Legendary Pokémon

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Chapter 1: Charmander
"Enough lives have been ended today, I'm not going to just sit by and let another one go when I can do something." Chris said to himself as he ran to the nearest pokemon center holding a sevearly injured Charmander in his arms. He kept running, running for an hour straight until he finally got to a town.
"Mister, where is the nearest pokemon center?" Chris asked fast.
"Over there." He said, pointing. He ran to it as fast as he could, nearly crashing into the counter trying to stop.
"You have to help this Charmander, please!" Chris pleaded to the nurse.
"Oh my. You came just in time. Chansey! Get a strecher stat!" Nurse Joy said. A Chancey came out a second later with a strecher, getting Charmander onto it. Nurse Joy took Charmander into the emergency room and the light went red. Chris sat down, not knowing if he should be relieved or not, then images of his town and parents flashed in his head. He couldn't help himself, and just sat there and cryed as long as he pleased. When he calmed down, he tried to come up with a plan on what to do next.
"I could try and live on my own, but...no, I'm only eight, I can't. What could I do?" Chris pondered. He weighed his options for several minutes, still not coming up with anything. Two hours went by, and the light turned off. Seeing this, Chris ran to the door, and Nurse Joy came out.
"Charmander will be just fine after some rest. You got him here just in time. Any later, and I don't think I, nor anyone could have saved him." Joy said. Chris released a huge sigh of relief, then finally realized how hungry he was when his stomach rumbled.
"Go on and eat, then you can stay here tonight." Joy said. Chris thanked her and went to get some food.
The next morning, Chris woke up late, then went to check on Charmander. Charmander walked out of the room, good as new.
"Hey there little guy. I'm glad you got through alright." Chris said.
Thanks to you I hear Chris heard. He jumped violently in shock, looking around to see who had just spoken.
"Wait, did you say that?" Chris asked Charmander.
You...understood me? Charmander asked.
"Hey, how can I hear you in my head?" Chris asked.
Wait, I've heard of this before. Rumor has it that once in a millenea, one special human will be born with the ability to bond his/her soul with pokemon, and speak with them telepathically. You must be him! Charmander said.
"Okay, let me try something then." Chris said. He closed his eyes and focused on Charmander.
Can you hear me? Chris asked.
Loud and clear Charmander responded.
Wow, it works! So, what now? Chris asked.
What do you mean? Charmander asked.
Well, what are you going to do now that you're all better? Chris asked.
If it isn't too much trouble, I was thinking that I'd stay with you Charmander said.
If you did, You'd be my only family Chris said.
Well then, brother, lets go Charmander said. Chris smiled and nodded. He went to ask Nurse Joy for trainer supplies, and actually recieved what he needed. After that, he caught Charmander in a pokeball then let him back out, then set off for the journey that would change everything.
Chapter 2: Magickarp
I wonder where we are anyway? Chris said.
I thought you knew Charmander said.
Well, I know we are in the Kanto region, but I just don't know where exactly Chris said.
Look, a sign. Read it, maybe it will tell us where we are Charmander said. Chris went over to the sign, and it said "Viridian City"
I know this place! If we head north, we'll reach the Viridian forest, then Pewter city, with a rock type gym Chris said.
Rock types? Maybe we should find a new friend before we go there, huh? Charmeleon said.
What did you have in mind? Chris asked.
As a fire type, I have to know the spots to avoid, and I know that there is a stream not too far from here Charmander said. They headed for the stream, and arrived there within a few minutes.
Hmm, how is this going to work...I know Chris said. He went over to a tree and cut off a mid-length branch, with Charmander's help, and pulled out some rope from the pack of supplies he recieved.
Ah, I see. Smart idea Charmander said. Chris tied the rope around the branch, made sure it tight, and cast it into the water, and sat there, waiting. Half an hour later, a school of Magickarp swam upstream, past Chris, and swam up the waterfall. All the Magickarp made it, except for one, who tried again and again to get up there, but failed each time. The others laughed at it, and then turned and swam away, leaving Magickarp there to struggle, alone.
