and feeling incredible heat from above. Chris could sense that the creatures were coming, so he ran as fast as he could. Turning a corner, he found a Skarmory perched on a ledge looking right at him.
“Please, I need your help to escape a mad man’s lair and his beasts. Can you fly me to the nearest town?” Chris asked desperately. Knowing a Skarmory’s nature, he didn’t have high hopes that it would help him. Chris was greatly surprised when the pokemon flew towards him, cut the ropes binding his hands with it’s beak, and aloud him to get on. The Skarmory flew high and fast to a town surprisingly close to the mountains. When it landed, Chris saw that the Skamory wasn’t wild, but belonged to a trainer, who thanked it and returned it to it’s pokeball.
“Hi Alena. Long time no see” Chris said.

Running on water was impossible for Jolteon, but second nature for Blitz Jolteon. Latios and Latias were flying close to him, on the look out for that beast. The beast appeared in front of them, and was greeted with a double Luster purge, along with Thunderbolt. The creature teleported away instantly, and the attacks went straight into the water.
Again!?! This thing just won’t stay still! We’ve been at this for hours, yet we haven’t even scratched it. This thing is always teleporting away right before we land our attacks, as if it can read our minds! Jolteon said. The creature appeared to their left, where Latios launched a Psywave. The beast once again dodged it, and appeared to their left, where Latias sent a Dragon breath. This time the creature was too slow and got hit by the attack. Knocked off balance, the creature fell into the water, and was immediately sent straight up into the air. Not pausing to wonder what happened, Jolteon used Hyper beam on it, sending it flying. Getting back on land, Jolteon took a short breather and stared at the spot where the creature was sent up from. Before he could ponder that thought further, the beast came back for more.
Round two Jolteon said. He ran onto the water once more and launched a powerful Charge beam, which was joined by three Dragon breaths.
Wait, three? Who is the third? Jolteon wondered. The attacks missed as the creature teleported away again. Taking the opportunity, Jolteon made a U-turn to see Fang Gyarados next to Latios and Latias. The creature appeared behind the two and launched a sneak attack composed of Hydro pump and Silver wind. The attack missed Gyarados, who dove under water just in time, but hit Latios and Latias, causing them to fall into the water. Gyarados lifted them both onto land, where they both used Recover. Latias retaliated with Dragon pulse, though it missed. The creature appeared beside Gyarados, which was a big mistake. The beast was immediately hit by an Aqua tail and sent deep underwater. It tried to get back to the surface, but Gyarados kept slamming it downward with Aqua tail. The creature finally stopped moving, and slowly floated up the surface, back facing the surface.
Well, if it was anything but that beast, I would feel sorry for it. Glad you came when you did Gyarados, or else we would still be fighting that annoying creature. Why are you here anyway? You finish your fight with Manaphy and Phione? Jolteon asked. He ran back on land and changed back to normal, Gyarados doing the same.
I was on my way there when I saw a bolt of lighting fly over my head, so I decided to go to the source, and here I am Gyarados answered. Before Jolteon could say anything else, another beast appeared beside both Latios and Latias, puled out two knives, cut them both, and teleported away.
I cannot believe that just happened. How many of these things are there anyway? Gyarados said. Latios and Latias thanked Jolteon and Gyarados for their help, and flew away together, heading north.
I just hope that the others have had better luck than us Jolteon said.
What are you going to do now? I don’t think you would be very helpful with my battle, since you can’t breath underwater Gyarados said.
I think I’ll go help my brother. Like Chris said, Jirachi and Celebi aren’t the most aggressive legendary pokemon, and they need all the help they can get. Good luck with your fight Jolteon said
Same to you Gyarados responded. And with that, Gyarados swam west, while Jolteon transformed and ran southeast, each hoping to make up for their mistake here.
Chapter 16: When Chris said Jirachi and Celebi weren’t the most aggressive legendary pokemon, he wasn’t kidding. When Umbreon got there, all they were doing was healing themselves from the attacks thrown at them.
