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(19-10-2010 09:25 PM)KALAS REY Wrote: [ -> ]
(19-10-2010 09:23 PM)LuXray Wrote: [ -> ]nice part but when are you going to post the next in jhoto jen goin hoenn???

Give it time, I have writers block for that

ok!!!no problem
Chapter 10: " Wow, Absol joined the guild?" Bulbasour said.
"Yep, and his room is over there." Charmeleon said, pointing. Absol went to the room and settled in.
"Get a good nights sleep, you'll need it." Charmeleon said. The next morning, Everyone woke up and went into the main room, and Charmeleon was there to greet them. Before he could say anything, however, Peliper came flying in.
"Morning." Charmeleon said.
"It's morning, but not a good one." Peliper said, then gave Charmeleon a letter marked "EMERGENCY!!!"
"Well, by the title, this can obviously wait, but lets open it now anyways." Charmeleon said. Charmeleon read the letter to himself, then looked panicstricken, and immediately told Pikachu adn Bulbasour they were in charge while he was away, and for them to do as many missions as they could. Before they could ask questions, Charmeleon was already out of his guild, running as fast as he could.
"I maybe new here, but I don't think that's normal." Absol said.
"Lets see, he dropped the letter. I says "Charmeleon, terrible news. Sorry to pull you away, but we need you here straight away. A large band of several rogue pokemon have appeared and threatened our town, demanding we pay them large amounts of money daily, or we''ll pay the price in a different way. Rescue teams were already deployed, but none have come back, not even A.C.T.! You are the last hope for this town, please come as soon as you possibley can-Whiscash." Pikachu read.
"No wonder he ran off in such a hurry." Absol said.
"I know he said to leave it to him, but I don't feel right just sitting still while he does the hard work." Pikachu said.
"I know what you mean, but if we left, only Absol would be here to do all the jobs, and he's a rookie at it. Plus, we don't even know where to go." Bulbasour said.
"Argh! You're right, but I just don't feel right." Pikachu said.
"Look, we'll do some rescue jobs, that'll take your mind off of it for awhile." Bulbasour said.
"Fine. Absol, we have a D ranked mission for you in Drenched bluff, just to the southeast of here." Pikachu said. He took it and left, Pikachu and Bulbasour taking the two others on the board. A week passed, and Charmeleon still hadn't come back yet.
"I didn't expect him to be back over night, but when is he coming back?" Pikachu asked.
"No idea. Come on, we have work to do." Bulbasour said. Another two days passed, and still no sign of him.
"I'm starting to get worried." Pikachu said.
"Starting to? You're pacing, and you've been pacing for the past few days." Bulbasour said.
"So? Maybe we should try to find him." Pikachu said. Before Bulbasour could say anything, Peliper swooped in and gave Pikachua letter.
"What does it say?" Bulbasour asked.
"Hold on. It says: Pikachu and Bulbasour, I know I have been gone for quite some time now, but know that I'm on my way back, and will tell you about this adventure, but after some rest. I should be there in roughly two or three days-Charmeleon." Pikachu read.
"See? He's fine. Now, lets go to work." Bulbasour said. The days passed with agonizing slowness for Pikachu and Bulbasour, when finally Charmeleon came into view of the guild, tired beyond compare.
“Charmeleon!” Pikachu shouted. He and Bulbasour ran to Charmeleon, who was limping a bit.
“Are you alright?” Bulbasour asked.
“I’ll be fine once I sit down and rest for awhile.” Charmeleon said. They got back to their guild, and Charmeleon plopped down on the floor.
“Alright, that’s much better.” Charmeleon said.
“Now can you tell us what happened?” Pikachu asked.
“Sure. It took me two and a half days to get there, but I wasn’t pleased to see what was going on. First, it was pouring so much, I thought there would be a flood. I had to pump up the heat on my tail to keep it from going out. When I got into town, it was all but ruined. I met with Whiscash, and he told me that 50 Crawdaunt were terrorizing the town, and they all knew Rain Dance. They said if the town didn’t pay them 50000 poke each day, they would flood the town and destroy it. Many Rescue Teams were already out to stop them, but it had been far too long since any came back. So, naturally, I was the last resort, and was sent to deal with them myself. I found them in Serenity River, and all at once, they ganged up on me. I took one heck of a beating, but luckily they backed off when they thought I’d had enough. It was then that my Blaze ability activated, and the fire on my tail sky rocketed, and that aloe took out at least five of them. Flamethrower took out a lot too, and Blast Burn took out the rest. I was tired, but fatigue is never an excuse to stop. I found the knocked out Rescue teams, and took them back to town one by one. Fortunately, there wasn’t too many, and it wasn’t too long before they were all back. I rested for a short while, then came back here, insisting I was alright. The fight took more out of me than I expected though, and it took me longer to get back here than expected.” Charmeleon said.
“Wow, to take out an army by yourself is incredible!” Pikachu said.
“It was their ignorance that gave me the edge I needed to win. If they were smarter, they would have finished me off. So, what did I miss while I was away?” Charmeleon asked.
“Well, we did a lot of missions, Absol found a partner, Mightyena, and formed Team Midnight. A Leafeon and Glaceon came here and wanted to join, and they did, adding Team Frost Forest to our ranks, and we have a chef for our guild, Gallade.” Pikachu said.
“Wow, I missed a lot when I was gone.” Charmeleon said.
“Food’s on!” Gallade yelled from below. Charmeleon managed to get up, and went down to eat.
“So, who is this? New recruit?” Leafeon asked.
“If so, I hope he is strong.” Glaceon said.
“Ah, an all girl team eh? Welcome to my guild, and I apologize for not being here for your arrival.” Charmeleon said.
“Huh? Your guild?” Gallade asked.
“Yep. He is Charmeleon, the Guildmaster of the Rescue guild.” Absol said.
“Oh, so this is the Charmeleon you were telling me about.” Mightyena said.
“Okay, so you are the owner. I thought Pikachu and Bulbasour both were in charge here, seeing as how they were giving the orders and assignments.” Leafeon said.
“I put them in charge while I was away on a mission of utmost importance to me. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m not very hungry, and could really use some sleep.” Charmeleon said.

Chapter 11: It was late in the morning, and Charmeleon was still asleep, so Pikachu and Bulbasour took charge once again and gave the assignments for the day.
“Sleeps a lot, doesn’t he?” Glaceon commented.
“I heard that! He is just exhausted, give him a break!” Pikachu snapped.
“Geez, sorry!” Glaceon said. Charmeleon forced himself out of bed a minute later, and went straight to the job board.
“Hold it! Are you sure you can work today?” Bulbasour asked.
“Yes, I’m sure. If it makes you feel better, I’ll just do a simple mission.” Charmeleon said.
“Okay, but to make sure, I’m choosing. This B ranked mission should be no problem for you.” Pikachu said. He took the job and left, returning a few hours later, looking very tired.
“What happened?” Pikachu asked.
“Ambush. The job was a trap, but I got free. Also took care of that Drapion’s challenge.” Charmeleon said.
“We send you on a simple mission, and you go get ambushed. What are we going to do with you?” Bulbasour joked.
“Nothing. Just let me get some food, then head to bed, unless there are any more missions left.” Charmeelon said.
“Nope, all gone. We didn’t even have to leave, weird huh?” Pikachu said.
“Yeah, weird.” Charmeleon said. Teams Midnight and Frost Forest arrived back soon afterwards, and Gallade got to work on dinner. Charmeleon had just sat down when Peliper swooped in.