Hey, Charmander. I have an idea to help that guy... Chris explained the plan, then climbed up the side of the waterfall.
Hey Magickarp, come here for a second Charmander yelled. The Magickarp swam over and Charmander explained the plan to him. The rope lowered down just above Magickarp, and he grabbed it with his mouth. Chris pulled upwards, and Magickarp was elevated to the top.
"There you go little guy. Hurry up, or they'll be too far away." Chris said. Magickarp looked towards the school of Magickarp, then back to Chris, and shook his head.
"You're...not going?" Chris asked. Magickarp shook his head again. Chris suddenly felt something tingle in his body,then felt a unison with Magickarp.
You are the only one who has shown me kindness, so I think I'll stay with you, if that's okay Magickarp said. Chris nodded and caught Magickarp.
Guess we found our new friend, huh? Chramander said.
Guess so Chris said, looking at Magickarp's pokeball.
I was thinking that instead of his entire story, I'm just going to tell the parts of it that say how he met his pokemon
It's okay with me.Better than abandoning the storyBig Grin
Chapter 3: Ralts
After obtaining two badges, Chris, Charmander, and Magikarp were on their way to vermillion city to face Lt. Surge.
We sure have come far in next to no time at all, huh? Charmander said.
You can say that again Chris said.
Which way do we go again? Charmander asked.
Well, um...well maybe...I don't know Chris said.
I figured. I'll ask for directions from some wild pokemon. Maybe they know the way Charmander said. And so he set off into the bushes, looking around for wild pokemon. After half an hour, Chris decided to pick some fruit from nearby trees for lunch. Before he did, however, Charmander soared right by his head and crashed into the tree he was heading for.
That was uncalled for Charmander said angrily.
Charmander! Are you alright? What happened? Chris asked, worried.
I'm alright, except for a headache. I was walking around, looking for pokemon to talk to, when I spotted a Ralts all by himself. I went over to him, and just as I was about to say something, he whipped around. I was startled quite a bit, and accidently let loose a Flamethrower. That in turn scared him, and I was blown backwards by a Confusion. I went to apologize, but he seemed to be really mad at that point, and sent me flying with Psychic, and here I am Charmander said.
Ouch. You sure you're okay? Chris asked.
I'm sure. Although, we are still lost, so we aren't okay in that division Charmander said.
True. Wait, I see something coming, maybe we can ask them for directions Chris said. Charmander looked at where Chris saw the object coming, and groaned.
Not him again! Charmander said.
What do you mean? Chris asked.
That's the Ralts I was talking about Charmander said. Ralts, still clearly angry, stomped out of the bushes and stopped infront of them. Charmander took a defensive stance infront of Chris, determined to protect him, and got ready to battle.
I don't think this guy is going to leave peacefully, so we'd better get ready to fight Charmander said.
You know you can count on me Charmander. Remember, we fight as one! Use Flamethrower! Chris said. Charmander let loose a jet of flames, scorching Ralts, who was caught off guard.
Quick, use Metal Claw! Chris said. Charmander lashed out with his claws, cutting Ralts on the side. Ralts, fed up with this, kicked Charmander hard, knocking the wind out of him for a second.
For a Psychic type, this one has some powerful legs! Charmander said, impressed.
You know what? I think it wants to be a Gallade when it evolves Chris said. Ralts ran forward at a fast pace, bolting for Charmander. By instinct, Charmander let loose a Flamethrower, finishing Ralts off.
Chris, maybe you should catch this one. He's strong and could come in handy Charmander said. Chris nodded and threw a pokeball from his belt, successfully catching Ralts. He let him out, then bonded his soul to Ralts.
Hi there. I'm Chris, and I hope we can become good friends Chris said.
We'll see. Depends on how you battle Ralts said.