Do I have to fight this thing myself? Umbreon wondered. Deciding to get it over with, Umbreon launched a Shadow ball at the creature, causing it to back away to dodge. Jirachi and Celebi both glided over behind Umbreon, wearing determined faces, though with a hint of fear which Umbreon could spot easily.
Well, they seem to be ready to fight…hopefully Umbreon thought. Together, Jirachi and Celebi used Future sight, sending bolts of energy into the sky, where they disappeared.
Well, it’s a start Umbreon said. He ran at the beast, Shadow claw at the ready, and slashed the thing with as much force as Umbreon could muster. The attack had done a lot of damage, judging from the way it was stumbling backwards, and then fell. Not taking chances, Umbreon jumped into the air, readied his Iron tail, and used the momentum to give his attack more power, slamming the creature into the ground. The creature just lay motionless in the ground, staring up at the sky, until it suddenly jumped up, and ran at Umbreon. He saw the charge, and just stood there, making Jirachi and Celebi wonder what he was doing. They got their answer when the twin energy bolts reappeared out of the sky and struck the beast dead center, stopping it in its tracks.
And that’s how it’s done Umbreon said. Jirachi and Celebi both cheered and celebrated that the creature was dead, though they celebrated too soon, as Umbreon was all too aware of. The creature sprang into action, firing its Bullet seed Ember combo at them, only to be stopped by Shadow ball. Jirachi and Celebi immediately stopped and used Future sight once more. Iron tail made the beast back stumble backwards, where Future sight struck, and the beast collapsed face first into the ground.
This is too easy. Why? Is this thing playing with me? I know I’m good, but no way this good. Why is this thing so easy to beat up? It just doesn’t make any sense Umbreon thought. The beast sprang up again, causing Umbreon to instinctively fire off a Shadow ball, knocking the beast over again, but not for long. The creature hurled itself at Umbreon, and was knocked back by a Shadow claw.
There it is again! This is not right. It should be giving me more trouble than this, so why is this thing so easy? Umbreon thought. The creature retaliated with a vicious Hydro pump Silver wind combo, which Umbreon dodged with ease, and sent a Shadow ball back at it, nailing it right in the middle of its head. Not wanting to be left out, Jirachi and Celebi used Future sight once more, sending energy into the sky, and disappearing once again. Umbreon ran at the creature with Iron tail at the ready, and struck the beast in the stomach, hurling it into the ground after it flew backwards quite some distance. Just as it was getting ready to launch a counter strike, Future sight hit it, stopping it in its tracks, and it fell face forward.
Maybe this one was the weakest of the bunch, and was sent to fight the least aggressive legendary pokemon thinking it could handle it. I can’t think of any other reason why this is going so easily Umbreon thought. He waited a few more minutes for it to get up, but it never did. Cautiously approaching the creature, Umbreon rolled it over onto its back, and checked if it was dead. When he heard no heart beat, Umbreon sighed in relief. He was about to give Jirachi and Celebi the good news when he saw a blue object running at breakneck speed, right at him. Looking harder, Umbreon saw Blitz Jolteon headed towards him. When he got there, Jolteon looked at the creature, now lying dead on the ground, and turned to Umbreon.
I should have known you wouldn’t need my help. So, did it put up a good fight, or was it easy? Jolteon asked.
It was far too easy. I didn’t even have to transform. It must have been the runt of the litter, so it was easy to take down. It didn’t get many chances to attack, mind you. When I wasn’t smacking it around, Jirachi and Celebi had Future sight nailing it as well Umbreon said. Jolteon looked over Umbreon at Jirachi and Celebi, and said to Umbreon So, why do you think it came back?
What do you mean? Umbreon asked.
The creature got their DNA, but it still came back. Why do you think it did that? Jolteon asked.
WHAT?!? Umbreon yelled. He looked back at Jirachi and Celebi, and upon examining them, saw that they each had long, thin cuts on their arms.
Dang it! It must have happened before I got here, because the beast never teleported away. We just kept smacking it Umbreon said.
Don’t worry, we’ve still got the others to rely on. There is no way the team of Glaceon and Leafeon lost their match. Plus, can you imagine Charizard failing to win? Gyarados was with me, and he said he hadn’t fought yet, so there is still hope Jolteon said.
