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I want to be in to!

My team is:

Trainer's name is Gold.
Cast of Johto Jen: Jen, Keshia, Crystal, Gold
Gold: age 12
Gender: male
Team: Growlithe(male):Fire Fang, Crunch, Iron tail, Flamewheel
Scyther(male): Slash, Wing attack, Quick attack, Swords dance
Shuppet(male): Shadow ball, Sucker punch, Pursuit, Hypnosis
Occupation: trainer
Battle phrase: "Go hard or go home"

Crystal: age 13
Gender: female
Team: luxray-female Serafina: Thunder fang, Spark, Protect, Bite
empoleon-male Leader: Water pulse, Iron defence, Metal claw, Hydro pump
shiny umbreon(blue)-male Shadow: Bite, Faint attack, Shadow ball, Iron Tail
furret-female Furry: Headbutt, Surf, Slash, Fury swipes
occupation: trainer
Battle phrase: "Game on"
Style requeted:
hair color:dark brown
eye color:brown
about me:i'm about 1,57m tall,I wear a green t-shirt with a big pink butterfly and a silver thunder,blue jeans,green all stars white jacket(if cold),a light blue pair of gloves like Ash's(love'em)and a silver necklace with a heart.

Any objections?
I'm fine with itBig Grin
i'm 13 not 11.....no....helpin hand sucks!!i pmed u!!!but i like iron defence on leader and the battle phrase is good but plz fix the age and the attacks.i'd prefer iron tail on shadow and surf on furry instead of helpin hand
Chapter 19: "Hurry Jen! I can see Viridian city now!" Keshia said.
"I'm coming, but did you really have to run all the way?" Jen said. They finally reached their destination, Viridian city, and Keshia made a bee line for the gym.
"I almost forgot, we first met here, didn't we?" Keshia said, walking quickly towards the gym.
"Oh yeah, we did." Jen said, trying to keep up with Keshia. When they reached the door to the gym, Keshia stopped suddenly.
"Hey Jen, who is the leader of this gym?" Keshia asked.
"I...have no clue." Jen admitted.
They use a substitute gym leader now, until they can find a permanent one later Leafeon explained. Jen repeated that to Keshia.
"A sub? We have to fight a sub? Well, lets get it done so we can head to the Platue!" Keshia said. They entered the gym to find a wide room with a ref at the ready and a man just now coming into view.
"My name is Frank, and I take it you want to challenge me for an Earth badge, correct?" Frank said.
"Yes, so lets go!" Keshia said.
"This will be a two on two match. Begin!"
"Go Golem and Onix!"
"You're the star now Parasect!"
"It's your time to shine Heracross!"
"Onix use Tackle, and Golem use Rollout!" Frank said.
"Heracross, jump onto Onix and use Combat Claw!" Jen said.
"Parasect, use Spore!" Keshia said. Heracross jumped at the last minute onto Onix and unleashed his lightning fast punches on its back. Parasect's Spore had no effect, as Golem was spinning too fast to breath in enough, and collided with Parasect.
"Bullet seed!" Keshia said. Parasect managed to get back on his feet and fire off many rounds of Bullet seed, which seemed to be effective.
"Finish off Onix with Brick Break!" Jen said.
"Shake it off Onix!" Frank said. Onix shook as hard as it could, but Heracross held in long enough to smack Onix hard with Brick Break, fainting it. Bullet seed was still going, and Golem couldn't stand up to it anymore.
"You are really strong to beat me as easily as you two did. Here, take the Earth badge." Frank said. Keshia was in silent glee as she walked out of the gym, gazing at her last badge.
"Keshia, I know what you're going to ask, and the answer is we go to the Platue now, and then train." Jen said.
"For the next four months?" Keshia asked.
"Yes Keshia, we will train as hard as ever, preparing for what we might encounter." Jen said. It took them two days to get to the location of the Platue, but once they did, they began to train, each and every day.
Two months later...
"Keep going! You're doing great guys! Keep this up and our victory is all but certain!" Jen encouraged. Bulbasour was sparring with Flareon, practicing with Wild Vine for defencive uses. Flamethrower was blocked by several vines, then the vines blocked a Thunder from Pikachu, then an Ice beam from Lapras.
I think I have finally mastered this move! Bulbasour said with glee. All that expirience practicing must have been enough for Bulbasour to evolve into Ivysour.
Bonus! Ivysour said.
One month until the competition...
Pidgeotto was sparring with Ivysour, finding it dificult to get close enough to strike without getting whipped.
Come on Pidgeotto, you aren't afraid of my vines, are you? Ivysour boasted. Thinking, Pidgeotto climbed higher into the air after giving only one responce: Let me try something Pidgeotto climbed as high as he dared, then dove straight down, spiraling while covered in a golden light. As he drew closer, the light took the shape of Pidgeotto, then he rose out of the dive while the gold copy soared straight for Ivysour, slicing through the vines with ease and smacking him hard.