I saw how you fight, and I know you want to become a Gallade, am I right? Chris asked.
Yes, as a matter of fact. Maybe we will get along after all Ralts said.
Chapter 4: Eevee times three
In the Johto region, we find a nine year old Chris with his friends, Charmeleon, Kirlia, and Gyarados. He had just entered the Johto league, and was heading for Violet city for his first badge.
I can't believe we won the Indigo Platue! Charmeleon said excitedly.
After how long we were training, I'm glad we won Chris said. The two continued on the road for a while, finally stopping for lunch on a grassy area surrounded by bushes and a lake.
I think we need more teamates Charmeleon said.
Same here. We won by luck in the Kanto region, but we might not be as fortunate here in Johto with just the three of us Kirlia said.
I know we are strong, but I'd have to agree with them too Gyarados said.
Fine, we'll try to catch more pokemon, but I don't know what to catch Chris said.
Well, why not try your luck with those three Eevee over there Kirlia said, pointing to a clearing near them. In it, three young looking Eevees were gathered closely together.
Wait, somethings wrong Chris said. Looking closer, they all saw that two of the three Eevees were standing over the third one, who didn't look too good.
We'd better go and check this out Charmander said. Chris returned Gyarados and hurried over to the Eevees. The two who were up spotted him, and growled at him loudly.
"Easy guys, I just want to help." Chris said, trying to calm them, though to no avail. One of the Eevees fired a Shadow Ball at him, though Charmeleon deflected it just in time. Kirlia used his Confusion to lift them up in the air, at which point Chris took his chance to check out the third Eevee. The two that were suspended in the air were flailing like mad, trying to get to the sick Eevee. Chris put his hand on her forehead, then pulled it back as if he was just burned.
"That is way too hot for a non fire type pokemon. I think she's been burned. Hang on, I might have a Rawst Berry in here somewhere." Chris said, looking in his pack. He looked until he finally found the Rawst Berry, then attempted to feed it to the burned Eevee. The two who were still in the air went beserk at seeing this, doing anything they could to break free. Kirlia was unable to hold them any longer and was forced to let them go. After they touched the ground, they both charged Chris, stopping when Charmeleon stood in their way. Chris fed the berry to the Eevee, and almost immediately the berry took effect. The Eevee jumped up onto all fours, looking shocked at her recovery.
"Wow, that was faster than I thought." Chris said. The Eevee turned to chris and leapt into his arms, laughing cheerfully after her recovery. The Eevee that Charmeleon were blocking calmed down instantly, and, seing that they were clam, Chrameleon let them pass, at which they ran to their sister, now fully healed. They too jumped onto Chris, also talking happily.
I think they like you Charmeleon said.
Me too. Maybe they'll join our little family Chris said. Chris put them down and looked each of them in the eyes.
"I understand if you say no, but I was wondering if you would like to come with me on my journey." Chris said to them, holding out three pokeballs. The female Eevee didn't even think about it, and jumped into the ball. The other two looked at each other, then did the same. Chris let them out and bonded his soul to them.
You won't regret it. Thanks Chris said.
You saved our sister, it's the least we could do One Eevee said.
After thinking, I've decided to, after saying how I catch Glaceon, I'm going to make this thread an answer fan fic. Post any questions about Chris's life, and I'll make a chapter to answer
An okay fan fic...a lot like your others though; they are read like you are reading a book. Personally it makes it sound less like a show and more like a storybook.
I'm not trying to make it sound like a show. I write fan fiction, not show scripts, unlike some other user I know. I don't want to make it sound like a show, so I guess I'm doing what I aimed for; sounding like a book. Now, I'm not mad, not yelling at you, but I just hope that in the future, any posts here are questions about Chris's life, and the occassional comments on the chapters I write. I'm not saying this out of spite, just saying it for future reference
ok,i'm making the first question:chris has 7 pokemon.how did he catch the last one?
I must say it does make it more visual though...
