Legendary Pokémon

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not everyone understands the value of a great fanfic.....
Chapter 9: "Have I ever told you I would be lost without you?" Keshia said. They were inside Rock tunnel, which was pitch black. Keshia had suggested to go back, since she didn't have "night vision", when Jen pulled out her flashlight, which shown brightly to illuminat enough of the cave so they could walk through safely.
"You could stand to mention it more." Jen said with a grin. A moment later, they heard a faint roar coming from straight ahead.
"What was that?" Keshia asked.
"Probably just some wild pokemon. I heard there was an Onix in this cave." Jen said.
"Do we have any defenses for an Onix?" Keshia asked.
"I have Seel and Heracross, so we're covered. Don't worry, we should be safe as long as we don't bother it.....and if it isn't territorial." Jen said softly.
"What was that last thing?" Keshia asked.
"Nothing. You must be hearing things, perhaps the echo from the cave." Jen said.
"I hope so, because I'd hate to have to fight a grumpy Onix in a dark cave like this." Keshia said.
Obviously, I have become chopped liver in this group, or you two have forgotten that I am an extremely powerful ice type, and can take out any Onix with ease Glaceon said, not bothering to conceal her frustration.
Sorry Glaceon, I just forgot, thats all Jen said.
I'd expect you of all people, besides Chris, to know my power Glaceon said.
Sorry, it won't happen again, I promise. Why so testy today? Jen asked.
I guess I just miss Leafeon, thats all Glaceon answered.
When we get to Celedon, it is only a matter of time before you two are together again Jen said.
Then lets hurry! Glaceon said eagerly. The group was about half way into the tunnel when they heard another roar, only louder and closer this time.
"It sounds really close. What should we do?" Keshia said.
"Get out Mankey, and see if that helps you calm down." Jen said. Keshia nodded and released Mankey. Seeing that pokemon look around for a fight did ease Keshia's tension, though didn't erase it.
"With Mankey out, I should actualy pity any pokemon that messes with us." Keshia said, feeling more confident. Out of nowhere, a huge Onix appeared in front of Jen. Mankey immediatly sprang towards Onix, smacking it hard with Karate chop. Onix retaliated quickly with Headbutt, sending Mankey far. Once Mankey was sentfor a loop, Onix turned its attention to Jen. Glaceon was just about to attack when a bright white light lit up the area. A few seconds later, it went away leaving a furious Primape using Close Combat on Onix. The attack caused Onix to flee quickly, leaving Primape taking a victorious stance.
"Raising a Primape will be fun, so long as it doesn't think me an enemy." Keshia said. The rest of the way was smooth sailing, probably because Onix spread a warning. Soon they exited the cave and came into Lavander town, to see a huge crwod gathered together.
"Now what could be here in ghost central that makes people want to be here?" Keshia said. With Primapes assistance, they made their way to the middle of the crowd to see a boy of 14 telling a story.
"...Oh sure, someone else might be afraid of a ghost as tall as a Tyranitar, but not me! I gave that ghost something to moan about, and I slept the rest of the night away." He said.
"Sir, could you tell us what is going on?" Keshia asked.
"This guy spent the night in Lavander tower, and is telling his story of last night."
Something doesn't feel right. Last time when Chris was here, he told me that not even he could stand a night in that tower. He was brave enough, but as soon as he fell asleep, he woke up 3 minutes later to find himself outside. How could this guy do what Chris couldn't? Glaceon asked.
"Let me try and find out. Excuse me, did you really stay in the tower for the whole night?" Jen asked. The boy looked around and found Jen, smirked, then said "Of course I did. Why would I lie to such a pretty girl?"
"Because you are not my type. Also, because when he was younger, my dad tried to stay in that tower. He was brave enough, but when he fell asleep, he was outside." Jen said.
"Well perhaps your dad is a cowardly liar." He remarked.
"Well good. I'll tell the grand champion how you feel about him." Jen said. At that, all the color drained from his face.
"N-n-no way. Your dad is grand champion Chris?!?" He stuttered.
"Yes. My name is Jen, and I think you are lying about your story." Jen said.
"Wait, you're THE Jen!?" A man from the crowd exclaimed.
"Yes, why?" Jen asked.
"And you must be her friend Keshia, correct?"
"You know my name too?" Keshia said.
"Of course! You two are the real deal Shining Star double battle team! You two are really a big deal." A man said.
"When did we become famous? And what is with that Shining Star team?" Jen asked.
"Your battle phrases are Its your time to shine and You're the star now, right?"
"Yes, and I would appreciate it if we would be the only ones to use our phrases." Keshia said.
"You two are the first to challenge gyms as a team, and it is because of you two that the league is inspired to make a double battle league. Well, it was also with the help of a guest battler who will be taking the Elite Four's place, but it is mainly because of you two."
"Wait, what special guest?" Jen asked.
"Noone except the league knows, and they are doing everything in their power to keep it that way."
"Cool. Anyway, Keshia lets not waste time here. We have to go meet my dad at Celadon soon." Jen said.
Chapter 10: "So that's what happened dad. I can't believe we actually became famous for battling together." Jen said. Jen, Keshia, and Chris were in the Celadon city Pokemon center drinking sodas while Jen told her father the news.
"What I'd like to know is who they got to be the battler." Chris said.
"What? With you being grand champion, I was sure you would know." Keshia said.
"I am the champion for the league, though I am not technically part of it." Chris answered.
"Oh. Anyway, will you be in town long enough to see the Shining Star team beat up Erica?" Keshia said.
"I'm in no rush, you guys?" Chris asked.
I'm in Charizard said, and the others said the same.
"Actually, Jen, you guys go on ahead. Ive got to do something I had been planning, and it can't wait. Don't worry, it will only take a few minutes. I'll see you at the gym in 10, okay?" Keshia left immediatly after that, leaving Jen to wonder what she had in store. 10 minutes later, Jen and Chris were infront of the gym looking around for Keshia.
"Where is she? She said she would be here right about now." Jen said impatiently. Just as she was about to give up waiting, Keshia came sprinting into view.
"*Huff* *puff*, sorry guys, the line was longer than I thought." Keshia said.
"Line to what?" Jen asked.
"You'll see very soon. Come on, its time to battle for bagde number 4." Keshia said. They entered the gym to be greeted by the pleasant aroma of flowers, and to see a woman sitting on a flat bed of grass.
"Um, hello? Are you Erica?" Jen asked.
"Indeed I am. And who-" Erica spotted Chris and stopped mid sentence.
