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i have watche movies with brutal scenes of death but no nightmare of brutal mutilation.i have been i a roll over car wreck we flipped four times it sucked.
oh i guess i do know mars's predicament. I am forgt full part 5 plz thankyou
Part 5
Mars has been spared, but is being held to a decision: Either she remains in Team Galactic with no future or join the Dark Trainer's group.
Mars is currently contemplating the idea.

Mars thought long and hard. "What do I do?" she asked herself. "If I quit, Cyrus will have my head on a plate. But, if I don't I'm still dead."
Her decision came to her from her own lighter side, "By quitting Team Galactic, you'll be reunited with the Dark Trainer and you'll have a chance for redemption. Learn from your mistakes! Don't suffer for them."
In that moment, Mars finally tore the Team Galactic logo from her uniform.
"Hmm," Mewtwo said. "Velcro."
The Dark Trainer's glare of hatred slowly faded as he saw what happened. He finally smiled. "One of us." he said.
Mars smiled back.
Ash, his friends, Mewtwo, Pikachu, Piplup, and Lucario breathed sighs of relief.
For the first time in years, Mars and the Dark Trainer embraced.
"I never thought I'd see that again." Lucario remarked.
"Huh?" Dawn asked.
"Pika?" Pikachu added.
"I've seen this before when I was still a Riolu." Lucario replied.
"It's over." the Trainer thought. "The nightmare is over."
Mars interrupted his thoughts. "I'm sorry," she said. "For everything."
"Don't bother apologizing." the trainer said. "Your chance to redeem yourself is at hand."
"However," Mewtwo said. "It may be a while before you're fully off the hook. Plus, Cyrus will eventually become aware that you left Team Galactic."
"Skip the lecture." Mars said. "I'm through with them."
"Hmm," Ash thought. "Redeeming Mars might be easier than expected."

How will it turn out?
Stay tuned!
will do buddy. End of space filling for anti spam
Part 6
Mars has left Team Galactic and is on a quest for redemption. Accompanying her is the Dark Trainer, her former ex-boyfriend. The Dark Trainer decided to separate from Ash and his friends in an effort to avoid large crowds. Now it's just him, Mars, Mewtwo, and their Pokemon. They have just entered Hearthome City.

"The arena is quiet, these days." The Dark Trainer remarked.
Mars nodded. No longer was she wearing her old Team Galactic outfit. She was now clad in a black jumpsuit with an image of the planet Mars on the back.
"Where did you get that, anyway?" Mewtwo asked.
"I made it." Mars replied. "Because my name is Mars, I thought I'd make a uniform based on the planet."
"So it wasn't designed for you-know-who." The Trainer concluded. "Ah! The Hearthome stadium! The best place for trainers to show-off their Pokemon! I'm going to be entering for a dramatic increase in audience."
Mars clapped her hands, excitedly. "Which Pokemon will you use?" she asked.
"Me." Mewtwo answered. "I will attract crowds like a Venomoth to fire."
"What helps is that he's been in some kind of fighting tournament." The Trainer added. "What was it again?"
"The Super Smash Bros. tournament." Mewtwo replied. "Melee, that is."
"I've never heard of that." Mars admitted.
"I'm not surprised." Mewtwo said. "Few people have. It's a fight that gathers warriors from many different worlds, ours included."
"Who created this...tournament?" Mars asked.
"I don't know. But I have a feeling that it's the 'Whatever' Hand."
"Let's get back our task right now, shall we?" The Dark Trainer said impatiently.
"Yes." Mars said. "Let's."
Later that day, the Dark Trainer assigned Mars a seat and got ready for the contest. He put on a fancy tuxedo, fresh black jeans, a long black trenchcoat, a black fedora, and a gold necklace with the figure of an Arbok.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, the Pokemon contest competitors and their Pokemon!" The announcer's voice blared through the stadium. "Miss Anna with Prinplup, The Dark Trainer with Mewtwo, Mr. Ken with Hitmonchan, and Miss Jeselina with Meowth!"
The crowd cheered.
"First, the dress competition! 30 seconds!" the announcer continued.
Backstage, the Dark Trainer chose the accessories for Mewtwo. He gave the Psychic Pokemon spiked wristbands, a pair of studded shin guards, and a hooded cloak.
When the the time ended, the Trainer displayed his masterpiece.
The judges stared.
"Eerie." Judge Kiara remarked.
"I disagree." Judge Dexter said. "The armor displays Mewtwo's inner power."
"To me, it shows his darker side." Judge Jordan said.
The other trainers displayed their Pokemon. Anna's Prinplup was clad in armor that greatly resembled an ice warrior. Ken had his Hitmonchan dressed like Mike Tyson. Jeselina's Meowth was wearing a dress with ridiculous makeup.
"The results are:" The announcer said. "Ken: First, The Dark Trainer: Second, Anna: Third, Jeselina: Dead Last."
Jeselina looked furious. "You people don't know the meaning of fashion!"
"Embarassing." The Dark Trainer and Mewtwo said at the same time.
"Now, the Dance competition!" the announcer said.
"Ah!" The Dark Trainer said. "Remember what we practiced?"
"Yes." Mewtwo replied. "Martial Arts and Gymnastics. I'll do it."
"Start the music!" the announcer said.
Mewtwo performed a series of backflips and midair moonwalks.
"Wow!" Judge Kiara said. "Spectacular manuvers by Mewtwo!"
"Yes." Judge Dexter agreed. "A wonderful way to keep a Pokemon within its comfort zone."
"Nah." Judge Jordan said. "I don't like it."
"The results are:" the announcer said. "The Dark Trainer: First, Anna: Second, Ken: Third, Jeselina: Last again."
"Finally, the acting competition!" The announcer said.
"My favorite part." The Dark Trainer said.
"First up, The Dark Trainer with Mewtwo." the announcer said.
"Okay, Mewtwo, begin with a tornado of Shadow Balls then encase them in a bubblebeam!"
Mewtwo obeyed.
"Wow!" Kiara exclaimed. "A dark bubblebeam!"
"That's not all." The Dark Trainer said. "Finalize by bursting them with Psychic attack!"
Again, Mewtwo obeyed. Shadowy dust rained down on the stage.
"Amazing!" Dexter said. "Dark mist!"
"I like that, too." Jordan said.
Later on, the final results came.
"In fourth place, Jeselina. Third, Anna. Second, Ken. The winner, The Dark Trainer!"