Now then, who is afraid of who?
I think I should be afraid of a Pidgeot that can do that to me Ivysour replied.
Pidgeot? Did I smack you so hard that you can't remember what a Pidgeotto looks like? Pidgeot said.
"Hey Jen! Did you see that? You've got a Pidgeot, and it has a new element move to boost!" Keshia said. Hearing what Keshia had said, Pidgeot examined his body.
Huh, guess I am a Pidgeot. Cool Pidgeot said.
"So Jen, what is it going to be this time?" Keshia asked.
"This one is a little tricky to name, but how about we call it SonicAero, spelled a-e-r-o?" Jen said.
Hmm, sure, why not? Pidgeot said. When there was only two weeks left, Seel and Natu had gotten into another fight, though it took awhile for everyone to realize that it wasn't practice. During the fight, Seel and Natu evolved. While Keshia was thrilled they evolved, Dewgong and Xatu used their new powers to only fight harder, requiring them to be broken up.
Two days left...
"Almost their, come on Lapras!" Jen said. Lapras was practicing Deminc Ice with Glaceon. As soon as the first spike came out of the ground, Glaceon knew where to run to avoid the attack, so Lapras was chasing after her, attempting to trap her as soon as possible. Glaceon continued to dance around the spikes with grace, until she slipped, giving Lapras the chance she needed to trap Glaceon within the ice. But, before the icy blue light appeared, Glaceon shattered the ice spikes into millions of shards with Arctic wind.
Nice job on finally catching me. I'd say that considering how long you manged to chase me, you have definatly mastered your move Glaceon said.
One day left, and Keshia couldn't sleep, therefor, neither could she let Jen sleep.
"Jen, I just can't go to sleep when the most important competition of my life is what I'll wake up to!" Keshia said.
"Look, Keshia, are you willing to be disqualified from falling asleep in a match? Thses will be the strongest trainers from this region, so I won't be able to cover for you." Jen said, yawning.
"Oh no, you're right!" Keshia said. With that, she ran to bed, trying her best to fall asleep.
"You don't always pick your friends Jen." Jen said to herself as she crawled into bed. The next morning, Jen and Keshia were up and moving, inable to sit still, heading for their first competition.
Chapter 20: Attention please, your attention!" Nurse Joy said alound. The trainers in the lobby stopped and turned toward her.
"Thank you. Now, as you may not know, this is a special competition, a double battle competition. Please submit your pokedex's into the computer, and it will shuffle everyone into pairs. Whomever you're paired with will be you're partner for the entire competition." Nurse Joy said.
"Wait, we don't get to choose our partners?!?" Jen and Keshia said together.
"No, I'm afraid not. Now please, form a line and submit your pokedex's one at a time."
"I didn't count on this Jen. What are the odds we get paired up? There have to be over 200 trainers here, how can we keep our team together now?" Keshia said worryingly.
"I...I don't know. We just have to hope for the best." Jen said sadly. Once everyone had been submitted, the trainers ran for the several screens to see whom they had been paired with.
"Come on, come on, come onnnnnnn." Jen pleaded.
"Jen, look. Top left corner in the red block." Keshia said, not sounding too happy about it. Dismayed, Jen looked to where Keshia had pointed. She found her picture and saw who she had been paired up with to be...
"Don't scare me like that again! I was worried sick when you told me." Jen chastised.
"Hey, I'm sorry, but I had to do it. At least we are paired up, right?" Keshia said.
"Yeah, we are, and I should be thankful, but don't do that to me again, okay?" Jen said with a softer tone. The preliminaries began with Jen and Keshia beating everyone set against them.
"The preliminaries are over, and these 64 trainers are qualified to proceed. Check your opponent, and go to the area chosen for your match." Joy said. Jen spotted their opponent, and traced their path to the top, to see the final opponent marcked with a black question mark.
"That must be the mystery battler. Oh well, we'll fight them and win, one step at a time." Jen said. Jen and Keshia left for the stadium, with Leafeon and Glaceon sitting on the bench provided in the area.
"This shall be a two on two match. Begin!" The ref said.
"Its your time to shine Charmeleon!"
"You're the star now Xatu!"
"Go Scyther!"
"Go Beedrill!" Charmeleon immediatly struck Beedrill with Flamethrower, fainting it quickly. Charmeleon was only more surprised when he suddenly lit up in a bright white light.
Awsome! Now who's the king baby! Charizard said.
Still Elvis Jen said.