"So I have the pleasure of seeing you again. You are the same trainer who took down my teacher all those years ago, aren't you?" Erica said angrily.
"Pleasure to be recognized." Chris said smoothly.
"Get out of my gym. I know why you are here, and I will not grant you a battle!" Erica nearly screamed.
"You cannot refuse a challenge withou a just reason. A petty grugde is not just enough, so you must accept her challenge." Chris said.
"Fine, but expect no mercy from me!" Erica said. She got up and led them to a grassland battle field.
"This will be a four on four battle, me using four and you two only use two. I know of the Shining Star team." Erica said.
"Its your time to shine, Charmander!"
"Go Vileplume and Victreebell!"
"You're the star now!" Keshia sent out a fierce Flareon to battle with Charmander.
"The line was for a fire stone. I get it now. Smart thinking." Jen said.
"Sunny day and Solarbeam!" Erica commanded immediatly. Even thought they were indoors, it grew very hot very quickly. Vileplume shot out a Solarbeam in the blink of an eye.
"Flamethrower!" Jen and Keshia both shouted, both on instinct. Twin jets of flame which collided with the Solarbeam in mid air. The Flamethrower manged to push the Flamethrower back and strike Vileplume and Victorybell, knocking them both out.
"Awsome! Way to go you two!" Jen and Keshia said simultaniously. As Charmander started to celebrate, it started to glow a brilliant bright white. Charmander had evovled into Charmeleon, and was admiring his new body.
Awsome! Who's the king baby? Charmeleon said.
Elvis Jen said. That killed his celebration as he dropped his shoulders, which made Jen giggle at him.
"Tangela and Executor! Go!" Erica said. Tangela and Executor came out and immediatly started attacking at Erica's command.
"Flamethrower again!" Jen and Keshia shouted. Again two jets of flames erupted from Charmeleon and Flareon, and again they took out Erica's pokemon with apparent ease.
"Though I loathe to admit it, you two deserve this Rainbow bagde." Erica thrust the bagdes into thier hands and insisted heavely they leave.
"You two are quite the team." Chris said.
"Thanks dad." Jen said.
"Oh yes. Before I leave, I do believe their is someone who missed you." Chris openes up a pokeball to have Leafeon jump out and tackle Jen playfully, then go to Glaceon.
"Good luck on your journey you two. Seeya kiddo." Chris said.
It's not that i don't understand the value of a great fan fic, I'm just not much of a reader. Toungue
Special treat! A look at Chris' past and his battle phrase!

Chapter 11: “Hey Jen, I’ve been wondering about this for awhile, and being the champs daughter, I was hoping you could answer my question.” Keshia said.
“He thinks it is egotistic to give out autographs.” Jen said.
“No, well I was wondering about that, but that isn’t what I was wondering. What is your dad’s battle phrase?” Keshia asked.
“You know, that is actually a common question as well.” Jen said.
“Well, what is it?” Keshia asked.
“Being as he is now, he doesn’t use it anymore, but when he was younger and still on his journey, he thought really hard, tried out different ones, and finally came up with one that fit him perfectly.” Jen said.
“WHAT IS IT?” Keshia asked impatiently.
“We fight as one.” Jen answered.
“Wow…that is a really cool battle phrase. Why would he stop using it though?” Keshia wondered.
“He doesn’t need to use it anymore, seeing as he can talk to his pokemon with his mind, and keeps them out all the time.” Jen said.
“Still, that would suit him perfectly. In my opinion, he should use it again.” Keshia said. They reached the center to grab a quick bite to eat before heading to cycling road, when they see Erica talking to nurse Joy. When Erica sees them, she turns her back to them and walks away.
“Wait Erica, why do you hate my dad so much?” Jen asked.
“Because he humiliated my teacher, and my gym.” Erica stated.
“How? Could you please tell us?” Keshia asked.
“Very wel, perhaps you will be better off knowing why I insist upon my dislike of him.” Erica said.

A boy of 9 walks to the front of the gym, wearing a blue denomn jacket, black shirt, blue pants, and a blue hat with a single red and gold feather in the fold. He walks in holding a pokeball in his hands, and searches for the leader. Brandon, current Celadon gym leader, is giving a lesson to his star apprentice Erica, when a small 9 year old boy walks up to him and challenges him to a battle. Brandon happily accepts the challenge, thinking it an easy win against a young boy. Erica, whose face suddenly lights up, quickly follows Brandon and this mysterious new kid into the arena, eager to see Brandon win yet again. Brandon had obtained a reputation as one of the most powerful grass type trainers, and was one win away from setting a world record for most consecutive wins; 1000 in a row.
“This will be a three on three match. Only the challenger may substitute pokemon. Let the match begin!” The ref proclaimed. Brandon had sent out a huge Venusour, much larger than any normal one, a sign of good training. The mysterious young kid only responds with a Ralts. Brandon makes sure it is his sure choice, and when the kid says it is, Brandon has Venusour use Razor leaf, hoping to end the match quickly and not hurt the kids confidence. Razor leaf was stopped dead in its tracks with a Psychic from Ralts, then it is sent back much harder at Venusour, knocking it out with the sheer force of Psychic and Razor leaf. Both pokemon are returned, the win going to the kid. Erica gasps as she stares dumbstruck at the kid. Noone had ever beaten Venusour with so much ease. Round two came with a Roselia from Brandon, and the kid sending out a Magickarp in response. Magickarp may have put on a show to make Brandon believe it was weak, but a Tackle attack sent Roselia for a loop and straight into the wall, where it was embedded in, fainted. Now Erica was truly terrified for Brandon, as she saw his record slipping away from him. Brandon had finally recognized the kid’s true power, and sent out his strongest partner, Sceptile. Erica sighs heavely in relief, as she had yet to see a challenger beat Sceptile, whether it be three on one or not. The kid ponders this for a moment, then returns Magickarp and says “We fight as one Charmeleon!” He has sent out his most trusted partner to battle, and the battle began. Sceptile was displaying it’s incredible speed, running circles around Charmeleon before it stopped suddenly, then cried out in pain as a rope of fire had tied around it’s ankle, pinning it in place as Charmeleon finished it off with a mighty Flamethrower. Brandon dropped to his knees, and the kid went over to the ref to claim his badge.
“Who- who or what are you?” Brandon said. The kid, a few steps away from the door, turns around, looked at Erica fro a moment, then turned to Brandon and said “My name is Chris, and I claim my victory here, nothing more, nothing less.” After that, he turned and left the gym, leaving Erica stunned as she had just seen her hero be brushed aside like a play thing. She vowed she would avenge her teacher, one way or another.