(18-02-2011 04:56 PM)LuXray Wrote: [ -> ]ok,i'm making the first question:chris has 7 pokemon.how did he catch the last one?

You mean Glaceon? Well, coincidentally, I was about to make the chapter explaining how Chris caught her. It also explains how he got his house, and the match where he became the grand champion.

Chapter 5: Glaceon
The night before the big match, we find, in the pokemon center at Lily of the Valley island, a 14 year old Chris pacing in his room. Under his belt are victories from the Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh league, but he wasn't done just yet. After winning the Sinnoh league, he was told he had one last match to fight; the match against the current undefeated Grand Champion, Cynthia. With his pokemon, Charizard, Gyarados, Gallade, Umbreon, Jolteon and Leafeon, Chris was nervous about heading to the Johto region to face the champion in a champion title match.
I have to sleep, but I can't calm down Chris thought. He paced around for another hour before finally forcing himself to try to sleep. He managed to do it, but woke up a few hours before dawn, and resumed his pacing. He paced until he realized it was nearly time for the boat to leave, then bolted to the pier. He missed the boat by just seconds.
"Gyarados, lets catch that boat!" Chris said, releasing Gyarados. He hopped on his head and Gyarados swam at a quick pace, catching up to the ship in next to no time at all.
Thanks a lot buddy Chris said.
No problem. I'm not missing this match for anything. hey, how about letting me stay out for a while? Gyarados asked.
Sure, no problem. In fact, the others might enjoy this fresh air as well Chris said. He let everyone out, and immediately they scattered across the boat, or in Charizard's case, above it. Leafeon went straight for a seemingly empty area. Chris let her, deciding not to worry about her. At noon, his pokemon gathered around him, getting lunch, Leafeon only ate half of hers, then carried the rest to the empty area.
That look suspicious to anyone else? Gallade asked.
Don't worry about her. Our sister can take care of herself if she gets into any trouble, which, by the way, we still don't know if shes in Umbreon said. Chris nodded in agreement, then resumed eating his food. Afew more hours passed by, then the boat docked at Johto. The passengers got off the boat, creating a crowd large enough to nearly seperate Chris from his pokemon.
I've always hated crowds Jolteon said.
Same here brother, same here Umbreon said.
Where's Leafeon? Gallade asked. Looking around, no one could see Leafeon amongst the crowd. Just when they started to worry, Leafeon came runnning off the ship and right to them.
Sorry, I got lost in that crowd Leafeon said.
No problem Leafeon, so long as you're here now Chris said. The other pokemon, however, weren't as quick to let it go, but kept to themselves. After spending the night at the pokemon center, Chris returned his pokemon and headed for the stadium, nervous as ever.

"Now enetering on the right, our current champion, Grand Champion Cynthia!" The announcer said. The crowd went crazt when she walked in, an air of confidence and, subtle but still there, boredom.
"Now, the challenger, the phenominon who came out of nowhere in a big success, Chris!" The announcer said. There was far less cheering for him, which didn't help his nerves in the slightest.
"This will be a full six on six battle, with only the challenger able to substitute pokemon. There will be a five minute break in which the field will be changed when three of the challengers...I mean, three of either trainers pokemon are defeated. Begin!" The ref said. catching the slip up in his announcement, Chris was even let confident.
"Spiritomb, lets go!" Cynthia said.
"And the champion starts out with Spiritomb, a regular here in the stadium and a fan favorite. Few challengers have made it passed this pokemon. How will the challenger respond?" Chris, nervous as anyone could get, was nearly frozen by his nerves, until a thought came to him. He had been through hundreds of battles, and won all of them, so why should he get nervous now? It was just another battle, and he was going to win. Chris looked up, his eyes now ablaze with excitement and determination, took a deap breath, then said "We fight as one Umbreon!" Umbreon, sharing his determination and excitement, was eager, more than ready to start.