“Oh now what?” Charmeleon groaned.
“Don’t shoot the messenger.” Peliper said.
“Sorry, long day.” Charmeleon said. He took the letter and Peliper left.
“Looks like we have an invitation. It says: Dear Rescue guild, our guild is preparing another expedition, and we would greatly appreciate your help. We are heading to explore and get to the bottom of Zero Island Center, hopefully getting rid of the thing that causes all the condition required to go there. Hope you will lend your support-Wigglytuff Exploration Guild.” Charmeleon read.
“An expedition? We haven’t been on one of those in a long time. I say we should go.” Pikachu said.
“Hold on, they can afford to leave and explore, they’re just doing what they always do. If we left, pokemon that need rescuing wouldn’t make it, all because we were exploring.” Leafeon said.
“Well put, but what they are attempting is very dangerous. If we left it alone, we would eventually have to rescue them, which could be avoided right now.” Charmeleon said.
“What should we do then?” Absol asked.
“I’ve got it. Teams Comet and Midnight, you’ll go with the explorers and aid their mission.” Charmeleon said.
“Okay.” Mightyena said.
“Sure. We would love to see our friends again.” Bulbasour said. Three days passed, and it was time for the expedition. Piakchu, Bulbasour, Absol, and Mightyena departed to meet with the guild.
“HEY, long time no see.” Loudred said.
“Likewise.” Pikachu said.
“Oh my gosh, you seem to have really grown up a lot!” Sunflora said.
“Thanks for noticing.” Bulbasour said.
“Okay, before we leave, who are they?” Chatot asked.
“We are team Midnight, a rescue team of the Rescue guild, and we were sent with them to accompany you on your expedition.” Absol said.
“By golly, I didn’t know Charmeleon’s guild had more teams in it.” Bidoof said.
“Neither did I. Tell me, who else is in your guild?” Chatot asked.
“A Leafeon and Glaceon team, Frost Forest, and a chef, Gallade.” Bulbasour answered.
“Indeed. Let us be off now, to Zero Island Center!” Chatot said.
“HOORAY!” The explorers shouted. As before, they split up to move faster towards their destination. Pikachu and Bulbasour went together, as did team Midnight, not wanting to be grouped with anyone they weren’t familiar with. Two days later, they arrived at the base camp at the foot of the dungeon entrance.
“Okay, now ahead lies something that is said to have the power to weaken pokemon, and we must obtain it, and destroy it. In the wrong hands, it could end the world as we know it!” Chatot said.
“Something that can actually WEAKEN pokemon?” Loudred asked.
“Yes, an enchanted orb from our gathering. It was placed there to ward off pokemon from a home, but that was many years ago, and the resident is long since…passed away. Now, that orb is nothing but a nuisance, and must be destroyed.” Chatot said.
“If we get close to the orb, won’t it weaken us?” Chimecho asked.
“We thought of that, and have the solution. These are special orbs called Luminous orbs, and they can temporarily ward off the effects of the orb, but only for a minute. As soon as you feel weakened, if you are near the orb, use it, and destroy it as fast as you can.” Chatot said, giving everyone an orb.
"Good luck everyone. I have a feeling we'll need it." Pikachu said.
good story......
Chapter 12: "Guys, I think we should split up for this mission." Pikachu said.
"Why?" Absol asked.
"There are four teams and four of us. We should each go with a team to make sure there is a rescuer with them, just in case something goes bad." Pikachu said.
"Fine, but I'll go with Diglett and Dugdrio." Bulbasour said.
"I can go with Croagunk and Bidoof." Mightyena said.
"I take Loudred and Corphish." Pikachu said.
"Which leaves me with Sunflora and Chimecho." Absol said.
"Okay, lets go." Pikachu said. They went with the groups they chose, and set off in different directions for the center of Zero Island Center.
"GLAD you chose to come with us." Loudred said.
"Yeah, should be fun, hey hey." Corphish said.
"Keep it down! Can't you feel the effects of that orb already? The pokemon here are a lot stronger than we are, in this weakened state, and we don't want to draw any attention!" Pikachu whispered.
"Oh, sorry." Corphish whispered. They crept through the dungeon slowly, and eventually made it to a place that had waves of red energy through the ground, and a bright red glow in the distance.
"That must be it." Pikachu said. They walked towards it, and turned a corner to come to a room with a ruby colored, diamond cut orb glowing brightly on top of a pedestal.
"That has to be the orb. Luminous orb, do your stuff." Pikachu said, taking out the orb and activating it. A soft white glow covered them, and they felt much better.
"Ah, now I'm just AS strong as I was before. This should make DESTROYING the orb much easier." Loudred said.
"Let's see how Iron tail does!" Pikachu said, charging at the orb. The moment he made contact, he bounced off, holding his tail and trying not to yell.
"Dang it that really hurt!" Pikachu said through clenched teeth.
"Hey hey, try attacking long distance!" Corphish said, and fired a Bubblebeam at it. The attack made contact, but had no effect.
"Maybe I can shatter it by USING sound!" Loudred said, and used Hyper Voice. The sound waves shook the orb, but that was all they did.
"This thing is tough. Let's try attacking it together!" Pikachu said. Loudred used Hyper voice, Corphish used Bulbblebeam, and Pikachu used Thunder. The attacks merged and struck the orb with incredible force, but it didn't so much as roll off the pedestal.
"What the heck is that thing made of?!?" Pikachu asked.
"No idea, but we can't crack it." Corphish said. The glow around them started to blink, and they took that as a sign to get away. They barely managed to get out of the room when the glow wore off, and their strength faded again.
"We weren't even CLOSE!" Loudred said.
"You're telling me. Come on, we can't do anything else. Grab onto me and I'll use an Escape orb." Pikachu said. He beamed them out of the dungeon, and arrived back at the camp, seeing everyone else had already arrived.
"You too?" Pikachu asked.
"Yep." Bulbasour said.
"I don't get it. How can anything be that hard to crack?" Absol asked.
"I don't know, but it seems as if everyone has given their best efforts today. Rest up, and we'll think of a plan tomorrow. We can't leave after just one bad day, can we?" Chatot asked.
"HOORAY!" They shouted. The next morning, everyone woke up and gathered to meet and discuss.
"Anyone thing of any ideas?" Chatot asked. Everyone shook their heads, and Chatot looked desperate.
"We have many more Luminous Orbs, so I want two volunteers to do some recon on the orb and see if they can't find some sort of weakness." Chatot said.
"We'll go." Pikachu and Bulbasour said.
"Okay, take one each." Chatot said. They took an rob and went inside once more, and soon arrived at the orb's room.
"There has to be something that can beat this thing." Pikachu said, rounding the corner.
"Yeah, but I don't see...I don't see the orb." Bulbasour said, looking into the room.
"What? How could it be gone? We couldn't even budge it with our attacks." Pikachu said.
"Come to think of it, I don't feel weakened at all." Bulbasour said.
"Me neither. I didn't even notice. We'd better tell Chatot." Pikachu said. They warped out and told Chatot the news.
"Squack! How could it disappear?!?" Chatot asked.
"Don't know, but it isn't there any more." Pikachu said.
"I fear we may have some trouble in the future, but for now, without the orb this mission is over." Chatot said. The guild crew packed up and left together, and within two days arrived at the guild.
"We have to get back to our rescu duties, see yah." Pikachu said. Waving goodbye, they went back to the Rescue guild, and told Charmeleon the news.