“And so that is why I cannot stand your father. It is because of him that Brandon failed to set the world record. To add insult to injury, he went on to get that record!” Erica said.
“Wow, Chris is really a cool guy, even as a kid!” Keshia said. Grunting in frustration, Erica leaves with her freshly healed pokemon, and leaves Keshia and Jen to discuss about what Erica had just told them.
Chapter 12: Jen and Keshia were heading towards cycling road, in hopes of reaching Fushia city to get their fifth gym badge.
"Hey Jen, we don't have bikes. How can we take cycling road?" Keshia asked.
"Don't worry, they loan bikes to travellers like us so we can go." Jen said.
I hope they loan out bikes with big baskets Leafeon said.
Me too. I really don't feel like running down cycling road, but surely Jen knew this and has a plan, right? Glaceon said.
...Um, would you guys hate me if I said I was banking on bikes with baskets? Jen said nervously.
Not hate, we could never hate you, but be angry if your wrong, that we can do Leafeon said. They reached the gate of cycling road, and Jen went to talk with the guy in hopes of renting bikes.
"Sure little lady, I got two bikes right here, with the perfect size baskets you need." The man said.
"Thanks sir. Keshia, how about Glaceon rides with you, and I take Leafeon?" Jen asked.
"Sure, I'd love to." Keshia said. Leafeon jumps into the basket while Jen holds her bike steady, Glaceon does the same. Soon they were zooming down cycling road, feeling the cool afternoon air in their faces, and after a half hour, Jen and Keshia stop at a nearby bed of grass to rub the cramps out of their legs.
"I never knew it would be so long, did you?" Keshia asked, sitting down.
"Nope, but dad did say it wasn't short. I wish he had been more specific, but- Keshia! Look, its a Lapras!!" Jen shouted. Near the bed of grass was a small pool of water which was connected to the ocean, and Jen had spotted a Lapras swimming closer and closer to where they were taking a break.
"I thought Lapras were shy pokemon, so why is this one swimming towards us?" Keshia asked.
"Maybe to say hello?" Jen said hopefully. Lapras came to a stop when it got as close to the edge as it could, and started to cry out to them.
"Glaceon, Lapras is part ice, so maybe you would have the best cahnce out of all of us to find out what it wants. Will you try?" Jen asked.
I have nothing better to do Glaceon said. She went up to the Lapras and started questioning it. A few minutes later, Glaceon returned, with the Lapras resuming to cry out to them.
Okay, as weird as it is, this is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. If you didn't guess already by it's size, that is a baby Lapras, just hatched to be precise At that, Glaceon started to grin widely, but managed to control herself and continue.
It seems that Lapras only just hatched half an hour ago, and as you know, pokemon that hatch cling to whomever they see first as their mother/father Again Glaeon had to take a moment to control herself, as she had begun again to smile stupidly.
Well, it seems that this one got seperated from its real mom, and its egg floated to the entrance of cycling road Glaceon could no longer keep her composer and burst out laughing, and once it was out of her system, she managed to calm down enough to continue, though couldn't keep the grin off her face.
Glaceon, I fail to see such humor in an egg getting seperated from it's [i]mother Jen said sternly.
Well, according to her, its a she by the way, according to her, she is with her mom. You![/i] Glaceon again collapsed into a fit of laughter, and upon hearing this Leafeon joined in.
You're kidding, right? Jen said.
I wish I was, you can't make something like that up! Glaceon said through the giggles. Lapras, who appears to have run out of patience, flopped onto land and began making her way towards Jen, and snuggling up to her.
"That is one friendly Lapras, huh Jen?" Keshia said.
"You aren't going to believe this, but this Lapras thinks I'm her mother." Jen said. It took a minute for that to sink in, but when it did, Keshia joined Leafeon and Glaceon and the ground laughing like their was no tomorrow. Jen pet Lapras soothingly, waiting until they have had their fill of laughs. When they finally settled down, Keshia was the first to speak.
"Well, I guess you have to keep it, because it won't leave her mommy alone." Keshia teased.
"Not funny. How can I though? I already have a full team of six, and if I catch her, she'll go to Professor Oak, and I don't think she'd like that." Jen said.
Even on day one, Jen is protective of her baby Leafeon teased, then chuckled at the responce from Jen.
"Well, how about you give me Seel?" Keshia said.
"What? Why?" Jen asked.
"Well, with Lapras, you'll have two water types, while I'm still in the market for one. And this way, it would be easier to settle the differences between Natu and Seel." Keshia said.
"Okay, but I refuse to break our bond, okay?" Jen said.
"Read you loud and clear." Keshia said. She went over and Jen reluctantly handed over Seel's pokeball. She bonded her soul to Lapras, which was surpringly easy.
How about you come with me? Jen asked gently.
That's why I followed you for that really long time. Will I have to be carried in one of those balls? Lapras asked.
Yes, sorry but I can't carry you myself and I don't have a mobile aquarium Jen said. She reached to her belt and pulled out a pokeball, and Lapras tapped it with her forehead.
"Keshia, Leafeon, Glaceon, let go before it gets dark." Jen said.
"She means lets go before she gets mistaken for anyone elses mother." Keshia murmured to Leafeon and Glaceon, who chuckled.
"I heard that!" Jen shouted. Still chuckling, Leafeon and Glaceon got into their baskets and Jen and Keshia rode the rest of the way down to Fushia city.

It's a gift. They come to me in day dreams, or as I'm writing, and I just go with it, and it has worked out great so far, right?
Chapter 13: "...So thats what happened mom. As far as Lapras is concerned, you've become a grandmother, and WOULD YOU THREE STOP LAUGHING ALREADY!" Jen snapped. She was on the phone in the Fushia city pokemon center telling her mom, Alena, about her new Lapras, and Keshia, Leafeon, and Glaceon had just burst into a laughing fit again.
"Oh don't mind them. I think its sweet that Lapras thinks you're her mother. Take good care of her, promise?" Alena said.
"Of course mom, I wouldn't do anything less." Jen said.
"Well, oh wait, your father just walked in. Do you want to tell him yourself, or should I?" Alena asked.
"Tell me what?" Jen heard from Alena's side.
"Go on and tell him. I have to go check out Fushia city, and maybe kill my friends while I'm at it." Jen said, still clearly annoyed at the others.
"Okay, just make sure to have fun, and don't get caught killing them, okay?" Alena said.