"So it's Umbreon versus Spiritomb. Will the challnger regret his decision to use a dark type to face this dark ghost type?"
"Spiritomb, use Stone Edge." Cynthia said, barely concealing her boredom.
Destroy each and every one of them with Shadow Claw Chris said. Umbreon's paws were a flurry of movement, slashing through the attack until there wasn't any left to destroy. Cynthia was taken aback for a second.
"Incredible! Without any direction from his trainer, Umbreon destroyed the Stone Edge in seconds flat!"
Shadow Ball Chris said. Umbreon shot the attack before Spiritomb could blink, let alone dodge. Spiritomb was hit with the attack, but held in there, though just barely.
Once more if you please Chris said.
Hold on, this isn't any ordinary battle you know. I think we should commemorate the occassion by using our secret weaponsp/i] Umbreon said, dodging Spiritomb's Dark Pulse.
[i]You mean the element moves you guys just perfected, I mean just perfected?
Chris asked.
Those are the ones. What do you say? Umbreon asked. After thinking about it for a second, Chris nodded.
Perfect Umbreon said, pleased. After Spiritomb's attack was finished, Cynthia was about to order another attack when the sun seemed to race across the sky by itself. Hours passed in the blink of an eye, until the full moon shone brightly on the stadium.
"What is going on here?" The announcer asked. Cynthia was thinking the same thing, then looked confused when she saw Chris simply grinning. Seeing her confusion, Chris pointed up. Cynthia and the staium followed his finger, then gasped as a black sphere was forming in the air. Once it was as big as Chris's head, it broke up into many sharp shards, then fell, headed for Spiritomb. Spiritomb tried to move, but found that it couldn't, no matter how hard it struggled. The shards collided with a small explosion, kicking up a lot of dust. Once it passed, the sun was in the exact same spot where it was before Umbreon's attack, and Spiritomb was fainted.
"In-incredible! Spiritomb has been defeated!" The announcer said, obviously shocked. Cynthia was just as shocked, but mostly due to the move that did it.
"How...did you do that?" Cynthis asked.
"I didn't, he did. I do not presume to take credit for my friend's accomplishments. Now then, lets continue shall we?" Chris asked. Cynthia returned Spiritomb and Chris returned Umbreon.
"Gastrodon, come out!" Cynthia said.
"We fight as one Leafeon!" Chris said.
I'm feeling a little tired, can I just get this one over with? Leafeon asked.
Have your fun my friend Chris said. The grassy field under then lit up like a christmas tree, only just green. Suddenly, before anyone could think, tall vines covered in thorns surrounded Gastrodon. Once it was completely surrounded, the vines started to spin. Faster and faster they spun, then one of the thorns was fired from the vines in the blink of an eye. Once it hit Gastrodon, an explosion was made upon impact, but that was just the tip of the iceberg as all the other throns were launched as well. Once the thorns were all launched and the vines were bare, they sunk back into the ground, exposing a fainted Gastrodon. This time, everyone was speachless, even the announcer. Cynthia simply returned Gastrodon and sent out Garchomp.
"There it is people, her Garchomp! This pokemon has been undefeated in every battle, and I doubt it wants to start losing now!" The announcer said, feeling much more relaxed. The audience felt the same way as well, as a sigh of relief spread throughout the stadium, content in the knowledge that Chris was doomed. Chris thought for a second, then returned Leafeon.
"We fight as one Charizard!" Chris said. Charizard stomped confidently onto the field, ready to do battle with Garchomp.
"Draco Meteor!" Cynthia said. This brought about cheers from the stadium, even a few "You're in for it now!"
Fire Shadow Chris said. A thick band of red hot fire rapped around Garchomps leg, causing it too much pain to focus, and lost the Draco Meteor.
"Garchomp!" Cynthia cried out, now worried.
