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My fanfiction is a new anime series which takes place in some alternate real world. Unlike the real world however instead of humans (or any other creature) there are pokemon. Like in pokemon rescue team the pokemon can talk human language. This anime features Blue, a rather shy and insicure squirtle who joines the Pokemon Special forces to fight evil. In his group Squirtle is put with Chikorita, who is the brains of there group but is also the one that gets ignored, Chimchar, a complete idiot, and Shinx, the emo pokemon who tend no to talk much. The main antagonists groups are as follows:

Team togetic
a team much like team rocket that is lead by a super powerful hyper beam wielding togetic. He is the main comic relief villan of the series

Mewtwo is extremely visious and cruel. Mewtwo thinks nothing of others and thinks its funny to kill them in pailful, gory ways. He often becomes really irritated at Mew's cheerfulness and Celebie's comparitive uslessness and sometimes attacks them without warning.

This little guy is probably the most powerful in their group, yet all he does is play video games and make a bunch of obscure internet references. Sometimes palls around with Mewtwo. However he finds Mewtwo very irritating as he is no fun.

She is the one who created Mewtwo while trying to make a Mew for Team Togetic. However Celebie found out their true evil intentions and messed with the gene code; thus making a monster. After Mewtwo broke free Celebie traveled around with him, after all she created him. She also seems to have a crush on Mew...

A freeloader. Deoxys is the most powerful villian in the series. He makes very few apperences but when he shows up the results are disasterus. Deoxys will often attack by infecting regions with his DNA.