You don't let me have any fun Charizard complained.
Nonsense! There is a Scyther right infront of you Jen said.
Ooh you're right that is fun Charizard replied. Flamethrower fainted Scyther as easily as it did Beedrill.
"Why did I even bother showing up?" Keshia asked, smiling.
"I don't know. Who are you again?" Jen asked, smiling as well. The next day, Jen and Keshia were scheduled for an early match.
"This sahll be a four on four battle. Begin!"
"Its your time to shine, Luxio!"
"You're the star now Xatu!"
"Go Arcinine!"
"Go Alakazam!"
"Luxio, use thunderbolt straight up, I want to try something." Jen said.
"You choose now to experiment?" Keshia said. Luxio sent the attack atraight up, causing storm clouds to gather. Lighting bolts struck Luxio, though she didn't feel anything.
"Focus that energy into a single point!" Jen said. Luxio shut her eyes, concentrating on the energy surging through her, and a ball of lightning shaped infront of her.
"Now, fire Storm Blast!" Jen said. Luxio unleashed the energy, taking out Arcinine and Alakazam at the same time.
"Way to go Luxio! Anything you want to say Keshia?" Jen said.
"Um, way to go?" Keshia said.
"I like the name Storm Blast, don't you?" Jen asked.
Catchy Luxio agreed. Their opponents sent out two Primapes next.
"My turn to fight. Xatu blow them away with Psychic!" Keshia said. Xatu's eyes glowed as he focused on his targets, knocking them out when they were hit against the wall. Their next matches went by just as easily, Jen and Keshia getting more and more confident and relaxed as they progressed until...
"Jen and Keshia, please report to the arena for your final match. Your opponent shall be the mystery battler." The overcom said. They went to the arena, getting there before their opponent.
"Who ever it is, we can win and get that trophy! We are so cl- hey, where are you two going?" Jen asked. Leafeon and Glaceon were walking across the field, turned around and said Sorry Jen. We can't be with you this time. Good luck in your final match. With that, they ran to the other side of the field, where a section of water had just opened up. While Keshia was still confused, comprehension dawned on Jen.
"Keshia, whatever happpens, it has been a pleasure fighting with you." Jen said in a grave tone.
"What do you mean?" Keshia said. Jen pointed to the other side of the stadium, where a figure was slowly approaching.
"Ladies and gentlemen, this is a treat indeed. Now entering the stadium, the one, the only, grand champion Chris!" The announcer said.
jen has to battle her dad?!cool!!!i can't wait to see what will happen...
Wait no longer.
Chapter 21/Last chapter of Jen's Travels: "D-dad? Our opponent is my dad?!?" Jen exclaimed.
"Surprise." Chris said after letting out Gyarados into the pool.
"In this match, the champion will use only one pokemon at a time, though he may use six. Jen and Keshia are able to battle together, though they each have access to only three pokemon each. Begin!" The ref said. Gallade walked out onto the field, waiting for his opponents.
"Well, at least there is no shame in losing to you. It's your time to shine Ivysour!" Jen said.
"I take back what I said about easily winning this competition, but...You're the star now Xatu!" Keshia said. Gallade ran towards Xatu, Leaf blade at the ready, and took out Xatu in one shot.
"What?!? No, I can't believe this. No, keep focused. You're the star now Parasect!" Keshia said after returning Xatu. Gallade lashed out with Aura sphere, sending Parasect into the wall, fainted.
"Jen, am I alone in this or what? You're the star now Flareon!" Keshia said. Flareon was out for one second before being blasted with Focus blast.
"You can't blame me for that one, I didn't even see it." Jen said. Keshia just looked dismayed, staring at her fainted Flareon.
"Jen, I think I know why he took me out. He wants to test your strength one on one without interference, so good luck." Keshia said. She returned Flareon and went to sit down. Chris nodded at Jen, then went over to the ref and talked to him. The ref nodded and Chris went back to his place.
"Because of an unusual request, Jen now has full access to all six of her pokemon, but because of Keshia being eliminated, the field will be changed. Five minute brake." The ref said. Jen went over to sit by Keshia, who had just gotten back with some drinks.
"You won't win, but then again, no one does, do they?" Keshia asked.
"Nope. Completely undefeated. Good pep talk though." Jen said with a shadow of a smile.
"You can't fool me, we have been together for too long for me not to know you. You're terrified of losing too fast and easily, then having your dad be ashamed of you, am I right?" Keshia asked.
"Yes. I just didn't see this coming, and now, I scared that I didn't train enough." Jen said, shaking slightly.