Your right! No one else could have failed Umbreon said.

“So, how did you know where to send your Skarmory?” Chris asked.
“I listened to the report on TV, and when I heard that you were captured, I couldn’t just let you down! I remembered where that man said his base was, so I traveled out here and sent Skarmory up for some recon, and luckily he found you. How did you escape anyway?” Alena summarized.
“I got on his nerves and he made a careless mistake.” Chris answered.
“So, what now?” Alena asked.
“I think I’ll go help my pokemon fight the creatures with the legendaries.” Chris responded.
“Well count me in. you need all the help you can get, especially with those beasts.” Alena said. And with that, they both headed north, towards Lake Valor, to help out.
After a few hours, Chris and Alena got to the lake to see they were too late. The lake guardians were knocked out, and had cuts on their arms, meaning their DNA was already taken.
“Where to next?” Alena asked.
“I don’t know. Most of the fights, if not all of them, are finished by now. After all, it has been a few days since this whole thing began.” Chris said.
“Can you ask your pokemon to see who is left?” Alena asked.
“They are too far away for me to hear them.” Chris said.
“Which reminds me, why on earth did you send them all away when you were hunted? That was a stupid move on your part.” Alena said.
“You sound just like Leafeon. She wanted someone to stay with me as well.” Chris said.
“Leafeon was wise. You shouldn’t have done that. OH! Did they get your DNA?” Alena asked.
“Yes, after the first few minutes after I woke up.” Chris answered.
“Well, this isn’t looking good. Most of the fights are over, and there are probably more victories for their side, and even your DNA was taken. That mad man is close to his goal, and we’ll all be in grave danger if he succeeds!” Alena said, slightly panicking.
“Don’t worry, because there is no way my pokemon will let any of the legendary pokemon’s DNA get taken, you can be sure of that.” Chris said.
Chapter 17: Deep in Mt. Coronet, a battle raged on. Gallade got to the battle to see that there were two creatures attacking Dialga and Palkia, who weren’t harmed in the least. A creature hurled itself at Dialga, knife at the ready, and cut him with it, but then everything seemed to go backwards. The beast’s cut was zipped up, and the creature was moving backwards. When it got to the place where it first started the charge, it hurled itself at Dialga once more, only this time, Dialga dodged the attack.
The thing had it, but Dialga says no you don’t Gallade thought, quite amused. The creature battling Palkia was trapped within a pink, transparent sphere, unable to move.
That guy can’t even try to cut him Gallade thought. Gallade couldn’t figure out how, after days of fighting, they were still in tip top condition. He got his answer when Dialga started panting heavily. A blue aura appeared around Dialga, and when it disappeared, Dialga wasn’t the least bit tired any more.
Oh I get it now! Dialga is rewinding himself and Palkia to when they first started the fight, so whenever they get tired, Dialga can just refresh them both. Genius! Gallade thought. Just when Gallade started to think they wouldn’t need his help, an entire army of the beasts appeared out of nowhere, all floating above Dialga and Palkia. In unison, they launched the Hydro pump Silver wind combination attack from above, raining the attack onto them. Dialga and Palkia barely had the time to use Protect to shield themselves. When they let down their shield, the Bullet seed Ember combo was launched at them, making direct contact. Gallade blinded each of the creatures using Voyance power, then slammed all of them with waves of psychic energy. The attack left Gallade feeling drained, do to the immense concentration it took to use it on that many targets. Struggling to stand, the attack had knocked the beasts to the ground, though they weren’t as hurt as Gallade would have liked.
Darn it! I used too much energy on that attack! I was so stupid! Gallade thought. Gallade fell to his knees, and just before he past out, he saw a blue object and a black and gold object running towards him, then he was knocked out.
When Gallade came to, the battle was still raging on, with half of the beasts lying dead on the ground, and the other half fighting Dialga, Palkia, Umbreon, and Blitz Jolteon.
Hey guys. Glad you could make it Gallade said.
Couldn’t let you have all the fun Umbreon said.
He is just saying that because his fight was over too soon for him to enjoy it Jolteon commented.