Well thats what I have so far. There are a lot more characters in this fan fic but Im out of time so that will have to come later.
new fan fic Big Grin.
It will develope soon
Episode 1, part 1
Right now this episode starts out in pokemon soul silver where the player is trying to catch a groudon. However his best pokemon fainted. Since he has a max revive with him and doesn't want to waste any strong pokemons he is going to use squirtle as a meat shield.
Squirtle: (gets sent out of pokeball) aw man cant this wait Im trying to take a naa-OH MY GOD!!!
*Squirtle sees that his opponent in this game is none other than the mighty Groudon*
Squirtle: Hehe...your easy on low level pokemons...right?
Groudon: Prepare to die!
*Groudon then jumps in the air and prepares to smash him but suddenly a blue light surrounds Squirtle*
Squirtle: Huh? Whats going on?
*Squirtle is suddenly teleported right as groudon is about to land on him. Groudon looks suprised and then pissed*
Groudon: What just happend!?!
*the game's owner, SpongeBob Squarpants, also isn't too happy*
Spongebob: Barnicals! I knew I shouldn't have let Gary play this game!
Narrator: Meanwhile in a completely different location
Wigglytuff: Okay pokeforces the newest guys should be ariving riiiiiigggghhttt...NOW!
*Squirtle and 4 other pokemon land on the ground with a hard thump. The other 4 new guys are a Buneary, a Chimchar, a Charmander, and a Bonsly*
Wigglytuff: So Chatot are there anymore?
Chatot: Nope sir looks like these guys are the last of them.
Wigglytuff: Well god damn it these are the stupidest looking pokemon yet!
Chatot: You think THEY look stupid? Wait till you see some of the gen 5 pokemon!
Wigglytuff: Well once they come to their senses let's assign them into there groups...
Squirtle: Uhh...where the hell am I?
Chimchar: Right here! Duh!
Buneary: God that sucked...
Squirtle: one minute I was about to be killed by Groudon, the next, BAM! I arive here...
Charmander: Shut up you guys are giving me a headache!
Buneary: NOBODY ASKED YOUR OPPINION! That guy over there was just trying to tell us his views!
Bonsly: Wow girl you don't have to go that far...
Bonsly: But it's my only line!!!
Squirtle: Great Im stuck with a bunch of psycopaths...
*As the 5 are arguing and punching each other Wigglytuff comes over*
Wigglytuff: I suppose I should tell you why you are here today.
Charmander: Finally someone who isn't and idiot...
Wigglytuff: This building is the central building for the pokemon special forces. Its in a completely different dimension than where you came from. You people have been recruited because we have identified you as possible troopers for the pokeforces. We are currently in a battle against very powerful evil forces and we need all the help we can get.
Chimchar: Will there be any snow cones?
*at this buneary slugs chimchar really hard*
Chimchar: OW! THAT HURT!
Wigglytuff: GOD DAMN IT DONT INTERUPT MY LECTURES!!! Continuing on go into the next room to be assinged to your squads. You will go through very vigorous training with your squads that some of you may not survive from. Have a nice day.
Bonsly: Wait what?
Narator: Meanwhile somewhere important...
???: So...the pokeforces have some new recruits. Pity though...they wont be around for long. Once we are through with them the entire planet will be under our controll. All we have to do is wait...
Meowth: Sir...your pizza's here.
Meowth: ...okay first off this is the first time you've told me and second, all your doing is just muttering into a crystal ball.
Celebie: Burned!
???: SHUT UP!!! Get out of my chamber now!
Meowth: But sir your pizza-AAAAAAAAAAUUUGHHHHHHH!!!
*The mysterious pokemon blasts meowth with a powerful beam. Meowth's body explodes and scatters blood all over the place*
Celebie: Good grief control yourself!
???: Your right...I ruined a perfectly good pizza.
Celebie: Sometimes I wonder why I am with you.
???: That does not matter. What matters most is that you complete the mew project.
Celebie: Im on it. (Leaves chamber)
???: Soon the entire world shall know the name...of TOGETIC!!!
Narrator: Meanwhile back at the plot.
Wigglytuff: Is everyone here?
Chatot: Yep: We've got all the new recruits.
Squirtle: The moment of truth...
Wigglytuff: Our first group, TEAM 4 STAR, will consist of the following members: Squirtle, Chimchar, Chikorita, and Shinx.
Squirtle: Great Im with the idiot...
Chimchar: ...huh?
Chikorita: Looks like Im the only girl in the group...damn.
Shinx: I cant be bothered...
Wigglytuff: Okay our next group, team Omega, will-
Buneary: May I use the bathroom?
Wigglytuff: FOR THE LAST TIME DONT INTERUPT MY LECTURES!!! Just for that, you have to be with bonsly, the guy with no lines
Wigglytuff: And croagunk, the one piece fan.
Croagunk: I like one piece.
Wigglytuff: yes yes we know already...Now the final group, team silver, will have the folowing members: Charmander, Sneasal, and Seviper.
Charmander: More idiots...
Sneasal: Fresh meat!
Seviper: Hooray for naruto the abridged series!
The others: But what about us?
Wigglytuff: You guys arent important enough to the plot. Sorry.
Narrator: Meanwhile back at Togetic castle.
Togetic: Well...now I know who is important to the plot and who isnt...fufufu...no matter. Once our mew is created there wont be any hope for any of them. Then I will be the star of this cartoon!
It is nice,but you shouldn't curse so much. When you use these words at an appropriate time it can have good results,but when you overuse cuss words it's just boring and pointless. Also cursing is not allowed in this forum. Young children visit this site.
Seriously, far too much cursing. Please edit it without any cursing!
But its like south park with pokemon...thats one of the points.