Magma Pulse Chris said. A ball of red hot energy formed in Charizard's claws, growing bigger by the second. Garchomp, still ensnared by Fire Shadow, was unable to get out of the way, and fainted upon getting struck by the attack. Cynthia's face was nothing short of pure disbelief and confusion.
"Now then, a break then back to the battle." Chris said happily.
"No, no I don't think so. I surrender. To continue would only mean to submit my pokemon to pain and defeat." Cynthia said in a defeated, somber tone.
"Cyn-Cynthia has forfieted the match! Ladies and gentlemen, your new Grand Champion, Chris!" The announcer said. Chris was immediately confronted by a man who took him away quickly.
"Hello there champ. I am the head of the pokemon league, and I have come here, just in case Cynthia was to be defeated, to bring the new champion to his house, so please follow me." He said.
"Wait, house?" Chris asked, excitedly. The walked for a few minutes until they entered Palm Hills, where they turned to a gaint blue roofed mansion.
"No way, this is mine?!?" Chris asked.
"Yes, so please enjoy it." He said. Chris ran eagerly to the house, and was awestruck the second he entered it. An olympic sized pool was in the middle of the living room, to which he let Gyarados into.
Wow, this is good water Gyarados said. Chris explored the house eagerly, and, to his pleasant surprise, found that there were enough rooms for his pokemon to each have their own, and many, many more.
This is where we wake up from this wondeful dream, right? Charizard asked.
No dream here Charizard, just sweet, sweet life Chris asid happily. After four months, Chris fought match after match to keep his title, each proved easy enough. He also installed a large swing door, so that his pokemon could leave and come back whenever they pleased.
This works out perfectly for me! Leafeon said.
Have somewhere to be at night? Chris asked.
Oh, um, no not really, just saying Leafeon said, realizing she said her thoughts out loud. Four more months went by, and Chris and the other pokemon were growing more and more suspicious of Leafeon. She continuously left the mansion at night. Gyarados told them that he kept hearing the door open twice, though not at the same time, then again twice much later that night, usually in the early dusk. Finally, they decided enough was enough, and they decided to follow Leafeon that very night when she left. They followed her to the clearing out behind their home, and hid in the bushes, watching Leafeon closely. Soon, a cold, icy breath of wind creapt over them, causing them all to shiver. Soon enough, a Galceon came out to meet Leafeon, a calm, relaxed smile on both their faces.
I'm glad you could make it. I know things have been hard for you lately, seeing as how there isn't a lot of food in the trees here Leafeon said. Not being bonded to the Galceon, Chris was unable to know what she said back, but was able to catch what Leafeon said next.
Well, I'm not sure if he would catch you. I guess I could talk to him about it, but he doesn't really know you like I do Leafeon said. Galceon responded, now sounding a bit sad.
I know, I don't want you to leave either. You know what? Let's go right now. I'll talk to him about it right this minute. Coming? Leafeon asked. Galceon nodded happily and, just before they started walking, Chris and the others popped out of the bushes.
"So this is where you've been going. You've just been visiting a friend?" Chris asked. Leafeon nodded. Chris pulled out a pokeball, then held it infront of Galceon, to which she eagerly jumped into. Once she was fully caught, Chris let her out and bonded his soul with hers.
Chris...thank you so much Leafeon and Glaceon said.
No problem Chris said.

A bit long, but I just couldn't end it
Gyarados: How about letting me stay for a while?

...hm...is it just me or does that sound a bit unlike the personality of a Gyarados? They are very destructive pokemon by nature, even ones that have been captured still are nasty. Perhaps this would have suited Gyarados better:

Gyarados: Let me stay here or I eat you!

...okay that didn't work either. Overall, this was a great story. Perhaps Chris can tame pokemon just by using his thoughts?
That's a stereotype
Besides, Chris caught him when he was abandoned, so I doubt he's in a hurry to eat Chris
I know that...I guess that this is a nicer Gyarados...
Guys, this thread won't live for very long without you all asking any questions. No questions, nothing for me to write about
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