That is so…true Umbreon said.
Okay, well let me see what I can do Gallade said, getting up. He launched an Aura sphere at the nearest beast, surprisingly killing it.
You guys have been busy Gallade said.
You were out for awhile, so we better have been Jolteon said. A thunderbolt killed the next beast easily, though with another behind it, ready to take its place.
These things never end! Umbreon said.
We’re out numbered. Not surprising Gallade said, using Focus blast on another beast. Roar of time blasted a beast miles away, while Spacial rend did the same to another two. The sky suddenly became dark for some reason, around mid-night Gallade guessed. A huge black orb the size of Dialga and Palkia together appeared in the middle of the field, then suddenly broke into a million sharp, deadly spikes. The spikes hurled themselves at the creatures, killing most of the remaining ones and seriously injured the few survivors. Those who lived looked up at Dialga and Palkia, and teleported away.
Didn’t see that one coming Gallade said. Looking over at Umbreon, Gallade saw that he had transformed into Blaze Umbreon, not looking too happy.
What’s the problem? Thanks to you, we won! Lighten up, why don’t yah? Gallade said.
Take a look at the back of Dialga and Palkia’s neck, and say that we won Umbreon said. Gallade walked over to Dialga and Palkia and asked to see their necks. When they lowered their heads so he could see, he saw long, thin cuts on both of them.
How is that possible? Gallade asked.
It happened during the fight. I didn’t get all of those things with my attack, and Dialga and Palkia were too distracted to realize a creature was sneaking up on both of them Umbreon explained.
We just can’t get a break, can we? Jolteon asked.

Leafeon! Glaceon! Chris called. After a few more hours of walking, Chris and Alena spotted Leafeon and Glaceon wandering around the forest. Hearing their names called mentally, they both turned and ran towards Chris, both gleeful at seeing him again.
So, tell me the good news Chris said. Leafeon and Glaceon both looked at each other, uncertain looks on their faces.
We found you, that’s good news Leafeon said.
Well, yes it is. But tell me about how the fight went. I want to know how you won Chris said.
We, uh, sorta, um, didn’t stop the creatures from taking Arceus’ DNA Leafeon confessed, her head drooping low.
W-w-w-what? You lost? Chris said, stunned.
In fact, the only reason we are alive at all is because Charizard came just in time to save us Glaceon said, her head as low as Leafeon’s.
Well, tell me how Charizard did Chris said.
He lost too Leafeon said.
What!?! Where is he now? Chris asked.
We don’t know. He just said something about saving the last ones surviving, and took off. How would he know who is left in the fight? Oh yeah, he also said they got Darkrai and Crecelia too Glaceon said.
“More good news.” Chris said grimly.
“What did they say?” Alena asked.
“They said that they, along with Charizard, have failed to protect the legendary pokemon.” Chris said.
“Do they know what happened to your other pokemon?” Alena asked.
No, we don’t. Sorry Leafeon said.
“Nope. They are just as clueless about the others as we are.” Chris said.
“Then I guess we have to go find them ourselves, huh?” Alena said.
“Where would we even start looking?” Chris asked.
Well, Jolteon would have no doubt been done by now, Umbreon is no slacker either, so the only candidates left are Gallade and Gyarados Glaceon said.
“Then we go help Gyarados. Gallade would be done by now anyway.” Chris said. And so the four of them set off for the sea, hoping to find Gyarados before the beasts do.

Chapter 18: How long have I been swimming? Gyarados wondered.
I’m in the middle of the ocean, and still no sign of Manaphy or Phione Gyarados thought. After a few more minutes of searching, he was about to stop and rest, when a blinding white light covered the area, coming from straight ahead. Gyarados closed his eyes to shield them from the blinding light, and swam forward. When the flash went away, Gyarados opened his eyes to see Manaphy and Phione looking up at the beast.