Look at her. She is scared of facing us. If she knew ahead of time, she wouldn't be this way. I knew this would happen, I should have told her, or atleast given her a hint Chris said.
You couldn't and you knew it. What's done is done, so lets just get this over with, shall we? Gallade said. The field roulete began, and landed on a water field. Gyarados lept forward, to be greeted by Lapras.
"Demonic Ice!" Jen said. Lapras froze the entire pool, trapping Gyarados, while the first ice spike came up. Gyarados broke free of the ice, smacked Lapras with an Aqua tail, and lept back to his pool area after fainting Lapras.
"Okay then, that didn't work. It's your time to shine Pidgeot!" Jen said. Gallade went out to meet Pidgeot, and fired off multiple Aura spheres. Pidgeot managed to avoid each one thrown, until Gallade stopped and smiled. Confused, Pidgeot looked around to see he was surrounded by Aura spheres from every angle. Gallade made a movement with his arm, and all of them collided with Pidgeot at once. The attack was too much for him to take, as he fell into the pool.
"Try this one out. It's your time to shine Heracross!" Jen said. Heracross and Gallade were soon on the same small area, circling each other.
"Combat Claw!" Jen said. Heracross barely missed Gallade each time he swung. Gallade tripped Heracross with Leaf blade, then finished him off with an Aura sphere.
"Three pokemon down. Five minute brake." The ref said.
"I'm not doing so good." Jen said. The five minutes were up, and the field changed to a grassland. Gallade again strolled onto the field.
"Lets try this again. It's your time to shine Ivysour!" Jen said. Ivysour and Gallade stared each other down, daring the other to make the first move. Gallade sprang into action with Leaf blade. Ivysour defended himself with Wild vine, and when Gallade cut one vine, BOOM!
"Wow! What happened?" Jen asked.
I don't know. I guess I have a new reason to love Wild vine Ivysour responded. Gallade got to his feet, shook his head quickly, then prepared an Aura sphere.
"Wild vine!" Jen said. Several vines sped towards Gallade, though he was prepared this time. He jumped onto the vines, ran at Ivysour, and threw the Aura sphere from point blank range, causing some smoke. When it cleared, Ivysour was revealed to be fainted.
"It's your time to shine Luxio!" Jen said. Jolteon took Gallade's place as he went onto the field. Not wanting to stall, Jolteon summonded strom clouds, which struck out with four bolts of lightning at Luxio. As Jolteon was preparing Lightning Blitz, many more bolts struck Luxio.
"Jolteon, take it easy will yah?" Chris said.
"It isn't Jolteon dad. Luxio knows what to do with Lightning, or did you forget her element move already? Full power Storm Blast!" Jen said. A huge beam of electricity shot Jolteon into the wall, sending him deep. Everyone was silent, not believing what they saw, until Jolteon casually strolled out of the wall and back to the field.
"What?!? Not even a scratch on him. How?" Jen asked, purplexed.
"It would have worked on any pokemon but him. Pop quiz: What is Jolteon's ability?" Chris asked.
"Wait...Dang it! The sheer force of the attack was cancelled out with the electricity he gained with Volt absorb." Jen said sadly. Jolteon lashed out with a vicious Thunderbolts, taking out Luxio in a single shot. Jen returned Luxio, and held a pokeball in her hand while she thought about what to do next. After a minute, she pulled her arm back and took a stance as if she was about to through a ball in Baseball.