"Hmm. I don't like this at all. An orb that powerful, just up and disappearing, I don't like it." Charmeleon said.
"Well, not much we can do now, huh?" Pikachu said.
"True, but be on the lookout from now on, okay?" Charmeleon said.
"When aren't we?" Bulbasour asked.
Chapter 13: A few days passed, and still nothing about the orb, except that Zero Island areas were much safer and far more pleasant.
"We have to be on guard, but for now just do a good job." Charmeleon said to Pikachu and Bulbasour when they asked him about it.
"I wonder who could have taken it." Pikachu said.
"Or how. We couldn't budge that thing, even when I grabbed it with Vine Whip." Bulbasour said.
"I hit it with my Iron tail on the side, and I got hurt. My tail is still sore!" Pikachu said.
"Ouch, sorry." Bulbasour said.
"Oh well, we aren't doing any good here. Let's get moving." Pikachu said. That night, Charmeleon was unable to sleep, so he went outside to look at the beach.
"Glad I got this place. Lovely view of the ocean." Charmeleon said. He heard footsteps behind him, yep pretended not to notice, until they were right behind him. At that, he spun around and prepared a Dragon Rage, only to see a Gardevour.
"Little late for a stroll." Charmeleon said.
"Says the paranoid one." She retorted.
"Sorry, it's just that there aren't many pokemon up at this hour." Charmeleon said.
"So what are you doing up?" Gardevour asked.
"Can't sleep. You?" Charmeleon asked.
"I have come to ask for help from the Rescue guild here, and I'm in quite a rush, so I must be going." Gardevour said.
"If you don't mind me asking, why do you need assistance?" Charmeleon asked.
"My partner, Ninetails, is trapped in Foggy Forest by some weird orb, and I have to get help right now, so please excuse me!" Gardevour said in a hurry.
"No need to go anywhere. I'll get on the case right away. I can't sleep anyway." Charmeleon said.
"That's nice, but what could you hope to do?" Gardevour asked, slightly amused.
"Well, I plan on rescuing Ninetails." Charmeleon said.
"I don't have time for this, I have to ask for some Rescue team help!" Gardevour said.
"Question. Do you know who you're talking to?" Charmeleon asked.
"Yes, a pokemon that is wasting precious time!" Gardevour said.
"Try the guildmaster of the Rescue guild." Charmeleon said.
"Oh, well that changes things." Gardevour said, more relaxed.
"Wait here, I'll get the others." Charmeleon said. He went into the guild and lit it up with Flamethrower. Everyone scrambled out of their rooms, and were wide awake after the light show.
"I think I have just found out where the orb is." Charmeleon said.
A few minutes later, Charmeleon was marching up to Wigglytuff's guild, and stood over the grate.
"*Yawn*. Pokemon detected. Pokemon detected." Diglett said sleepily.
"Who's footprint? Who's footprint?" Loudred asked, just as tired.
"It's me, Charmeleon. I found the orb!" Charmeleon said.
"Oh, that's nice. Hey guys, Charmeleon found the...YOU FOUND IT?!?" Loudred shouted. At that, the guild crew ran to the gate, all looking irritated.
"We don't have a lot of time, a Ninetails is caught by it, so we have to move now to Foggy Forest. My guild with yours, we must be able to get some results." Charmeleon said to Wigglytuff.
"Fine, let's go." Chatot murmurded, still half asleep. A light show from Charmeleon woke everyone up fully, and they, along with Charmeleon's crew, marched off for Foggy Forest. Once there, Charmeelon got up infront of his guild, Chatot and Wigglytuff doing the same for theirs.
"Look, we have to move fast. You all know your assignments, grab Ninetails, get out, then go back and hit the orb with everything you've got!" Charmeleon said. Everyone grabbed a Luminous orb from Chatot, and went in, leaving Chatot, Wigglytuff, and Charmeleon behind to keep a lookout for their guild members. Half an hour passed by slowly with no results, but Charmeleon hadn't moved at all. Another half hour went by, and by this time the sun was coming up, but the thick fog prevented it from showing. Finally, after a total of one hour and ten minutes, Bidoof was beamed out of the dungeon, fainted.
"Ah Bidoof, what are we going to do with you?" Chatot said. As he was going to get him, Sunflora and Croagunk were beamed back as well, also fainted.
"Hold on, these two are very strong. How could they have been taken out as well?" Chatot asked. He got them to a tent that was set up for this occasion, with the help of Wigglytuff, and layed them down with an Oran Berry next to them. Charmeleon still hadn't moved, watching closely for any sign of his crew. Ten minutes went by, and Leafeon was beamed back, though she was still consious.
"Leafeon!" Charmeleon yelled, then ran to help her.
"I-I-I...Glaceon, still there!" She studdered.
"It's okay, the others will save her, or she'll use the Escape orb I gave you two." Charmeelon said. Leafeon nodded, then went to lay down in a tent. Charmeleon set a berry next to her, then resumed his spot, and didn't move again untill Loudred was beamed back with Glaceon. Glaceon was looking banged up, though carrying Loudred.
"Chatot!" harmeleon yelled, the went to go help Glaceon. Wigglytuff carried Loudred, while Charmeleon helped Glaceon to the tent with Leafeon.
"T-T-The orb, it bounces attacks back!" Glaceon managed to say before collapsing. A berry was set next to her, and Charmeleon once again resumed his spot, though now his mind was racing.
This isn't good, not at all. I may need to get in there myself at this rate, but why aren't they getting Ninetails out? Charmeleon thought.
"Charmeleon, we should talk." Chatot said.
"Shoot." Charmeleon said.
"Half my guild has been taken out, and yours hasn't exactly escaped harm." Wigglytuff said.
"I'm aware, but as the score stands, we still have four members each in there, so we still have a chance." Charmeleon said. Chatot was about to say something when Corphish and Chimecho were beamed out.
"Oh my. These two seem to be in terrible shape!" Chatot said. He and Wigglytuff rushed them to the tent, and placed a berry next to them and hoped for the best.
"Still think we have a good chance?" Chatot asked.
"Such faith in your guild you have." Charmeleon said, still not moving. Five minutes later, Diglett and Dugdrio were sent out. Once they were taken care of, Chatot went to talk with Charmeleon.
"The entire exploration guild is knocked out, and you still just stand there!" Chatot said.
"I wait for my guild, you wait for yours. I have simpathy for your guild members, but I must think of my guild as well." Charmeleon said. He stood motionless for another hour, then Absol and Mightyena were shot out of the dungeon. Charmeleon rushed forward, finding Mightyena fainted, and Absol barely conscious.
"Absol, can you stand?" Charmeleon asked.
"N-Not easily, but I think so." Absol said. He strained to get up, then walked towards an empty tent, and layed down, Charmeleon put Mightyena next to him.
"Eat if you have the strength. You have done a good job today." Charmeleon said, handing him an Oran Berry. Absol lifted his head and ate it, then slept. After putting a berry next to Mightyena, Charmeleon left and grabbed a Luminous orb.
"What do you think you're doing?" Chatot asked.
"I'm going to get Pikachu and Bulbasour out of there before it's too late for them." Charmeleon said. He was about to enter the dungeon when Pikachu and Bulbasour appeared, along with Ninetails. They were panting heavely, looking about ready to fall over, but never the less, pride shown on their faces. Charmeleon helped them all to a tent, and gave all three of them a berry.
"Glad you made it out." Charmeleon said.