This is bad. He has the advantage up there, but then again, we have an advantage down here! Gyarados thought. The beast fired a Bullet seed Ember attack from above, pelting Manaphy and Phione with the attack. Gyarados used Dragon breath to stop the attack, and it even blew the beast back a bit. He used Dragon breath again, but this time it was dodged quickly. The creature didn’t expect a Bubble beam to strike it just when it was done dodging Gyarados’ attack. The creature shook it off quickly and fired the same combo attack in retaliation. Gyarados was ready and countered immediately with Dragon breath; each attack went past each other to their targets. Gyarados dodged in the knick of time, while the creature wasn’t so lucky. The attack knocked it out of the air into the water, where Gyarados immediately charged at it. The creature teleported away back into the sky just before Gyarados made contact.
Dang it! So close Gyarados thought. Gyarados shot his head high above the water in an attempt to grab the beast and drag it into the water, though to no avail.
That’s it! I’m done playing around! Gyarados thought. He transformed into Fang Gyarados, and fired off multiple Aqua tails, each getting closer to the beast after every swing. Finally, he made contact and smacked the creature a few yards away, and Gyarados was already there, eager to swat the thing into the water. The beast teleported away long before Gyarados could smack it, and reappeared directly above Manaphy and Phione. They both used Ice beam, trying to make it fall, though the attack was dodged easily. The beast blinded the area with another flash, and when it cleared, Manaphy and Phione were both up in the air.
NO! Gyarados thought. He knew they were too far out of his reach, so he waited until they began to fall, and swam to the spot they would land. But they didn’t get the chance to land, as the creature grabbed them both with one arm, and pulled out a knife with the other.
NO!!!!!!! I can’t let this happen! Gyarados panicked. As fast as he could, he fired his Hyper beam, but it missed. Just as the beast was about to cut them, a jet of white hot flames hit the beast, causing it to drop the two back into the water, where they quickly swam up to see who had saved them. Gyarados looked as well, and saw Draco Charizard getting ready to fire off another attack. Seeing this, the creature teleported away.
Thank you so much Charizard. It almost won Gyarados said.
………it did Charizard replied.
What do you………no Gyarados said. He swam over to Manaphy and Phione and saw that they each had cuts on their back.
First Latios and Latias, now them!?! Gyarados said.
What? They got Latios and Latias too? Oh, this is bad. They got all the DNA of the legendary pokemon! Charizard said.
Say what!?! Gyarados exclaimed.
Before I came here, I did some research on the others, and everyone else lost their DNA to those beasts Charizard explained.
………now what? Gyarados asked.
We go to Hoenn. We need to stop this ultimate pokemon before it’s too late! Charizard said. They both headed to Hoenn after that, leaving behind the spot of their defeat.

“Wait, what was that? Was that…Lugia?” Alena asked.
“Ho-oh too.” Chris said. Ho-oh and Lugia were flying overhead, headed straight for Hoenn.
“I don’t know why, but I have a feeling we should follow them to Hoenn.” Chris said. They both ran after them, Leafeon and Glaceon at their heels.
“Good thing we aren’t too far from the place where I was captured, because I have a funny feeling that is where we are going.” Chris said.
Chapter 19: Umbreon and Jolteon were both running as fast as they could, following Latios and Latias.
Any clue where we’re going? Jolteon asked.
My money is on Hoenn Umbreon said.
Hoenn? Why there? Jolteon asked.
Because I would have to say that everyone else lost, and the legendary pokemon are going to Hoenn to stop this ultimate pokemon the guy was talking about Umbreon answered.
I just hope you’re wrong, or we’ll be in for the fight of our lives Jolteon said.
Trust me, no one wishes I was wrong more than me Umbreon said. And so they continued running, headed for Hoenn for what appeared to be the final battle.

After the battle with Arceus, Gallade went to try and help in another fight, though he ended up following Dialga and Palkia.
I might have messed up before, but not now. I know I’m going to fight this ultimate beast, and I will not fail again Gallade thought. He continued to follow them, and he soon saw Lugia and Ho-oh flying in the same direction. Looking harder, he saw Chris, as well as Leafeon and Glaceon, plus Alena.
Guys! Over here! Gallade called. Chris automatically looked over towards him, and waved. Though still running, they ran diagonally until they were side by side.
So, you ready for this? Chris asked.