What will be Mars' reaction?
Find out in part 7...
wow. Hey is mr.ken rsembling some one i know in real life mystery.55
i like the story.waiting fo the next part!!!
same as you luXray hey havent seen you on in a while mystery.55 belive it or not is one of my real life freinds and that may be all you learn about him. @mystery.55 i mean is mr.ken supposed to be based off of my dad the name anyway
Huh? I never thought about that, dunsparce! I was just being random.
oh really i guess thats also why some time on my pokemon games my rivals name is gary. Weird how in the back of our mind we think of people without actually thinking about them and also the day after tomorrow im gonna be in reno hopefully
I agree that it is kinda creepy how we think up familiar names from the top of our head.
Part 7
The Dark Trainer has won a Pokemon contest in Hearthome city. Mars is thrilled and shows her joy by kissing the Dark Trainer. At that same moment Team Galactic member Saturn sees Mars and reports to Cyrus.

Saturn was not happy! "Cyrus will know about this!" he snarled as he made his way to the Team Galactic secret base.
Once Saturn told Cyrus of Mars' treachery he reacted with such a fury Saturn took a cautious step backwards.
Saturn was surprised, but he wasn't about to try and disobey his leader!

Meanwhile, back at Hearthome, Mewtwo sensed the Cyrus' scream.
"Uh, master?" he said.
"Yes?" the trainer answered.
"We have a major problem!"
Mewtwo used his Psychic power to show the Dark Trainer and Mars what was wrong.
"Great. Just great!" Mars said.
"So, they know you betrayed them." Lucario said. "Who cares?"
"You don't understand, Lucario." Mewtwo said. "Cyrus wants us all dead!"
Lucario's red eyes immediatly went wide.
"What do we do?" Mars asked. "Team Galactic has technology that can out-power even Mewtwo!"
"Wow." The Dark Trainer said.
"If even I can't defeat them, where do we go?" Mewtwo asked.
The Dark Trainer snapped his fingers. "Why not go to Cerulean City in Kanto?" he said. "My Pokemon and I are very well known there. They'll cover us."
For several weeks they stayed in Cerulean and were not discovered by Team Galactic. Frequently, the company watched the the Sensational Sisters perform. Sometimes, the sisters would invite the Company to perform with them. But, nothing could have prepared them for what happened next!

What do you suppose they'll find?
You'll know in Part 8. Stay tuned!
nice hurry up with part 8
Part 8
The Dark Trainer and his friends have been hiding from Team Galactic for a few weeks, now. It's their fifth week and they are going to the Cerulean Gym for another visit.

Mars stretched as she walked with the Dark Trainer.
"I'm sure there will be another good show." The Dark Trainer said.
Mewtwo, who was ahead stopped suddenly. "I don't think there will be a show." he said. The tone of his voice hinted that there was trouble.
Mars and the Dark Trainer ran up and saw what Mewtwo saw.
Police cars and an Ambulance surrounded the Gym.
"Oh, no." The Dark Trainer said, horrified.
As they approached the Dark Trainer saw the Sensational sisters on stretchers. That sight forced him to quicken his pace. When he saw Officer Jenny he asked, "What happened?"
"We found the Gym Leaders injured in the main arena." Jenny said. "We don't know who is responsible but we found this." She held up a piece of cloth with an all-too-familiar symbol.
The Dark trainer glared at the cloth.
Seeing this Jenny asked, "Do you know who owns this symbol."
"Team Galactic." The Dark Trainer said. "Mars here is an ex-member."
Officer Jenny turned to Mars who said, "The leader wants us dead."
Jenny's expression immediatly changed to shock.
Mewtwo spoke next, "He will stop at nothing until he sees our bodies at his feet."
"What news on the Sisters?" The Dark Trainer asked.
"They've been beaten to a moderate level. It's a 70% chance that they'll survive."
None of the company looked comforted by this, especially the Dark Trainer.
The Dark Trainer grimaced. "They saved my life once." he said. "Now, I must save theirs!"
Without another word, he turned and stormed to the hospital.

Will Cyrus succeed in his mission?
To be continued...
... all i can say is this fan fic is amazing in every post you make. please continue.
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