Well I edited it and now its more apropriat still a few bad words here and there.
Episode 1 Part 2
[align=left]Narrator: Meanwhile back at the Pokeforces training building
Wigglytuff: Okay Team 4 Star your mentor should be ariving soon.
Squirtle: Yeah you've been saying that for the last 3 hours!
Chikorita: Just-
Chimchar: Shut up Chikorita!
Chikorita: Huh?
Chimchar: In this series we all have an irational hatred for you!
Shinx: Will you stop it Im trying to be emo...
Squirtle: You are all getting on my nerves.
*right after this a Pikachu enters the door*
Chikorita: Are you our mentor?
Pikachu: No Im the ice cream man!
Chimchar: Oh boy! One cotton candy ince cream with gummy bears please!
Pikachu: I was being sarcastic wow you are stupid.
Chikorita: Get used to it...
Pikachu: Well lets get on to the training field.
*Team 4 Star enters the training field. The other teams are also training*
Squirtle: Alright, the training field! Well lets get going!
Pikachu: Actually you guys are starting on the obstacle course.
Chimchar: Well thats good. If there is one thing I like its an obstacle course!
Pikachu: Hehe...you have no damn idea what your in for...
*Team 4 Star arrives at the obstacle course. The course is an extremely challenging and deadly with lots of lava and spikes and stuff*
Chikorita: Um...
Shinx: Oh my god...
Pikachu: Whats the matter? You guys were so enthusiastic about this course a minute ago.
Squirtle: That was before we knew it was a death trap...
Pikachu: Well no time to loose. You have 30 minutes to complete the course. Okay...3...2...1...Go!
Chimchar: Oh ****
*Team 4 Star starts on the obstacle course. After a minute or 2 they all collapse in exaustion*
Squirtle: ...oh...my...god...that was hard...
Chimchar: Derp...
Shinx: I think Chikorita is unconscious...
Pikachu: OH COME ON!!! That was pathetic! You guys are the worst! This course is nothing compaired to whats out there! There are places much worse than this obstacle course. You will have to do missions in those places. Plus you will also be fighting enemies 20 times your size. And you people cant...your not even listening to me are you?
Chimchar: You lost me at oh come on.
Shinx: I think someone already used that line.
Chikorita: ...Uhh...what happend?
Shinx: You passed out or something...you almost made it to salvation...
Pikachu: Well, not time to loose. Lets try this again.
Others: Groan...
*Team 4 Star gets on the course again. They are doing better this time but are still struggling. Charmander, being finished with all of the training areas, walks by the obstacle course. Seeing Team 4 Star having a hard time he decides to take the oppritunity to insult them.*
Charmander: Hey losers. I see that you guys are still struggling on that obstical course. Pity how weak you are.
Squirtle: Will you stop it? We already have enough problems besides you!
Chikorita: Yeah leave us alone!
Charmander: This just goes to show that teams are useless.
Chikorita: What?
Charmander: You heard what I said. Teams always fail. Its only the people that go solo that actually succeed. They dont have a bunch of whiny team mates holding them down and nobody they need to care for.
Chikorita: Bull-s***! Teams always do well! Teamwork is the best way to get through anything! Why in fact-
Others: SHUT UP!
Charmander: Well, I'm gonna get back to being better than you. L8rs!
*Charmander then leaves to do who knows what*
Squirtle: I cant believe that guy! Telling us that team work is pointless!
Shinx: Great now we have 2 chikoritas
Chimchar: I think I have to-
*Chimchars sentence gets interupted by a sudden tremor*
Shinx: What was that?!?
Squirtle: What ever it is I dont like it!
*The earth starts shaking more and more. The obstacle course is practically falling apart*
Chikorita: Oh crap muffins!
*Suddenly, a giant portal opens up in the middle of the training field. The screen goes to other parts of the training field*
Bonsly: Gulp...I think I just jizzed my pants...
Buneary: TMI dude!
Seviper: Man this would make a great fan fic!
*Team 4 Star leaves the obstacle course and finds the others*
Chimchar: What the hell is that?
Shinx: What ever it i its interupting my emoness
Narrator: Meanwhile back at that evil place.
Togetic: It has a name you know!
Narrator: Well all Im being payed for is anouncing whats going on.
Togetic: Well your getting really annoying. Anyways back to the plot.
Minion: Sir we have extra-dimentional activity where the plot is!
Togetic: Really? What kind?
Minion: Around it...there's some kind of...distoriton...
Togetic: Then that means...it has come.
Narrator: Meanwhile back at the...oh never mind
Charmander: I think its getting bigger!
Sneasal: You think?
Charmander: Did I ask you?!?
*Suddenly the portal grows even more and the sky grows dark*
Squirtle: But your a rock type...
*The shadow grows even darker. Suddenly a shadowy creature comes out of it*
Squirtle: WHAT IS THAT?!?
Chimchar: Lets hope there will be cake...
Charmander: Uhg...
*the creature that comes out is none other than a fire breathing areodayctl but just before it kills everyone and even bigger shadow comes out of the portal*
Croagunk: Holy crakers and milk!
*the super huge shadow changes form into a dragon like being and drags the areodactyl down into the portal; along with everyone else*
Squirtle: AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHhhhhh!!!!
Buneary: HOLY ****!
Bonsly: Oh...I jizzed again...
To be continued in the finale of the episode
(21-10-2010 01:43 AM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]
Episode 1 Part 2
Chikorita: Just-
Chimchar: Shut up Chikorita!
Chikorita: Huh?
Chimchar: In this series we all have an irational hatred for you!

