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(03-11-2010 06:30 PM)KALAS REY Wrote: [ -> ]"I'm blind!" Chikorita shouted.

Glad you enjoyed it. That story was meant to be a humiliating one, thus completing Charmeleon's revenge
Chapter 22: "You're being relocated?!?" Pikachu exclaimed.
"Afraid so." Charmeleon said.
"But, why?" Bulbasour asked.
"Things are starting to be peaceful, peaceful enough that my services are no longer needed here and that the rest of you can take things from here." Charmeleon said.
"Well then, why can't I come along?" Bayleef asked, coming out of the room.
"The letter said that I was to go alone because I'm the only one who can handle that area." Charmeleon said.
"When do you have to leave?" Leafeon asked.
"I'm due to leave tomorrow morning." Charmeleon said.
"Why now? Of all the times we need you here, you're leaving." Glaceon said.
"I know. The businees with the orb has me worried." Charmeleon said.
"Doesn't the Rescue Team Organization realize this area is still in danger?" Absol asked.
"They do, but feel that I'm best used elsewhere." Charmeleon said.
"I can't believe you're leaving me again." Bayleef said.
"I'm sorry, but I have no say in this matter." Charmeleon said bitterly.
"At least tell us where you're being sent to." Mightyena said.
"I'm being sent to an area far away, across the sea in fact. The pokemon there have a town established called Verdona city." Charmeleon said.
"Verdona? Never heard of it." Bayleef said.
"I have." Pikachu said.
"As have I. Verdona city is a place far away across the sea, as Charmeleon has already explained. However, the pokemon there are very odd. They view themselves as insignificant being only placed on this planet to worship legendary pokemon." Bulbasour said.
"Okay, just one question pops to mind. Why?" Charmeleon asked.
"Not sure. They don't even know themselves, just that they were sent to worship the legendary pokemon. That's pretty much all they do, not taking much care of themselves, probably why you have to go there." Pikachu said.
"Great. Just great." Charmeleon grumbled.
"You know, I'm not sure they even want to be saved." Bulbasour said.
"How so?" Charmeleon asked.
"Well, quite a few pokemon have gone missing there, but no one paid even the slightest bit of worry. If they returned, the rest would say that they were spairred to worship longer." Bulbasour said.
"Unbelievable! Are they that stupid?!?" Charmeleon raged.
"Yes they are. Not one Rescue team or Exploration team in the bunch." Pikachu said.
"How have they survived this long through the disasters without any protectors?" Leafeon asked.
"Not very well. But, as I said before, they don't care." Bulbasour said.
"And I'm being sent there? If I do my rescue work, the ones I rescue will probably hate me for defying the will of the legendary pokemon!" Charmeleon mocked.
"As a matter of fact, that's exactly correct. I visited the place once, and asked the chief there about the missing pokemon. He told me that they were banished for not praying hard enough, and anyone who aids them will be banished." Pikachu said.
"So that means you'll only be hated if you go there." Bayleef said.
"Yeah, stinks huh?" Charmeleon said.
"You can't leave to go there!" Pikachu said.
"I have to." Charmeleon said.
"Look, forget what the Rescue Team Organization says, you cannot leave to help pokemon who will only dispise you for it!" Bulbasour said.
"I'm not doing this for the organization, but for the pokemon there." Charmeleon said, and couldn't be persuaded otherwise. The next day, Charmeleon gathered up his supplies and. with a sad farewell to the guild, left for Verdona. After five days over the sea, he arrived at his destination, and immediately went to town. In town, he soon spotted the chief, a Xatu, and went to talk with him.
"Excuse me, is this Verdona?" Charmeleon asked.
"Indeed it is young one. Have you come to join our worshipping?" Xatu asked.
"No, not really. In fact, the reason I'm here is because of your worshipping." Charmeleon said.
"What do you mean?" Xatu asked.
"I'm a rescuer, sent here to save the pokemon of this area from harm." Charmeleon said.
"You'll do no such thing!" Xatu exclaimed.
"Why not?" Charmeleon asked, though he knew the answer, he wanted to hear it for himself.
"The pokemon that have gone missing deserved it! As a-" Xatu was cut off right there as Charmeleon had grabbed him, then threw him onto the ground. Xatu rolled away just in time to avoid a Flamethrower.
"What is the meaning of this?!?" Xatu exclaimed. He gulped as Charmeleon stomped up to him and got near his face.
"Never say missing pokemon deserved it." Charmeleon said in a low, threatening voice, then marched away furious, looking for a place to set up as far away as possible.