"What a good mother you are. Bye." Jen said smiling. After they hung up, Jen left the center, not bothering to tell the others where she was going, and took a stroll around Fushia.
"I heard there was a beach at the southern part of Fushia... ah, there it is." Jen said to herself. She made her was to the beach and let out all her pokemon.
"Everyone, meet Lapras, our new family member. Be nice to her, because she is just a baby, okay?" Jen said. Everyone nodded, and with that they went to run around and play on the beach, except for Lapras who made her way to Jen.
Don't want to play with the others? If you're shy, don't worry. They are all really nice, and fun to be around Jen said.
I'm just tired, thats all mommy Lapras responded with a yawn.
Okay, sleep for awhile and I'll wake you up when its time to go, okay? Jen said. At that Lapras fell asleep immediatly, and Jen layed on the sand watching the other pokemon play, until- BANG! Lapras jerked up, as did Jen, and looking around they see Charmeleon and Shinx fighting. Flamethrower collided with Thunderbolt, creating a big explosion. All the other pokemon were trying to break them up, though to no avail, until Heracross left to get Jen.
Jen! Charmeleon and Shinx are really going at it and we can't stop them! He said quickly. Jen immediatly sprang up and ran towards the fight, Lapras attempting to follow. When Jen got to the fight, she ducked out of the way just in time to avoid a Dragon rage and a Charge beam.
"ENOUGH!!!" Jen screamed. Startled by her, Charmeleon and Shinx stopped, though they glared at each other.
"Okay, now, Shinx, what happened, then Charmeleon will tell his side of the story." Jen said.
I was playing in the sand, trying to bury Pidgeotto, When my tail lit up in flames because of Flamethrower! Shinx said.
Why were you trying to bury Pidgeotto? Jen asked.
Exactly what I was thinking! Pidgeotto was sleeping on the sand, minding his own bussiness, when she goes over and decides to bury him, so I shot a warning at her, then she struck me with Thunderbolt! Charmeleon said.
It was a harmless prank, and you attacked me for it! Shinx shouted.
You shouldn't have done it in the first place! Charmeleon shouted back. And the fighting resumed once more when Shinx ran at Charmeleon with an Iron tail. The attack landed, and Charmeleon took at moment to recover from the sneak attack. Shinx suddenly lit up brilliantly, then when she stopped glowing, Shinx had evovled into Luxio. While she was taking in her new body, Charmeleon had recovered and was furious. So mad he focused every bit of power he had and fired it at Luxio, scorching her badly.
What...was that? Charmeleon wondered, both marveled and scared of his new found power.
That was the most powerful fire move, except for my dad's home made element moves, Blast Burn, and now Luxio needs to get to the pokemon center immedialty! She is really hurt! Jen said. She returned Lapras, Pidgeotto, and Bulbasour, then had Heracross and Charmeleon help carry Luxio to the pokemon center.
"Jen, we're sorry, but it was- what happened to her?" Keshia said alarmed.
"Shinx evovled, Charmeleon used Blast Burn, and she really needs to be healed." Jen said quickly. Not stopping to answer any more questions, Jen quickly got Luxio to Nurse Joy, who then took her to be treated immedialty.
"You were lucky to get het here so fast, her condition isn't looking too good at the moment." Nurse Joy said just before she got Luxio onto a strecher and into the emergency room.
"Okay, now will you fill us in on what just happened?" Keshia asked, a worried look on her face.
"Okay, well it started when I left the center..." Jen told her the story. When she finished, Keshia, Leafeon and Glaceon turned to Charmeleon with angry looks on their faces.
"You really were out of line Charmeleon. To use such an attack over something so stupid, you really must be ashamed." Keshia said.
You'd better beg for her forgiveness when she comes out, because you really did overeact Leafeon said.
I know. Its just...she attacked me when I was distracted, so I was really angry, then I just turned that into an attack and I went overboard I guess Charmeleon said. It was a few hours later until Nurse Joy came out of the ER. Jen ran towards her, and immediatly asked how Luxio was.
"She will be just fine. The wounds weren't as serious as I thought, and she will be good as new in the morning." The sigh of relief could be heard all around town when Jen heard the news.
The next morning, Jen got up early and went to go check on Luxio. When she got the the ER room, she saw Charmeleon had beat her there.
...so thats what happened. Even? Charmeleon asked.
Well, only because you begged me, I guess I can't stay mad Luxio said smiling. Jen decided to leave those two alone for awhile, then went to get breakfast.

The Fushia gym battle will be in the next chapter, I promise. I just wanted to fit in Shinx's evolution somehow, and that's what I came up with. Sorry if it was too dramatic for your taste, it isn't likely to happen again.
Chapter 14: "Okay everyone, ready to go?" Jen asked.
"Ready to be on step closer to the Indigo Platue." Keshia said.
Mommy, can I please battle? Lapras asked.
W-what? You're only one day old, but you want to battle against a gym leader? Maybe you don't understand yet, but gym leaders are really tough, and should be left for the other more experienced pokemon. You understand now, right? Jen explained.
But I know I can win! Let me try, please? Lapras begged.
"Well, I, uh, I don't know. Let me check something first." Jen pulled out her pokedex and looked up Lapras' moves.
Pokemon name: Lapras
Gender: Female
Moves: Water Gun, Protect, Ice Beam, Hyper Beam
"Wow. So this is how the phrase don't judge a book by it's cover got started." Jen said.
"How? What's going on?" Keshia asked, confused. Jen showed Keshia Lapras' moves.
"Strong baby. You got lucky Jen." Keshia said.
"Strong she maybe, but she wants to fight in our gym match today. She really seems determined, but she is so young. I'm stumped." Jen said.
"Well, maybe if we each use two pokemon, you could use Lapras, then if she faints, use Charmeleon. He did just learn Blast Burn after all." Keshia said.
"Lets see how things go." Jen said. She gathered everyone up and set off with Keshia to the gym.
When they enter the gym, they find a wooden hallway that creaks when stepped on.
"Perhaps this isn't the right place?" Keshia said.
"It is, I'm sure of it. Maybe I-Stop!" Jen shouted. Keshia froze in her place as Jen cautiously showed her what she would have walked into. She lightly steps onto a section of floor boards that were just a slightly different color that the hallway, and revealed it to be a pitfall trap with Voltorb and Electrode at the bottom.
"What kind of gym is this? And how did you know that was there?" Keshia said.
"I remembered just in time what my dad used to tell me about this place. It is a ninja theme based gym with poison types, but challengers must first get to the gym leader, and that itself is a challenge with all the traps. Most trainers just avoid this place and go to a different gym, giving this one a respectable reputation." Jen explained.