"Yeah, but that was not easy. Sad to say, we couldn't help any of the others form getting hurt, but we managed to save Ninetails just in time." Pikachu said, then ate the berry.
"I for one need some rest after that." Bulbasour said, and also ate.
"You were very kind in saving me, and I thank you." Ninetails said.
"It's our job. What became of the orb?" Charmeleon asked.
"No idea. We were blinded by a bright red light, and then it was gone. We turned in time to see a shadow disappear out of sight, but no pokemon. We decided to get Ninetails out, and here we are." Pikachu said.
"You deserve some rest. All of you, as a matter of fact." Charmeleon said.
Chapter 14: After everyone rested for awhile, evryone got up, and followed their guildmaster home. At the Rescue guild, Gardevour was pacing at the entrance. Upon seeing Ninetails, she shriekd in happyness and ran to her.
"Thank you so much for saving my partner." Gardevour said happily.
"It's what we do, but I wish I could say it was easy. I stood around waiting for my guild to come back, not knowing how dangerous the situation truely was. I owe them an apology for that." Charmeleon said.
"It's okay. After all, it's what we do." Pikachu said, and the others nodded in agreement.
"Well, there is only one more thing to do now." Gardevour said.
"The real reason why we were travelling through Foggy Forest...was to come here." Ninetails said.
"We are members of the Rescue Team Federation, and we were sent here to monitor your activities. Your guild was not registered as one, yet it operated as one, which is a very serious crime." Gardevour said.
"However, due to recent events, we got to see how you operate as a guildmaster, and aprove." Ninetails said.
"Therefore, your guild is now officially registered as one." Gardevour said.
"Wait, let me get this straight. We went through all that, just to continue to do exactly what we were already doing?" Bulbasour whispered.
"It would appear so." Pikachu whispered back.
"Well, we should be on our way now."" Ninetails said. They left, and the guild crew were just stunned.
"Anyone know what just happened?" Glaceon asked.
"Yeah. We wee just given the ability to keep going as a guild, after going through all that." Pikachu said.
"It matters not. Let's go, you must rest a bit more to recover your strength." Charmeleon said, and lead the group inside. The next day, everyone woke up to a pleasant surprise.
"No jobs on the board today. Guess things are getting safer. Free day today everyone." Charmeleon said. Everyone cheered and left, eager to enjoy their free day. A few minutes later, Charmeleon left as well, and took a look around town, wondering how everyone is enjoying themselves. He found Leafeon and Glaceon in the Hopes and Dreams Cafe, both having a soda and laughing. Looking around more, he was pleasantly surprised to fing Absol at the dojo, while Mightyena was merely taking a walk. Gallade, he saw, was talking with the Kecleon brothers, of what he didn't know. Still looking, he couldn't find Pikachu or Bulbasour anywhere, yet he had a suspicion he knew where they were anyways; at Wigglytuff's guild. He went there and confirmed his theory, seeing them chatting away with their friends.
"Well, they seem to be having a fun day. Maybe I should do this more often for them. I think I'll just walk around Foggy Forest, see if there is any damage." Charmeleon said to himself. He arrived there quickly, but to a very bad surprise.
"Wait, nothing is moving, and why is it so grey here? I need to look into this." Charmeleon said, and went in. Inside, he saw, to his horror, all the inhabitants of Foggy Forest frozen in time, not even twitching. He continued to travel up to Steam Cave, also frozen in time.
"What the heck is going on?!?" Charmeleon yelled. He reached the top, and gasped. There, in mid air, was Uxie, frozen with a look of fear on his face.
"Uxie...what happened to you?" Charmeleon asked.
"Wow! Who said that?" Charmeleon asked, looking around.
It's.............me....Uxie Uxie said.
"Uxie? But, how? Never mind, what happened to you, this place, these pokemon?" Charmeleon asked.
The..........Time Ge......ar Uxie said. Puzzled, Charmeleon went up ahead a little further and looked into the lake. Looking hard, he saw a gear like object, as grey as the area.
"Wait, Time Gears aren't suppossed to be grey, or still. I need a closer look, but how?" Charmeleon pondered. Testing the frozen water, he managed to walk on top of it, and went to the gear.
"Okay, I'm here, but how to set it free...I know." Charmeleon said, and fired a Flamthrower at the lake, temporarily opening a path to the gear, and Charmeleon swiped it.
"So, this is what a Time Gear looks like up close. It doesn't seem like it's suppossed to." Charmeleon said.
It........lost it's......power Uxie said.
"Save your strength, you're coming with me." Charmeleon said. Along with the Time Gear in his hand, he grabbed Uxie and walked out, heading for his guild.
Chapter 15: It was late at night when Charmeleon and Uxie, now able to move of his own, arrived back in town.
"Uxie, it's really late now, and I'm not sure what we can do, so I'm heading to bed. What about you?" Charmeleon asked.
"My home is now frozen in time, and I cannot go back until it is put back to normal." Uxie said.
"Yeah, that is a problem. Okay, luckily I have a big guild with plenty of rooms. You're welcome to any one of them if you want." Charmeleon said.
"Thank you for your generosity." Uxie said. The next morning, Charmeleon planned on sleeping in, but the rest of the guild had different plans upon seeing Uxie.
"Charmeleon!" Gallade shouted. That roused him, and he got up, somewhat reluctantly.
"Charmeleon, Uxie is at our guild!" Pikachu exclaimed.
"Yes, he is. Uxie is our guest until his home is back to normal, which reminds me, I have to tell you all something." Charmeleon said, then proceeded to tell them of the events yesterday.
"I thought I felt something wrong." Absol said.
"You had a suspicion of this?" Bulbasour asked.
"Kinda. It was just a nagging feelling that something is wrong at Foggy Forest, but I brushed it off as nothing, because we were just there." Absol said.
"Any nagging feelings now?" Charmeleon asked.
"Well, yes actually. Something tells me that a bad event will happen at the Northern Desert in a few days." Absol said.
"Why there?" Leafeon asked.
"I don't know! As an Absol, I have the ability to sense unfortunate events that are yet to happen, but details are in short supply." Absol said.
"Wait, Foggy Forest was where the orb was last seen, right? Maybe there is a conection between the orb and the Time Gear." Pikachu said.
"Maybe, but we need more than one scene to be sure." Charmeleon said.
"So, what do we do now?" Bulbasour asked.
"I'm not sure, but I am sure we need to get rid of that orb, the sooner the better." Charmeleon said.
"But how? We have thrown everything we've got at it, but never even made a scratch." Pikachu said.
"I know, but this time, I'm going to be there to help. I need to see how powerful this thing is." Charmeleon said.
"Okay. Until then, we'll check on Northern Desert starting tomorrow, on the lookout for that orb." Pikachu said.
"Fine, but make sure to tell the other guild. They have the Luminous orbs we need." Charmeleon said.
"Shame, and we just had a relaxing day yesterday, now this." Leafeon said.
"I know, but it can't be helped." Charmeleon said. The next day, Pikachu and Bulbasour left for the Northern Desert, while Charmeleon wen to talk with the Exploration guild.
"Pokemon detected! Pokemon detected!" Diglett said.
"We don't have time for this, just let me in!" Charmeleon said.
"FINE, have it YOUR way." Loudred said. The gate opened, and Charmeleon went inside and straight to Wigglytuff and Chatot.
"Squawk! Are you serious?!?" Chatot asked.
"I wish I wasn't, but at least we know where that orb will be next." Charmeleon said.
"This is not good, not at all! For the Time Gears to lose power and stop completely, this is unheard of!" Chatot exclaimed.