"It seems that I must take matters into my own wings to make sure that this one leaves." Xatu said.
Don't you think writing the whole story first then posting it better ?
Don't jump the gun. I'm going somewhere with this. Trust me, it resolves itself later. You don't think I'd really start over in mid story, especially just when It's getting good do you?
Chapter 23: A week passed by in agonizing slowness for Charmeleon. Rescuing pokemon in this area wasn't like any other place. As soon as Charmeleon got the pokemon out of the dungeon and to safety, they would slap him and scold him for interfering with the will of the legendary pokemon. This went on so many times that Charmeleon is currently very close to snapping. The next day...
"I've never been one to ask for a reward, but at least they could be grateful." Charmeleon mumbled. Pelipper came and delivered him mail consisting of his jobs for the day. Since the pokemon don't seem to want to be helped, no jobs are posted, therefor Pelipper gives Charmeleon reports of pokemon that have gone missing, and he goes to find them.
"Great, I get to go back to Magni Cavern again." Charmeleon said darkly. When he got to Magni Cavern, he was immediately ambushed by a monster house, though he made quick work of them, his haste out of irritation. Upon reaching the final floor, he pulled out the job description and confirmed he had found the missing Noctowl.
"Okay, let's go." Charmeleon said. he grabbed the struggling Noctowl and warped out of there, and back to the entrance of the town. Noctowl began to scold Charmeleon, like all the others, but he had had enough and went home early, ignoring the angry shouts.
"I'm fine with not getting a reward. Always have been, always will be fine with not getting a reward. No, what really ticks me off is being yelled at for saving lives!" Charmeleon ranted. Later that day, just before he went to sleep, three pokemon, hidden by the shadows, appeared at the entrance of the small cave he used as a base.
"Who are you?" Charmeleon asked.
"We have come to get you." One said.
"It's about time you leave this place." Another said.
"Let's go. You know you don't belong here." The last one said.
"I'm a rescuer, and no matter how much I want to leave, I can't just abandon the pokemon here that need help. Pikachu, Bulbasour, Bayleef, you three should know that." Charmeleon said. They came closer and into the light of the fire Charmeleon had set up.
"We've asked around this place, and they say you have been nothing but an idiot, and are viewed as a criminal here." Bayleef said.
"What else is new?" Charmeleon asked.
"Okay, they also said that they plan on running you out of this place." Bulabsour said.
"That wouldn't be the first attempt." Charmeleon said.
"If you have an answer for everything, then what are we supossed to do about Treasure Town? It's frozen in time!" Pikachu yelled. That got Charmeleon's full attention.
"But how? When I left, Boulder Quarry was still the target, and it was peaceful. I've been away for about twelve days, how could things be that bad?" Charmeleon asked.
"When you left, I took over the guild and sent Mightyena to patrol Boulder Quarry. After a full day of not hearing from him, Pikachu and Bulbasour went to investigate, and, after a few hours, came back with sad faces and Mightyena, frozen in time. The next day, Treeshroud Forest was the target, and I sent Leafeon and Glaceon to patrol, but another day passed without hearing from them. Once again, they were brought back by Pikachu and Bulbaosur, also frozen. Before we could even blink, Absol warned us about Crystal Crossing. Team Accel went with plenty of supplies in case something went wrong. Sadly, it wasn't enough and, well, do I even have to say it? With all the Time Gears out of power, our entire region started to stop. We fled as far south as possible and grabbed a ride here to get your help. Only, Absol just wasn't fast enough." Bayleef said sadly.
"Everyone is frozen, leaving just us." Pikachu said.
"We need your help now!" Bulbasour said.
"As a rescuer, I go wherever pokemon are in trouble the most, and I was sent here for that very reason." Charmeleon said. They started to leave, their heads hung low.
"However. Things seem to have changed, eh?" Charmeleon said. They quickly headed toward the sea, Bayleef, Pikachu, and Bulbasour grinning happily that they have Charmeleon again. When they reached their destination, Charmeleon gasped in horror. He saw the entire region turned black and grey, no movement in sight. Walking a little bit ahead, he saw Absol, frozen in mid jump, his face showing his fear as his head was looking back.
"Poor Absol." Charmeleon said, then moved on with the others. They reached their guild, and Charmeleon saw the rest of his crew frozen, just like Absol.
"This is terrible, but one thing come to mind. When I was here, the orb didn't appear for a few days between attacks, yet when I leave, it suddenly goes attack happy?" Charmeleon pondered.