Always ready Gallade said. They approached the mountains, and suddenly felt an extreme heat from above.
“We’re almost there!” Chris said.

Charizard and Gyarados were soon joined by the three legendary birds.
Land up ahead. Good thing your transformed state doesn’t require water, huh? Charizard said.
Good thing indeed Gyarados replied. Fang Gyarados and Draco Charizard soon saw a lot of mountains ahead, and felt the temperature increasing.
I think I can see the other Legendary pokemon! Charizard said.
I can top that. I see Chris and most of the others Gyarados said.
You win Charizard said. They went as fast as they could towards Chris, seeing Umbreon and Jolteon approaching them as well.
Glad to see the gangs all here Chris said when everyone got there.
We also have company Charizard said. All around them, all the legendary pokemon were there, looking at the entrance to the lair of the mad man.
Well, why aren’t they doing anything? Leafeon asked.
I was wondering the same thing. They all look ready to fight, yet they just stand there Glaceon said.
They will fight, but only if we get taken out Umbreon said. Leafeon and Glaceon both looked at him confused.
They all know we have the power to end it, but they feel they must be here just incase things go wrong Gallade explained.
Why us? Leafeon asked.
Because, we have the ability to transform into stronger versions of ourselves. In that state, we have more power than the legendary pokemon themselves! Jolteon said.
Then lets get busy, shall we? Chris said. They all nodded in agreement, and followed him inside. The lair was dark, until Umbreon illuminated the place, revealing a long metal hallway. A few steps in, and they heard something that sounded like glass shattering, followed by liquid spilling in vast amounts and a maniacal laughter.
That can’t be good Chris said.
You don’t think we’re too late, do you? Gyarados asked.
Lets not stand around and wait to find out Gallade said. Chris and the others picked up the pace and hurried down the hallway to enter a brightly lit room, with a gigantic monstrosity in the middle. Though it doesn’t show all the parts of the legendary pokemon, Chris knew this beast had them. It had Raquaza’s neck, Lugia’s wings covered in Ho-oh’s feathers, Heatran’ head with Zapdos’ beak , Groudon’s tail, Deoxys’ legs, Regigigas’ arms, and the eyes of Raiku.
This won’t be fun Jolteon said. Leafeon wasted no time in attacking, using Razor leaf. The attack was dead center, but it went straight through the creature.
How are we supposed to beat something as long as our attacks go right through it? Glaceon said. They heard the laughter once more, and the mad man appeared out of nowhere.
“Don’t waste your breath. My beast has perfect concentration, which allows it to cause your attacks to phase right through it. You cannot win! Finish them!” He yelled. The beast roared loudly, so loud it nearly blew Gallade off his feet. The beast then sent out waves of energy, which knocked everyone back with each hit, until they were at the entrance of the room. The creature then fired an attack that looked like Aero blast fused with Luster purge. The blast hit hard, and knocked the wind out of Chris. The pokemon then transformed into their second stage, and used a fusion move composed of all their elemental moves. The energy glowed brilliantly, and pierced the beast right through its chest, though the beast remained unharmed, for the move phased right through it again.
If we could just get one shot at it, we could win. We have to create a distraction, something big enough to disrupt its’ concentration, but how? Charizard asked. Chris looked at the beast with a determined face, thinking quickly.
I’ve got it. Gallade, you have to throw me as hard as you can at the creature, and I’ll do the rest Chris said. Confused, Gallade nodded, and hurled him right at the beast. The creature was stunned, surprised by the rash move that it didn’t focus on phasing him through. Chris latched onto the creatures neck, and move so he was on top of it. He then grabbed the creatures neck with as much strength as he could muster, causing the beast to yell and squirm.
Now! Do it now! Shoot! Chris yelled.
But if we do, you won’t make it! We can’t do that! Gallade said.
Its me or the world, and I’m pretty sure the world comes first, so do it! Chris screamed. They knew that they had no choice, so with tears in their eyes, they fired their fusion move full force at the creature, enveloping it and Chris within the blast. When it was over, There was no sign of the creature, or Chris.
NO! why did you have to do that!?! Why?!? Gallade yelled, on his knees crying and banging on the floor.