"We have to give it our all and more this time!" Wigglytuff said.
"Agreed. I'll tell the guild members." Chatot said. That night, Pikachu and Bulbasour came back from the desert, but no signs of the orb yet.
"Well, that's another day we have to prepare." Charmeleon said.
"I'm worried. If there really is a connection between the orb and the Time Gears losing power, then...Mesprit! She still doesn't know!" Uxie exclaimed.
"Mesprit?" Pikachu asked.
"Yes, I still need to tell her she may be in danger!" Uxie said, then closed his eyes and concentrated.
"What are you doing?" Bulbasour asked.
"Shh! He must be communicating telepathically with Mesprit." Charmeleons said.
"Telepathy? Awesome, I didn't know he could do that." Pikachu said. A minute later, Uxie opened his eyes.
"There, now she knows, and will be alert." Uxie said. The next day, Pikachu and Bulbasour headed off again to the desert, while the others prepared a plan.
"Even if we all attack at once with the Exploration guild crew, it might not be enough." Leafeon said.
"Glad to hear you haven't given up hope." Charmeleon said. That at least got a chuckle out of everyone.
"Still, you are really powerfull, and we aren't exactly weak either, so there is that going for us." Glaceon said.
"There we go. Come to think of it, there really is no other plan available than to attack it over and over again." Charmeleon said. Mightyena was about to grab a job off the board when he sensed someone at the entrance, and went to meet them.
"Excuse me, is this the Rescue guild?" One of the pokemon asked.
"Indeed, why do you ask?" Mightyena asked.
"My name is Lucario, and these are my partners, Flygon and Xatu. We go by the name Team Accel, and we would like to join this guild as a Rescu team please." Lucario said.
"I'm not the one you talk to about that. Follow me." Mightyena said. He led Team Accel into the guild, and to Charmeleon.
"Who are these three?" Charmeleon asked.
"They call themselves Team Accel, and want to join the guild." Mightyena explained.
"Wow, you three have good timing." Leafeon said.
"We do?" Flygon asked.
"Yes, you do. We just so happened to need some extra power to assisst in a mission that we have to do." Glaceon said.
"And by the looks of Pikachu and Bulbasour running back here early, you three have joined us just in time." Charmeleon said.
Chapter 16: Along with their newest members, Team Accel, the Rescue guild headed off to the Northern Desert with the Exploration guild.
"I can't believe that there is acually an orb that weakens pokemon!" Lucario said.
"Trust me, I don't want to believe it either, but I'm just not that lucky." Charmeleon said. They set up a base camp outside the entrance of Northern Desert, and were ready to head in.
"Okay, let's give this thing our all!" Charmeleon said.
"Hold it!" Charmeleon and the others turned around to see Team Charm, all looking determined about something.
"We'll be the ones to get the treasure here, not you. Because, we're the famous treasure hunters, Team Charm!" Lopunny said.
"We don't have time for this. Come on, let's go." Charmeleon said.
"I said hold it!" Lopunny yelled.
"How direspectful are you to ignore us!" Gardevour said angrily.
"We actually have something to say you know!" Medicham scolded.
"And I actually have somewhere to be so we're even!" Charmeleon said.
"We're very aware that there is an orb in there, and we have come to claim it. You might as well give up now, because Team Charm always gets the treasure we seek!" Lopunny said.
"If I wasn't a rescuer I'd let you go in and leave you there, but that's not me, though you're pushing me there quickly." Charmeleon said.
"Leave us? You really underestimate our abilities, huh? Medicham, Gardevour, let's go and show him shall we?" Lopunny asked. With that, they headed in, all grinning confidently.
"Why didn't you stop them?" Chatot asked.
"I'm going to give them ten minutes as a head start, then we'll all go in and see how their doing. However, they might actually consider my warning, and come back out sooner than that." Charmeleon said. Ten minutes passed, and no sign of Team Charm.
"Figures. Okay, let's go." Charmeleon said. Everyone grabbed a Luminous orb, and headed in, all taking different routes so they won't get in each others way. Heading deeper down, Team Midnight was the first to reach the orb, and the first to see Team Charm passed out on the floor.
"Should we?" Mightyena asked.
"We're rescuers, so we have to. Pity, I wanted revenge on that stupid orb." Absol said. With Mightyena's help, Absol beamed Team Charm out with an Escape orb, and told Chatot the story of how they found them.
"We should have warnned them." Chatot said.
"Charmeleon tried to, remember? They wouldn't listen, and payed the consequence." Absol said. Back in the dungeon, Leafeon and Glaceon reached the orb, and put on their protection.
"How is this going to work?" Glaceon asked.
"No idea. I guess we'll just have to try." Leafeon said. A few minutes later, Loudred, Sunflora, and Chimecho got to the orb, and found Leafeon and Glaceon outside the room, banged up and glaring at the orb.
"I really hate that thing!" Leafeon shouted.
"It bounced back most of our attacks, and even those that made it through didn't even scratch it?!?" Glaceon yelled.
"WOW, and they call ME a loud mouth." Loudred said.
"That thing over there is really hard to destroy, and I'M NOT HAPPY ABOUT IT!" Leafeon shouted.
"Oh my gosh, really? Why don't you let us try." Sunflora said. After a few minutes, their Luminous orbs were running out of power, forcing them to retreat, not having done any damage to the orb.
"WOW, you were RIGHT!" Loudred said.
"Told you so." Leafeon said.
"Guess we have no choice but to warp back and wait for the others." Chimecho said.
"Guess so." Glaceon said. They warped back to camp and Loudred, Chimecho and Sunflora told Chatot of their attempt, while Leafeon and Glaceon simply went into a tent and waited and recovered.
"I hope Charmeleon and the others will be okay." Leafeon said.
"So do I." Glaceon said. Inside the dungeon, Team Accel had finally made it, only to see that Diglett, Dugdrio, Bidoof, Croagunk and Corphish were already there. Croagunk and Corphish were banged up and sitting outside the room, watching the others go at it.
"By golly, this thing is hard to crack." Bidoof said, panting.
"We must fall back. Our protection won't last much longer." Dugdrio said. They fled the room, just in time, for their glow disappeared.
"Guess it's our turn, huh?" Flygon asked. After using their orbs, Team Accel took their chances against the orb, quickly seeing this was not going to be an easy task.
"Wow, even my Aura Sphere didn't make a dent in it!" Lucario exclaimed.
"You're lucky. At least your attack didn't bounce back at you." Flygon said, still recovering from getting hit by his own Dragon Breath.
"I'm lucky as well. I can see into the future and predict where my attacks will land, whether they hit my target or not." Xatu said.
"Okay then, can you see where our attacks will get us?" Lucario asked.
"...Not very far at all." Xatu said grimly.
"Well, we still have to try. After all, the future isn't set in stone." Lucario said. And so they continued attacking down to the last minute, until they were finally forced to get out.
"Geez that is one tough ball." Flygon said.
"Wait, there is one last thing left to try." Xatu said. At that moment, a bolt of energy shot down at the orb, lighting it up even more.
"Future Sight." Xatu said. When the light show was over, the orb remained undamaged.
"You tried, right?" Lucario siad. They warped out as well, disappointed with their results.
"It seems that Charmeleon, Pikachu and Bulbasour are our last hopes for getting rid of the orb." Chatot said.
Chapter 17: Pikachu and Bulbasour have finally arrived at the room, inside Northern Desert, that has the orb.