"That is strange when you think about it." Pikachu said.
"We can thing about it later, but right now, what are we going to do?" Bayleef asked.
"On my trip here for the first time, I wasn't just walking. I read about some history here, and about a few legends. One of them said something about Dialga living in Temporal Tower, in a place called Hidden Land. If Temporal Tower is damaged, so is time itself." Charmeleon said.
"Temporal Tower must be destroyed if time has stopped, so what can we do now?" Bulbasour asked.
"I know this sounds crazy, but I know the answer to our problem. If we can get to Celebi, we can, hopefully, get to Temporal Tower and stop it from coming down." Charmeleon said.
"But where is Celebi?" Bayleef asked.
"I've been to many places when I worked alone, and one of them actually led me to Celebi, believe it or not. She lives in Serenity Grove, a place not too far from here, but should be safe." Charmeleon said.
"Okay then, that's what we'll do. We have to find Celebi and get her to help." Pikachu said.
will of legendary pokemon huh? What are they religious fanatics or something? Thats what they sound like.
That's it exactly, but believe it or not, I dialed it down from what my mind orriginally came up with
Chapter 24: Making their way through the dense forest, Charmeleon led the way to Serenity Forest, all the while being cautious not to set anything on fire with his tail.
"It's right up ahead." Charmeleon said.
"About time." Bayleef said, slightly panting.
"Are you going soft on me?" Charmeleon asked.
"No! Why would you say that?" Bayleef demanded.
"You already seem winded, yet we still have the trip through the dungeon to make." Charmeleon said.
"I'm doing better than them." Bayleef said. Behind her, Pikachu and Bulbasour were struggling to keep up, breathing heavely.
"Okay you two. We'll rest up at the entrance of the dungeon, but not for long, got it?" Charmeleon said. At the entrance, Pikachu and Bulbasour plopped down on the ground alongside Bayleef.
"Is he always like this?" Pikachu murmured.
"As long as I've known him." Bayleef replied with equal silence.
"Okay, we'll stay here for a few minutes, then off into the forest." Charmeleon said.
"I can already tell I'll have a terrible time in there." Pikachu said.
"Relax. I've got this easily." Charmeleon said.
"Yeah, but electric types can't use Flamethrower you know." Pikachu said.
"What about a Manetric?" Charmeleon said. (It's true! In Blue Rescue Team, I taught my Manetric Flamethrower and Overheat no lie!)
"How deep does this dungeon go anyway?" Bulbasour asked.
"About 100 floors." Charmeleon said casually.
"100 floors?!?" Pikachu exclaimed.
"Yep, which means we'd better get started, huh?" Charmeleon said.
"How can we travel through 100 floors?" Bayleef asked.
"The same way we go through any other dungeon. You guys act like you've never been through a dungeon this long before." Charmeleon said.
"And you have?" Bulbasour asked.
"Planty of times. How do you think I got so much endurance?" Charmeleon said.
"You may be able to do this with ease, but me and Bulbasour have never gone through more than 25 floors at one time." Pikachu said.
"Then I'll come to you instead." A voice echoed.
"Who said that?" Pikachu yelled, looking around.
"Celebi of course." Charmeleon said simply. A flash of light blinded them for a brief moment, then faded to reveal a pink Celebi hovering in the air.
"It's been a while Charmeleon." Celebi said.
"Has it?" Charmeleon said.
"Yes. It's been years since you've last ventured into my domain." Celebi said.
"Get in line. I'm still bugging him about that." Bayleef said.
"Sorry, but I've come on bad business." Charmeleon said.
"I already know. As a pokemon that can time travel, I am fully aware that time has stopped in your area. And mor by the minute." Celebi said.
"It's spreading?" Pikachu said alarmed.
"Figures." Charmeleon said.
"I assume you've come to ask me for help to get to Temporal Tower, correct?" Celebi asked.
"Would I be out of line in saying yes?" Charmeleon asked.
"Not at all. I'm perfectly able to get you to the Hidden Land, but we must act now. Oh! I forgot something. Please tell me you have the Time Gears." Celebi said.
"What for? They've lost all their power." Charmeleon said.
"Temporal Tower is the place where they were made! If you bring the gears there, their power will be fully restored!" Celebi said.
"Oh. Well then. I have two gears with me. The one from Fogbound lake, and the one from the Northern Desert, which I got when I went back to servey the area." Charmeleon said, pulling them out.