"So you know, do you? Then lets skip this nonsense and get right down to it shall we?" A man in a dark purple ninja suit landed on the floor directly behind them, scaring Keshia quite a lot.
"Koga, right?" Jen asked.
"Indeed, and you two are the famous double battle team, correct?" Koga said.
"Yes, and we challenge you to a battle." Jen said.
"Very well. Come this way." Koga tapped on the wall next to him and it slid right to reveal a passage. The path led them to a plain gym battle arena, with a ref already there.
"This will be a 4 on 4 match, with Koga using 4 while both challengers only using 2 each. Let the match begin!"
"Go Muk and Weezing!"
"You're the star now Pikachu!"
"It's your time to shine Lapras!" Once everyone was out, Lapras immediatly started with an Ice beam directed at Muk.
Hold on Lapras! You can't just rush in like that, you have to wait for the right time to strike, okay? Jen said. Muk easily ducked under the attack and sent a Sludge bomb at Pikachu.
"Thunderbolt!" Keshia said quickly. Pikachu barely made it with using Thunderbolt to collide with Sludge bomb.
"Lapras Water gun!" Jen said. Lapras sent a stream of water at Weezing, though it was just brushed off. Weezing ignored Lapras and used Double Edge on Pikachu.
"Thunder!" Keshia said. Pikachu didn't have enough time to launch the attack as Weezing was just too quick. Pikachu was sent flying at the wall, and barely managed to get back up.
"Enough fooling around. Hyper Beam!" Jen said, quite annoyed now and showing it. Lapras charged the attack as quickly as she could, and fired the beam at Muk, making direct contact. However, Muk barely showed any signs of damage, while Lapras was panting heavely, tired from using her attack.
"What is going on here? Lapras return!" Jen said.
"It's your time to shine Charmeleon!" Charmeleon came out, ready to go. Muk fired a Sludge bomb at Charmeleon, which only seemed to annoy him greatly.
"Flamethrower!" The jet of flames struck Muk hard and it collapsed, fainted.
"Thunder!" This time Pikachu managed to strike his target, fainting Weezing.
"Go Venemoth and Arbok!" Koga said after returning Muk and Weezing. Venemoth hovered above Pikachu, realeasing a purple powder all over him.
"Keshia thats poison powder! Get Pikachu out of there!" Jen shouted.
"Return Pikachu. You're the star now Primape!" Primape came out and without missing a beat, struck Arbok with Close Combat. Charmeleon slashed Venemoth with Shadow claw, clipping its wings sending it down to the ground. Charmeleon mercilessly burned Venemoth with Flamethrower and finished it off, while Primape had long since fainted Arbok.
"I am mostly impressed, except with that Lapras of yours. It is poorly trained and it was foolish to put in battle. Never the less, you two have won and deserve this badge. But remember, train that Lapras, understand?" Koga said.
"Yes sir." Jen said softly as she took her gym badge, as did Keshia. The two left the gym, cautious of any more traps, then went to the center for some healing.
"Jen, he was right you know. Putting Lapras in seemed like a good idea at first, but seeing how hard she tried and so little results, I guess she really needs training, huh?" Keshia said.
"I'll work on it. Lets talk about something else, okay?" Jen said moodily.
"Okay, so where is the next stop and what is the fastest way?" Keshia asked.
"Safron city to fight Clairvonyant herself Sabrina. She uses Psychic types and isn't an easy opponent. I think the best route would be to go back up cycling road, then through Celadon and keep heading East. Afeter that we have to come back here to get the boat to Cinnibar Island. But first things first, going up cycling road." jen said.
"Dang it! It is so long, then we have to go back down again, huh?" Keshia asked.
"No, wait. Once we beat Sabrina, we can go south to Virmillion city and take the boat there, Much quicker." Jen said.
"I just can't wait. We really have come so far so fast, huh?" Keshia said.
"Yes Keshia, we sure have." Jen said.
Chapter 15: "This...is...really...hard!" Keshia panted.
"Almost...there." Jen said, tired as well. They finally reach the top of cycling road, then collapse on the ground, gasping for breath.
"In retrospect, it would have been easier to beat Sabrina, THEN go to Fushia." Keshia said.
"This is the order my dad did this in, so this is the order I'm going to do it too." Jen said. They returned their bikes and went through Celadon city fairly quickly, after stopping at the pokemon center for a drink. They were on the road soon after and it wasn't long before dusk fell.
"We didn't make much headway today, huh?" Keshia said, setting up her sleeping bag.
"Well, our legs hurt so we moved slowly." Jen said, also getting her bag out. They gathered up wood for a fire and cooked some food. Once their stomachs were full, as well as their pokemon's, they fell asleep easily.
The next morning, Jen awoke to find Lapras very close to her, with her head on Jen. Jen jumped a little in surprise, which must have woken Lapras. She slowly opened her eyes, blinked a few times then yawned.
Good morning to you too. You sure surprised me Lapras. Why are you out of your pokeball? Jen asked.
I heard what that Koga guy said, and he was right, as were you. I wasn't ready, and you took the blame. I've been thinking real hard, and I've decided I want to train and become as strong as possible. I want to win lots of battles, and train to become real strong like the others. To do that, I need to start right away, so can we? Lapras asked.
You know, for a baby, you really are wise. I'm very impressed Jen said.
Thanks mommy. So can we train? Lapras asked eagerly.
Once Keshia and the others get up, I'll mention it to them and before you know it, we'll be training as hard as possible Jen said. A few minutes later, Keshia woke up, followed by Leafeon and Glaceon, to find a roaring fire and the smell of bacon to greet them.
"Morning. I think we should spend some time this morning training before we head out to Safron, okay?" Jen said.
"Are you sure Jen? We are barely a mile out of Celadon, and after checking your book, we still have some distance to go. I figure if we go very soon, we should reach the center by dusk, then we can head to the gym the next morning. It will be very quick, and easy as well." Keshia said.
"If my dad took the easy way out every time, he wouldn't be as strong as he is now. He spent 2 years training his 3 pokemon before finally going to the Indigo Platue. I'm not saying that we should do the same, but I really think we can spend one day training. Plus, we always make such good time, we have a little over 5 months before the competition is held, and we're over half way there. Now, we can spend today training, okay?" Jen said sternly.
"Um, okay Jen, whatever makes you happy." Keshai said, somewhat frightened by her tone. Once the group was fed, Jen found a clearing with a small lake surrounded by grass.
"This is a perfect spot to train, don't you think?" Jen said.