“No! my perfect creation! You! When I get done with you, you will-” he never got to finish his sentence, or will get the opportunity again. Charizard fired Magma pulse at him, killing the maniac for good. Knowing that staying will only make things worse, Charizard led the others out of the lair, and before they knew it, they were home. (the house was repaired during the fight with the creatures). Gyarados went in first, and immediately jumped into the pool. When everyone else got in, they automatically stopped in their tracks. There, on the couch, with nothing more than a few bumps and scratches, was a man with a blue coat, blue pants, and a blue hat with a single red and gold feather in the fold.
Hey guys. What took you so long? Chris asked.

Chapter 20/ Epilogue: It’s been 15 years since the incident with the ultimate pokemon, and what a 15 years it has been. Alex fell in love with contests after seeing one on TV, and he has gotten really good. Chris’ parents got their own house, and Espeon and Flareon decided to move in with them. Chris, along with Umbreon, Jolteon, and Leafeon visit them sometimes. Chris and Alena got married (who knew?) and had a girl named Jennifer, Jen for short. And that is where this chapter takes us.

Jen was bouncing on the balls of her heels, eagerly eying the town up ahead, waiting for the boat to dock in Pallet town. Deciding she needed to distract herself, she looked over to her right and saw Gyarados swimming along side the boat. She stretched her arm out to try and pet him, and he did her one better. He went over to the boat and allowed Jen to get on his head.
I didn’t know you gave rides Charizard said.
Jen is a special case. She is getting her first pokemon soon, and she is leaving right after that Gyarados said.
Too bad to. I’ll really miss you guys Jen said. When she was born, Jen inherited her fathers special gift of bonding her soul with pokemon, so she can speak with them mentally. But that seems to be the only thing she inherited from him, because she looks just like her mother, but with shorter hair. She also wears bright red clothes and a blue bow in her hair.
I think I see the town guys Umbreon said.
Cool. I’m eager to see what my daughter chooses Chris said.
“Dad, could you remind me where you got your first pokemon? I can’t remember you telling me where.” Jen said.
Your father didn’t choose me the easy way. He saved my life when I was on the brink of death, and I couldn’t just leave him after that Charizard said.
“You flatter me old friend.” Chris said.
“The town! We’re finally here!” Jen said. The boat slowed to a stop and Jen got off Gyarados and off the boat, eagerly running to the town.
“Come on! I want to get my pokemon!” Jen said impatiently. Eventually they traveled to Professor Oaks’ lab.
“Greetings. So, what pokemon do you wish to get? You have the choice of Charmander, Bulbasaur, and Squirtle. All great pokemon in my opinion.” Oak asked. Jen walked over to the three pokemon and studied each of them carefully.
“This is hard. I heard Bulbasaur was the easiest to train, yet Squirtle has the highest defense of the three. I know. I’ll choose Charmander, just like my dad.” Jen said. The Charmander smiled widely and jumped into Jens’ arms. She concentrated, and bonded her soul with Charmanders’.
I just know we’re going to be the strongest team ever Jen said.
I’ll try my best the Charmander said back. And so, after receiving her pokedex and her six pokeballs, Jen bid farewell to her dad and set out for her journey.
Wait! Came a call from behind her. She turned around to see both Leafeon and Glaceon.
What is it? Jen asked.
Can we come with you? Please? Leafeon asked.
“W-what? What about dad?” Jen asked, slightly stunned.
Who do you think asked us to keep an eye on you? Plus, we really want to travel again. So can we come with you? Glaceon asked.
I’d love to have you two with me. Thanks for staying with me Jen said. And so, with Leafeon and Glaceon at her heels, Jen set off for her pokemon journey. Where will life take her? Where will she go? And will she become as great a trainer as her father? I’m getting ahead of myself here. After all, that is another story.

So, how'd I do for my very first fan fiction story?
Great!Please continue it!You can tell us about Jen's travel!
You spoiled my surprise! Oh well. Now that its out, I plan on posting the story: The story of Jen. I'm working on Chapter one right now.
its a pretty good story the beggining is quite sad and dark
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