"I grabbe the one from Boulder Quarry. Or I should say Mightyena grabbed it and I pulled it from him." Pikachu said.
"Leafeon had the one from Treeshroud Forest, which I got." Bulbasour siad.
"And Lucario managed to get the last one from Crystal Crossing." Bayleef said.
"I'm sorry for your loses, but we must move quickly." Celebi said.
"Right. Is the gate ready?" Charmeleon asked.
"Gate?" Bayleef asked.
"My Time Gate. It allows me to travel anywhere and any when." Celebi said.
"Wow." Pikachu commented.
"It's at floor 3." Celebi said.
"Perfect! We can get there in no time." Bulbasour said. They made their way through the first and second floor, arriving to the third, and the Time Gate.
"Just like I remember it." Charmeleon said.
"Will you be joining us Celebi?" Pikachu asked.
"No, I cannot. The guardian of Temporal Tower is Dialga, the Temporal pokemon. My abilities would be useless against him. Plus, I must remain here to protect my home from being frozen. Charmeleon, when this is over, promise to visit more often? This place, while lovely, gets very boring at times." Celebi said.
"If I remember." Charmeleon said. He jumped into the gate with Bayleef, Pikachu, and Bulbasour, and instantly felt sick. When they landed on the Hidden Land, it took everyone a while to recover from that trip.
"I can't beleive this. The Hidden Land is...floating!" Charmeleon said.
"No it's not, but the tower is!" Bayleef said. They stood at the entrance to Temporal Tower, looking up and gazing at it's vast hieght.
"Well, better get started. This won't be an easy trip to make." Charmeleon said.
Chapter 25: It was a long an tedious trip up Temporal Tower. Floor after floor, Pikachu and Bulbasour thought it would never end. After encountering multiple pokemon, and even more floors, they finally reached the pinacle, and recieved a surprise. In the middle of the floor, they saw Darkrai and Dialga battling it out, with Dialga losing.
"What is going on here?" Pikachu asked.
"If I knew I'd tell you." Charmeleon said. The battle waged on, and Dialga was starting to show signs of fatigue, while Darkrai was still in top performance, which puzzled Charmeleon.
"Hey!" Charmeleon yelled. The two combatants looked over at them, and Darkrai showed a breif flash of fear.
"Excuse me Dialga. This is probably a bad time for you, but time is stopping in multiple areas in their region, and we were hoping you would help." Charmeleon said.
"What do you mean?" Charmeleon asked.
"LET HIM TELL YOU." Dialga said.
"It matters not if you know how things came to be, for your fate will be the same as the others. It all takes place many millenea ago, when I happened to anger a Ninetails. I placed her mate in a nightmare state for all eternity, and she reaped her revenge on me by cursing me into a red orb. I was then placed in Zero Island Center, and remained there for years. Over that time, my powers slowly returned to me, and I spread my power over the area to weaken all the pokemon who come to Zero Island areas. Although, my powers were still too weak, and I fear I would have never broken free, if not for the Exploration Guild coming right to me. Their Luminous Orbs did give them protection from my powers, and they attacked my prison with much strength. Though they could not brake it, they did weaken it enough that so much of my power returned to me. Enough for me to teleport away, even confined in that prison. I meant to go farther, but I landed in Foggy Forest, where that orb was once again draining me. However, my powers drained the energy from the Time Gear near that area, and I was returning to my full strength. Once more, my rpison was attacked, and the damage was so great, I was able to absorb the rest of the Time Gear and teleport away when they had left. My next target was the Northen Desert, and I was pleased beyond anything you could imagine when I got there. I immediately started draining the Time Gear, but you arrived before I could finish. I was frustrated because I thought I wouldn't be able to absorb all of it and would have to come back to it later. But I was pleasantly proven wrong. My joy at finally being rid of that prison after millenea was beyond joy. I hid myself before you could see me, and went straight for the Time Gear. I beat Mesprit easily, and drained the Time Gear. Though I was at my full strength, I realized that the Time Gear's energy was giving me more power than I ever thought, so I decided to find the rest. But, a hole in my plan surfaced after thinking about it. You Charmeleon. You did what I couldn't do after millenea. You broke my prison, and for awhile, I feared you would seek me out and destroy me. But once again fortune smiled on me, and you were sent away. Far enough that I was free to drain the rest of the gears without fear, and drain them I did. Deciding it was time to get the full extent of my power, I came here to destroy Temporal Tower, but Dialga stood in my way, and we fought. Now you're caught up." Darkrai said.