"Yeah. Okay, how do we do this?" Keshia asked.
"I think that we have our pokemon pair up against each other, my team against yours in multiple one on one battles at the same time. Dad does this all the time, that even Leafeon and Glaceon have already gotten into position." Jen said. Leafeon and Glaceon fell into their battle stances, both feeling like they were back home where they always paired up. They circled each other, waiting for the other to make a move. Jen and Keshia sent out all their pokemon and told them to watch what they were going to do in a minute. Leafeon and Glaceon continued circling until Razor leaf struck Ice Beam in the blink of an eye. Petal dance clashed with Water pulse, Iron tail made useless with Protect. The other pokemon got the message and paired up. Luxio made sure to steer clear of Charmeleon, no doubt still remembering their last fight. Lapras paired with Paras, and Bullet seed missed by inches. Paras didn't give her time to recover, as Slash collided with Lapras. Lapras retaliated with Ice beam. Paras dodged it with ease, provoking Lapras into a rapid fire Ice beam attack. Paras continued to avoid the attacks with apparent ease, taunting Lapras all the way. When Lapras stopped, panting from the effort, Paras evovled into Parasect. Parasect was only inspried more to humiliate Lapras, taunting her even more.
"Parasect, enough! Lapras is just a baby, don't be so full of yourself." Keshia chastised. But Parasect was too busy taunting Lapras to hear. Lapras was beyond furious at that point, which must have sparked something inside of her. The temperature in the area grew freezing, and was getting even colder.
Glaceon, are you doing this? Jen asked, shivering.
Not me, I have no reason to use it in a practice match Glaceon said, immune to the cold's effect. Soon the grass they stood on was replaced by ice in the blink of an eye. Now everyone was paying full attention. An ice spike the size of Jen shot out next to Parasect, followed by many more until it was surrounded. When Parasect was completly enclosed, a bright icy blue light shown form inside. After the light dissapeared, the ice did as well, leaving only a fainted Parasect enclosed in a thick sheet of ice. Lapras collapsed onto the ground, breathing heavily.
You...didn't do that, did you? Jen asked.
He made me very mad, then I felt an incredible power inside of me, so I released all of it at once. Was that a move? Lapras asked.
Congrads on creating your very own element move. What do you want to call it? Jen said.
May I? Demonic Ice Glaceon said.
"Keshia, you have just wittnessed the birth of Demonic Ice. Be nice to Lapras from now on, okay?" Jen said.
"Parasect did deserve it, but now what?" Keshia asked.
"Oh, um, Charmeleon could you help us here?"
I'm deciding everything here. If it is different than before, oh well.
Trainer status-
Jen: Charmeleon (male), Pidgeotto(male), Heracross(male), Luxio(female), Bulbasour(male), Lapras(female).
Side partners- Leafeon(female), Glaceon(female)
Element move recap-
Sprirt Flare-Charizard
Magma Pulse-Charizard
Fire Shadow-Charizard
Titan Wave-Gyarados
Serenity Vein-Leafeon
Lightning Blitz-Jolteon
Midnight Rain-Umbreon
Voyance Power-Gallade
Arctic Wind-Glaceon
Demonic Ice-Lapras

Element moves yet to come:
Combat Claw-Heracross
Wild Vine-Bulbasour
Storm Blast-Luxio
Nova Mirror-Charmeleon
Meteor Wing-Charmeleon
Chapter 16: While Charmeleon was thawing out Parasect, Leafeon was looking around. Though it hard to tell, Charmeleon was very impressed, as were all the others, except for Bulbasour. She could see him trying to be happy for Lapras, but could detect envy from him. That night, when everyone else was asleep, Leafeon got up and went over to Bulbasour’s pokeball. He came out and yawned widely, wondering why he was up so late.
Come with me. We have work to do Leafeon said.
At this hour? Bulbasour asked. Never the less, he followed her to the clearing, and didn’t come back until mid morning.
And where have you two been, hmm? Jen asked.
Training. That’s what you wanted us to do, right? Leafeon replied.
Yes, but not all night! Look at how tired Bulbasour is. What were you doing with him anyway? Jen asked sternly.
Jen, relax. I’m just tired, nothing a nap won’t fix Bulbasour said. He ate a little food then headed for his pokeball, eager for a long nap.
I’d still like an answer Jen said.
I told you, we were training. That isn’t a crime, so please stop acting like it is Leafeon said, beginning to get annoyed. Once everyone had ate their fill, the group was on the road again.
“So why were Bulbasour and Leafeon away last night?” Keshia asked.
“Leafeon insists it was just training, so I have to believe her, but to be out so late for so long isn’t good for you.” Jen said. Just as Keshia had predicted, Saffron city came into view just before dusk.
“Gym badge number six is so close I can taste it!” Keshia said.
“You aren’t supposed to eat the badges Keshia.” Jen said.
“Seriously Jen, can you blame me for being excited? We have come far, and we are close to all eight.” Keshia said.
“First things first. I want to check out the dojo here. It could be worth while for Heracross and Primape, don’t you think?” Jen asked.
“But I really want to fight Sabrina A.S.A.P.” Keshia said.
“We can go to the dojo now and the gym in the morning.” Jen said. She then headed for the northern part of town, followed by a reluctant Keshia, and found a building with a Hitmonlee and a Hitmonchan on the front. They went in to see multiple black belts practicing karate along with many fighting types. The black belts stopped when they spotted Jen and Keshia, and started to murmur to each other.
“We just want to test ourselves here, nothing more, nothing less.” Jen said.
“What did you say?!?” A man in the front said.
“What did I say?” Jen asked, confused why they would have that reaction.
“Do you think we don’t remember? A young boy of nine came here years ago with a Kirlia that knew martial arts. He said he wanted to test himself here, nothing more, nothing less. And now you appear years later, saying the same thing while having the same fighting spirit as him, and wonder what is wrong?” He said.
“Um, I just want to battle with my Heracross here.” Jen said.
“Fine, I shall be your opponent.” He said. Everyone cleared the field immediately, leaving only Jen and the black belt.
“Keshia, I’ll fight on my own this time, okay?” Jen said.
“Fine with me, I’ll save my strength for tomorrow.” Keshia said.
“Go Machamp!”
“It’s your time to shine Heracross!” Heracross and Machamp didn’t take long to get locked in combat. Machamp was using its four arms to it’s advantage, overwhelming Heracross with multiple attacks, each different.
“No way! You can’t use more than one attack at a time, that’s cheating!” Jen shouted.