At that moment, Chris had never seen such passion and fire in her eyes, and had never been so proud.

"We fight as one Charizard!" Jen said. Charizard roared loudly, waiting for his opponent. Leafeon went out to fight Charizard. She soon surrounded him with Serenity Vein, shooting throns at him from every angle. Charizard, however, only seemed to get furious over this, shooting out Flamethrower at each vine, doing nothing. Charizard only got more enraged, causing the flame on his tail to grow to an alarming size. The fire covered Charizard in a crystal clear dome of flames, that, upon impact, the thorns were reflected back, colliding with others. The explosions destroyed the vines, leaving Leafeon dumbstruck.
"Now's your chance! Flamethrower!" Jen said. Charizard unleashed a massive jet of flames, scorching Leafeon while sending her hurtling into the wall.
"I think I'll call that other move Nova Mirror. Catchy, don't you think?" Jen said. Leafeon walked slowly back towards the field, but stopped before she was back on it.
I can't win, so I forfiet. Good luck Jen. You too Cinder Leafeon said.
Cinder? Jen asked.
I think it would be confusing since there are two Charizard, so I think a nickname is in order. What do you think? Leafeon asked.
I like it Cinder said. Umbreon went onto the field next, after the ref had awarded Jen the win. Umbreon started off with an Iron tail, smacking against Cinder's head. Umbreon's grin was cut short with a tail smacking him in the head just as hard.
Okay, so I got a fighter on my hands Umbreon said. The sky went dark suddenly, with the full moon out. Umbreon shot out a black orb into the sky, where it burst into multiple shards. While they hovered in the air, Cinder's wings burst into flames. The shards sped towards Cinder, who flapped his wings hard, sending multiple fire balls colliding with Midnight Rain.
"My my, Cinder. You're full of surprises today, aren't you? Hmm, how about Meteor Wing?" Jen said. Umbreon slashed Cinder with Shadow Claw, knocking the wind out of Cinder. Taking his chance, Umbreon followed through with a Shadow ball. Cinder stumbled a bit, then fell on his back when hit by an Iron tail. Cinder struggled to get up, but as he was almost on his feet, Jen walked onto the field, put a hand on his shoulder, and shook her head.
"You win again. Cinder is in no condition to take on the rest of your team. I surrender." Jen said.

Epiloque: After Jen and Keshia's defeat at the Indigo Platue, Keshia said she was going to explore the islands near Kanto. Jen went home with her dad and soon decided to relax for awhile and then travel in her home region, Johto. One week later...
Jen was in her room packing her supplies, then headed down stairs to be greeted by her family.
"I'm off for Johto. Heracross, I'll miss you, but promise I won't regret my decition to let you stay here and train with Gallade, okay?" Jen said. Heracross nodded, and with that she went to the door. Puzzled, she turned around and saw Leafeon and Glaceon weren't coming.
"What's wrong?" Jen asked.
We had our fun travelling in Kanto with you, but we have decided to stay here this time Leafeon said. Understanding, Jen nodded and left. On the road, Jen started talking to herself.
"Lets see, where do I go to register again?" Jen wondered.
In New Bark town, remember? A voice said. Jen jumped and, while still walking, she turned her head around to see Jolteon and Umbreon following her.
Good thing we decided to come, otherwise you wouldn't have even been able to register Umbreon said grinning. Jen smiled and resumed walking, on her way with Umbreon and Jolteon, to Johto's Silver Conference

You guys know what happens next, right?
finished already?i wanted more!anyway this time we'll have 2 umreons(i hope they'll be friends)
i must say it was a great story!i loved chris's tale and jen's travels and i hope jhoto jen will be as good as they were!
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