"It was you? All this time, you were the one who caused so much trouble?" Charmeleon asked through clenched teeth.
"Indeed, and I'm about to become all powerful by taking down this tower." Darkrai said. He launched a sneak attack on Dialga, and he was thrown off the side of the tower, and sent for a long fall.
"Ooh, that'll hurt. Now then, time for you to meet the same fate. Any last words?" Darkrai asked.
"Just three. Bring it on!" Charmeleon shouted. Darkrai launched a Shadow Ball the size of a boulder at them, but was repelled easily with Flamethrower. Darkrai dodged his own attack and dove at them, barely avoiding a Thunderbolt. He even dodged a double Solarbeam. Just as he was right on top of Pikachu, he was struck hard on the side by Flamethrower. Charmeleon ruthlessly followed up with Dragon Rage, combined with Blast Burn. The combined attack hit Darkai fiercely, and caused a giant explosion that nearly sent all of them off the side.
"Did he do it? Is Darkrai gone?" Bulbasour asked.
"Afraid not." Charmeleon said grimly. Darkrai was still standing, though he showed many signs of injuries all over him.
"I'm not going to lie, that actually hurt quite a bit. I even thought I was a goner for a second. But now you've asked for it. I hope you enjoy a life time of nightmares!" Darkrai shouted, and four black orbs formed in his hand. He threw the balls at them, and only Charmeleon was fast enough to jump out of the way.
"Three down, one to go." Darkrai said, forming another ball. Shot after shot he fired at Charmeleon, missing each time.
"Why won't you stay still?!?" Darkrai said frustrated.
"Because I'm going to make you pay for your crimes. I will not stop until you are gone for good!" Charmeleon shouted, and fired a Dragon Rage at him. The attack landed, and Darkrai was panting at this point, struggling to stay focused. Charmeleon kept up the rapid fire Dragon Rage attacks, and eventually Darkrai collapsed onto the ground, injured sevearly. Charmeleon stood over him, an angry look on his face.
"What are you going to do, kill me?" Darkrai grunted.
"Nope. I'm going to do something even worse than death." Charmeleon said.
"What is worse than death?" Darkrai asked.
"SPENDING AN ETERNITY IN YOUR PRISON COMES TO MIND." Dialga said, rising from the side of the tower.
"My thoughts exactly." Charmeleon said. Dialga charged up a red ball of energy, and fired it at Darkrai, who was swallowed up by it. All that remained was a red orb. Charmeleon turned and was relieved to see that Bayleef and the others were awake.
"What happened?" Bayleef asked.
"You single handedly beat Darkrai?" Pikachu asked in awe.
"You're stronger than I thought." Bulbasour said.
"Time for us to go home. But, how do we without the Time Gate?" Bayleef asked.
"ALLOW ME TO HELP. IT IS THE LEAST I CAN DO." Dialga said. They were warped all together, and found themselves back at their guild, with the entire crew ready and confused.
"What just happened?" Absol asked.
"You tell them." Charmeleon said, then headed for his bed.
The next day, Charmeleon got up and recieved a letter in the mail.
"Are they kidding me?" Charmeleon asked.
"What's wrong?" Bayleef asked.
"It says here that because I left my area, I can no longer be trusted as a rescuer and am hereby stripped of my rank." Charmeleon said.
"They can't do that! You saved this area!" Pikachu said in protest.
"I don't really mind that much anyways." Charmeleon said.
"Huh? Whay not?" Bu;lbasour asked.
"Because I'm going into an early retirement. I've had my fill of adventures, and I'm not needed here. I've decided to head ack to my home tomorrow." Charmeleon said.
"WHAT?!?" The guild exclaimed.
"You can't leave! What about the guild?" Lucario asked.
"Pikachu and Bulbasour can take over." Charmeleon said.
"Really? Us?" Pikachu asked.
"Yep. You two were the first to join me here, and have proven yourselves time and again you have what it takes to be first class rescuers." Charmeleon said.
"And what am I suppossed to do?" Bayleef asked.
"I can't decide that. You have to choose what you want to do." Charmeleon said.
"I think I'll stay here and keep and eye on these guys. I'll make sure they stay on the right track without you here." Bayleef asked.
"Good. I was oping you'd do that." Charmeleon said.

And so, like all other good stories, this one must come to it's end. Hope you enjoyed this story, because this was the final chapter in Rescue Team meets Exploration Team.

great story!!!i really loved it!!!
And not one cameo from naruto or nappa
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