“Machamp is using its arms to use the attacks, so it is perfectly fair, so stop wining little girl.” He retorted. Heracross had definitely had enough, as he was no longer on the defensive. Heracross slashed Machamp hard, yet when the slash was over, Machamp had multiple bruises on its arm.
“What was that?!?” The black belt shouted. Machamp had fainted after the next slash from Heracross, revealing even more bruises.
“It was quick and hard to see, but I saw many blurs between the time Heracross was slashing. He was actually punching at a super fast speed, about ten times before it was over.” Jen explained.
“Was that Comet punch? No, that was too fast for a Comet punch, so what was that attack? I must know!” He said.
“Heracross’ new element move. I think Combat Claw has a nice ring to it, don’t you Heracross?” Jen asked.
Fits like a glove Heracross answered back. Jen and Keshia left the dojo shortly afterwards, leaving all the black belts attempting to teach their pokemon Combat Claw, though Jen knew they would fail.
That night, Leafeon had snuck Bulbasour out again, but Jen was awake this time and followed silently. Leafeon and Bulbasour were behind the center, with Leafeon using Serenity Vein on a rock.
Now you try, and get it right this time Leafeon said harshly. Bulbasour focused his energy into the ground and several vines came out, though unlike the wide, thick vines Leafeon used, these were as thin as a vine whip, with not a thorn in sight.
Wrong again! You aren’t focusing enough, or are you just lazy? Leafeon said coldly.
I’m trying my best, this isn’t an easy thing to do you know Bulbasour retorted.
Perhaps I can persuade you to do better with a more accurate demonstration Leafeon said. Several thick vines came out around Bulbasour and started spinning quickly. Bulbasour tried to run, but was cut off at all turns and was unable to avoid the thorns hitting him. Jen had seen enough and was about to step in when the attack had stopped, and Bulbasour was not looking too good, but was determined never the less.
Okay, so something like THIS!?! Bulbasour screamed. Several thin vines came out of the ground, but they were not focused on one spot. One vine grabbed Leafeon and tossed her into the air, where the other vines sprang into action, whipping her whenever she got close to the ground. When Bulbasour ended the attack, he had a vine take Leafeon down gently. Leafeon got up and went to Bulbasour rather quickly. Bulbasour, preparing for the worst, had several vines pop up near him, just in case, when Leafeon said, in a gentle tone, I’m sorry for being so rough with you, but look at what you did! I’m very impressed and proud. I’d hoped you would learn Serenity Vein like I was trying to teach you, but you came up with a use for your vines the way they are, and an effective one at that. Now then, the only thing to do is for Jen over there to name your new element move. Any ideas?
So you knew I was here all along. Hmm, how about Wild vine? Jen suggested.
I like it. Wild vine it is. I should keep practicing with this, because I feel I can do many things with this Bulbasour said.

All I need is the name, then I can come up with an incredible element move just like that
Chapter 17: “Hey Jen, why is Leafeon covered in marks?” Keshia asked.
“Don’t worry, she’ll be just fine, given time.” Jen said.
“Okay. Anyways, time to get our next gym badge!” Keshia said excitedly. They head for the Saffron city gym, and upon entering it find a long hallway lined with doors. Jen curiously peers into one to see multiple people holding spoons that suddenly bend.
“That is freaky.” Keshia said, peering over Jen’s shoulder.
“That is psychic abilities in action.” Jen corrected. Jen leads them down the hallway to come to a room with a battle field and a ref. Across from them, they see a little girl with a big white ball in her hands, sitting on the lap of a woman whose face was covered in shadows.
“I don’t like this Jen. Something feels creepy.” Keshia said.
“Nonsense, just calm down. Hey, Clairvoyant, we challenge you to a battle.” Jen said.
“My name is Sabrina, not Clairvoyant. And yet, I remember being called that very same name years ago, but I can’t remember by whom. Be that as it may, I accept your challenge.” The little girl said.
“Wait, you’re Sabrina? Now I’m confused. How can a little girl like you be a gym leader?” Keshia asked.
“Never you mind. Let us play now.” The little girl who claimed to be Sabrina suddenly floated out of the woman’s lap, and hovered to the field.
“J-J-J-J-J-Jen? Is that normal?” Keshia stuttered, clearly frightened.
“No, and neither is using an illusion to battle for you Sabrina!” Jen said, pointing at the woman in the shadows.
“Play with me, or leave now.” The little girl said.
“Did my dad fall for your trick, or did he, like me, see through it as well?” Jen asked.
“Your dad is the champion, are my powers correct?” The young one said.
“Yep, and you are going down, one way or another Sabrina.” Jen said.
“This shall be a two on two match between the double battle team of Jen and Keshia against the gym leader, Sabrina. Let the match begin.” The ref said.
“Come out and play Alakazam and Jinx.”
“You’re the star now Flareon.”
“It’s your time to shine Bulbasour.”
“Jinx, use Blizzard, and Alakazam, use Psybeam.” The girl said.
“Wild Vine!” Jen said. About 20 vines shot out of the ground lined up in rows in front of Flareon and Bulbasour. The attacks made contact with the vines, and then disappeared.
“Flamethrower!” Keshia said.
“Confusion.” The girl said. The jet of flames was inches away from Jinx when it was sent back at Bulbasour. Instinctively, Bulbasour used Protect, not knowing it could do that.
“Bulbasour, when this is over, remind me to check your moves. Razor leaf!” Jen said.
“Flamethrower!” Keshia said. The attacks were too fast and came from too close to have time to deflect. Flamethrower scorched Jinx, and Alakazam was struck with Razor leaf.
“Blizzard and Psybeam!” The real Sabrina shouted. The illusion made girl disappeared and the real Sabrina stood up and ran onto the battle field.
“Protect!” Jen said.
“Dig!” Keshia said. Bulbasour withstood the attack with Protect up, and Flareon had dug underground to avoid all damage.
“Where is it?” Sabrina wondered.
“Let me show you. Now use Flamethrower!” Keshia said. Flareon popped out behind Jinx and burned it with a jet of flames, knocking it out.
“Wild Vine!” Jen said. Alakazam was tossed into the air and whipped five times before it was smacked down by a vine, fainting Alakazam.
“This match is over. The winners are Jen and Keshia.” The ref said. Sabrina was silent as she awarded them the badge, then she went back to her seat.
“That was the creepiest gym match ever, but we won!” Keshia shouted with glee.
“Yep, now we just head south to Virmillion for the boat ride to Cinnabar Island.” Jen said.