"We took too long to get here, something we'll have to work on." Pikachu said.
"I know. By the look of this room, we're very late indeed. I can see some remains of attempts, so we are probably the last ones." Bulbasour said.
"Then we have to work hard, and work fast." Pikachu said. They pulled out their Luminous orbs and got to work, hitting the orb with everything they can muster.
"OUCH! I forgot how hard this thing is!" Pikachu said through clenched teeth, holding his tail.
"Maybe you should just use your electric moves, okay?" Bulbasour suggested.
'Yeah, I know that now!" Pikachu said irritatedly. They kept going for many more tries, but to no avail, and finally their orbs gave out and they got out of the room.
"I can't believe we are this weak!" Pikachu yelled.
"I know, but we can't do anything about it now. We might as well just leave." Bulbasour said grimly.
"Hold on, don't I get a shot?" Pikachu and Bulbasour turned and saw Charmeleon appraoching them, holding his Luminous orb.
"What kept you? I thought you'd be here first." Pikachu said.
"I took longer to warn the pokemon in this area to flee, just in case we fail." Charmeleon said.
"Good thing you did, because I don't think even you can break that thing. It's just too tough!" Bulbasour said.
"So I've heard." Charmeleon said.
"We've told you that many times?" Pikachu asked.
"No, I heard Leafeon yell from all the way across the dungeon, and she was not happy one bit." Charmeleon said, chuckling.
"Oh, that was her?" Bulbasour said.
"Yep. Not pleasant to hear, huh? Okay, time for me to get to work." Charmeleon said. He used the orb, and went in, immediately starting off with a Flamethrower. The attack bounced back and hit him hard in the chest.
"Oooh, he'll feel that in the morning." Bulbasour said. Charmeleon simply brushed it off, and shot a huge Dragon Rage at it, though it too hit him hard.
"If he keeps this up, he is going to kill himself!" Pikachu said. Getting back up, Charmeleon used his strongest attack, Blast Burn, and fired it at the orb with everything he had. Unfortunately, that attack also can back to him, and this time knocked him for a loop.
"That HAD to hurt, I don't care who you are." Pikachu said. At this point, Charmeleon was not looking good at all, until his flame on his tail shot up high, and he got back up.
"Okay, now to get serious." Charmeleon said, and sent a Flamethrower at it, and continued the attack even when it struck the orb, never letting up. The fire bent and twisted, as if to be deflected, but the contineous attack prevented it from going anywhere but the orb. Pushing himself to the limit, Charmeleon gave one last burst of power into the attack, and at that point, the orb cracked on the front, and the crack spreaded until it surrounded the orb. From outside the room, Pikachu helped the Flamethrower with his Thunder, at full power, while Bulbasour added his Solarbeam, and the three attacks merged together and shattered the orb into a million pieces. Charmeleon stumbled a bit, and nearly fell sideways, but Pikachu and Bulbasour caught him.
"Well, we did it." Charmeleon said.
"Yeah, and now we only have to tell all those pokemon to come back." Pikachu said cheerfully.
"That should be fun, huh Charmeleon?" Bulbasour asked, also smiling.
"Lovely." Charmeleon said. They warped out of the dungeon and, after setting Charmeleon down in a tent, Pikachu and Bulbasour told everyone the good news.
"GREAT! Now that the ORB is gone, we can relax!" Loudred said.
"Yeah. You guys head back, we've still got some things to take care of." Pikachu said. Chatot led the way back, while Pikachu and Bulbasour went and found all the inhabitants of Northern Desert and told them they could go back. Once that was accomplished, all they had to do was figure out what to do with Team Charm, who were finally waking up.
"Ouch...Where are we?" Lopunny asked.
"Outside Northern Desert." Pikachu said.
"Huh? But we were just in the dungeon a second ago." Gardevour said.
"No, you were out for a while. Long enough for Charmeleon and us to destroy the orb." Bulbasour said.
"You did what?!?" Medicham exclaimed.
"We destroyed the orb that knocked you out." Pikachu said.
"So, you're saying that the orb knocked us out? Come to think of it, I can't remember anything after we saw the orb and tried to grab it." Lopunny said.
"Becasue that orb was causing a lot of trouble, but now it's gone.....U-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-h-h-h-h-h-h, B-B-Bulbasour? Why is the Norhtern Desert turning grey?" Pikachu panicked.
"What?!?" Bulbasour exclaimed, and turned to face the desert. It was turning grey and black, spreading rapidly, finally stopping at the entrance.
"This can only mean one thing." Bulbasour said.
"Yeah, I know. I just hope we can fix this." Pikachu said.
Chapter 18: Outside the now frozen in time Northern Desert, everone was confused and alarmed.
"We destroyed it! How is this still happening?!?" Pikachu yelled.
"I don't know, but we have to go back in and find out." Bulbasour said. They went back in, and soon arrived to the room where the orb was. On the floor, there were pieces of the red orb, scattered all around. Other than that, however, nothing else was there.
"I can't believe this. How did this happen?" Pikachu asked.
"Like I said before, I don't know." Bulbasour said. Giving up the search, they warped out and went back to the others with the news.
"Man, how can we fix this?" Leafeon asked.
"I don't think we can, but maybe we can prevent this from happening again. Absol, do you know where the next place in trouble is?" Pikachu asked.
"Sorry, but I'm not feeling anything right now." Absol said.
"Too bad, we-"
"Wait, I'm getting something. Got it. The next place will be Boulder Quarry." Absol said.
"Boulder Quarry? Where is that?" Bulbasour asked.
"I wish I knew. I've only heard of it, but that is as far as my knowledge goes." Absol said.
"Um, we've been to Boulder Quarry." Lopunny said.
"You have? Where is it?" Pikachu asked urgently.
"It's right about here, near Southern Jungle." Gardevour said, pointing out the spot a map.
"Perfect. Now we can see what is really causing this mayhem." Pikachu said.
"What about Charmeleon?" Bulbasour asked.
"Oh, right. He's taken a lot of damage, and really needs to rest up after something like that, so maybe we should just wait a while here, then get him to come home." Pikachu said.
"Every second counts, remember?" Mightyena asked.
"I know, but what else can we do?" Pikachu asked.
"I can probably carry him." Startled, everyone turned to face who had spoken, seeing a Bayleef.
"Who are you?" Pikachu asked.
"My name is Bayleef, and I've been looking for Charmeleon for a long time now." She said.
"Why?" Bulbasour asked suspiciously.
"Because I heard of him, finally, and came all this way." Bayleef said.
"You're missing the question. What is your purpose for coming all this way to see Charmeleon? Is it because you wanted to join the guild?" Absol asked.
"Mmm, something like that." Bayleef responded.
"You really don't like giving direct answers, do you?" Pikachu asked.
"I'm answering you how I see fit, what more do you want?" Bayleef asked.
"What is going on out here?" Charmeleon asked, coming out of the tent. His eyes soon stopped on Bayleef, and held their gaze.
"Glad to see me?" Bayleef asked.
"Glad to see you have evolved since I last saw you." Charmeleon said.
"And exactly how long ago was that?" Bayleef asked expectingly.
"Um, years ago?" Charmeleon said hesitantly.
"Exactly, years ago. I was starting to think you were trying to send a message to me, especially when you didn't even say goodbye when you left Pokemon Square." Bayleef said.
"Wait, you two know each other?" Pikachu asked, shocked.
"I'm not very strong right now, so I'll let her explain it to you all." Charmeleon grunted.