Meg from Family guy, right?
lost my attention when you said like south park
hehe...the finale of the episode comes soon

P.S. I bet some of you will be able to figure out who the super shadow is...
anybody? Hello?!?
Episode 1, finale
[align=left]Narrator: Last time on Pokemon GX the teams were out ont he training field doing a bunch of training stuff. However a giant portal opened up and a fire breathing areodactyl of doom came out of it. Then some even bigger shadow came out but instead of revealing itself it dragged areodactyl and everyone else down with it. We join our heroes as they regain consciousness.
Seviper: Ugh...where are we?
*the others start to wake up and stare at their surrounding in astonishment. They are in an alternate dimension. Lots of large, random peices of matter are floating around in a weird, endless dark blue sky. There seems to be a concentration of matter where the core is. Around it matter is swirling.
Chikorita: I dont know but it doesnt feel right.
Buneary: Thats odd, my watch wont work.
Cikorita: You dont even have a watch.
Buneary: Exactly!
Seviper: Whatever. It doesnt feel very stable. And there are pieces of matter everywhere. Is there no central gravity?
Charmander: Shut up people! Just because we are in a strange land doesn't mean we need to make a 6 hour documentary of it! ...and anyways...I think we are missing someone.
Shinx: Hey...where's Squirtle?
Buneary: Oh god! Squirtle's missing! MASS PANIC!
Charmander: Because thats the only guy you care about...
Buneary: Der...uh...
Bonsly: Instead of discussing relationships maybe we should FIND SQUIRTLE!
Charmander: Nah...he is weak...that is why he was taken. You should be glad.
*Buneary kicks him really hard*
Chimchar: Here we go again.
Narrator: Meanwhile Squirtle is currently between a rock and a hard place...
Squirtle: God damn it let me go!
*Squirtle is currently in the claws of Areodactyl. However the shadowy dragon comes back and starts attacking Areodactyl.
Shadow Dragon: Gowwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaa! (Enter my domain will you?!? And twice! You'll pay for that!)
*The shadowy dragon only spoke in odd, unearthly sounds. So did Areodactyl. But it was partialy understandable*
Areodactyl: Kobowaaaaaaaan! (Try me, red stripes!)
Shadow dragon: Urrrraaaaaaaaag! (Take this!)
*The shadow dragon slames really hard into Areodactyl. It lets go of Squirtle. Squirtle almost falls to his doom but luckly lands on the Shadow Dragon.
Squirtle: Thank god I landed on you!
Shadow Dragon: Guuwhoora? (Who the **** are you?)
Areodactyl: Varklaooo! (Hey thats my hostage not yours!)
*As the two flying behemoths fight Squirtle jumps back on Areodactyl and starts pummling him*
Squirtle: Die die die!
Areodactyl: Raaaaaquaaaaaaaan! (Try all you want! You cant hurt me!)
Squirtle: I beg to differ!
*At this Squirtle starts pulling on one of Areodactyl's wings untill it breaks off*
*Areodactyl looses the ability to fly properly and starts plummeting downward toward the core, with squirtle still on him*
Narrator: MEanwhile back at some less interesting place (togetic castle)
Giratina88: Hey wait just a minute thats not in the script at all!
Narrator: Well you know what I really dont care anymore! I quite!
Togetic: Ehem!
Giratina88: Sorry about that. Carry on.
*the scene goes to some weird laboratory. many gruesome experiements are floating in green liquid inside test tubes. In the center of the room lies the mew project*
Togetic: Celebi! I came to check on your research. I trust that the project has been going smoothly.
Celebi: Yes the project will be completed within mere moments. Take a look and see for yourself.
Togetic: I sure hope its as good as it seems.
*Togetic and Celebi enter a chamber in the center of the laboratory, where mew is supposedly growing. However, this creation seems a bit less than mewish...*
Togetic: Well, its...bigger than I imagined.
*The creature standing before them looks like a demented version of mew. Actually it looks just like mewtwo*
Celebi: Isn't it wonderful?
Togetic: Yes...its perfect! So, what do you think we should call it?
Celebi: I have decided to call it...Mewtwo.
Togetic: Mewtwo! I like it!
Celebi: It's too bad that you will be the only one to know about it...
Togetic: What do you mean by that...
*Celebi pulls out a desert eagle and aims it a Togetic*
Celebi: I bet you thought I was still fooled by your words.
Togetic: What are you talking about?
Celebi: You told me you were going to use this for scientific research. But you lied. You were really going to use this thing as a weapon to destroy your enemies! I cant believe you would go that low, to geneticly engineer creatures to become weapons!
Togetic: Hehehe...so I guess you figured that part out. Well once this thing comes out of it's tube it will avenge my death by killing you!
Celebi: Thats where your wrong.
Togetic: Huh?
Celebi: I engineered this creature to be uncontrollably violent. It will kill everything it sees and will answer to nobody. It wont serve you at all. It will just kill you. But I think that I will be the one to kill you.
*Celebi puts her hands on the trigger of the gun but just before she fires, Mewtwo awakens and bursts from his test tube*
Giratina88: Meanwhile back where Squirtle is.
*Squirtle and Areodactyl are falling toward the core of the dimension. However because the core is like light years away they have a few minutes before they hit it. Currently they are engaged in a heated battle*
Squirtle: Take this
Areodactyl: Raaaaaaaag! (There is no hope for you in this fight! Havent you realized that?)
Squirtle: Once again I beg to differ!
Areodactyl: Garchoogaaaaaaaaaa! (We'll see about that!)
*the battle gets heated up, literally. Areodactyl starts spewing fire everywhere, burning up squirtle*
Squirtle: (desperately punching and kicking) Aaaaaaaarrrgggggghhh! IT BURNS US! IT BURNS US!
*Areodactyl keeps on flaming*
Squirtle: Well if Im gonna burn your gonna burn with me!
*Squirtle then lands on Areodactyl's stomach and rips open his body. Finding his organs he proceeds to using his burning body to burn Areodactyl's insides*
*Areodactyl's body becomes comsumed in flames. As he dies Squirtle's fall path becomes altered and he falls toward a different object*
Bonsly: Hey guys I think somethings comming!
Sneasal: Whats that thingy?!?
Buneary: It looks like...Squirtle?
Squirtle: HI GUYS!!! OOOOOF!
*Squirtle lands on the piece of ground. The other come to look*
Chikorita: Yay your back!
Chimchar: Did you bring some souvuneirs?
Squirtle: Nice seeing you guys! I had a hell of a day! It started out with-
*Buneary then tackles Squirtle and hugs him fiercely*
Squirtle: Uh...you can let go now...
Buneary: ...erm...
*the emberesment factor hits Buneary. Realizing what was going on she turns really red and faints*
Charmander: Worthless...
Squirtle: Well for now...lets just find our way out of this place.
Giratina88: Meanwhile back at Togetic Castle...I cant keep doing this forever...
*Mewtwo has just broken free from his test tube, interupting Celebi from killing Togetic. Togetic's guards have just arived on the scene*
Guard 1: Togetic! Are you alright?
Togetic: Im fine just take care of that thing that was just released. Then kill Celebi.
*The smoke clears and Mewtwo emerges from it*
Mewtwo: ...hm...some worthless play things...this should be fun.
Guard 2: Put your hands up!
Guard 1: That doesnt matter right now just shoot him!
*The guards shoot Mewtwo mercilessly but it does nothing*
Mewtwo: Wow that was pathetic...
Togetic: Such power...
Mewtwo: I'll show you some real power! Kayyya!
*Mewtwo lifts his arms up and starts using his psycic powers against the guards. The guards' bodies were now convulsing and twisting. Then Mewtwo moved his hand and their bodys exploded in a gory manner*
Togetic: You know...I think its time to skidaddle!
Celebi: Me too!
*Togetic and Celebie get out of the lab area just before Mewtwo blasts it into pieces. Mewtwo then flies out to areas unknown*
thus ends the first episode
While I did take out most of the swearing this show still has some gory scenes in it. It is much different than the majority of pokemon stuff due to pokemon getting killed and the fact that some pokemon use guns. One might wonder why they would use guns when they could just use one of their moves. If I did that it would just look like 4kids edited everything. Anyways here is a breakdown of the characters and their genders just in case you are confused:

gender: male
Details: the main character of the series. Is usually rather shy and passive. In battle he prefers to just hide in his shell and wait for his opponent to become tired.

gender: male
Details: Has practically no brain whatsoever. So he just uses his brawn, which isn't that much to boot. However he does care about his friends and would protect them with his life. Loves food, especially ramen.

gender: Female
Details: About the equivalent of Sakura from "Naruto". She will often go on long speeches if someone challenges her views. Is very smart but just about everyone has some kind of irrational hatred for her (as Chichar says in the first episode)

gender: male
Details: Extremely emo. If Chikorita is like Sakura then Shinx is like Sasuke. Doesn't care much about things and usually responds with indifference. He is probably the most experienced pokemon in the group.

gender: female
Details: She's way past super hyper for almost anything. Buneary always has the energy to do almost anything whenever the time comes. She seems to like Squirtle alot. Hm...developments!

gender: male
Details: Huge One Piece fan. Spends all of his time talking about One Piece. His talking of One Piece often gets on everyones nerves. He also likes toxicoligy.

gender: male (but pretty questionable on my terms)
Details: Obsessed with screen time. However he rarely gets any lines. Considering his character Im not suprised.

Gender: male
Details: A big loner. Doesn't really care for his fellow man at all. Thinks that teamwork is pointless and that the only way to succeed is to be solo. Likes to insult other whenever he can.

Gender: female
Details: Has a similar personality to Charmander. However she doesn't think teamwork is entirely pointless. She is still a big jerk. Spends her time playing COD and Halo.

Gender: male
Details: Obsessed with youtube. Most of his quotes are obscure internet references. Naturally nobody really gets those jokes so he is often left sad...
all of your work on this tread is pretty good,but don't you think that you write down the story so amusing for all the others?the episodes are too stick together...keep these thoughts in your mind Wink
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