“And it’s still early, so we can get an early lunch then head out.” Keshia said. While walking back to the center, Jen looked up Bulbasour’s moves.
Pokemon name: Bulbasour
Gender: Male
Moves: Wild Vine, Protect, Razor Leaf, Solarbeam
“I did not know he knew Solarbeam. Should have looked up his moves sooner.” Jen said to herself. Once eating a quick meal, they set off for Virmillion city, destination Cinnabar Island.

Chapter 18: “So this is where we get our tickets for the S.S. Anne, right?” Jen asked.
“Correct little lady. This will take you directly to Cinnabar Island, then to Pallet town.” The ticket salesman said. Jen and Keshia purchased their tickets, then got on board the ship.
“Fancy place here, don’t you think?” Keshia asked.
“Fancy dressed people here, don’t you think?” Jen replied.
“Okay, I get you. Where are the trainers then?” Keshia asked.
“Probably over there where there is a battle going on.” Jen said, pointing to a Venonat and a Koffing were locked in battle.
“Not the most exciting match, but maybe that’s just because I’m used to watching-Your dad is on tv!” Keshia shouted. Keshia ran towards the television where a title match had just gotten started.
“Awsome, what luck! Really, a Tropius to fight Gallade? Oh well, its your funeral.” Keshia said. She continued talking out loud like that, quickly drawing attention. When people realized it was champion Chris on TV, they stopped paying attention to the battle, even the battlers themselves stopped and ran over to see the match.
“I hope I get to see Charizard.”
“No way, Gallade can win this match all by himself.”
“Jolteon is my favorite, what about you?”
“Umbreon all the way. Oh look! Umbreon is up now. His Shadow Ball never stops amazing me.”
“Charizard is really the overall fan favorite, everyone knows that.” The trainers continued to chatter amongst themselves while watching the match.
“That was a great match. I can’t believe we got to see Gyarados in this one.”
“It isn’t all that rare you know.”
“He doesn’t always get a water field, and he is my favorite.”
“Hey guys, want to know something amazing?” All eyes were on Keshia.
“No, Keshia, don’t say what I think you’re going to say!” Jen mumbled.
“That girl over there is the champions daughter!” Keshia said, pointing at Jen. Now everyone’s attention was on Jen, either asking for tips on battling, questions about the champ, or autographs. When Leafeon had enough, she used Serenity Vein to draw everyone’s attention away from Jen.
“Thank you, now I just want to relax on the ride, and get my seventh gym badge at Cinnabar Island, okay?” Jen said. The trainers reluctantly went away, and the rest of the boat ride was peaceful.
“You knew that would happen, didn’t you?” Jen said accusingly.
“I thought you’d enjoy all the attention, my bad.” Keshia said. They got off the boat once it was docked on the peer, then went straight to the center.
“Jen, where is the gym?” Keshia asked.
“No idea. Maybe the other trainers here know where it is.” Jen said.
“Looking for the gym?” A voice from behind said. Jen and Keshia spun around to see an old man with long white hair and big round glasses.
“Um, yes as a matter of fact. Can you help us?” Jen asked.
“Well, being Blaine, the gym leader of Cinnabar Island, I think I can.” Blaine said.
“We just keep getting lucky, don’t we Jen?” Keshia said. Jen and Keshia fllowed Blaine out of the center and to a small building that looked as if it had recently been rebuilt.
“Lets go inside, shall we?” Blaine said.
“I assume you know of us already?” Keshia asked.
“No, not a clue.” Blaine admitted.
“We are the Shining Star double battle team, and we fight gym leaders together.” Jen explained.
“Ah yes, now I know you two. Let’s get started, shall we?” Blaine said.
“This shall be a two on two battle between Blaine and the team of Jen and Keshia. Let the match begin.” The ref said.
“Magmar and Arcinine, go!”
“You’re the star now Seel!”
“It’s your time to shine Pidgeotto!”
“Why Pidgeotto?” Keshia asked.
“I plan on focusing on speed in this match.” Jen explained.
“Interesting. Let me see how fast your bird is. Arcinine, use Extremespeed!” Blaine said.
“Block it with Aerial ace!” Jen said. Extremespeed collided in the air with Aerial ace, while Seel was using this distraction to use Water pulse on Magmar.
“Shouldn’t have let myself get distracted, but it won’t happen again. Flare Blitz!” Blaine said.
“Water pulse again!” Keshia said. Seel managed just in time to fend off Magmar with her attack just when Magmar was almost on her.
“Brave bird!” Jen said.
“Flame wheel!” Blaine said. Brave bird and Flame wheel collided, neither side giving an inch, until Pidgeotto gave one last push and knocked aside Arcinine.
“Finish it with Sky attack!” Jen said.
“Use Water pulse once more!” Keshia said. Magmar got hit with Water pulse again and was knocked out, while Pidgeotto swooped down charging at Arcinine, fainting it on contact.
“I’m getting too old for this, but you two won all the same.” Blaine said.
“Jen, we have seven badges! Just one more and we are fully qualified to enter the Indigo Plateu! Come on, next stop: Viridian city!” Keshia said.
“Slow down Keshia, we have plenty of time. Besides, our next stop is Pallet town, then Viridian city.” Jen said. She and Keshia left the gym and went to the center, where they stayed for the rest of the day and night.
The next morning, Keshia was wide awake by the time Jen got up.
“Eager much?” Jen asked.
“We are one badge away, how couldn’t I be?” Keshia said.
“You might want to save that energy for when we get to the competition, not now when we are almost qualified.” Jen said.
“You are always thinking, aren’t you?” Keshia said.
“Pretty much, yeah.” Jen said. They left for the top of Cinnabar, where they graabed a boat ride to Pallet town, eagerly waiting to get to Viridian city.
as always...it was great!!!
With 3 chapters and an epilogue left, Jen's Travels is coming to a close. Reading some other stories, I saw that the writers put in other users, so I'm going to do something similar. The first two users to post here will be put in my story, Johto Jen. However, I'm not creating the character, you are. Put the person's name, age, gender, team of pokemon, no more than four, and no legendary pokemon, that's cheating, their occupation such as trainer, breeder, or just travelling. I'm not doing any contest things until Hoenn, and don't forget the battle phrase. And even though I'll still be writing the story, feel free to put in ideas for your characters if you don't like what I'm doing with them, because these will be your characters. I await the responces here
i want to be in your story
my team is:luxray-female Serafina
empoleon-male Leader
shiny umbreon-male Shadow
furret-female Furry
pm me for more details if u want
my name is Crystal
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