"And expain I shall. We've been inseperatable since we were very young, before we were a Charmeleon and a Bayleef, but as a Charmander and a Chikorita. We first met during an earthquake, trying to find shelter, and we both chose the same spot. I was seperated from my family, and he offered to help me find them, no matter how long it took. We found them after a few days, and, well, you don't just say thanks and never see them again, right? We were the closest friends you would ever hope to find, and we were happy that way. Years passed, and we grew stronger together, until we decided to from a Rescue team. We went by the name Team Wild Fire, but hit a big bump as we were just starting off. There were too many jobs at the time, and so few teams, that at one point we had to split up to help out. He went to Mt. Steel, while I was sent to Silent Chasm. His assignment went smoothly, but I wasn't so lucky. I was ambushed, and knocked out, and taken captive. Charmander immediately tried to save me, but he too was knocked, but managed to escape. He then sent any team he could find in to help me, and eventually, I was freed. For some reason though, after that he broke up the team and went solo, and seemed more distant, until I never heard form him again. A few years later, we had both evolved, but he didn't know I had as well. I was on my way to talk with Whiscash when I overheard him telling Charmeleon that he was to be relocated, and he put up a bit of a fight. He left the next day, not bothering to talk to anyone, not even his old friend. I decided I'd follow him, but lost track of him quickly, and decided to wait for news. I berated myself for missing the chance when he came back, then stepped up my efforts quite a bit to track him, and , a few weeks later, got news that a Charmeleon was doing incredible rescue work near a place called Treasure town. I didn't waste a minute, and departed as soon as my supplies were packed. Arriving there, I found out that he had already left for a place called Northern Desert, and, after getting directions, here I am." Bayleef explained.
"I never knew Charmeleon had a partner once." Pikachu said.
"Oh that's nice. Never even bothered to mention me, huh? Now that I've finally found you, I want to know. Why have you been avoiding me so much?" Bayleef asked.
"Because...because I failed you at Silent Chasm, and couldn't bring myself to face you again." Charmeleon said, then fell forwards, knocked out. Bayleef caught him with Vine whip, then put him on her back.
"Lead the way back to town." Bayleef said. Pikachu and Bulbasour led the way while everyone else hung back, making sure Charmeleon didn't fall off.
Chapter 19: Once back, Pikachu and Bulbasour led Bayleef to the Rescue guild, and helped her set Charmeleon down on his bed.
"So...I finally know why he's avoided me, only to find that he blames himself for my mistake." Bayleef said softly.
"Um, hey Bulbasour? Shouldn't we go tell the others at Wigglytuff's guild about the news of Northern Desert?" Pikachu asked.
"Huh? Oh, yeah we should go now." Bulbasour said, getting the hint. They left, heading for Wigglytuff's guild, leaving Bayleef alone with Charmeleon.
"When you wake up, I'm going to tell you what a fool you've been for blaming yourself." Bayleef said, then left as well, taking a walk around town to pass the time.

"Squawk! Are you seriously saying that time has stopped in Northern Desert as well?" Chatot asked.
"Unfortunately, yes." Pikachu said grimly.
"By golly, didn't you say you got rid of the orb?" Bidoof asked.
"Yes, we did. And that is the weird part. We even went back, and saw the pieces of the orb on the ground, but nothing else. So, I'm stumped." Bulbasour said.
"Well, then our only clue is to go to Boulder Quarry." Wigglytuff said.
"Just like before, we can scout out Boulder Quarry and alert everyone if we see anything suspicious." Pikachu said.
"Good. In the mean time, we have no other option but to wait and gather supplies to be ready at a moments notice." Chatot said. Soon, the guild was buzzing with activity, gathering supplies necessary, and packing them up. Pikachu and Bulbasour decided to hurry things along by helping, then went into town to gather supplies of their own.
"We might need some berries, mostly Oran." Pikachu said.
"A few apples wouldn't hurt?" Bulbasour said.
"True. How much do we have saved up in our account?" Pikachu asked.
"Guess we'll have to stop by Duskull bank, cause I don't know." Bulbasour said. Once their errands were done, they headed back to the guild for the night, seeing as it was already dusk.
"Dinner's ready everyone!" Gallade announced.
"Great, I'm starving after a day like today." Leafeon said.
"Hey, Bayleef. Didn't you hear Gallade? Dinner time." Pikachu said.
"Coming." Bayleef said. She took one last look at Charmeleon, still sleeping, then went to eat. Once everyone had eaten, they retired to their rooms, leaving Bayleef confused, then deciding to room with Charmeleon. The next morning, Charmeleon was up on his feet once more, though not up to full strength.
"I really have to think things out more." Charmeleon grumbled to himself.
"You always were one to act, then think." Bayleef said, yawning.
"Good to see you haven't lost any of your humor over the years." Charmeleon said.
"I have my moments." Bayleef said.
"Like how you got intel on me, right?" Charmeleon asked.
"Right. Which reminds me, I still have to talk to you about blaming yourself for my mistake." Bayleef said.
"I was dreading this day." Charmeleon said.
"Well, you shouldn't have seperated from me in the first place!" Bayleef yelled.
"I couldn't stand to face you after I failed." Charmeleon said.
"Why blame yourself though? You got help, I was freed, yet you still acted like I was still trapped!" Bayleef exclaimed.
"I know, but...It was a pride thing. Knowing that I couldn't even save my best friend, well, that shook me." Charmeleon said.
"Never the less, stop blaming yourself, okay?" Bayleef asked.
"Fine. Besides, we have much more pressing matters at this point." Charmeleon said.
"Exactly. Pikachu and Bulbasour have already left to patrol that quarry, so in the mean time, why don't we go rescue some pokemon, for old times sake?" Bayleef asked.
"Sure, I'd love to." Charmeleon said.
"This is just what I hoped to accomplish. Team Wid Fire is back in business!" Bayleef cheered.
"Well, partner, let's see if you can keep up with me." Charmeleon said.
"Try the other way around." Bayleef said.
Chapter 20: Over the next few days, a steady routine was setting in. Pikachu and Bulbasour set off to scout Boulder Quarry, while everyone else went off on rescue work. One day...
"We're off once more. I've got mixed feelings about this. The longer that thing stays away, the longer the pokemon there will be safe, but the more paranoid I get." Pikachu said.
"I hear you. Every second I'm there, I jump at the slightest movement." Bulbasour said.
"Hold on you two. Look, since you've been doing this for so long, and because there aren't any jobs up, I'll go scout the area out today, everyone else can relax." Charmeleon said.
"When do we leave?" Bayleef asked.
"Not we, me. It's only scouting, which I can do myself." Charmeleon said.
"Humph." Bayleef grunted. Charmeleon left by himself a few minutes later, while everyone else was just now coming out of their rooms.
"What are you two still doing here?" Leafeon asked.
"Charmeleon decided to go himself today. We get to relax in the mean time." Pikachu said.
"Sweet! What should we do today?" Glaceon asked.
"I don't know. Bayleef, you okay?" Leafeon asked. Bayleef wasn't pleased at all, and showing it on her face.
"He's always leaving me behind." Bayleef complained.
"What do you mean?" Absol asked.
"I guess it's just his nature. He's always leaving to go places alone, whether it's to train or to rescue pokemon. That reminds me of a story, but...no, he'd probably be embarassed if I told that story." Bayleef said.
"What story?" Mightyena asked.
"Well...well if he gets mad, he shouldn't have left me behind again. He wasn't always the briliiant move expert you know today." Bayleef said.
"So? It's rare for anyone to be a prodigy for using moves." Pikachu said.
"True, but he was especially bad at them. This story takes place before we bacame a team, but after we met each other." Bayleef said.

"Hey Charmander, are you going to go train again?" Chikorita asked.
"Yes. I'm sure I can get the hang of Fire Fang today." Charmander said. Charmander left for his usual training area, while Chikorita watched, as usual. Charmander stood a few feet away from a boulder, staring at it. He charged, his mouth wide open, jumped, and, with his tail in front of his mouth, bit down on the rock. After a pause, he got off and winced at the pain.
"Okay, that went well." Charmander said through bared teeth.
"I told you it wouldn't work." Chikorita said. Frustrated, Charmander shot the rock with an Ember, though it was a very weak one at that.
"Better than your other attempt." Chikorita encouraged. Charmander simply growled in frustration.
"Look, both you and I are just kids. We don't have to be able to fight Mewtwo at a moments notice you know." Chikorita said.
"I'm well aware of that, but I just know that I can get this!" Charmander said. He charged the rock once more, his hand pulled back, and slashed the rock full force. However, the only damage done was to Charmander's claws.
"Ouch. You okay?" Chikorita asked, worryingly.
"I'll live." Charmander said, cluching his claw.
"Charmander, no one will think any less of you if you can't do a Flamethrower on your first try." Chikorita said.
"I know, but I still want to try and perfect my moves." Charmander said.
'So there's nothing I can say to stop you from charging that rock again in an attempt to use Metal Claw?" Chikorita asked.
"Afraid not." Charmander said. He charged the rock once more, his good hand pulled back, and slashed it, only to the exact same result.
"Do I have to get you an Oran Berry? I've got one right here in fact." Chikorita offered.
"No. I think I have an idea, but I can't be healed." Charmander said. He ran at the rock in several more attampts, either trying to use Fire Fang or just charging head first. Finally, Charmander fell face forward on the ground, panting.
"It's not easy seeing your best friend hurt himself and won't let you help him, even though I can." Chikorita said. She gasped when the flame on his tail shot up, and Charmander stood back up on his feet, glaring at the boulder.
"Charmander?" Chikorita said tentively. She was even more amazed when Chrmander destroyed the rock in one shot with Flamethrower, and ran to congradulate him. She was soon running to help him when he collapsed onto the ground once more.

"For quite a while, he kept hurting himself to get Blaze activated, then could use his moves. However, he could only use them in extreme pain, which I stopped very quickly." Bayleef said.
"Well, considering how young he must have been, I'm surprised he could destroy that rock." Bulbasour said.
"Still, I can't believe he used to have that much trouble with his moves." Leafeon said with a shadow of a grin.
"Okay, now promise me that nobody breaths a word of this." Bayleef said.
"Promise." Everyone said.
"Okay, good. Now, go enjoy your day off." Bayleef said.
my older brother thinks that people like you need a different hobby...no offence. I dont believe him however.
Chapter 21: Charmeleon came back late in the evening with no sign of the orb.
"Are you sure it's in Boulder Quarry Absol?" Charmeleon asked.
"Positive." Absol said.
"So long as you're sure." Charmeleon said.
"Well we've all already eaten, but I could get you something if you want." Gallade offered.
"No thanks, I had apples on my way back. Actually though, I'd like a word with you all." Charmeleon said.
"What about?" Pikachu asked.
"Well, this morning, after I left, I was going to go back and tell everyone else about what I was doing today. When I came back, I overheard that the news was already passed on, thank you by the way. Just as I was about to leave, I overheard your little story." Charmeleon said in a low growl. Everyone froze, all looking at Bayleef, wondering what would happen to her.
"Look, you left me behind, again after all this time, so why shouldn't I tell them a little about you?" Bayleef said defensively, though even an amatour could detect the fear in her voice.
"Oh I know, but that particular story? Really? Fine then, why don't I get my sweet revenge?" Charmeleon said.
"What do you mean?" Bayleef asked suspiciously. Turning to the guild, Charmeleon gestured to the middle of the room, where they gathered and sat down, all eyes on Charmeleon.
"Okay, I don't know what world she lives in where I'm terrible with my moves, but allow me to guide you all to the real world with what really happened, shall I?" Charmeleon said.
"Huh?" Bayleef asked.
"Well, from her point of view, yes, it would seem that I was having a great deal of trouble with my moves, but in reality, I was faking it to prevent her from being jealous. When you think about it, Bayleef, didn't it seem just a bit odd that when I slashed that rock, that my claws were still perfectly in tact?" Charmeleon asked.
"What? Oh yeah, I wondered about that, but thought your pain was from the after shock. Wait, you're saying you faked being hurt?!?" Bayleef yelled.
"Pretty much, but this is only where my revenge on you starts. Allow me to tell them of a time when you yourself tried your hand at moves." Charmeleon said smugly.
"Oh please not that story! Anything but that one!" Bayleef pleaded.
"No, never that one. I swore never to speak of it for your sake, and I won't. I will however, tell them of one that occured a year later." Charmeleon said.
"Wait, a year later...I don't want that one said either." Bayleef said softly.
"Well, in that case..."

"Chikorita, are you seriously going to train today as well?" Charmander asked.
"Yep. You always make moves seem hard, I want to try them and see if they are really as difficult as you make them out to be." Chikorita said. Charmander followed her to the spot where Charmander always trains at, and he then took Chikorita's usual spot at the top of a nearby boulder.
"No wonder why you always sit up here. It's acually kinda nice up here." Charmander said.
"I know. And it has a perfect view of you getting hurt." Chikorita said. Charmander simply frowned at her in responce, making her giggle a bit.
"Okay okay, so what moves do you have in mind?" Charmander asked.
"Well, I think I'd try an easy looking move my mother always does. She calls it Energy Ball, and looks pretty easy." Chikorita said.
"Energy Ball? Let me see...wait a minute, I know that move." Charmander said. Chikorita stood facing the rock and concentrated hard, then spat at the rock.
"Umm, I'm not a grass type like you, but I don't think that's how it goes." Charmander said.
"I don't know what I did wrong though. I faced my target, concentrated, then spat at it, but a ball didn't form." Chikorita said.
"Try an easier one, like Vine Whip." Charmander said.
"Vine Whip? I've never seen that one used." Chikorita said.
"Hmm, then try a different one you've seen." Charmander said. Chikorita thought for a minute, then came up with something.
"I've seen my dad use this one at the dojo, but said that it took some real determination to do. He said it was called Solarbeam or something." Chikorita said.
"Wow, wait a minute. That is ranked up there with Hydro Pump and Fire Blast. It's a really powerful move, maybe you should try something else." Chrmander said.
"No, I think I've seen him do it enough." Chikorita said reasuringly. She looked up at the sun and stared at it for a bit. When nothing happened, she looked back at the rock, but couldn't see it, or anything for that matter.
"I'm blind!" Chikorita shouted.
"And that's why you don't look at the sun." Charmander wanted to say, but was too good of a friend to acually say it, and escorted her home.

"It wasn't for another week until she got her eyesight back." Charmeleon said with a small grin. Bayleef blushed deeply as the guild laughed at the story, and she ran to a room which no one used.
"She seems mad at you." Bulbasour said.
"She can hold a grudge, but it may not matter." Charmeleon said.
"And why is that?" Pikachu asked.
"Because I'm being relocated again pretty soon and can't bring her with me." Charmeleon said.
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